With the appearance of Sanji and Brin, the wedding reached its climax. Looking at the couple ahead, everyone has a different feeling, envy, contempt, and disdain...

All the Vinsmok family attended this banquet. Three sons and one daughter were sitting at the dining table beside them.

BIGMOM lowered his head towards Lin Tian and said, "Lin Tian, ​​I heard that Sanji is your companion. What do you think of marrying my daughter".

With a slight smile, Lin Tian pretended to be happy and said, "Naturally, I am happy for it. This wedding was decided by Mr. Sanji's father, Mr. Koji. Although I am a partner, my parents still understand the matchmaker's words. I am very happy to see Sanji, and I feel relieved.

According to the general habit of BIGMOM, if a pirate marries the daughter of BIGMOM, then the entire pirate group must belong to BIGMOM.

However, the situation of the Straw Hat Pirates is different. BIGMOM is also a sensible person. It is idiotic to dream about the income of the Straw Hat Pirates based on a Sanji wedding, and it is impossible, so BIGMOM did not take the initiative to raise this point.

"That kid Sanji has a good fate. I knew it was such a beauty. I'm going to get married." Vinsmok Yuji, the fourth son of the Vinsmok family, looked at Sanji in front of the venue with his head envious.

Immediately, Vinsmok Yuji looked at Nami who was on the side, a flash of gaze flashed in his eyes, and said, "But it's still a lot worse than the woman over there. This is the first time we have seen such a beautiful woman."

Looking at his younger brother, Vinsmok Leijiu, who is the eldest daughter, warned: "Put away your sexuality and know the identity of others. He is Lin Tian's woman. Don't think about doing anything. We Vince The Mok family is nothing in front of Lin Tian."

Facing his sister's unrelenting warning, Vinsmok Yongji snorted, but he honestly retracted his gaze.

"I didn't expect that BIGMOM would give birth to such a beautiful daughter." Looking at Brin's eyebrows, the second son Vinsmok Nitch was still a little unbelievable.

The ugliness of BIGMOM is as great as its reputation, especially the children under its banner, although they have monster-like strength, they are not good-looking.

Now suddenly there was such a beautiful woman, let alone him, even the surrounding underground world bosses were a little unbelievable.

Withdrawing his gaze, the eldest son Vinsmok Iji disdainfully said: "Don't forget, that useless guy is used for sacrifice. Once he gets married, he will be under the control of BIGMOM for the rest of his life."

For this useless younger brother, Vinsmok Iji looked down on Sanji since he was a child. For so many years, Vinsmoke Iji has long been regarded as his younger brother, just a waste of little use value.

Vinsmok Leijiu secretly observed the many children of BIGMOM around him, and thought to himself: "It turns out that this table is surrounded by children of BIGMOM. Once the action starts, the other party will surround us. Well, GERMA66 is a country that should not have existed in the world for a long time."

After thinking about it, Vinsmok Leijiu closed her eyes tightly, and she had the consciousness of death when she was preparing to attend the tea party.

It's just that as an older sister, she didn't want Sanji to be buried with them, people who were soaked in blood and no longer have feelings. He was a kind brother and couldn't just die here.

Looking at Breen, who was extremely beautiful in a wedding dress, Stutsi missed: "Brin is really beautiful today, as if I saw how beautiful I was in the wedding dress back then."

Stutsi is a very beautiful woman. Unlike Nami and their youthful and lively beauty, Stutsi exudes a mature breath belonging to a young woman. She exudes amazing charm in every move, unnatural will attract the attention of men around. .

It's a pity that Stutsi's voice dared to fall, and the king of loan shark "Fu Shen" Lu Field attacked: "That would have been decades, you are already old."

For this woman, Stutsi, the king of loan sharks "Fu Shen" Lu Field has always been wary. She was just an ordinary woman back then, but in a short period of time, she controlled many happy streets (that is, the red light district), and was caught by the world. Called the Queen of Happy Street.

Stuty’s fortune seemed to be driven by an invisible force. The king of loan shark "Fu Shen" Lu Field had investigated, but he could not get the slightest information about it.

After a sacred and solemn oath, the wedding finally reached the final stage. Sanji and Brin exchanged their wedding rings, and then Sanji was about to lift Brin’s wedding dress. After the two kissed affectionately, they were married. .

"Sanji, this bastard, really was fascinated by that woman." Looking at Sanji's excited look, Nami looked like she hated iron and steel. At a critical moment, the satyr fell out of the chain again.

"What a pervert!"

Capone Becky's face was angry, and he also found something was wrong, but now there is no way. At this point in the wedding, it is impossible to cancel the plan.

Knowing how to cooperate with this guy who only has women in his eyes, Capone Becky regrets that he is dying, and he is fascinated by women. Who are the people in the Straw Hat Pirates?

