Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1085: Arrived at Cake Island

On the Marshmallow Island, the arrival of Lin Tian and the three people made a lot of noise on this island, but the appearance of Charlotte Perrospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, shocked many residents. Saying the name of the sky, it is fear.

"What... he... he is actually the legendary Lin Tian, ​​the terrifying God of Killing Lin Tian that even the most ferocious pirate is afraid of."

"It's still the deputy leader of the revolutionary army who controls tens of millions of revolutionary soldiers and has great power."

"But why does this kind of man appear here? Is he here to deal with his mother?"

"Stupid, how is it possible? Even if Lin Tian is very strong, he can dare to break into the world with three people if he can't. If he didn't guess wrong, Lin Tian might have received the invitation letter for the tea party."

There were a lot of whispers in the crowd, with doubts, panic, and even more shock.

I saw Charlotte Perrospero reaching out and covering his chest and saluting Lin Tian: "Welcome Master Lin Tian to the world. After receiving the news from Master Lin Tian, ​​I flew over from Cake Island immediately. On behalf of the inconvenience, I apologize for the inconvenience, and please forgive me. These Hormitz do not know the identity of Master Lin Tian."

"The eldest son of the Charlotte family, it seems that I have a good face, and I actually want you to come to meet him," Lin Tian glanced at Charlotte Perrospero and said.

Charlotte Perrospero quickly replied with respect: "Where? It's my honor to meet Master Lin Tian. Originally, my mother was going to come in person, but because Haixia Zhiping suddenly had something to do with her mother, it was delayed. Up".


Lin Tian was secretly shocked. Lin Tian still knew about Jinping joining Charlotte Lingling’s Pirate Group, but at this time of the tea party, when she talked to Charlotte Lingling, the time was a little bit wrong, and from Charlotte Looking at Te Perrospero's not very good face, it seems that things are developing very badly.

Charlotte Perrospero raised his gaze, and calmly swept across Cod and Diska behind Lin Tian. He thought it was only Lin Tian attending the tea party alone, but he did not expect Lin Tian to bring a shadow. Captain of the first division and the second division.

Both of these two are well-known strong men in the revolutionary army, and they are also high-priced prisoners of the world government. With a Lin Tian, ​​the combat power of the three is terrible. As the eldest son, Charlotte Perrospero is naturally Beware of exceptions.

"By the way, how many days before the tea party?" Lin Tian asked.

At that time, she promised Charlotte Lingling to participate in the tea party at Fishman Island. She didn't even look at the invitation card and threw it to which garbage dump.

"There are still five days before the tea party." After looking at Lin Tian, ​​Charlotte Perrospero asked carefully: "I don't know if Lin Tian is rushing to Cake Island or visiting the surrounding islands? If Lin Tian wants to visit the surrounding islands, I will introduce it as a tour guide in the next few days."

"No, go directly to Cake Island." Without thinking about it, Lin Tian waved his hand to postpone it. It's not that I have never been here before. The surrounding islands are made of sweets.

"Okay, Master Lin Tian, ​​the boat is ready. It takes a day's sailing time from Marshmallow to Cake Island."


"Hey, it feels pretty good here!"

Looking at the three colors of red, yellow, and green in front of the ocean, Cod standing on the bow said with emotion.

It appears to be a strange ocean of different colors, but in fact it is all made up of delicious juices. The juices produced flow down from the three surrounding islands and then mix with the sea water. Due to the fixed ocean currents, these juices will meet at one point. , Forming a sea of ​​fruits.

Diska attacked from the side: "Don't think about it so much. If you want to survive in the world, there are only two ways. Either become a resident here or become a member of BIGMOM, and then marry one of BIGMOM's daughters."

Speaking of'marriage', Diska couldn't help but remember the daughter of BIGMOM she had seen before. She was so ugly and quickly refused: "Forget it, I don't want to be married to BIGMOM's daughter, but It’s okay to become a short-lived resident here. Buy a house made entirely of chocolates and live here occasionally for a few days. Life is very good.”

"Haha..." Diska laughed at the edge.

At this time, Lin Tian walked over to Cod and persuaded him: "But Cod, in my opinion, it is more worthwhile for you to marry BIGMOM. Although most of BIGMOM's daughters are ugly, some are very beautiful."

"Why? I don't want to get married yet."

Cod raised his head and asked with a strange look. It's a big deal to live here for a while to pay for BIGMOM, but getting married is a lifelong matter. How can you find a woman who hasn't even seen each other and get married in such a hurry? .

