Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1074: General kneel

In the trading port, Doflamingo's death was beyond the deaths of Lin Tian and the three of them. These three praying mantises were played by the oriole hidden in secret.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Shi Zhihao felt even more confused after hearing Lin Tian's words.

He organized some words in his mind, and Lin Tian said: “From the point of view of Brother Ming’s death, this person who killed Brother Ming must be a force closely related to Brother Ming, and can kill Dover under the cover of the three of us. Lang Ming, this person is definitely not a weak person. With these two prerequisites, the scope is much reduced. There are only a handful of forces in the world that can meet these two conditions."

"Qiwuhai, the navy, the three emperors, two emperors, and the world government. As for the Qiwuhai, it is impossible. Except for the emergence of Oka and Mingge, there are only five Qiwuhai, and these people are impossible. Participate in this battle at this time."

"It's impossible for the Three Emperors and Two Emperors. According to our intelligence, even the lunatic of the Beast Pirates Group and Kaido are also restrained by us. The Black Beard Pirates Group has the White Beard Pirates restrained, and at most they sent a bus. Shath, as for the redhead and the aunt, they won't go against us."

"The navy is even more impossible, but Fujitora has reached an agreement with me, so it seems that there is only one power, and that is the world government, no! Maybe it is more appropriate to say that the Denon people."

Hearing this, Shi Zhihao couldn't help nodding. Indeed, only Tianlong had the reason and power to kill Doflamingo, and said: "In other words, it was the cp0 that killed Doflamingo."

Shi Zhihao also knew about the fact that CP0 was also in Dresrosa. He met those guys when he was looking for Lin Tian.

With that said, Shi Zhihao exuded a faint murderous aura, and a few CP0s dared to make a secret move, as if provoking them. They had no idea about these CP0s, but now it seems that they are looking for death.

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Shi Zhihao's body, Lin Tian hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I haven't finished talking yet, how could the Tianlongren be so stupid. I used to send cp0 to meet with me, but now he sends cp0 to secretly shoot. Kill Brother Ming".

"Lin Tian, ​​do you mean the guardian!" Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Sabo had some guesses that he couldn't believe him.

Nodded lightly, even though Lin Tian didn't say anything, it was considered acquiescence.

Previously, Lin Tian was still wondering why the Tianlongren did not send guards, but only a few cp0s. Unexpectedly, the guards had been in Dresrosa a long time ago, only on the dark side, while many cp0s were on the bright side. Attract attention.

It’s just that it’s a bit strange to Lin Tian that why the Dragonites want to kill Duo Flamenco? Previously, the Tianlong people begged to release too much Flamenco by themselves, and even paid such a high price. Flamenco, the whole thing was revealed strangely, and I always felt that it involved some secrets about the Tianlongren.

Shaking his head to drive out the thoughts in his mind, Lin Tian got up and stood up. He raised his foot and accidentally kicked Ming's arm. Suddenly, a small phone bug fell out. After a glance, Lin Tian didn't care too much.

Looking up at the navy soldier who has arrived above, he said, "Forget it, we have to kill Doflamingo anyway. No matter what the Denonians have in mind, our goal has been achieved. As for the final finishing touches, we will leave it to Navy".

After speaking, Lin Tian took a step away from the trading port, and Sabo immediately followed. Shi Zhihao glanced at Doflamingo lying on the ground, but Shi Zhihao was unwilling to be calculated like this, so he thought about it. Find the place.


With the final clearance of the navy, with Don Quixote doflamingo headed, eleven cadres belonging to the Don Quixote family were arrested, which also means that the Don Quixote family is a great pirate. The regiment disappeared from the world.

On the streets full of ruins, the country no longer has the prosperity of the past, but the people on the streets laughed from the heart.

Walking along the streets, hearing the information-filled laughter around Fujitora, a faint smile appeared on his face. Compared with the angry crying before, the country has been rescued.

Behind him, the brigade of navy soldiers formed a neat team and followed Fujitora several tens of meters behind. The navy soldier in the front was using the phone worm in his hand to record the most realistic scene in front of him.

At the same time, the birdcage disappeared and the communication signal was finally restored. With the authority of the Navy, under Fujitor's order, Maynard connected the communication signal to the communication equipment of the three surrounding countries.

Looking down at the phone worm in front of him, there was a flash of worry on Maynard’s face. Lieutenant Admiral Taotu said with concern: "Lieutenant Admiral Taotu, I always feel that we act privately without going through the navy headquarters, and this way of handling it. It also does not meet the requirements of the navy headquarters and the world government."

Maynard clearly understood that if he did the same as Chief Smile, the Navy's face would be completely discarded, and Marshal Red Dog would be furious, and they would all be punished by that time.

