Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1092: Tea party opening

In the hotel room, Lin Tian looked at Nami, Chopper and Rabbit who suddenly appeared before him.

"What's going on? How did you get out of the mirror" Lin Tian asked strangely, raising his hand in the mirror.

When thinking of himself taking a bath, these three guys hid in the mirror behind him, Lin Tian looked helpless, what a thing.

Compared to the appearance of Nami and Chopper doing something wrong, Garrott blinked his beautiful eyes, observing Lin Tian in front of him, and he listened to Lin Tian's great reputation even if he had never left Zhuowu before. Having said that, Garlott looked curious about the murderous **** Lin Tian, ​​who was scared of even the murderous pirates.

Nami raised her head, her big eyes flashing, and she pretended to be pitiful: "It's not that you suddenly left, but Sanji was taken away by others. In desperation, we had to come to Cake Island to find Sanji."

Looking at Nami's face, Lin Tian flashed a helpless smile on her face, reached out and flicked Nami's smooth forehead, and said softly: "Okay, don't blame you, but I want the whole thing to be true. tell me".

Hearing that, Nami showed a happy smile, placed her right hand on her back and secretly made a yeah gesture towards Chopper. Although she knew that Nami's performance was pretended, there was no way, Lin Tian still ate it. This set.

Nami hurriedly sat next to Lin Tian, ​​with her arms around Lin Tian's arm, Nami then left them to Deres Rosa, including the message Lin Tian left for herself, and everything that happened after arriving at Zhuowu. Possibly, I told Lin Tian briefly, including everything they encountered in the world.

"By the way, I haven't introduced yet, she is Garrot of Zhuowu fur clan." After speaking, Nami suddenly remembered Garrot next to her.

It turned out to be Nami's friend, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Hello!"

In the next second, Garrott threw himself down on Lin Tian with a cute face. At that moment, Lin Tian's fighting instinct was about to take action, but he felt that Garrott quickly pressed down his hand.

"Hello, Karuchiu!"

Seeing Garlott shouted, he hugged Lin Tian's neck with both hands, then opened his small mouth and bit on Lin Tian's ear gently.

Feeling an itching sensation in his ears, Garrot released his hands and stood in front of Lin Tian, ​​and said cutely: "My name is Garrot, one of the members of the Zow furry Principality Dog Lan Musketeer."

At this time, Lin Tiancai took a good look at Garrott, a rare fur tribe with a rabbit appearance, except for short blond hair, white hair all over his body, two long tubular ears on his buttocks He has a short round and fluffy tail and sharp claws on his hands. Garrott is petite and slender, with long **** legs. Besides, Garrott's chest doesn't look much smaller than Nami's.

Of course, Lin Tian wasn't that kind of pervert, his eyes didn't stop on Garlott's chest, and he turned to look at Nami and said, "That is to say, you have seen Jinping now."

Speaking of Jinping, Nami nodded and said with a smile: "Luffy is very excited about Jinping joining the Straw Hat Pirates, saying that after solving the BIGMOM issue, she will hold a special banquet to celebrate Jinping's joining."

Suddenly, Lin Tian changed his words and said seriously: "However, what's the matter with Carpenter Becky? Why do you want to assassinate the aunt with that kind of guy? It is absolutely impossible to assassinate the aunt. Hardness and strong domineering, none of you can break through the defense of the aunt."

"In fact, we didn't want to think about this matter, but because of Sanji's problem, in the end Luffy had to make a big tea party and ruin Sanji's wedding," the silent Chopper stood up and explained.

Seeing that Lin Tian’s complexion had not returned to normal, Nami smiled, and explained: “In fact, it’s not that difficult. Lin Tian, ​​when we talked to Capone Becky, we have already negotiated a success rate. the plan of".

"What plan?" Lin Tian asked, raising his head.

Recalling a while, Nami said, "Capone Becky discovered a weakness about BIGMOM. BIGMOM has a picture of mother. Carummel. According to Capone Becky, once this A photo was accidentally dropped on the ground. She instantly turned pale and made a strange noise with unprecedented loudness. Unlike her schizophrenia, everyone around was exhausted by covering her ears to protect her eardrums from damage. With all his strength, BIGMOM was kneeling on the ground and bleeding on both knees."

When Nami's voice sounded, Lin Tian listened very carefully, but at the end of the hearing, Lin Tian couldn't believe it: "Just because of a photo?!!!".

Although I have never seen the real strength of BIGMOM, Lin Tian’s hundreds of millions of volts did not destroy BIGMOM’s body defenses during the previous fight. It is conceivable how hard BIGMOM’s body is. It is almost impossible to have weapons that can hurt BIGMOM. .

