As BIGMOM entered the venue, the banquet was finally held. The laughter of BIGMOM echoed in the venue, and many bigwigs in the audience also showed smiles.

It's just that how much sincerity there is under this smile, and how much calculation and fear there are are unknown, in short, everything looks so wonderful.

In short, this tea party has a much larger specification. The eldest son of the Charlotte family, the Minister of Candy Charlotte Perrospero; the eldest daughter of the Charlotte family, the Minister of Fruits Charlotte Compert, the second son of the head of the star, Xia Lott Kata Kuri, the fourteenth actress star milkshake...

Basically all the children of BIGMOM have arrived, plus the six kings headed by the Underground World, many monster-level characters gathered at this tea party.

But it was still not as good as the front table, where monsters that were scarier than monsters sat.

On this table made by BIGMOM, in addition to BIGMOM, there are Lin Tian, ​​Nami, and Sanji’s father Vince Mok Kage, and his sons are not qualified to sit on this table. If it wasn't for the alliance, Vinsmok Gage would not qualify.

It's just that when he saw the extremely beautiful Nami, Vinsmok Kage sank. He didn't expect Nami to have such an identity, but Kage clearly remembered how he mocked Nami yesterday.

In addition to these 5 people, there is a photo on the dining table, which is the most important photo of Carummel in BIGMOM's mind.

Looking at the photo in front of him, BIGMOM smiled and shouted: "Great, it seems that today mother is very happy with such a grand banquet, and the smile on his face is more beautiful. It is really great to have such a smile."

Hearing what BIGMOM said, the children on the side hurriedly agreed and shouted happily.

"Yes, this is really great"

"Mother is the light of the world..."


Although these children didn’t know who the old woman in the photo was, they still flattered them one by one, and BIGMOM smiled.

Looking at the photo in front of her, Nami's face changed slightly. This is the most critical part of their plan, and now this photo is only one meter away from herself.

Lin Tian and Auntie sat at the front of the dining table together, and Nami sat on Lin Tian’s left hand side. After two positions, it was the place where the photo was placed. As long as one gets up, Nami can get the photo, but Thinking of Lin Tian's words, Nami could only suppress the thoughts in her heart.

Nami didn't realize it. When Lin Tian saw the photo, she was taken aback, and then her eyes flashed strangely. No one knew what Lin Tian was thinking at the moment.

At this moment, someone who is not afraid of death came out and pointed to the photo and asked: "BIGMOM, this is the first time for me to participate in a tea party. I don't know how the person on the photo is related to you."

The information about BIGMOM is known to all forces in the world. This photo is so important to BIGMOM. There must be some unknown secret. However, the underground world boss who came this time is a fool. He did not see anyone and asked about this photo. He came out alone.

Seeing that the smile on BIGMOM's face suddenly disappeared, he said angrily: "You guy should never invade my memory and blow this guy into juice for me."

The murderous shouts directly frightened the surrounding underground world bosses and slumped on the ground, and one of the stars, Charlotte Smoky, walked out, grabbed the struggling underground world boss and threw it behind Homitz to take care of him. , Even if you want to fry him into juice, it is not at the beginning of the tea party.

At this moment, the king of loan sharks "Fu Shen" Lu Field came out with a treasure chest and persuaded: "Okay, okay, one yard is one yard, I brought you a gift, BIGMOM, just take it A gift for your daughter’s marriage".

Looking at the treasure chest in the hands of the king of loan shark "Fu Shen" Lu Field, BIGMOM's face suddenly showed a smile. In addition to all kinds of sweets, the treasure chest is also BIGMOM's favorite.

Therefore, when giving gifts to BIGMOM, they usually find a treasure box to store the gifts.

"I have a gift for you too, Lingling!" Happy Street Queen Stutsi walked out, blinking her charming eyes, exuding a special charm.

As the two gave gifts, the other four kings of the underground world also gave gifts, and immediately after the six kings, many big men of the underground world also gave gifts.

Dozens of exquisite treasure chests are piled up into a hill. Although the gifts are blocked by the treasure chests, the gifts already given by many underground world leaders must be very valuable.

Looking at the pile of treasure chests in front of him, BIGMOM was naturally very pleased, and suddenly looked at Lin Tian and asked, "Lin Tian, ​​what gift did you prepare for me for your participation in the tea party this time?"

In an instant, everyone in the venue gathered on Lin Tian, ​​and everyone was very curious as to what kind of gift Lin Tian would give.

