No matter how lively the banquet will fall, there is no permanent banquet in the world, and the members of the Straw Hat Ship Group will go to their respective destinations after the banquet.

No one knows this time of worshipping wine. Next, they will each do something earth-shattering to announce the establishment of the Straw Hat and Big Ship Group to the world. How can One Piece's younger brother be an unknown person in the future? That is also their nomination.

The former prosperous country of Dressrosa has become the country of tragedy in people’s mouth. One after another, thin threads of darkness hung from the sky, turning this country into ruins, and the tragedies that fell from the sky brought countless weepings. .

But perhaps just like the arrangement of fate, Doflamingo built this pseudo-dark kingdom, but in the end everything will be under Doflamingo's hand, and the newborn Dresrosa will be reborn on this ruin.

The death of Doflamingo brought a new life in this country, and the laughter from the heart resounded in the sky again.

After ten years of sitting on the throne again, the first thing King Liku did was to announce the existence of the villain to the whole country. Starting today, the villain is not only the rumored fairy, but also the patron saint of this country. .

At the same time, on the huge square of this country, the statues of the straw hat boy "Lucy", the great **** Usopp and the swordsman Cyrus stand in the center of the square. Everyone will always remember the heroes who saved this country.

On the turbulent sea, heavy rains continued to fall, and thunder and lightning flashed in the sky like silver snakes.

"Hey, it's just escorting Doflamingo's corpse. Do you need to mobilize people like this?" Holding a bowl of ramen, Zeng Guo said with a reluctant expression.

Turning his eyes to the Warring States Period, Lieutenant General Crane cursed: "Go to the noodles to eat, you bad old man, since you resigned from the position of admiral of the navy, you have become more and more old and rude."


In the face of He's verbal abuse, the Warring States period was at a loss for words, this He really didn't give himself face, there were people around.

Elegantly provoking the bowl of ramen, Taotu was also very strange about this: "I can't figure out why the above has to issue an order to **** Doflamingo's corpse back. People are still escorting what they are dead."

"I don't understand this very well," Fujitor interrupted. "However, after the **** mission is completed, the old man will be out on a trip. Without taking off the straw hat boy and Luo's first level, the old man will not be able to return to anything. A naval base."

Warring States raised his head and persuaded: "Hey, you are a stubborn old man, you will not apologize to Sarkarski, he is just an angry statement, after all, Doflamingo will let Sarkars withdraw from the'Seven Wuhai'. Ji was very annoyed, and even had a fight with the five old stars. Sakarski also understood how difficult it is to have Lin Tian taking the head of the straw hat boy. As long as you apologize to him, he will Will not be held accountable."

"No," Fujitor didn't even think about it, and refused: "The old man also wants face."

Hearing Fujitor's reply, the Warring States Period was slightly taken aback, and then he turned helplessly and said, "Really, you two".

It's really annoying. Sakaski is also a face-saving person. Fujitora also wants face. Neither of the two people who want face-savings is willing to give in. It seems that Fujitora's trip may take a long time.

"Yes, we are talking about whether we did something wrong." Taotu naturally stood on Fujitora's side 100%, because she also received the same order and wanted to return to any naval base without removing the straw hat at the first level.

As soon as the voice fell, the elder sister Lieutenant General Crane suddenly snorted, and stared at Taotu with an angry look, and accused: "You are ashamed to say, don't think I don't know that you are releasing water during the battle, so does Sakaski. How could you be sent to deal with the case of Dresrosa?

Facing her sister Crane's accusation, Taotu directly bowed his head and ignored it in the usual way. After so many years, Taotu has long been used to it. If she retorts, her sister will definitely keep talking.

Crane didn’t notice, and Fujitora who was eating noodles at the side also bowed his head slightly, a little guilty. In fact, the tea dolphin was sent to assist him at the time, but the tea dolphin was instantly overwhelmed by the charm of the peach rabbit. Pidian Pidian went to chase down a group of pirates instead of Taotu. Fujitora did not report these incidents to the Navy headquarters.

So even Sakaski, who was a marshal, only learned about it after the fact, not to mention Sengoku and Crane, naturally they didn't know about it.

He looked at the group of chaos in front of him, covered his forehead and said helplessly: "You three guys don't know what role Doflamingo plays in the new world, as a middleman in the underground world. Doflamingo, who has traded with many careerists in the New World, can be said that he has the reins of many monsters tied in his hand."

"Although I don’t know why Lin Tian would have another opportunity to get rid of Doflamingo, but if his expectations are not bad, his idea is to let Doflamingo die. Then the underground world will naturally be in a fight for the remaining benefits of Brother Ming. In the flames of war".

"The chaos in the underground world will definitely arouse those guys' ambitions and prepare them to end the war ahead of time. The flames of war have already ignited from the underground world, and no one can extinguish it."

