Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1075: shock the world

The admiral Fujitor knelt down to King Liku, and this scene was quickly photographed and sent back to each newspaper.

The false prosperity of the powerful country Dress Rosa and the evil nature of Don Quixote Doflamingo, and the alliance of the Straw Hat and Luo defeated the world’s first dark middleman Doflamingo, and the admiral Fujitora Kneeling, these three things filled the whole newspaper, and they were sent to the world at the fastest speed.

"The old man expresses my deep apologies to you on behalf of the world government. We have caused irreparable harm to you", Fujitora shouted through gritted teeth.

Not knowing whether it was the guilt for what he did not do as a naval soldier, or the anger at the actions of the world government, Doflamingo had already caused all the sympathy for this country, and Fujitorasariku king bowed his head.

Looking at this scene, King Liku who had reacted quickly walked up to Fujitora in a panic and persuaded: "As an admiral, you don't need to do this. How can you let the world see such a picture".

After speaking, King Liku suddenly thought of something, and was shocked: "Is it just to show the world that Don Quixote Doflamingo caused this terrible tragedy, so you didn't directly take Doflamingo. under".

Thinking of this, King Liku was immediately intimidated by his own thoughts. If it is exactly what he thought, then Fujitor would be too reckless to do such a thing. This is to openly confront the decision of the world government and make the world government and the navy headquarters. Shame.

"Tenghu!" King Liku could not find words to express his feelings more.

Just listen to Fujitora raising his head and whispering: "No matter what, everything that happened before has become a reality, and it will spread throughout the world. The victory of this country is brought by the pirates, soldiers, and citizens who fought together. do nothing".

That's right, Fujitora has planned everything in his heart. Only in this way can the major franchisees around the world see Dresrosa's miserable situation and understand what a terrible system Qiwuhai is.

Even if the Chibukai system cannot be abolished immediately, it can plant a seed in the hearts of many participating countries, and this year is the year of the World Government Conference, and Alabastan and Dresrosa, who are persecuted by Chibukai, will definitely propose the Chibukai system. The conference issue, put it on the table, once the major powers voted to abolish the Qiwuhai system at the World Government Conference, even if the world government seniors disagree, they must implement the instructions to abolish the Qiwuhai system in accordance with the world government law.

This is Fujitora's plan to take advantage of the tragedy caused by the pirate Don Quixote Doflamingo who was protected by the Qiwuhai system to alert the many kings of the franchise.

"This guy actually did this, it was really unexpected." Standing on one side of the tall building, Lin Tian was also shocked when he watched Fujitor kneel down towards King Liku.

To be honest, even if Lin Tian almost became the admiral of the admiral that year, even if he really sat in the position of admiral, he would definitely not be able to kneel down to the king of the franchise.

Sabo was also shocked, "Unexpectedly, the dignified Navy General would do such a thing, it is really unheard of.

"Hey, what are you kidding me, the Admiral actually kneeled down?" Shi Zhihao couldn't believe it, he was dreaming.

Who is the general of the navy headquarters? They are not only the highest fighting power of the world government, the strongest power in the new world, but also the representatives of the world government. They are like the face of the world government, and every move represents the decisions and opinions of the world government.

That is to say, although Fujitora confessed his mistake with the head of the navy headquarters and the world government Chaoliku Wang, from the outside world, the general Fujitora represented the will of the world government.

In the eight hundred years since the establishment of the world government, there has never been a naval admiral kneeling down and confessing to the king of allied nations. Fujitora can be said to have set a precedent.

However, Fujitora's move can be said to have completely lost the face of the navy headquarters and the world government. Lin Tian has already understood the red dog, if he waits for the red dog to know this, I am afraid that he will be very angry.


The red earth continent, Mary Joa!

In the meeting room, as the admiral of the Navy, Aka Dog was questioning the five old stars in front of him, "It should be your superior who misreported Doflamingo's withdrawal from the Qiwu Sea, right?"

"Why do the whole world have to revolve around Doflamingo? After all, Doflamingo is just a pirate who is no longer a Draco, please tell me next time you compromise with this kind of garbage, It also makes me a navy marshal a little bit prepared, otherwise, where is my face?"

Speaking of this, the red dog has no patience to endure the anger in his heart, and the upright and just navy headquarters is actually being played by Doflamingo's garbage.

"Don't be too arrogant, Sakaski!"

"The navy is just the face of the world government"

"Your face is worth a few more dollars"

"This matter has been entrusted to the world government spy agency?"

Hearing that, the red dog became even more angry, snorted coldly, and then said with disdain: "The spy agency wants to solve the problem with the rubbish. You must know that Lin Tian participated in the Doflamingo incident. For him I think you know how to do things."

