Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1081: Swordsman clash

Suddenly a black shadow leaped onto the deck of Advance Luffy Senior. The pirates were taken aback, and immediately shouted.


Without saying a word, many pirates from the Barto Club quickly leaped onto the deck, brandishing their weapons and attacking the dark shadows that suddenly appeared.

At this moment, not long after they had left Dresrosa, a stranger appeared on the deck. Many pirates thought that someone was avenging them because of Doflamingo.

"Really, I attacked without waiting for anyone to answer."

In the helpless voice, the black figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared in front of the pirates. Under the shocked eyes of the pirates, a cold light flashed.


The huge screams echoed on the entire pirate ship, and for a while, the faces of all the people in the room during the discussion changed. This scream clearly showed that the ship was attacked.

"Which **** is it that made my dear subordinates make such a scream", the angry Bartolomio suddenly opened the door and rushed out.

Sauron, with a solemn face, flew up to follow him. He just noticed an unusually sharp sword force erupting, enough to see that the person who shot must be a very powerful swordsman.

In an instant, the people who were still discussing before rushed out the door.

Feeling this familiar breath, Lin Tian patted his forehead, and said helplessly: "The disca guy..."

When he rushed out of the door, he saw Bartolomeo standing in front of him blankly. Sauron quickly looked forward. The empty deck was full of dense corpses, and a figure stood in the middle of the corpse.

A black cloak was fluttering in the wind, the two sword hilts on the back revealed the cloak, a white buttoned shirt, a cyan cropped trousers underneath, and a few centimeters long scar on the corner of his eye.

Seeing this scene, Sauron suddenly looked solemn, and thought in his heart: "So strong, in just a few seconds, he will solve all dozens of Bartolomeo's men. Where is the swordsman from?"

"Damn it, I killed all my men!"

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Bartolomio's anger and pain erupted like a volcano. In his anger, he raised his fist wrapped in the barrier and rushed towards the man.

call out…

The man's figure flashed, and instantly appeared behind Bartolomio, kicked out, kicked Bartolomio directly, and fell heavily on the wooden box in the corner. All this happened In just one second.

"So fast!"

Sauron couldn't help but sigh, and even he just barely saw the man's speed.

Seeing that the man was so strong, Sauron didn't even think about it, rushed towards the man, his right hand gripped the waist and the word, with a scream, accompanied by the sword blade unsheathed, a sharp slash burst from the blade tip Then, the slash cut through the sky, tearing the air easily.

"Interesting swordsman!" The man's eyes lit up, and he was obviously interested in Suo Long.

Reaching out to hold the hilt behind the sword tightly, only a flash of cold light flashed by, and the man lifted the sword in his hand and held it across.

File clang...

The harsh sound reverberated in his ears, and the man slashed with a sword in his hand, and the blue sword aura burst out and shattered Sauron.

"Three swords flow tiger hunting!"

Seeing the flying Sauron appeared on the top of the man's head, he backhanded Gui Toru and Qiu Shui as if carrying them behind his back. With the help of the impact falling from the sky, the two swords burst out like a giant tiger and smashed at the man.


The man reacted very quickly and quickly raised his sword in front of him. In the next second, there was a bang like a loud explosion, and the invisible shock wave turned into a violent hurricane and swept out, and the entire deck was hitting. Trembling violently under the impact.

Bartolomio, who had just climbed up from the broken wooden box, didn't realize what was happening, he felt a huge force hit his chest, and Bartolomio flew out again.

At the same time, Luffy and the others rushed out of the door. Before they could see what was happening, a hurricane hit their faces. The hurricane mixed with sawdust hits their faces, making it difficult for everyone to open their eyes completely. Reluctantly saw Sauron fighting with the man.

"Who is that man, can actually fight Sauron to such an extent?" Usopp said in shock.

Sauron's swordsmanship, everyone had seen before Dresrosa, a stone giant with a height of 100 meters was cut in half, and the man who appeared could only barely contend with Sauron.

While surprised by the man's superb swordsmanship, Luo couldn't help looking at the ground, densely packed corpses covering most of the deck.