But because of a photo, BIGMOM's legs kneeling on the ground actually bleeds. Lin Tian sounds like a dream. The three emperors BIGMOM will become so weak because of a photo that they fall. Lin Tian is really unacceptable.

"En," Nami said with certainty: "According to BIGMOM's daughter, that photo can be said to be the most important thing about BIGMOM, and it transcends everything in BIGMOM's heart."

Lin Tian had already thought deeply about it. If Nami said it was true, it would be a shocking secret. A single photo can make BIGMOM a very debilitating state. Ordinary stones can stab BIGMOM. If it were him Lin Tian made a full shot, enough to take advantage of this opportunity to instantly kill BIGMOM.

Just listen to Nami continue: "Our plan is to sneak into the tea party, and then destroy the photos, then BIGMOM will make strange noises and fall into madness, the whole tea party will be in chaos, then we can rely on the KX rocket launcher researched by Caesar. Kill BIGMOM with one blow".

Nami will agree to this plan. Except that Luffy’s idiot has no intention of agreeing, Nami also feels that this plan has a good success rate and is very likely to be realized, and they can never watch their partner Sanji die in Brin. Under the gun.

Lin Tian didn't think much, and he didn't hesitate to oppose: "No, I don't agree with this plan."

"Why? Lin Tian, ​​is there something wrong?" Seeing Lin Tian's objection, Chopper asked.

Everyone has been a partner for so long. No matter when and what the situation is, everyone believes in Lin Tian’s opinions, and Lin Tian has never made a wrong decision, and now Lin Tian agrees so firmly that Even Chopper had no idea about the whole plan.

Just listen to Lin Tian solemnly said: "According to my words, you people are born with calves and are not afraid of tigers. You can also be called frogs at the bottom of the well."

"BIGMOM was one of the four emperors of the year, and now one of the three emperors. She has more strength than you can imagine. Let's put it this way, Luffy can defeat Doflamingo, but he has no defense against BIGMOM. force".

"You think that by destroying the photos and letting BIGMOM fall into a weak state can kill BIGMOM, you too underestimate the strength of the three emperors, the three emperors and two emperors cannot be defeated by speculation. As for your plan, in my opinion There is no success rate at all."

"What should I do, Sanji has already acted according to plan",

After listening to Lin Tian's words, Nami suddenly panicked and had no idea to ask Lin Tian.

Chopper looked worried. Lin Tian has been in the new world for many years and is among the top powerhouses like BIGMOM. He must have a better understanding of BIGMOM's strength than them. Since Lin Tian has said that there is no success rate at all, it is naturally Impossible to achieve.

But the plan had already begun, and Sanji returned to the cake castle to prepare. It was impossible for them to watch Sanji being shot.

Lin Tian felt a headache. These people were so messed up that they actually joined Capone Becky to assassinate BIGMOM.

Not to mention the power of BIGMOM, even the children of its various abilities are not what they can contend, and Kata Kuri alone is not what Luffy can defeat.

But now the plan has begun, and the arrow has to be sent on the string. If he retreats, it means that Sanji will be finished.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian immediately ordered: "Chopper, you and Garrott go back first, tell Luffy that guy not to mess around, forget it, I didn’t say the same as Luffy, anyway, I will rescue him anyway. Shimoyamaji You can just tell Luffy like this."

"What about me?" Nami pointed her finger at herself with confusion.

Lin Tian replied: "You are attending the tea party with me. I just happen to lack a female companion."

"Yeah, I haven't participated in this kind of event!" Nami shouted excitedly, waving her arms. Compared to participating in the event, Nami was happier to appear as Lin Tian's female companion.

In fact, Nami's role is not only a female companion. If Nami joins herself in a tea party, then invisibly tells BIGMOM that he already knows the arrival of Luffy and others, and what happened on Cake Island. Some things have reached their level. No need to make it clear anymore.


Start at ten! The whole cake shop became very lively. On the street, a distinguished guest under the **** of Homitz went to the cake castle on Cake Island.

Lin Tian and others were naturally escorted by Homitz all the way, driving towards the cake castle in a luxury carriage, looking at the sudden appearance of Nami in front of them, Diska and Cod hadn't reacted much yet.

The gate of the castle has been opened, tall Homitz guards on both sides of the street, and the residents of Cake Island welcome the bosses with the warmest shouts.

"I heard that the number of people receiving invitation letters for this tea party is much more than before, and my mother attaches great importance to this tea party."

"That is, even Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, received the invitation letter. This is the first time the Three Emperors and the Revolutionary Army have met with great fanfare."

"The defense must be strengthened. Now Cake Island does not know how many spies from the other forces have gathered"

Pig carts parked in front of the red carpet in front of the castle gate, and walked out the big brothers who had been invited by the aunt. They wandered towards the cake castle.

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