"What's the use of deceiving the world? In that case, I will tell Fujitora and Taotu to stop, and let me see what kind of methods are used to face Lin Tian. Everyone understands that this time, Doflaming Brother must be over."

After finishing speaking, the red dog who didn't give Wu Lao Xing a face at all, turned his head to the side, as if not seeing Wu Lao Xing's face as black as the bottom of a pot.

As an iron-blooded navy marshal, for the guys in the spy agency who would only hide in the dark and calculate like a mouse, the red dog has always been very shameless, especially when he compared the navy with those rats.

"Sakaski, pay attention to your words and deeds and figure out the relationship between superiors and superiors"

"Don't think that when you become a marshal, you can talk gibberish to us, Sakaski!"

"Some things are not judged by your admiral, and the final result has nothing to do with you."

"Compared to this, Lin Tian was trained by the Navy."

"Furthermore, your navy has never captured him, leaving him to destroy on the sea."

Without concealing his anger on his face, Chi Dog opened his eyes and looked at Wu Lao Xing and said, "That idiot Lin Tian has nothing to do with the Navy. He was not a member of the Navy as early as three years ago."

"Furthermore, the reason why Lin Tian rebelled against the navy, you should know better than me. Some things will not happen if you don't mess up."

Facing the red dog's words like gunpowder, the first five old stars suddenly snorted, and slammed the crutches against the ground in his hand, and was about to open his mouth to remind Sarkarski of the superior relationship.

A navy soldier ran in in a panic, panting, and said something bad: "Five old stars, Marshal Sakaski, Prince Qiwuhai Don Quixote Doflamingo and his family All the members were defeated by the alliance formed by Straw Hat and Luo, and Dres Rosa is now devastated beyond recognition."

Hearing that, the faces of the five old stars and six people including Sakaski changed transiently, and the development of the matter exceeded all of them expected.


The video spread to three countries, one pass ten, ten pass, everything that happened in Dresrosa instantly swept the whole world like a hurricane, it was shocked by countless people, and even many kings contacted Dresrosa When verifying the truth of the matter.

The five old stars and Sakaski in the world government had just learned of all this, and Fujitor's private actions caught them by surprise, without the slightest preparation.

At the same time, Dresrosa, the red dog who got the news did not even return to the navy headquarters, and directly contacted Fujitora in the Holy Land Mariagioa.

"Hey, smile, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid, you should know that the admiral kneels and admits wrong, this is unique, and why didn't you report to me before the action, making the navy so passive"

Anyone can hear the anger of the red dog at the moment. When he thinks of the Dresrosa incident spreading across the world, the next thing the Navy will face, the red dog has a headache.

"If you report, you will tamper with the truth again, just like what happened in Alabasta. I don't want to be a hero because of lies, because of the policies issued by our boss, the world government." Fujitora held the phone worm in his hand and replied lightly. Tao.

As soon as Fujitora's voice fell, the Akagi suddenly stopped. The silence lasted for a few seconds before Akagi's words came again, "Well, let's not say so much, you should understand that because you acted privately~www.wuxiaspot. com~ has swept the prestige and authority of the navy headquarters."

After listening to it, Fujitora immediately became angry. He clasped the microphone in his hand and said angrily: "I'm so afraid of losing face, so just put it in and don't take it out. If you admit your mistakes, you are afraid of losing face. This face has no value at all."

The surrounding navy soldiers suddenly exclaimed, but Marshal Sakaski was on the opposite side. He smiled and the commander scolded the marshal, which was really scary.

After finishing these words that had been hidden in his heart, Fujitora panted slightly, anyway, he did not care to say a few more words like this.

On the other side of the phone, Akinu's anger erupted like a volcano. The hand holding the microphone trembled with anger, and said angrily: "Fujitora, please solve the matter for me before it becomes serious, and Dover Brother Ming caught him for me. I had a big fight with Wu Lao Xing just now. I want to let those Wu Lao Xing take a good look."

Fujitora faintly replied, "Sorry, I can't do it, Doflamingo is dead."

"What!" The red dog was unbelievable, and said excitedly: "What's the matter, how can you let Lin Tian kill Doflamingo".

"No, Doflamingo was not killed by Lin Tian," Fujitora explained aloud, looking at the smiling Lin Tian beside his eyes.

It's not Lin Tian or the Navy. Who else in Dresrosa can kill Doflamingo, the Red Dog will not believe it, "Who else will kill Doflamingo except Lin Tian?"

"Marshal Sakaski, you happen to be in the Holy Land Margioia right now, the truth of the matter is because you asked our boss's boss..." Fujitora said it all, but the red dog in the Holy Land Marjoria was severely beaten. Shocked.

Looking at the corpse of Doflamingo lying at his feet, Fujitor's heart seemed to be enveloped by doubts.

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