Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1093: Underworld kings gather

In the cake castle, the soldiers formed by the Hormiz brigade raised the defense of the whole cake castle to the highest level.

Yesterday the straw hats made a big fuss in the cake castle, but the faces of many of BIGMOM's children were dull, and even the dessert three general star's thousand-handed **** was defeated.

You must know that you are here today are the big bosses of the underground world, if you cause any trouble on this important occasion, then where is the face of the BIGMOM Pirates.

A team of Hormiz wearing silver-white armor and holding a two-meter white spear in his hand stood in front of the castle gate. The exquisite armor radiated dazzling light under the sunlight.

Although this team of Homitz has only a few hundred people, it exudes a momentum like facing an army of ten thousand people.

"I didn't expect my mother to send the white knights guard at the gate of the castle. This is really great." Charlotte Opela looked at the silver and white army below, with a faint surprise in her mouth.

Charlotte Opella, the fifth son of the Charlotte family, the Minister of Cream, is responsible for ruling the cream islands. He is huge, his face is as soft as cream, and unknown liquid flows from his face. See his facial features clearly.

Although Homitz of the White Knights alone is not the most powerful Homitz, he can't compare with the strongest Homitz such as Thundercloud Zeus, Sun Prometheus, and Double Horn Napoleon.

But the White Knights is a team consisting of a total of 400 Homitz. With their mounts, the entire team’s combat power is comparable to the Dessert Three Generals. It is the strongest army of BIGMOM, but the White Knights guards the tea party. Things never happened before.

Looking at the big bosses of the underground world below, Charlotte Perrospero contemptuously said: "Of course they are not qualified for the underground world alone. The reason why my mother made such a big battle is all because Lin Tian".

Although the following people are called the emperors of the underground world, they are not a little bit different from the BIGMOM Pirates of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors. Only a man like Lin Tian is qualified to let BIGMOM pull such a high standard. meet.

Outside the castle, a large number of underground world leaders gathered in front of the castle. Now there are more than ten minutes before the tea party and the banquet, and the army guarding the door has not given way. This

These people are above ten thousand people and have never had to stand in front of the gate and wait, but they are facing BIGMOM, even if they feel unhappy, they can only suppress it.

Since it is waiting, many big bosses are not standing idle and talking in small groups to themselves.

"Kuchiuchi...I can smell the **** smell on your body, why can even you be invited, funeral director, shouldn't you appear at the wedding", a man in a mink coat Shouted disdainfully.

This person is three meters tall, draped in black and white mink, wearing a black suit, with a red firework on his chest, and a cigar in his mouth. He is the well-known king of loan sharks in the underground world, the **** of good fortune, Dufeld.

The funeral director who made him unhappy in the man’s mouth was a guy carrying a huge sickle. He was dressed in a white strange costume. His face was painted like a clown in a circus, and his golden hair was like a sunflower. Unfold.

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, the funeral director turned around and said sarcastically: "Can't the funeral director come to the wedding and congratulate others? I don't want to be made irresponsible, Du Feld!!"

Draco Piedro and Dufeld are both famous figures in the underground world, but due to a certain deal, the two of them have grieved, and when they meet, it will be like a gunpowder explosion.

"You big men are really careful, don't be like that," a beautiful woman walked out to persuade.

This woman has a very beautiful appearance, wearing a sun hat, and although the faint tulle slightly hides the woman's face, it is difficult to conceal the charm.

The breeze blows, the tulle is flying, and when you look through the tulle, you can see an amazing cheek, slender eyebrows, a pair of eyes looking forward to a charming, beautiful nose, jade cheeks are slightly red, and delicate lips, Each part does not look particularly prominent, but these features appear in the same face and blend together perfectly, forming a different kind of beauty.

Wearing a white shawl, he also wore a white short skirt. The skirt was in black, with his arms exposed like white jade, and he held a pink bag in both hands.

The woman exudes a special temperament that belongs to the nobility, with seductive beauty without losing elegance. Both her temperament and appearance are top choices, and she is a rare beauty.

When this woman appeared on the stage, even if many underground world bigwigs were breathing a few minutes, no one of this beautiful woman wanted to conquer her crotch.

But these big guys just think about it, don’t think she is a woman, she is the queen of Happy Street, Stutsi, one of the six kings who control the underground world, with cruel methods, every man who wants to beat her will die. It's very miserable.

