Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1078: The Straw Hat Great Pirates Group is established

The sky full of ruins is still suspended high in the sky, huge shadows will shroud the entire port, and sky full of rubble slowly rotates in the sky.

But the hundreds of thousands of people in Deres Rosa had used their bodies as shields to prevent Fujitor from dropping the rubble in the sky, helping Luffy and his party to get on the boat and leave.

"so big!"

Looking up at the huge pirate ship floating on the sea in front of him, Luffy and others sighed.

I saw a naval ship several times the size of the ship floating in front of everyone. The bow of the ship was a huge golden angel. In front of the main ship of the "Great Jota Maria" ship, even if It is the giant Helding who is like an ant.

"Hurry up and get on the boat. It's an emergency now. I promise to surprise you when you see my boat," Bartolomio urged on the side.

Walking on the deck, Luffy and the others were shocked by the huge ship again. The huge deck was half the size of a football field, and the thick mast required more than a dozen people and hugs.

Suddenly, Helding walked up to Luffy and said with a smile: "Straw-hat boy, I have four mercenary partners here. One day, I will unite all the giants and let the giant pirate group that shocked the world make a comeback."

"Our "Yota Maria Ship Group" is a large fleet with fifty-six pirate ships, and it should be able to come in handy too," Orumbus said on the side.

Suddenly Leo jumped onto Usopp's head and also introduced: "Luffy Lando, we have obtained the permission of the captain, and hope we can join in."

"Useful? Join?" Robin was a little puzzled, why did they say that.

Only Lin Tian seemed to have thought of something, a faint surprise appeared on his face, but he disappeared immediately, and did not make a sound.

Each of these people is introducing their own forces, and saying that they join, the meaning is already very obvious, they are to become Luffy's little brothers, and form the straw hat group.

Destroyer Edeo touched his fist with both hands and said: "Although I am invincible in the serious competition, I am only a newcomer in the Pirate World. There are too many strong players in this sea, so I decided to join forces with Bruggie."

Cavendish pointed at Luffy with a look of unwillingness: "Although your reputation has surpassed me again because of this incident, you must remember that I will always be your predecessor."

"What the **** are you talking about?" At this moment, even Lu Fei, who was naturally stupefied, sensed something was wrong.

Bartolomio said excitedly: "The two days of staying in the palace at the same time, everyone can be described as having similar interests, so we decided one thing."

"En?" Luffy tilted his head and was even more puzzled, why the things they decided had to do with him.

Seeing Luffy and others looking confused, Admiral Orumbus stood up and explained: "Let me explain. First, there are 75 handsome Pirates, and the representative is Captain Baima Cavendish. There are 56 members of the Tohoku squad, the captain is the cannibal Bartolomio; the Eight Treasures Navy is about 1,000, the representative is the 13th generation leader Lao Cai; the XXX boxing fighting coalition, the representative is the saboteur Idio; the Dong Tata Dong There are 200 members of the Tajikistan, the captain Leo; there are currently only 5 members of the future giant pirate group, the captain Helding; and then we have the great ship group of Jota Maria, the pioneering adventurer Orenbus."

After speaking, Bartolomio stood up, knelt down at Luffy, admiring his face and said: "Senior Luffy, an army of 5,600 people, our seven representatives want to drink justice wine with you."

"Jie Yi Jiu?" Lu Fei was startled. Luffy looked like an idiot captain, but it didn't mean that Lu Fei didn't know what Ji Yi Jiu meant.

Bartolomio continued: "Yes, you are the boss, we are the younger brother, please let us join the pirate straw hat group."

Hearing that Lu Fei was taken aback, it was obvious that he could not accept the shocking news for a while, Usopp was also frightened, and Sauron, Frankie and Robin showed excited smiles on their faces.

If there are 5600 people joining, they will only have a straw hat pirate group of ten people, and it will become a huge straw hat ship group.

Suddenly, a small soldier ran over and handed a bowl to the bosses. Bartolomio took over the wine from Cardinas and filled the bosses one by one.

The fine wine Cardinas is just made from ordinary food, not a fine wine, but this wine is world-famous, and everyone in the world knows it.

Cardinals wine also has a resounding name: Knotting Wine, as the name suggests, the wine you must drink at the knotting. No one knows why you must drink the Cardinals wine for the knotting, but this is a custom that has been circulating on this sea for thousands of years, even if The long river is also difficult to wash.

After pouring each boss, Bartolomio walked to Luffy and poured all the wine in the bottle into the large bowl in front of him until the last drop of wine fell from the mouth of the bottle.

Turning back to the middle of the team, putting down the bottle in his hand, Bartolomio took the bowl from Cavendish.

Turning back to Luffy said: "Senior Luffy, please drink with us into unity and worship, you are the boss, we are the younger brother."

Just after speaking, Bartolomio was slightly taken aback when he saw Luffy's unchanged face.

I saw Luffy lift up the big bowl in front of him, raised his head and smiled: "I don't drink."

Bartolomio and the others were immediately taken aback, why someone refused to be the boss, Robin covered his mouth and chuckled, Lin Tian couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. This is Luffy's style of doing things.

"I'm not good at this," Luffy looked at the wine in front of him and shook his head. If the bowl is filled with barbecue, Luffy must have eaten everything without saying a word.


Bartolomio and the others were immediately at a loss. The reason was so strange that they didn't know what to say.

After shaking his head, Bartolomio said anxiously after he recovered his sobriety: "Senior Luffy, you must be dealing with the three emperors and the second emperor, the navy headquarters, or some maritime figures. Although every senior is very strong, Those big men have many forces, and then you will all be in a hard fight, then we will come out to open a path for the predecessors."

