With Lin Tian on-demand, Luffy once again made a big fuss before leaving, and took Rebecca away from the princess ceremony, and sent it to the shabby but cozy hut.

The arrival of Rebecca blocked Cyrus who was about to leave. Under Rebecca's tearful complaints, Cyrus finally understood Lin Tian's reminder.

What Rebecca wants is not the princess-like life, all she wants is to live in the flower garden in the memory, the small house in the memory, and live with the people in the memory.

The father and daughter's reunion was accompanied by touching tears, until the end, in Rebecca's grateful gaze, Lin Tian led Lu Fei to the port quickly. He didn't want to fight with the Warring States Period and the Crane Granny at this time.

At the same time, Luo, who disappeared, went to look for the former Navy Marshal Warring States. After hearing Lin Tian’s affairs with Corasson, Luo always wanted to ask the former Navy Marshal Warring States about everything about his son, Mr. Corazon. .

However, even if the Warring States period was not the admiral of the Navy, the Chief Inspector of the Warring States Department had always stayed at the Navy Headquarters. Luo was not a fool. With his strength, it would be impossible to go to the Navy Headquarters to verify something.

This time he finally had a separate opportunity to meet the Warring States Period. Luo would never let it go. He asked to prove something.

"Mr. Corazon is my great benefactor. He gave me kindness and life, so I want to fight against Doflamingo and avenge Mr. Corazon." Luo suddenly got up and shouted very excitedly. .

In contrast, after listening to Luo’s statement, the Warring States period fell into silence. Although there was some speculation about some things, some emotions were still unavoidable when confirmed. After all, the Warring States period regarded Corazon as his own, and even received Ko Larson is a righteous son.

Suddenly, Luo Huafeng turned and said in doubt: "But the way of survival of D that Mr. Corazon told me is not what I know."


Warring States turned around and took a deep look at Luo. He was surprised that Luo suddenly mentioned D Warring States. Although Lin Tian asked about Baibeard because of the war, D’s secret was sought by many forces, but the world government has been looking for hundreds of years. The efforts of D are not in vain. Once any information about D appears in the world, the world government will definitely be wiped out by the thunder. So now D is still flowing in the world, but it has not caused any stormy waves.

But why did Luo suddenly mention D, his name doesn't have the word, what does he want to prove?

When he was puzzled in the Warring States, Luo suddenly said: "Like the straw hat boy, I also have that hidden name."

Hearing this, the Warring States' complexion suddenly changed. He didn't expect that Luo was also a member of the D family, which was far beyond the Warring States' expectations.

Not to mention the Warring States period, even Doflamingo, who was Luo’s boss, didn’t know that Luo still had a hidden name of D. The only thing he knew was Corazon, but in order to protect Luo, even Corazon would Never told.

At this moment, in his mind, the Warring States could not help but think of the fighting spirit of Dresrosa this time. Doflamingo, who was a Celestial man, was defeated by the two D's, and he deserved to be the natural enemy of the gods.

"As a navy marshal, you must know what D means. I asked Lin Tian. He just said that neither I nor Lu Fei are qualified to know this."

Luo's question sounded again. From the beginning, Luo had been paying attention to the complexion of the Warring States Period. Judging from the dramatic changes in the complexion of the Warring States Period, Luo could be sure that the Warring States period must know what D represents.

After listening to what Luo said again, the face of Warring States was full of solemnity. What he solemnly was not Luo's question, but the last words. From Luo's words, Warring States can tell that Lin Tian, ​​that kid for the past two years A breakthrough has been made in the understanding of the D family.

This Warring States period is not too surprised. A long time ago, the Warring States period discovered that Lin Tian was very interested in the D clan and even the one hundred years of history. For this reason, Lin Tian even raised and transferred to the Holy Land Mary Gioia. year.

In the past three years, as Lin Tian became the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, with strong intelligence capabilities, and active on the sea, he must have known a lot of things. The Warring States period naturally knew about things like historical text.

Lin Tian, ​​who has the identity of the revolutionary army and the position of the revolutionary army, knows the secrets of the D clan, which is not good news for the world government.

However, the Warring States period does not intend to inform the world government of this. Now he has retired from the position of admiral of the navy. In the past two years, the Warring States period can be seen clearly. He is already a man of the old era, and the tide of the new era has followed him. It doesn't matter, all he can do is just sit back and watch the ups and downs of the times.

