Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1076: The Warring States Period

At night, when the bright moon was in the sky, dots of stars dotted the sky, and beautiful starlight descended from the sky to illuminate the sky. God originally only wanted to lightly embellish the dark sky, but the pen tip flicked and a beautiful galaxy fell out.

Huatian, Cyrus’s house, after a battle with Doflamingo, everyone was exhausted, especially Luffy and Luo who both fell asleep early.

After listening to the story of the brothers between Sabo and Luffy and Ace, Frankie was so moved that she wept bitterly and wiped away the tears from the corners of his mouth. Frankie suddenly asked Lin Tian, ​​"Right, Lin Tian, ​​you Why didn't you tell Saab these things before?"

Hearing Frankie's question, all the eyes of everyone present immediately gathered on Lin Tian's face. Seeing everyone's eyes, Lin Tian had to put down the wine glass he just raised.

After a light cough, Lin Tian explained: "First of all, I met Luffy and Ace. Actually, it was after Sabo's accident. At that time, I was already a navy commander. At that time, the smelly old man was meant to change my course. Fei and Ace became pirates. I remember the first time I met Luffy and Ace were tortured."

Hearing this, Ai Yin, who was sitting on the side, suddenly stretched out his finger and nodded Lin Tian's head, taunting: "But I didn't expect you to become a pirate in the end."

There was a bitter smile on his face, and he squinted at Ai Yin, Lin Tian explained: "That is no way. Who told the Tianlong people to do such a thing, and the navy headquarters is actually hidden."

Speaking of the last, Lin Tian's face changed, clenched his fists, thinking of his friend who had died tragically, even if the unstoppable anger rose in his heart after a few years,

Feeling the anger emanating from Lin Tian, ​​everyone was stunned. Everyone only heard about Lin Tian's betrayal of the Navy. After all, the world government would definitely wipe out this kind of thing that scorned the world government and the navy headquarters. .

However, no matter how hidden, Lin Tian, ​​the strongest navy genius, was forced to betray the navy by high-level navy, and he has long become the laughing stock of the world.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Lin Tian smiled slightly and turned the topic: "Actually, Sabo didn't make a shot at the time. It's just that it was not during the war on the top, but in the battle against the four emperors."

In fact, the reason why Sabo was not allowed to join the battlefield at that time was that Sabo's memory was not restored, and he was not suitable for joining the battlefield. There was also a factor in intercepting the four emperors.

"Four Emperors, aunt? Isn't the top war only the battle between the Navy and the White Beard Pirates?" Frankie, who mended his eyes, asked in confusion.

Robin interrupted and explained: "The battle between the Navy Headquarters and the White Beard Pirates Regiment is two top forces. It seems to have occurred in Marin Vando, but in fact, the four emperors and the other three emperors, as well as the revolutionary army, were all involved. The Fat Pirate Group intercepted the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the Revolutionary Army intercepted the aunt, and the three major forces all joined the war, but their battlefield was in the new world."

"Oh, that's the case, so many forces are involved." Frankie suddenly realized that the war had stirred the whole world.

Suddenly Sabo got up and stood up, ready to leave, "Well, I have finished watching Luffy, and I will leave next."

"Why, do you want to be so fast?" Robin stood up and persuaded, at least waiting for Luffy to get up and walk.

Waved his hand, Sabo smiled and said: "Well, the mobilization of the revolutionary forces has given the world government coalition an opportunity. I want to go back to host the battle as soon as possible."

After speaking, Sabo took a deep look at Luffy, then turned and left the room, Ayin immediately followed behind and walked out of the room.

"I'll give it to you, Sabo!" Lin Tian said, got up to his feet, and walked out the door.

Outside the house, the starlight is shining all over the sky, coupled with the sunflowers around you at a glance, a faint breeze blows, the sunflowers swing with the wind, as if stepping into a dreamlike sea of ​​flowers.

Closing the door with his backhand, Lin Tian walked to Sabo and asked, "How is it, is the plan going well?"

"Don't worry," Ai Yin smiled triumphantly: "Everything is acting according to the plan. The fool thought he was safe in hiding, but in fact, he has been under our surveillance."

"En" nodded, Lin Tian looked at Sabo and said solemnly: "This plan is very important to the revolutionary army. It is related to the future of the entire revolutionary army. It is not an exaggeration to say that, and it will also affect our future. The result of the battle against the world government".

Without Lin Tianduo, Saab also understood the importance of this plan, saying: "Don't worry, all the intelligence departments of the Revolutionary Army have been activated, everything is ready, and the shadow's whereabouts are all arranged."

After dragging his chin for a moment, Lin Tian immediately said, "Relocate Cord and Diska to my side, and then I want them to accompany me to the aunt's tea party."

