Cake Island is right in front of you. Behind the huge cake castle where BIGMOM lives, there is a lake called Almond Lake. The lake is famous for all kinds of almonds.

This is the only port on Cake Island. Only the pirate group under the BIGMOM or approved ships can dock, otherwise any ships will be destroyed by the Hormiz Legion before they reach the port.

Unfortunately, when Lin Tian came to the port, there was no port to welcome the troops as Charlotte Perrospero said, and even the port was guarded by only a few Homitz.

Looking at this scene, a touch of embarrassment flashed across the face standing on the deck. This was really a face. It was said before that a large number of welcome teams would greet him, but now there are only a few people.

He hurriedly pulled over one of his men and said, "Contact me the port garrison troops and ask what happened and why the welcome team did not show up on time."

The harbor was silent. In addition to making Charlotte Perrospero confused, there was also the worry of inaction. As Charlotte Perrosper said earlier, the order he received was for his mother to prepare to welcome Lin. day.

But in this situation, not only did the welcome team disappear, but even the mother did not appear, indicating that something went wrong. But what happened, that even my mother was dispatched, and many brothers and sisters did not arrive, it was too strange.

Lin Tian and the others on the side were also dumbfounded, where could they meet the team? Charlotte Perrospero can never deceive them on this matter.

As for what happened before, there is only one answer, and that is something happened on Cake Island.

Bang... bang...

Before the interrogator came back, suddenly there was a roar like an explosion from Cake Island, followed by a thick smoke rising from a distance.

Suddenly, Lin Tian and the others' complexions changed drastically. As expected, something went wrong on the Cake Island. Without hesitation, with electromagnetic waves, they saw that the domineering colors covered the entire Cake Island like a tide.

Diska slammed Cod lightly, and whispered: "Hey, I feel something is wrong. This is the headquarters of BIGMOM. There will be explosions. Who dares to mess around on this island."

"I don't know", shook his head, and Kede was also very puzzled. There are only a handful of forces and individuals who can mess around on the cake island of BIGMOM headquarters. The other three emperors include the second emperor, the Qiwuhai, the navy headquarters, and our revolution. Army, it's a pity that these forces are impossible, who would have trouble with the BIGMOM Pirates at this time.

And even if these forces take action, they may be discovered as soon as they enter the seas of the nations. How can they break into the headquarters of the BIGMOM Pirate Group? There is only one thing in the world that can do this, and that is the lonely red earl.

Thinking of this, Cod couldn't help looking at Diska, who happened to turn his eyes around. The two of them met in the void. Needless to say, it seemed that both of them thought of Earl Red.

Immediately, a faint smile appeared on Cod's face. If it was the Red Earl, then things would be fun.

At the same time, the whole cake island was covered by the powerful experience and domineering, and all the things that happened on the island were presented in my mind. There was no smile on the corner of the mouth. I did not expect that when they arrived at the cake, BIGMOM actually had a schizophrenia. .

Step on...

The rush of footsteps suddenly sounded, and the pirate who had been ordered by Charlotte Perrospero ran over and said in a panic: "Nothing, Lord Charlotte Perrospero, mother's schizophrenia It happened, and now we are making a big noise in the sweet tooth city."


Charlotte Perrospero was shocked, and he knew exactly how terrible it was for his mother to have an eating disorder.

My mother's thinking about eating disorder would happen from time to time, but she didn't expect it to happen at this time. Once the episode of thinking about eating disorder happened, she would fall into madness, and she would be frantically smashed everywhere, causing destruction everywhere.

Apart from letting her eat the food she wanted to eat or defeating her, there was no way to restore her sanity, and her parents didn't recognize her when she fell ill, and even their children would not show any mercy.

Shocked and shocked, Charlotte Perrospero who reacted quickly apologized to Lin Tian: "I'm sorry, Lin Tian, ​​we just had a problem, so we will let you stay in the hotel for a while, and wait. If the matter is resolved, my mother will come over immediately."

"What to do, instructor, shall we intervene?" Cod quietly approached Lin Tian and asked softly.

"No, our task now is to watch the show," Lin Tian replied.

After speaking, the three Lin Tian didn't say much, and directly followed the beautiful maids who appeared, and walked towards the hotel where they will stay in the next few days.

The vibration of Cake Island kept resounding. Obviously, the aunt's schizophrenia had not diminished. Before Lin Tian and the three of them could arrive at the hotel, some things would inevitably come up.

Because the aunt was in Sweetstown when she broke out of schizophrenia, the crazy aunt was destroying in Sweetstown. Now the entire Sweetstown residents have been moved out, and the hotel Lin Tian and the others lived in happened to be in Sweetstown.


The huge roof made of chocolate made bursts of noise, flying from a distance, and the place where the roof fell was exactly where Lin Tian and others were.