"Two Swords Rushroom"

Leaping back, Sauron quickly inserted Gui Toru and Qiu Shui into the scabbard, and when the man swung his sword approaching, the concentrated spirit of Ju and Slash exploded.

Behind Luo and others saw three cold lights flashing by, they could barely see a sword shadow, let alone the moves of Sauron and the man.

When the three of them reacted, the man and Sauron crossed over, and the two stopped at the same time, and a faint trace of blood flowed down their fingers.

Sauron didn't even look at this kind of small injury. He swung his sword and turned around, staring at the man with a warlike gaze, and asked: "I didn't expect to encounter such a strong swordsman, who would strike me with just a sword Wounded, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Backhanding the sharp sword back into the sheath, the man felt tired and said: "I finally have time to speak."

"You are Shaking Sword Diska with a bounty of up to 900 million..." Luo asked, not sure.

With such a powerful swordsmanship, as well as being a swordsman with two swords, there are only a few new worlds, plus I have seen the disca reward list before.

"Yes, I am Disca", the man nodded and admitted.

Frankie said in surprise: "Shake the sword disca? So you are a revolutionary soldier."

After figuring out the identity of Disca, Sauron stopped his actions immediately, and backhanded the three swords back into the scabbard. Since he was a revolutionary army, that is to say, he came to Lin Tian, ​​the two sides were not enemies.

However, being able to fight for a short time with the famous swordsman in the world of Zhenjian Diska also made Sauron clearly aware of the strength of the swordsman second only to Hawkeye, and how much difference there is between him and them. He wounded himself with a sword, although he didn't use his full strength, but the opponent definitely kept his hand.

"I don't care what revolutionary soldier you are, or what Shake Sword Diska, you actually killed all my little brother."

The furious Bartolomio rushed to Diska angrily, raised his fist that was covering the barrier, and hit Diska's head. His shot was to attack his head. Obviously Bartolomio wanted to kill Diska in his heart. card.

"Wait, Bartolomio, all your subordinates are alive, none of them are dead", Luo suddenly shouted.


Hearing that, Bartolomio quickly stopped, his feet rubbing violently against the ground, and his fist stopped dangerously and dangerously just a few centimeters away from Disca's head.

Turning around to look at Luo, Bartolomio didn't believe it and asked: "You're serious, none of my men are dead."

Reaching out his hand to lift a younger brother under one foot, Luo held up Bartolomio’s younger brother and said: "Look, there is no wound on the whole body, they are just knocked out. If I guess right, Disca should be back with a knife. Chopped them".

"Good guess, but how did you tell that I cut them with the back of a knife", Diska asked curiously.

Opened his hand to let go of Bartolomio's little brother, Luo clapped his hands and replied triumphantly: "I am a doctor with superb medical skills, I can still see it when I hit him."

"So that's it." When Diska turned around, he complained: "However, you people are really eager. You didn't even have time to say a word, so you launched an attack."

Hearing that, Sauron and Bartolomio showed an awkward look at the same time. As soon as they came out, they saw all the boys lying on the ground. Bartolomio didn't think much about it, but Sauron saw Bartolomio. After being knocked into the air, I didn't want to immediately think that Diska was the enemy.

At this time, Lin Tian and Robin walked out of the room, looked at the many comatose brothers Bartolomio under their feet, and said: "Diska, you are here, but you are not a small one."

"Hehe..." Diska touched her head and laughed embarrassedly.

After Diska stayed on the ship for a Lin Tian and Diska embarked on the journey to the World of Nations.

"Senior Lin Tian, ​​do you want me to prepare a small boat for you?" Bartolomio ran over and said with a flattering smile.

"No!" Lin Tian waved his hand and refused. If it would take the speed of the boat to reach Charlotte Lingling's site, it would be better for them to fly over.

Looking back at Sauron and Luo, Lin Tian reminded: "Remember, Sauron still has Luo, don't care about this guy when necessary."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian looked at the nose dung around his eyes, a pair of Luffy that I disagree with.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Lin Tian took the disca into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


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