Without directly answering Kede’s question, Lin Tian asked, “Do you know what BIGMOM’s capabilities are?”

Cod had a detailed understanding of the abilities of each of the three emperors and two emperors. After all, he might be able to meet him someday, so he had to prepare in advance.

Without even thinking about it, Cod said, "Knowing that BIGMOM has superhuman soul fruit. The capable person can deal with the human soul at will, and pull the human soul out of the body. Even let the soul reside in various things. The anthropomorphic, but cannot be put into human corpses and people other than yourself, the anthropomorphized objects are called "Homitz, the army that we previously appeared on Marshmallow Island."

"Speaking of Homitz, I have to say that it is a very powerful soldier. Because it was created by BIGMOM, they have no feelings, no pain, and fear. Once they receive the order, they will never stop until the goal is completed. pace."

"Soul soul fruit is indeed a very powerful ability, but as long as you face BIGMOM without fear in battle, BIGMOM will not be able to extract your soul."

Now that you understand the abilities of BIGMOM, you will naturally not only understand the strength of the soul fruit, but also the weaknesses.

In general, although this ability involves unexplainable souls, because of this weakness, Cod is not afraid of BIGMOM being able to extract souls. Although he has not seen BIGMOM, Cod has not played against the three emperors, perhaps It's not their opponent, but it's definitely not fear.

"That's right," Lin Tian praised, but immediately changed Lin Tian's words: "But do you know what happens when the soul fruit extracts the human soul?"

"What's the matter?" This Cod really didn't understand, but the soul, as a human essence, would definitely have some bad consequences if a part of it was lost.

Lin Tian replied solemnly: "That is life. The soul is equivalent to life. How many souls are captured by BIGMOM will reduce your lifespan accordingly. In other words, when all your souls are captured by BIGMOM, it means death. ".

Hearing that, Cod's face changed slightly, but he disappeared in an instant. He hadn't understood that the soul is equivalent to lifespan. However, as long as she is not afraid of BIGMOM, she will not be able to seize the human soul. Cod is not worried about this. point.

Lin Tian continued: "Do you know what price you need to pay to live in the world? That is the soul, or life span. Every six months, BIGMOM will collect the soul from the residents of the world, and each time it will charge one month of life. It means that if you live here for half a year, you will lose one month of life, and you will lose one year of life every six years."

Hearing that the cost of living is actually life expectancy, Cod was stunned, and he immediately waved his hand: "Forget it, this cost is too high, there are many better places than the world, I thought it was a good place, listen to the instructor like this Once I said it, I suddenly lost all interest."

Diska stretched out his arm and hugged Cod and smiled: "You don't want to think about who BIGMOM is. You can destroy the country at will for the sake of mere sweets. You still want to live happily in this kind of people's territory. You think BIGMOM is God. what".

"Actually, I can't say that." Cod stretched out his hand and pulled his arm away from his neck. Cod had different opinions. "It's not worth it for us, but those ordinary races are different. At least IWC is the territory of BIGMOM, with BIGMOM. The Pirate Group guards Who dares to come here to make trouble, that is, there is no erosion of war, no need to be frightened, and what is built on the ground, flying in the sky, and flowing in the water are all delicacies, and it is not worse than the legendary paradise I am afraid that many people are willing to pay this one-sixth of their life."

Indeed, compared to people outside threatened by pirates and exploited by the world government, all nations are no less a real paradise.

While Lin Tian and the three were talking, the ship had already left the previous juice sea area, and the cake island could be seen a little bit by the sea horizon in the distance.

As the ship and the cake island get closer and closer, the island known as the headquarters of BIGMOM appears in front of Lin Tian and the three people.

Just like the name of the cake island, from a distance, the entire island looks like huge cakes placed together. These huge cakes are all real, collected by the aunt’s daughters and sons from all over the new world. The raw materials are then made by hundreds of famous sweets and pastry chefs from all over the world. I have to say that BIGMOM's love for cakes has reached a blind point.

"Oh, is this Cake Island? It's really good, much more shocking than what you see in the photos," Cod exclaimed.

Although I have heard about the cake island of BIGMOM headquarters, it is really the first time for Cod to come. Compared with Lin Tian and Diska who have been here several times, they are much calmer.

At this time Charlotte Perrospero walked out of the cabin and said respectfully: "Master Lin Tian, ​​there are two other guests, Cake Island is coming soon, knowing that you are coming, my mother is ready to welcome the team. Specially greeted at Almond Lake behind Cake Island".

The huge cake castle is in front of him, but it is a pity that waiting for Lin Tian's arrival is not a welcome party.

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