The voice fell, and the cabin fell into silence, and Fujitora's three expressions all showed a solemn look.

Putting down the noodle bowl in his hand, the Warring States period reached out and wiped off the soup from the corner of his mouth. He regretted: "Since the death of Baibeard, this sea has lost the deterrence of the king of the sea, and now no one can be called the hegemon of the sea."

Indeed, after the war on the top, the pirate riots that came from everywhere and many pirates who had disappeared reappeared in the world, the Warring States period had already regretted it.

I thought that the death of Whitebeard would greatly announce the naval power to the world and warn pirates around the world to let them stop for a while.

Unexpectedly, the death of Whitebeard was like the execution of Roger. Not only did Roger's death fail to warn many pirates, but it also opened the era of great voyages. Countless people became pirates for the rumored ONEPIECE.

And the death of Whitebeard represents the beginning of a new era. Overlords are coming back to the world again, and an era of hegemony is about to come.

After a pause, the Warring States continued: "This is an era of hegemony competition. The king of this sea is about to be born. Now the three emperors and two emperors who rule the new world like emperors are still in the Qiwu Sea between the pirates and the navy. The revolutionary army also has many powerful men that cannot be ignored, as well as the D family hidden in the depths of history. These will be the opponents of the justice navy. The new navy led by Sakaski will bring the biggest challenge. ".

Faced with an increasing number of pirates, there is only one throne above all the pirates in this sea, and an unprecedented battle for pirate supremacy is about to come.

Oh oh...

Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded, and countless footsteps sounded on the calm warship. The expressions of the four Fujitora changed slightly. The sound of the alarm meant that something important had happened.

A navy soldier with an anxious expression ran over and gasped and said, "Oh no, smile sir,"


"Okay, okay, everyone, take a look, the Pirate Ship of the Barto Club is called the Advance Luffy Senior", Bartolomio shouted triumphantly, waving his hands.

Indeed, this is a ship that is more'Luffy' than the Sonny. The huge body is slightly larger than that of the Sonny. The bow is a statue of Luffy more than ten meters high. The middle cabin is made. The bow of the Golden Merley was shaped like a sheep's head, and the string position imitated Luffy's rubber arms. The stern was shaped like a Choba's head, and many orange trees that Nami liked were planted on it.

Looking at the look of this ship, Lin Tian couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. This kind of ship was really unique in character. It was the first time Lin Tian saw it after more than ten years at sea.

"Hey, Luffy, our bounty seems to have risen again," Sauron said, flipping the newspaper in his hand.

"Really? That's great," Luffy shouted excitedly, clapping his hands.

But Bartolomeo was even more excited than Luffy, "Senior Luffy, we are already ready, and your reward list is in our room."

Bartolomio’s enthusiasm for Luffy is indeed surprising. In the cabin, Bartolomio has opened a room for everyone’s bounty for daily viewing.

Pointing to the bounty list that has been mounted on the wall, Bartolomio said excitedly: "Let’s start with Senior Luffy. The bounty is as high as 500 million million. Great!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly.

"Next is Senior Lin Tian. Although the bounty has not changed, the bounty offered by Senior Lin Tian still blinds my eyes. 1.35 billion Baileys!"

Looking at the unchanged bounty, Lin Tian said helplessly: "It's really hard to get up."

"Then Sauron, the pirate hunter, is not weak against Doflamingo, offering a reward of 400 million Baileys!"

The reward of 400 million was beyond Sauron's expectation, but he was so excited that he wanted to celebrate, "Hey, is there any wine?"

"Senior Nicole Robin, son of the devil, is offering a reward of 200 million Baileys!"

Robin looked upset, "I hate it, it's up again."

"Senior Iron Man Frankie, a bounty of 940 million Pele!"

Looking at the photos on the reward list, General Frankie was surprised, Frankie looked distressed.

"Senior Usopp, who rose the most in the end, offered a reward of 300 million Baileys!"

Usopp clutched his head for a moment of grief and excitement, "I'm going to seriously hurt a **** photo, and the price is amazing. I'm going to be targeted, but I'm so happy."

Usopp’s bounty can be as high as 300 million Baileys, which was obtained from Fujitor’s key report. Usopp can hit Doflamingo’s sniper skills at a distance of ten kilometers, even Fujitor’s admiration Endless.

"Finally, senior black-footed custard is offering a bounty of 177 million Pele, the thief cat Nami is offering a bounty of 96 million Pele, and the king of soul Brook is offering a bounty of 83 million Pele. , 100 Baileys of Chopper, who likes cotton candy most"

Everyone couldn't help but draw the corners of their mouths for the reward of Chopper's ‘up to 100’ Bailey, and they don’t know what to say. I am afraid this is the lowest reward in the world.

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