"Lin Tian, ​​you want to..." Sabo understood Lin Tian's meaning in an instant, but at this time, it might be inappropriate to mobilize the two powerhouses, Cod and Diska.

He patted Sabo on the shoulder and Lin Tian said to himself: "Don't worry, if you want a timid fish to bite the hook, you must enlarge the bait on the hook."

After thinking about it, Sabo did not object, and nodded: "Okay, when I get back on the boat, I will notify Cod and Disca. Disca is in the nearby area. It should be there tomorrow. Cod will take a few days at night." .

After speaking, Lin Tian confessed to Ai Yin a few more times, and then Ai Yin and Sabo left, and they were busy with the following things.


the next day!

In the room, a large amount of food filled the entire dining table. Yesterday’s battle was a bit physically demanding, and only a few slices of dried meat were eaten. Everyone was already half hungry, let alone Luffy.

"What, you are going to do that! Have you asked Rebecca?" Luffy shouted excitedly, waving the barbecue in his hand.

Withdrawing his gaze from the palace in the distance, Cyrus turned around and said: "I wrote a letter to her. The letter truthfully records my life and what I want to say to her. Ka’s life is very painful, and now it’s hard to become a princess, and to be able to enjoy the real life under the beautiful sunshine, how can I destroy this because of me.”

"This is the only compensation that my father can do, so I have decided that after you leave, I will leave this place and let Rebeka live a happy life."

Hearing this, he became silent immediately. This is a heavy father’s love like a mountain. Even if his heart is so eager to live with Rebecca, but in order to have a better life for Rebecca, Cyrus chose to suppress this feeling. Under the heart.

Even in order not to have the slightest sense of ruining Rebecca's life, Cyrus even gave up the chance to look at Rebecca from a distance.

As Cyrus said, in the past ten years, he lost his mother and turned him into a toy. Although he has been guarding Rebecca's side, Rebecca has been living a difficult life over the years, looking at other peers. If the child is acting like a baby in the arms of her parents, she will stand aside with admiration. She can only drool when looking at the delicious food in the glass window.

Rebecca hasn't even experienced basic childhood. When people are playing, she can do it as a toy soldier practicing swordsmanship.

For ten years, Cyrus, who has been with Rebecca as a toy, has seen too many scenes like this, but it is a pity that his iron body can hardly shed tears.

Regarding Rebecca, Cyrus has only guilt. He has always felt that he has never fulfilled the responsibility of a father. Now he has finally made it all over. Rebecca also has a new identity and better things. , And family affection, how could he stay here and destroy everything.

As for the love in his heart, let it be buried deep in his heart. As long as Rebecca's joyful smile blooms like the surrounding sunflowers, Cyrus hopes it is simple.

Lin Tian gently put down the coffee in his hand and said to Cyrus: "Are you sure that your choice is what Rebecca hopes for? Cyrus, you can't make a choice on behalf of Rebecca."

Lowering his head, Cyrus said in a low tone: "Rebecca is still just a child. She still can't see many things. I don't want her to lose a happy life because of my father who doesn't have one."

Why Cyrus doesn’t want to be with his Does he want to go through this life alone, but Cyrus wants Rebecca to live happily in this life instead of suffering with his useless father .

"Remember, Cyrus, if you want to make up for it, not give Rebecca a happy life, what Rebecca lacks is love," Lin Tian kindly reminded.

Lin Tian can see that Rebecca is not a girl who values ​​material life. What she really cares about is Cyrus, not a princess. Lin Tian doesn’t want to see that Cyrus’ wrong decision makes them suffer in the future. .

Turning around and looking at the palace not far away, Cyrus decided to say: "Rebecca will understand my painstaking efforts in the future. I have also told King Liku about this matter."

Hearing this, Lin Tian flicked his forehead helplessly, squinting to see a pair of Luffy that I disagree with, and a bright light flashed across his head.

Stirring the coffee in my hand, pretending to be unintentional: "I think Rebecca should be brought over to ask her opinion."

As the so-called unintentional, listening intentionally, let alone the speaker also intentionally, Lu Fei's face changed suddenly, showing a smile, and then more quickly ate the food on the table.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, Leo ran in in a panic, jumped onto the table, breathing heavily in his mouth.

"Come on, take a sip, and speak slowly," Lin Tian handed over the water at hand.

"Thank you!"

He said that he took the water, Leo was about to drink it, but suddenly remembering what he still feels like drinking water, he hurriedly said anxiously: "No, the former Marine Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru, Chief of Staff, and Fujitora and Tao The rabbit is leading the rest of the navy to come here."

Hearing that, the expressions of everyone including Lin Tian changed. Lin Tian didn't expect that the red dog would actually send out the Warring States Period and the Crane Granny. How can this fight?

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