Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1091: Tonglong's phone

Inside the hotel!

Cod and Diska disappeared. Lin Tian was the only one in the hotel. At this time, Lin Tian was talking to Boss Long.

"What, Boss Long, how many casualties are," Lin Tian asked.

Although the entire plan has been formulated by the Revolutionary Army Staff Headquarters for a long time, and the preparatory measures have been adequate, the plan will never keep up with changes, not to mention that it involves tens of millions of revolutionary army troops.

Long’s words came from the microphone, “Fortunately, there is a deviation from our expectations, but it will not be too far away. The number of people killed in the battle has reached one-tenth, and the number of casualties has reached three-tenths. However, the world government coalition forces are not doing well, after all. It is well prepared, and the number of their casualties should not be lower than ours."


Although he had the approximate data in his mind, Lin Tian inevitably took a breath after hearing the casualty figures Long said.

It is necessary to know that the revolutionary army has tens of millions of absolutes, one tenth of the number of deaths, that is a full one million, what is the number of one million, many small countries have a combined population that is not much larger than this, just like a big country The total number of Alabasta troops is this number.

And there is a casualty figure of three out of ten, which is three million people. In other words, during this battle, the revolutionary army has lost four million soldiers. What an astonishing number.

After a pause, Lin Tian said: "Since fighting with the world government coalition forces, we have not suffered such a large injury rate."

Allied forces with the world government, the Revolutionary Army's army is also in this ten million, the battle damage reached four out of ten, more than half, it can be said that it is a bit of a wound.

But the world government coalition forces are different. Although they even surpass the revolutionary army in number, they are an army composed of multiple countries, and each country can collect more than 100,000.

The casualties of a mere four to five million people are nothing to the world government at all, and it is just tens of thousands of troops killed by each country that it is divided into. It is not even painful.

"Well, although the result is a bit of a pain for us, but the most difficult first step of the plan has begun, and our soldiers have all been baptized by the flames of war and become truly elite teachers." The dragon's voice was still calm. Even if the number of war-damaged is as high as four million, it is difficult for this dragon to make a huge wave in his heart.

"Next, according to the plan, we will transport the army with the cooperation of Mermaid Island, and strive to dispatch all the troops to a designated position in a short time, but when everything is ready, the plan begins."

Speaking of this, Long’s tone was slightly excited. As the leader of the revolutionary army, even if Long was able to maintain peace in any situation, it was conceivable that the huge strategic plan would be implemented, even if Long’s calm heart was turbulent.

It’s not to blame the dragon. If the plan can be completed 100%, the revolutionary army’s road to success can move forward for more than ten years. At that time, it even has the power of the entire world government.

Lin Tian apologized and said, "Boss Long, you can only rely on you for so many things during this period. The BIGMOM tea party has not started yet, and I can't get out of it."

Long didn’t care about it and smiled: “It’s okay. Anyway, your kid is also the shopkeeper, but your little girlfriend Ai Yin is really amazing. Within a month of coming to the headquarters, many things have been handled well, and I have helped these days. I am quite busy".

Speaking of Ai Yin, even Long couldn't help but admire him. In a short time, he thoroughly understood many things in the revolutionary army, and even had unique insights in handling things. Sometimes even Long had to bow down.

Thinking of this, Long couldn't help laughing and cursing: "I have to say, Lin Tian, ​​your kid's luck with women is really great. Whether it is Robin before or now Ayin, each of them has both beauty and wisdom."

Hearing Long complimenting Robin and Ai Yin, Lin Tian said proudly: "That is, don't look at who I am, will my vision be bad?"

Robin has lived in O'Hara, a holy place for scholars since he was a child. It can be said that Robin is absolutely the world's top in academic research. Since the destruction of O'Hara for nearly two decades, Robin has gone underground. Organizational management, even Klockdal praised Robin's management ability.

Ayin is not bad. When Lin Tian was the commander of the G1 naval branch, Lin Tian was also the shopkeeper, and Ayin handled most of the things.

Back then, the G1 branch was the only naval branch in the New World. It was able to control the G1 branch in the mixed situation of the New World. Naturally, Ayin's management ability would go without saying.

Sitting on the chair, Long heard Lin Tian's self-compassion and couldn't help but laugh. As the highest person among the younger generation, Lin Tian's fame, power and wealth needless to say.