Seeing the huge roof burst into the air, the many beautiful maids on the side screamed, clutching their heads and fleeing quickly. As for Homitz, who was guarding on both sides, quickly formed a shield to block Lin Tian and the others.

Seeing this, Lin Tian stretched out his hand to stop Disca who was about to act. He also wanted to see what kind of strength these Hormiz possessed.

Seeing several Hormitz flying out, the spears in his hands were quickly pointed out, the sharp spears were mixed with strong white wind, and the spiral-like wind hit the chocolate roof.


Several explosions suddenly sounded, the huge chocolate roof was blown to shreds in an instant, and the strong wind from the explosion blew across.

"The strength is so strong that it can rival the elite soldiers of the Revolutionary Army," Diska said with a solemn expression.

Although this kind of strength is nothing in Diska's eyes, it is necessary to know that Hormiz is actually just a dead thing. They are only turned into this way by BIGMOM, which means that this kind of soldier aunt can produce a large number in an instant. But an elite revolutionary soldier needs at least several years of training and battlefield baptism.

Bang... bang...

The earth was trembling violently. Lin Tian quickly looked up. In the distance, the sweets town was billowing with smoke, huge houses collapsed, and a woman wearing a pink wide dress who was several times larger than ordinary people walked over.

Although this woman is extremely ugly, wearing thick lipstick and light purple eyeshadow, she has a big mouth dripping saliva from time to time, but she is the one of the three emperors who feared countless pirates, and was king of BIGMOM.

BIGMOM is already very ugly, especially when he looks angry at the moment, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, it is even more ugly. Even if it wasn't the first time I saw it, Lin Tian wanted to vomit, and the perfect bodies of Nami, Hancock, Robin and others flashed in his mind, and Lin Tian felt a lot better in his heart.

BIGMOM waved his hands, grabbed the sweets house on the side, and then put it in his mouth to chew.

He kept muttering, " of these, I want to eat sweet milk cake, sweet milk cake".

As he said, the crazy BIGMOM raised his fist and slammed into the ground, and the entire island trembled, and huge cracks spread along the BIGMOM fist far away.

Immediately afterwards, the sweet food houses collapsed under this terrible force. In a blink of an eye, a corner of the previously beautiful sweet food town suddenly became a ruin, and several streets were destroyed by this fist.

This is the power of the three emperors, BIGMOM in a crazy state is ordinary, and a single punch is enough to destroy several streets.

"BIGMOM, just try your power."

With a whisper, Lin Tian's figure turned into a thunder and thunder and rushed straight out in the direction of BIGMOM.

Upon seeing this, Charlotte Perrospero's face changed drastically, and he waved and shouted: "Master Lin Tian, ​​what do you want to do, mom is now in a state of rampage."

Diska and Cod flashed, blocking in front of Charlotte Perrospero, Cod said indifferently: "Don't worry, our instructor is helping you. With your strength, it must be difficult to stop the rampage. BIGMOM".

How could Charlotte Perrospero believe Cod’s words and watched Lin Tian rushing towards his mother, with even more worries on his face. Two powerful three emperors and two emperors fighting, the entire Cake Island will be destroyed. It is a disaster of extinction.

But his strength couldn't stop Lin Tian, ​​helpless Charlotte Perrospero could only dial the phone worm and walk aside without knowing what he was talking about.

On the other side, Lin Tian turned into a blue streamer and appeared above Although it was in a crazy state, BIGMOM was able to perceive the crisis, and when he looked up, he saw someone floating above his head.

BIGMOM's eyes were red and shouted: "No matter who you are, if you don't have sweet milk cake, you die for me."

When the voice fell, BIGMOM picked up a dessert building that was more than ten meters high and threw it into the sky. This is a tall building weighing hundreds of tons, but BIGMOM was thrown away with one hand.

A azure blue arc wrapped around Lin Tian's palm, as if an invisible force was pulling the thunder towards Lin Tian's palm, facing the flying high building, Lin Tian smashed it down.

"Palm Thunder!"

Lightning flickered, and a thunder and lightning with strong arms emerged from Lin Tian’s palm. The lightning was like a spear piercing the tall building in an instant. The powerful force directly exploded the entire tall building. In the smoke produced by the explosion, the thunder and lightning spear remained prestigious Bombarded directly on BIGMOM's body.


In the huge explosion, the orange fireball slowly rose from the ground, and the impact of the explosion swept out.

The flames wrapped BIGMOM's entire body, but Lin Tian's expression did not change at all. If BIGMOM could be solved so easily, then she would not deserve to be one of the three emperors.

Just as Lin Tian expected, a violent wind swept out of the flames, and the violent wind blew away the flames, revealing the figure of BIGMOM.

Although he knew that lightning was difficult to cause damage to BIGMOM, Lin Tian was shocked when he saw that BIGMOM was unscathed. It was a 5,000-volt lightning that could easily melt even a piece of steel, but it could not hurt BIGMOM. Cents.

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