Without turning back, Taotu looked at the ruins in front of him and asked: "Maynard, as a lieutenant admiral, you should understand that if you report what the navy headquarters will do, everything will be modified by the old men of the world government. The truth will be hidden, and the navy that has done nothing will become a hero in propaganda."

"Looking at this country shrouded in ruins, Maynard's justice as a naval soldier, how would you choose?"

Maynard lowered his head in shame, but he had stopped struggling in his heart, made the last choice, raised his head solemnly and said: "Lieutenant General Taotu, let's start!"

In the three neighboring countries of Dresrosa, countless citizens gathered in front of the huge screen. Many people were curious and puzzled about the navy's live broadcast of Dresrosa.

Although Dresrosa is a country ruled by pirates, the economy of Dresrosa is very developed, and the living standards of its citizens are much higher than that of neighboring countries. Nearby countries all envy Dresrosa's prosperity.

But the sudden live broadcast, in the name of the navy, made many people smell something wrong. Under countless anticipatory gazes, an image finally appeared on the screen, and a peach rabbit in red appeared on the screen.

"I am Lieutenant Admiral Taotu! Within the transmission range of the Image Worm, it is now broadcast live to three nearby countries, which is the real situation of Dresrosa."

As he said, the image on the screen turned around, and large ruins appeared on the screen. One after another destroyed streets, one after another collapsed tall buildings, and injured people lying on the ground, that enviable and prosperous country had long since disappeared and replaced it. It was a ruin, with cracks and cracks all over the earth, and this country seemed to have experienced a catastrophic disaster.

"How is it possible? Where is this?"

"How did Dressrosa become like this? Isn't that a prosperous country?"

"And what happened to the injured people, who can tell me what happened?"

Suddenly, countless doubts sounded from the crowd. Everyone looked at the scene on the screen, and their first reaction was not to believe it.

How could it be possible that the country of Dres Rosa yesterday was still very enviable, but today it has become such a miserable situation, it is simply hell.

"That's right, this country is Dresrosa", Taotu's voice sounded again.

"It is normal for everyone to be surprised, but what happened here must be known to more people. Today, Don Quixote Doflamingo of Qiwuhai in this country, he used extremely bad methods to manipulate the entire country and deceive The world".

The voice fell, and there was silence, and then a series of exclamations sounded, and everyone was shocked by what Taotu said.

This is the discussion between Taotu and Fujitora. The two of them understand that if the world government knows the whole thing, it will use methods to hide all the truth and give them all the credit, but Taotu and Fujitora do not want to do this. I want all of this to be known to the world.

Therefore, Fujitora and Taotu did not immediately notify the navy headquarters, but announced all this to the surrounding countries, so that the whole thing would be known to more people, and then spread, so that the world government could not do it even if it wanted to hide it.

But if they did so, they would be regarded as blatantly violating the policy of the navy headquarters and would be severely punished.

The picture turned, the figure of the general Fujitora appeared in the eyes of the people, and the scene immediately followed, shocking countless people.

On the ruined high ground next to the palace, a large number of citizens gathered here, kneeling in front of King Liku, begging King Liku to ascend to the throne and lead them back to a happy life without war.

Admiral Fujitora led many naval soldiers here, and the citizens in front naturally retreated a path and stopped in front of King Liku.

Under King Liku’s puzzled gaze, Fujitora calmly said: "The blame for Doflamingo cannot be imposed on you. The reason why such brutal pirates dare to do these things unscrupulously and secretly manipulate the world government to join countries. Everything is because of the protection of the Qiwuhai system, and this responsibility should be placed on the world government."

King Liku was taken aback and couldn't believe what Fujitora said. If everything hadn't happened to him, King Liku would definitely think it was a dream.

As a member of the world government, it is known to the world government’s urinary force library king. It is impossible for the world government to admit its mistakes. Even if it makes a mistake, the world government will only use all its power to hide it. As the admiral Fujitora will say This kind of words really shocked King Liku, but then an even more shocking scene happened.

"All the citizens and royal families present, the old man apologized to you on behalf of the world government. I am so sorry to everyone."

Fujitora actually knelt down. That's right, Fujitora, as the admiral of the navy, knelt towards King Liku, not only Fujitora, but also many naval soldiers.


Numerous citizens were shocked and stunned. They stared into the biggest eyes and couldn't believe that the general of the Navy Headquarters, the world government's highest combat power, actually knelt down, and knelt down to apologize like a king of a country.

This scene was broadcast to three neighboring countries at the same time through the video on the side, and countless people were shocked by it, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

As for King Liku, he was already stunned. He was trembling and he didn't know what to say. This was the admiral of the navy, the admiral of the navy headquarters representing the highest combat power of the world government, knelt down and apologized to him.

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