When the voice fell, the many bosses behind them nodded in agreement. Straw Hat Luffy saved their lives, and becoming Luffy's brother is the way everyone chooses to repay their gratitude.

In fact, the most important thing is that in the fight against Doflamingo, Luffy let everyone see the king’s bourgeoisie. If Luffy were an ordinary captain, how could they be considered powerful in the new world? Will take the initiative to be a kid

Didn't you see that even a top powerhouse like Lin Tian was willing to be a deputy captain under Lu Fei? Compared with the famous Lin Tian in the world, they are nothing.

"But, if I drink this glass of wine, won't I become the captain of the Straw Hat Ship Group?" Luffy said with a reluctant face, tilting his head.

"Yes," Bartolomio nodded and said excitedly: "Senior Luffy, you will be a big pirate with a 5600 younger brother. You are already a big man in the new world. Senior Luffy, you will one day To become the One Piece, to gain the world, you must have so many little brothers."

It is a pity that Bartolomio has no interest at all for Luffy. He just wants to be the freest person in this sea, not a big man, and he does not hesitate to oppose: "No, I don't want to".

Luffy’s repeated refusal made Helding a little angry. They were also considered strong, and they took the initiative to become the little brothers of the straw hat boy. They actually refused so. Are they so unbearable?

So he said: "With so many troops, what is wrong with your straw hat boy, the so-called outnumbered, one day you will need our strength".

"Not necessarily!"

The quiet voice of opposition sounded, and the deck was suddenly silent, and everyone's eyes converged on Lin Tian who had just made the noise.

Lin Tian, ​​who had been silent all the time, got up and stood up, pushed away Luffy who was blocking the road in front of him, and slowly scanned the players in the arena in front of him.

Lin Tian said with no mercy in his mouth: "To be honest, I really look down on the strength of your 5600 people."

If it was what others said, everyone would naturally be angry, and maybe they would just go ahead, but from the man in front of him, they didn't have the slightest amount of capital to refute.

"You can also be regarded as people who have experienced the dangers of the new world. You should clearly understand that there are only ants in front of the real strong. For example, how many of you 5,600 can stay awake in my domineering, maybe at most. It can be over a hundred, and any of you can't resist me."

"Senior Lin Tian," Bartolomio stood up and retorted: "Although we are in a new world where the strong are like clouds, it is nothing, but in the future we will grow and one day will become the real strong." .

Ignoring Bartolomio, Lin Tian turned his eyes and looked at the green pepper beside him and said: "The green pepper leader, as the strong man of the older generation, you should know better than these newcomers what kind of ocean the new world is?"

With a light sigh, Green Jiao raised his head and said: "There are countless powerful people gathered on this sea. There are even more domineering characters in the new world than the crucian carp who crosses the river, and the one who is above all the overlords is the One Piece!"

"Yes." Lin Tian waved his hand and looked at Bartolomio and the others solemnly: "Luffy is the one who wants to be the king of this sea, and the fearsome big men in your mouth are just on the road. Stepping stones, only the three emperors and two emperors are Luffy’s opponents."

To be honest, in front of these people except Bartolomio, Cavendish and Helding, Lin Tian really doesn’t look down on the others. In fact, Helding’s strength is nothing in Lin Tian’s eyes, but Helding But he is a giant, he has the ambition to rule the giant country.

The Giant Nation is one of the strongest countries in the world. In particular, the Giants’ fighters have great power. If the Giants’ elite soldiers are placed in the Navy, they are basically lieutenants.

"I understand, Senior Lin Tian," Bartolomio said suddenly with excitement: "As the younger brother of the One Piece who will rule the ocean in the future, how can we even feel scared by those big people in a small area."

As he said, Bartolomio raised his glass and said: "Don't worry, seniors, we have already thought about this vote. At some time in the future, we will each do something that shocks the world. Major events, we will prove that we are qualified to be the younger brother of One Piece in the future."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Lin Tian's face. This was what Lin Tian hoped to see, strength or something could be obtained through battle, but his mentality determined his life.

Lin Tian tilted his head to look at Luffy behind him: "However, I am just the deputy captain and cannot decide everything. It is up to our captain to accept you as little brothers."

Before Bartolomio could speak Luffy directly objected: "No, I don't want to be a big man, I just want to be the One Piece, the freest person in the sea".

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Luffy's reason for becoming One Piece was only for freedom. They were shocked and looked at each other immediately, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Just listen to Helding laughed and said: "Hey, Bartolomio, let's get started, even if he doesn't drink the wine, it doesn't matter, since we can't interfere with his decision, he can't dry our Jedi."

"Yes, let me start," Leo smiled.

Under Luffy's puzzled eyes and Lin Tian's full smile, the elders headed by Bartolomio sat down cross-legged, at this solemn and sacred moment.

Bartolomio raised his wine bowl and declared: "Senior Luffy, please forgive us for our waywardness, and I will be the opening remark. From now on, Senior Luffy will be our boss, no matter when and where, We are all the spears and shields in the hands of Senior Luffy, and the seven of us will do our best to be your little brother and do this little brother bowing wine!"

"Little brother bows to wine, so I don't drink it", Lu Fei shook his head quickly.

At this moment, Lin Tian came over, lifted the wine bowl in front of Luffy, and said, "It is impossible for our captain to drink this glass of wine. In that case, let me, the deputy captain, drink it. ".

After speaking, Lin Tian drank all the wine in his hand!

"What, Lin Tian, ​​I didn't agree," Luffy shouted angrily, waving his arms.

At this moment, as Bartolomio and other seven people drank the wine, the Straw Hat Ship Group that will shock the world in the future is established again! ! !

So far, the battle with the Quixote family has ended here with the straw hat and the victory of the Luo Pirates Alliance.

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