Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1082: Sky-high wine

Rowland Snard Island!

A fantastic island, a famous tourist attraction on the New World route, this island has an area the size of a country, but more than 90% of the entire island is high mountains.

That’s right, this is a high mountain that occupies a country, and this height is different from ordinary mountains. The whole mountain is like an erect cylindrical shape with 90-degree vertical cliffs on all sides. This height is several thousand meters high. , The huge mountain top straight into the sky.

This kind of scene can only be called magic. As for the dream, it is because at the top of the mountain, there is a huge fountain that is endless all year round. The spring water sprays from the top of the mountain, and then drops down from the top of the mountain through the waterway, like a road. The falling sky.

Not only that, on the edge of the cliff, people built a lot of small sky pavilions connected to the cliff by the mountain, suspended in the different heights of hundreds of meters and thousands of meters.

Coupled with the evaporation of a large amount of water in the surrounding water curtain, white clouds are formed. Looking up, the buildings in the sky are looming in the clouds, as if they are suspended in the air out of thin air.

Whenever the sky is cloudless and the sun is shining brightly, under the refraction of the falling water curtain, various colorful rainbows will appear around the mountains.

Such a beautiful scene may only appear in fairy tales, so it is also called a fairy tale island.

Looking up at the looming sky pavilion in the clouds, and the colorful rainbow that collapsed between the clouds, Diska couldn't help sighing, "It's really beautiful, like a god-like residence."

"Okay, let's go. This kind of scenery is fine once, but it will be ordinary after seeing it a few more times," Lin Tian shouted after seeing Diska who stopped behind him.

Under Lin Tian’s yelling, Diska immediately reacted and trot behind Lin Tian, ​​recommending: “Um, instructor, do you have any idea to open an information center here? I think it’s a good location. There are so many tourists coming and going."

"Hey!" Lin Tian was frightened when he heard Diska actually say such a thing. Turning back to look at Diska, he couldn't believe it and said: "What did I hear, you Diska would actually say In this case, I think it is fake to build an information center. It is true that your kid wants to stay here."

As soon as he guessed it, Diska was a lone ranger among the swordsmen. It was like a solo man when performing tasks, and this guy hated to take care of things the most. In his words, fight one. It’s easier than looking at a document.

"Hehe..." Cautious thought was broken, and Diska touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Lin Tian turned back and walked along the road, and said in his mouth: "It must be impossible to build an intelligence center here. You must know that this is the site of a cp spy agency. If we build an intelligence center here, I am afraid that we will be caught in a few days. They are destroyed".

"Since this is the site of a cp spy agency, what are we doing here?" Diska asked in confusion, looking at the strange buildings around.

Aren't they going to the world where Charlotte Lingling is located? Why do you come to this place, is it provoking CP spy agencies?

Although I don't understand why the instructor came here, since this place is the site of a cp spy agency, Diska can be sure that when they enter this island the first time, I am afraid the other party has already known it.

"Don't think so much, this time we are not here to do things. We came to this island mainly to rendezvous with Cod. When Cod arrives, we will leave." For Diska, the militant, Lin Tian naturally wanted Be warned first.

After touching his nose, I didn't believe Diska's face. If he wanted to wait for Cod to be able to find any island, why did he have to come to Roland Snard Island? The instructor must be planning something.

The two left the port and went straight to the bottom of the mountain. There was only one way to reach the top of the mountain, and that was to take the elevator, which was enough to take hundreds of people at a time.

And in this half an hour, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Roland Snard Island like a dream during a call.

Galloping all the way, half an hour later, the elevator reached the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain is a prosperous city, towering buildings, clean streets, a dazzling array of commodities and all kinds of unheard of things.

The city is built at an altitude of several thousand meters, and the surrounding city is often shrouded in white clouds. The tall buildings are looming under the cover of the white clouds. Therefore, the lights on both sides of the city streets are kept on all the time.

Crowded people can be seen everywhere on the street. Various races can be seen here. From time to time, you can see a group of black-clothed troops patrolling the streets.

Looking calmly across the corner behind him, Diska whispered beside Lin Tian: "Instructor, it seems that we haven't been long before the other party sent many rats."

Without Diska's reminder, Lin Tian naturally knew the existence of these rats behind him, and said: "Don't pay attention to them, as long as they don't provoke us, just treat these rats as non-existent."

As Lin Tian said to Disca, Lin Tian did not come here to find trouble with the CP spy agency. If the other party honestly does not get him, Lin Tian will not bother to take care of these small characters. If some people do not have eyesight, Lin Tian Don't mind teaching them a lesson.