Closing his eyes, the Warring States period turned around and walked out, faintly replied: "Who knows? But at least Corason is not ignorant. In other words, he didn't save you for this. Don't Find some absurd reasons for your love, idiot kid".

Warring States turned around and glanced at Luo, and said, "If I were still active, I would definitely throw you into Pushing City. I didn't expect that the only one who could share Corrazon's memories with me was a pirate. It's really ironic." .

After that, the Warring States took his pet black gorilla and left.


On the other side, Fujitora finally launched an attack, and saw the countless rubble on the ground being held up by an invisible force, and the whole of Dresrosa trembled as the ruins moved.

It should be known that because of Mingo’s birdcage, in addition to the small buildings in the vicinity of the palace, the entire country has been cut into ruins by the birdcage.

Under the control of Fujitora's ability, these ruins all rose from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, Dresrosa, who was still shrouded in ruins, turned into a flat open space, with cracks in the ground clearly visible.

As for the countless ruins suspended high in the sky, under the control of Fujitora, countless ruins formed a black sphere. The huge black sphere covered the sky and the earth. Even the sun was blocked. For a moment, a huge shadow enveloped Dresro. Sa.

"Did this guy finally make a move?" Looking up at the sky, the Warring States Period muttered to himself.

Now in this country, the only person who can do this is Fujitora.

"Anyway, being piled here is also a hindrance. In that case, use the wreckage left by these hateful pirates to solve those pirates."

At this moment, Fujitora stepped on the rocks suspended above the heads of many navy soldiers, and the powerful force of the gravitational fruit finally broke out.

"What kind of power is this? Is this the true strength of the general of the navy headquarters?" Cavendish looked at the sky and couldn't believe it. It was really amazing.

"Is he going to use that as a weapon?" Usopp was so scared that his eyes burst out, this kind of power was simply not something they could resist.

"Lin Tian, ​​help!!!"

If the gravel sphere of this size is comparable to a quarter of Dresrosa is smashed down, let alone them, I am afraid this country will be ruined.

call out!

The figure flashed, Lin Tian appeared in front of everyone with Lu Fei's figure, and Luo who was missing immediately arrived.

Looking up at the top of his head, Lin Tian said solemnly, "Is this the power Fujitora possesses? It is indeed a monster that can be promoted to the admiral of the admiral. It's really a bit difficult."

Being able to lift the ruins of the entire country into the air shows that Ming Tenghu's gravity control range has been able to reach a country, that is to say, the gravity in a country is within the Fujitor's control range.

In addition to being able to lift up all the ruins, it also reflects from the side how powerful Fujitora’s look and feel is powerful enough to cover a country. It is necessary to know that hundreds of thousands of people are distributed throughout the country, but Fujitora is able to prepare the ruins. Rise, but did not accidentally injure a citizen.

Thinking of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Tian nodded his forehead with a face full of helplessness. The other party was already like this, and it was impossible to leave quietly.

"Hey, Uncle Gambling, do you remember me? I'm going to beat you up"

Suddenly, Lu Fei shouted, rushed out under the shocked eyes of everyone, and attacked Fujitor first.

"This idiot!" Luo couldn't help cursing when his face changed greatly.

"Rubber Elephant Tradition!"

Fei body leaped up and raised a black giant fist that was bigger than a giant, Luffy blasted towards Fujitora, the giant fist broke through the sky, and even the air was torn apart.

"Gravity space!"

With a wave of the knife in Fujihu's hand, a force of gravity increased thousands of times fell from the void, and Luffy suddenly felt as if an invisible giant hand pulled Luffy's fist down and hit the ground heavily.

Accompanied by the loud rumbling sound, like an explosion, the earth was shaking, cracks burst out of the smoke, Fujitora and Luffy both rushed out of the smoke.

Usopp clutched his head and persuaded him with a look of horror behind him: "Hey, Luffy, let's leave first. The opponent is a general of the navy, the highest combat power of the world government."

Withdrawing his fist, Lu Fei shouted: "This kind of thing will be discussed later. Why do you have to flee when you meet an admiral? This kind of thing is over in two years."

With both hands clenched into fists, Luffy declared to the world: "Whether it is the admiral of the navy or the three emperors and two emperors, if I don't defeat them, why should I become the Pirate King!!"

He is no longer the straw hat boy who met the admiral in the Chambord Islands two years ago. He couldn't protect him with his companions. He could only run away. Now he is not what he used to be. After two years of hard training, Luffy is no longer You need to run away as soon as you encounter the general of the navy headquarters.

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