Under the attention of everyone, Bulin's wedding dress was opened by Sanji, but the moment the wedding dress was opened, a shocking third eye appeared on Brin's forehead.

Because the wedding scene was in the front, the rest of the eyes on Brin's forehead did not see it, only Sanji found out.

Seeing that Sanji was startled by his third eye, Brin was overjoyed, and immediately took out his handgun to kill Sanji.

But the next second, Sanji suddenly exclaimed with joy: "They are so beautiful eyes."

At this moment, Brin was stunned, and the gun hand couldn't help stopping, and his twinkling eyes looked at Sanji in shock.

"What did he say, he said my eyes are beautiful", Brin couldn't believe what Sanji said just now was true.

No one has ever said to Brin that her third eye is beautiful. Everyone calls it a three-eyed monster, including her brothers and sisters. Bulin looks gentle and polite on the surface, but in reality she is evil in her heart. She claims that only family members understand her true colors. She is good at acting and imitating, because in this way she can survive in this family and get her due status.

Tears, full of moving tears, flowed from the three eyes, this is the most compliment Brin has ever heard.

Brin covered her cheek and said with tears: "What a joke, I am going to kill you myself, I am a monster with a third eye."

Looking at the scene that took place on the venue, including Breen's performance, the faces of many of BIGMOM's children changed drastically. What exactly was Breen doing, but he did not act according to the plan. As for BIGMOM, he was already extremely angry by Breen's performance.

Seeing her mother's anger, Charlotte Smoky, as the general star, hurriedly shouted to the priest on the side: "Don't worry about so much, the priest shoots."

Hearing Smoky's order, the previously solemn priest showed a brutal side, took out his spear and pulled the trigger towards Sanji's head.


There was a gunshot, and there was silence in the venue, and many of the invited underground leaders looked confused.

The force generated by the gunpowder explosion pushed the bullet out of the muzzle. The orange bullet shot straight towards Sanji's head, but Sanji had been prepared for a long time. He suddenly raised his head to dodge the bullet, and at the same time kicked and hit it. The priest's head kicked the priest directly with a powerful kick and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hey! What happened? How did the wedding become like this."

The surrounding underground world lords are in a daze. Isn't this the alliance wedding of the Vinsmok family and the BIGMOM Pirates? Why did it take a gun and murder? This scene doesn't feel like a wedding at all.

At the same time, as the gunfire rang out, many of the BIGMOM children who had reacted quickly got up and surrounded the members of the Vinsmok family.

All Hormitz in the venue entered a state of combat, and their attention was all focused on the frightened Vinsmok family.

Looking at this scene, the many big bosses from the underground world are not stupid. They suddenly guessed something. For a while, the big bosses who were still puzzled suddenly calmed down and sat down and watched the show.

At this time, it was the conflict between the BIGMOM Pirates and the Vinsmok family. They didn't want to be unlucky to participate in it, and it would only outweigh the gains. Just be quiet and be a bystander.


Kata Kuri screamed in front of BIGMOM. When Brin's situation was not right, he immediately launched a domineering look and saw, and saw a frightening future.

Seeing Kata Kuri's face nervous, BIGMOM suddenly asked: "What's going on, what have you seen from the future, and what is going on with Brin?"

For this second son, BIGMOM is extremely trusted.

Kata Kuli said solemnly: "Mom, Brin's business is nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What happens next is horrible, and I can't even stop it."

As soon as the voice fell, the huge wedding cake, which was several meters high, collapsed under BIGMOM's shocked gaze. Amidst all the cream, everyone led by Luffy rushed out of a mirror.


Luffy waved his arms and flew out of the cake in a shout.

"No, the cake is going to fall!!"

With the appearance of Luffy and others, the huge birthday cake that was nearly ten meters high immediately fell to the side. After a while, the many big guys watching the theater could not sit down, and hurriedly ran toward the side. They don't want to be crushed by this huge birthday cake.

Seeing that the long-awaited huge wedding cake collapsed under the destruction of the straw hat boy, BIGMOM's anger erupted like a volcano, and his eyes were immediately covered with dense bloodshot eyes, which shook the entire venue.

"Strawboy! Cake cake..."

Seeing that BIGMOM was so angry, Charlotte Owen, the fourth son of the Charlotte family, waved his arms quickly and persuaded: "Mom, calm down, calm down, I understand your mood now..."

But how can the angry BIGMOM hear other people's persuasion clearly at this moment, his eyes are getting redder and the anger in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

As Luffy rushed out of the cake, Shiping, Brock, Pedro, and others, as well as dummy dolls made by Charlotte Bree and animals, all ran towards the frame.

BIGMOM clutched his head and shouted angrily: "Monkey D. Luffy, no matter who comes, I will never bypass you, destroy the person I am looking forward to, and I will definitely not let him go."

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