Ignoring the mouse behind him, Lin Tian took the disca around the busy street and walked into an uninhabited alley, which is different from the busy street outside, which is only half a meter wide. It was very silent, even if a needle fell, it was audible.

The uneven bluestone ground revealed the traces of the passage of time, and Diska looked around curiously, how did the instructor suddenly come to such a place.

Without saying more, Diska silently followed Lin Tian until he walked to the alley. This was a small staircase several meters down, and there was a small door at the bottom of the staircase.

Even Diska was surprised to see the sign on the small door. This was actually a bar. There was a small bar at the end of the small alley that I was afraid that no one had entered for a long time. The name of the bar was Asking.

"Ask? Why do you ask? It's a strange place," Diska thought to himself.

Although it’s not clear what kind of bar this questioning bar is, since the instructor can come over and run, it’s certainly not as simple as it appears outside.

When he came to this bar again, Lin Tian had a lot of feelings in his mind for a while. He didn't plan to come here, but he still came.

Stepping down the stairs, the small bar door was in tatters, as if it would collapse as long as a breeze passed. When he came to the door, before Lin Tian knocked on the door, the broken door opened directly. This scene suddenly turned Diss. Card was taken aback.

Without hesitation, Lin Tian stepped directly into the door. Just like the small door outside, the bar is only 20 or 30 square meters. Except for the bar filled with wine bottles and several high chairs in front of the bar, the whole bar is actually There is not even one other table.

The small bar has only one electric light, which is the only light in this bar. In the bar stands a wrinkled old man with a dark gray top hat and dark gray robe, just like the old witch in the picture. .

The old man held a black cloth in his hand and wiped the wine glass in his hand. Lin Tian didn't say much, and directly sat in front of him with a puzzled Diska.

As soon as Lin Tian's **** fell, the old man's voice immediately sounded and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"According to the original, two glasses of Lantes!" Lin Tian replied calmly, apparently coming here more than once.

Hearing this, the old man put down the wine glass casually, walked back to the shop window full of wine bottles behind him, and reached out to a small compartment to remove a bottle of wine.

On the side, Disca was shocked, Lantes! As a wine lover, Disca naturally heard of this wine, but this wine has disappeared with the demise of a certain country a hundred years ago, and there will be this kind of disappearing wine here. , Diska couldn't believe it.

But as the old man took down the wine bottle, and then filled the two glasses with the extremely dark liquid everywhere, as the liquid flowed out, a natural fragrance came to his face.

At this moment, the unbelieving Disca believed in his heart, the pitch black was like ink, but it would exude a delicate fragrance. This was indeed Lantes wine.

When the old man put the wine glass in front of him, Diska, who could not wait for a long time, lifted the wine glass and took a sip. The dark liquid flowed down his throat and into his I felt a warm current radiating from my chest, and my body was tired. It seemed to disappear in an instant.

"It's worthy of the rumored Lantes, it's really delicious", Diska sighed and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing'Disca' call out the name of Lantes, the old man was slightly surprised: "Unexpectedly, you also know the name of this disappearing 100-year-old Lantes. It seems that you are also a person who understands wine."

"I've seen it in some records in the past, but I didn't expect it to be true. Can you give me another drink?" Discayi licked his lips still.

The wine in this rumor is well-deserved. Diska has drunk so many wines, and this Lantes has never tasted good.

The old man didn't say much, he just lifted the bottle to help Disca get a drink again, and Disca drank again.

After two glasses, Diska put down the wine glass and asked the old man excitedly: "Old man, do you still have this kind of wine? I want to buy a bottle."

The old man raised his eyes and glanced at Diska contemptuously, and said lightly: "You can't afford this bottle of wine."

Hearing that, Diska was immediately unhappy. He was the captain of the world-famous Shadow II team. He offered a bounty of up to 900 million Baileys. Even if the wine was expensive, he couldn't afford it.

"I can't afford it, old man, let's talk about it, how much is a bottle, and I will buy as much as you have", patted my chest, and Diska said I was rich.

In Lin Tian's profound smile, the old man spit out a number: "One billion Baileys!"

"Cough...cough...cough..." Diska was choked by this amazing number immediately, and he couldn't believe it.

One billion Baileys, his disco bounty was just over 900 million Baileys, which means that you can't buy this bottle of wine if you sell him, and no wine can be so expensive.

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