On the side, Nami glanced nervously at Lin Tian. Last night, the two seemed to be gentle, and they didn't see Lin Tian preparing any gifts, but seeing Lin Tian's unanxious expression, Nami's heart suddenly calmed down.

I saw Cod walking over with an ordinary box. This box was a fortune from the bigwigs of the underground world, but from the outside, the difference was not one grade, but dozens of grades.

In fact, this wooden box was randomly found by Cod from a garbage dump. At that time, he knew BIGMOM's habit of receiving gifts, but who would prepare the box without accident, so Cod passed by just when the carriage passed a garbage spot.

Although the box looks very rubbish, many underground world bigwigs have no intention of despising, how can Lin Tian's identity be able to give out anything low-grade.

He saw Cod walking up to BIGMOM and opening the box in front of BIGMOM. Two stone plates carved with strange patterns appeared in the eyes of everyone.


Looking at Lin Tian's gift, everyone was taken aback. Lin Tian actually gave two stones. Although the two stones are different, he is still a stone.

Under the gazes of everyone’s doubts, Lin Tian got up and introduced: “This is a transmission stone tray specially made by me with my abilities. Put one of the stone trays in a special place and carry the other stone tray with you. When crushed, another stone disk will be induced to form a spatial channel, allowing you to reach the location of the other stone disk in an instant, and the sensing distance between the two stone disks can reach a maximum of 100 kilometers."


Suddenly, a sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded. Everyone was shocked by the effect of this stone plate. As long as it was crushed, it could form a space channel and transmit it to a hundred kilometers away. Being able to escape is equivalent to one more life to some extent.

And this stone disk can also have the effect of a surprise attack. For example, if one of the stone disks is sent to a certain base, you can open the space channel and enter the base without any obstruction.

Although the function of the stone disk in this space is very strong, it can only provide a passage for one person to pass through, and Lin Tian has made some small tricks. Lin Tian can sense the special fluctuations emitted by the stone disk and determine the position of the stone disk.

In other words, if facing Lin Tian, ​​even if it is used to escape from this kind of stone disk, Lin Tian will be able to find the opponent's position.

World Economic News' President'Big News' Morgans came out and said: "I heard that two years ago, Gild Tezolo, the golden city, paid a price of tens of billions to conclude a deal with you. The item is this stone plate. Gilder Tezolo used this stone disk to escape to heaven a few days ago."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was slightly startled and nodded and admitted: "It is indeed this thing."

Worthy of being the president of the World Economic News, he controls the information channel second only to the shadow and cp spy agencies, and he can even know such secret things.

"Hahaha..." BIGMOM laughed loudly, took the treasure chest and said with joy: "Lin Tian, ​​this is the best gift I have received."

BIGMOM is very happy to be able to get the space stone plate. Although there are many abilities that involve space, everyone knows that only Lin Tian can do this kind of space channel construction.

The gift-giving session is over. After some simple etiquette, the protagonists of this tea party, Vince Mork. Sanji and Brin, walked out amidst beautiful singing.

"Sad love affair has been experienced, painful love affair has also been experienced. Falling in love with the swollen face trauma, I finally arrived on the red carpet."

As Sanji brought Brin to the stage, UU Reading immediately burst into enthusiastic applause. Although many underground tycoons don’t want this wedding to happen, at this time, even if they are unhappy, they have to press their hearts and pretend to be very happy. Look like.

Sanji is a little handsome in a black suit. Brin is also very beautiful in a white wedding dress. The most important thing is that both of them have very happy smiles on their faces. They are obviously very happy about the wedding.

Seeing Sanji's very excited look, Nami couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "I didn't expect that Sanji's acting skills were so good, and he could show such happiness."

"I'm afraid it's not acting, this guy is here for real." Seeing Sanji's smile, as a man, Lin Tian can detect whether it is pretending or coming from the heart.


Nami was shocked, knowing that BIGMOM was on the side and didn't say anything. Although she couldn't believe it for a moment, she had to admit in her heart that the possibility of Sanji's superhuman personality was very high.

Brin thought so at this moment, "It's finally over, how can I marry this useless kappa, he is not worthy of me, there are only women and countless **** in my mind."

Brin couldn't wait to shoot Sanji, especially seeing the scene of Sanji with his bridal chamber in his mind, Brin couldn't bear it at all.

And in Sanji's heart, "It's great. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to get such a beautiful wife. After the wedding, it will be the bridal chamber, which is really exciting."

Seeing Sanji passing in front of him, Capone Becky had a bad feeling that he was also a man and had also experienced a wedding with a woman under the BIGMOM.

"That too good?!"

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