"Unexpectedly, I was so happy to receive the invitation letter this time. This marriage is a big news that shocked the world. GERMA66 has a great relationship with our newspaper." A big bird wearing a black cloak and a black top hat walked. When I came over, it looked like a bird fur family.

The president of the World Economic News Agency "Big News", Big News Morgans, controls all the news in the world. It is necessary to know that all the newspapers are birds, and to be able to know the big news everywhere, so Morgans controls a Intelligence agencies only all over the world.

It can be said that in addition to the world spy agency under the world government and the shadow of the revolutionary army, Morgans's intelligence agency is the most powerful, and it can be ranked third in the world. For example, a lot of information in the underground world is sold by Morgans.

However, the intelligence agencies under Morgans are different. They only collect all news as quickly as possible, while the Shadow and CP spy agencies, in addition to the intelligence, also take care of all aspects, such as assassination, lurking, spying and so on.

Hearing this, a man on the side glanced at Morgans, and said lightly: "This kind of news has long been known to the entire underground world. It is no longer big news, and you can report it."

The king of shipping, Umit, the deep ocean current, controls the world's ocean transportation industry. It can be said that the world's ocean shipping must be related to it, which is enough to see how powerful it has.

Another old man drinking fine wine echoed aloud: "Yes, this is an outdated piece of news. There is no need to report it, Morgans."

The long-established storehouse "hidden teacher", Gibson, is the king of the world's warehousing industry. No one knows how many warehouses he controls and how much money those warehouses are worth.

Looking at the two people who mocked himself loudly, Morgans snorted and said nothing. He didn't bother to talk about these two guys wearing a pair of pants.

These six people stood here, and none of the big bosses in the underground world dared to come forward and talk, because they were not qualified at all.

Looking at the closed door, Stushy stretched out his hand to block the scorching sun above his head and complained: "What is BIGMOM? He told us to come, but didn't let us in."

The funeral director Drago Piedro, who carried a black sickle, took the conversation and said, "Don’t complain, people don’t need to look at our faces. The high-standard BIGMOM this time is not for us, but for another others".

Although they are the kings of the underground world, Drago Piedro still knows himself. Although they are also people with status, they are far from BIGMOM.

"Seriously, I was shocked when I heard that the man was going to participate in the tea party. It stands to reason that he should go to deal with the defeat of the revolutionary army, but it is strange that he still has the leisure to participate in the tea party," Morgens said. Shocked and puzzled, he controls a powerful intelligence agency, so he naturally knows more than the others.

"Who knows?" Du Felt said flatly: "The collision between the revolutionary army and the world government is not something we can intervene. Since Lin Tian can be so calm, maybe he has any confidence."

Marine King Umit interrupted and said, "That’s Maybe Lin Tian came to the tea party to seek cooperation with BIGMOM. After all, the Blackbeard Pirates can cooperate with the world government to capture the navy. Headquarters".

Speaking of this, the six of them couldn't help showing their contemplative expressions. Although it was just a guess with little possibility, it still made the rest of the hearts sinking.

The Blackbeard Pirates and the World Government jointly broke through the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, which shocked the world's major forces. However, none of the leaders of the Revolutionary Army such as Long was arrested, but the major forces smelled the breath of the storm.

After suffering such a big loss, the high-level revolutionary army will definitely not give up. Although the black emperor black beard is strong enough, it is not enough against all the strong people in the revolutionary army, and there is also a white beard pirate group, Lin Tian and Bai Emperor White Beard is a brother, and if the two forces join forces, Black Beard must be finished.

But if the Revolutionary Army is also with the BIGMOM Pirates this time, then the matter will be a bit serious. Two of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors are allied with the Revolutionary Army, not to mention Blackbeard, even the world government can’t sit still. Although the three emperors and two emperors are strong, they are pirates and have no ambition to compete for the world, but the revolutionary army has this ambition.

Suddenly beautiful music sounded, and a golden carriage appeared from the end of the street under the **** of Homitz.

"It's finally here, I thought I would have to wait until 10 o'clock," the beautiful Stutsi whispered, and a strange light flashed in his beautiful eyes.

At this moment, the six kings of the underground world showed different expressions on their faces, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Seeing the final character coming on stage, many underground world bosses stopped talking. They understood that Lin Tian had finally arrived, and all their eyes focused on the carriage in front of them. The carriage drove all the way to the red carpet and stopped steadily.

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