Fame... the pinnacle of the younger generation, no one knows that no one knows, power... the deputy leader of the revolutionary army controls tens of millions of troops, wealth... even Long does not know how much this kid has.

He immediately signed the document in front of him with his own name. The dragon was too busy these two days. After only sleeping for three hours in two days, he suddenly asked, "By the way, what will happen to the auntie this time?"

At each tea party, the aunt will announce some important things as the highlight, which will more or less trigger the situation in the new world, so Long will also care about this aspect.

"It's nothing, the BIGMOM Pirate Group is ready to unite with the Derma 66 Pirates," Lin Tian replied lightly.

Hearing that, the dragon on the other side of the phone worm has not changed, and is still dealing with the documents in hand. The power of the Vinsmok family cannot be paid attention to by the two leaders of the revolutionary army.

"However, I found an interesting thing. Capone Becky under BIGMOM is preparing to assassinate BIGMOM at the tea party."

This is big news. The dragon who was working on the file stopped writing and said in surprise: "There will be such things. If this is not the case, what will happen at the tea party will shock the world, Capone Becky? Like Luffy, he is called the Evil Generation. These rookie pirates are really bold."

When the voice fell, I heard a sound of paper turning in the microphone. In the past two days, the shadow sent a piece of information about the forces of the West Sea. Long remembered that he had seen the name.

"I found it. That guy's identity is a little different from the other pirates, Capone Becky, who was originally one of the five mafia bosses in the underground world that Xihai ruled. The nickname'Gangster' was roaming the underground world when he was young. It was raised when it became famous."

"It is rumored that he liked to chop off people's heads and watch the human body twist. When he was young, he often attacked other mafia gangsters. He only liked the other party’s wealth and never looked at each other’s territory. Then he watched The other party prevented the **** internal fight for power."

"I am also a person who is not willing to be lonely. I was tired of playing on land, and then came to the sea to cause a **** storm. He hid behind BIGMOM under the command of BIGMOM, using BIGMOM as his umbrella to avoid the pursuit of many enemies, but he did not expect that he was actually preparing to assassinate BIGMOM , It is true that a calf is born and not afraid of tigers", the last sentence of Long said with a faint emotion.

After listening to the dragon telling Capone Becky, Lin Tian smiled slightly: "I didn't expect to be a gang boss. This reminds me of Bartolomio. Although he is a rookie, he is still very courageous. The assassination of BIGMOM can be imagined."

Looking away from the picture of Capone Becky, Dragon's head flashed a bright light before, suggesting: "I think this is a good opportunity. The assassination of Capone Becky will definitely destroy tomorrow's tea party~www.wuxiaspot. com~ At that time, BIGMOM Headquarters Cake Island will definitely be in chaos."

Hearing that, Lin Tian had already shown a smug smile on his face, and said, "Boss Long, you are just like I thought, such a chaotic opportunity, just to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and get those things."

What can make Lin Tian and Long want very much, apart from the historical text, but the aunt has three historical texts, all the historical texts add up to only 30 yuan, and the aunt has ten one.

It is a pity that the text of the history is something that even the three emperors and two emperors are enthusiastic about. The protection of the aunt must be very important. It is placed in the strongest treasury in the cake castle, and there are many homiz protections every day.

But now there is a great opportunity in front of him. As long as the tea talks are chaotic, Lin Tian can take advantage of the opportunity to enter the treasure house of BIGMOM, and then print all three pieces of historical text.

"Well, Lin Tian, ​​I have something to deal with first. You can take care of the specific plan."

Seeing that there was something wrong with the dragon, Lin Tian didn't talk much, and the two directly ended the call.

Lying in a hot tub filled with hot water, Lin Tian felt that all the fatigue of the day was soaked in the hot water. His whole body was unspeakably comfortable and relaxed, and he felt refreshed.


Suddenly, Lin Tian, ​​who was enjoying with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, turned around and looked back, a domineering burst of dominance broke out on his body, and a strong wind blew away the white mist in the bathroom. Just now, Lin Tian I clearly felt an invisible gaze staring at me behind my back.

When he turned around and saw Nami who was smiling excitedly in the back mirror, Lin Tian was startled, and then exclaimed in disbelief, "Nami!!"

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