Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1099: Lin Tian shot

The angry shouts of BIGMOM echoed throughout the venue, especially the announcement to Monkey D. Luffy, which made the eyes of all the big guys in the venue focus on Lin Tian.

Anyone can hear it. A large part of BIGMOM's words are for Lin Tian. No one will spare Monkey. D. Luffy. In addition to Lin Tian's ability to stop BIGMOM, there are Who.

But Lin Tian is the brother of Straw Hat Boy Luffy. How could Lin Tian watch the Straw Hat Boy be killed by BIGMOM? This is impossible.

But Luffy, the straw hat boy, actually ruined the wedding cake that BIGMOM valued. Seeing BIGMOM's angry look at the moment, BIGMOM will definitely not let it go. In this way, the conflict between BIGMOM and Lin Tian is already inevitable.

"Really bold, the straw hat boy Monkey D. Luffy, the son of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, has the world's most evil blood in his body." Regarding Luffy's actions, even the king of loan sharks "Fu Shen" Lu Field Can't help but admire.

He dared to make a mess at the wedding between the BIGMOM Pirates and the Vinsmok family, and ruined the birthday cake that BIGMOM was looking forward to. At least he could not do this.

Funeral director Dragu Petr swung his sickle to lift the cream that was about to flow under his feet. He looked up and said: "I heard that half a month ago, he and the original Qibuhai Trafalgar Luo's pirate alliance Doflamingo was dealt with. At that time, I was happy for a long time."

The original funeral director Drago Patero and the clown Doflamingo had a conflict. Since then, the two have become opposing enemies. It was heard that Doflamingo died within 7 days after that. 50% off the entire funeral industry in the world.

Regarding the actions of Luffy and others, the ocean king "Deep Ocean Current" Umit disdainfully said: "Really crazy newcomers, do you think that solving a Doflamingo can kill BIGMOM? It's a wild talk."

Although Qiwuhai is known as a powerful force with the three emperors and two emperors and the navy headquarters, everyone knows that a single Qiwuhai can never be compared with the three emperors and two emperors, and the two are not at the same level.

The name of the world's largest swordsman, Eagle Eye, who can compete with the three emperors and two emperors in Qiwuhai, the battle between the two of them in the past shocked the entire new world (the Xiong has not seen him take action, and it is difficult to judge the strength).

"Maybe", Stutsi's attractive red lips lightly opened, with different opinions, "Maybe a straw hat boy is nothing, but you must know that there are Lin Tian and the shadow team leader Cod next to him. And the second division captain Diska".

"Not to mention that the killing **** Lin Tian offered a bounty of 13 to 5 quadrillion baileys, Cod offered a bounty of up to 1.1 billion baileys, and it is rumored that his ability involves the field of changing time, and the bounty of Zhenjian Diska is up to 900 million. Bailey, the world's most famous double-sword swordsman".

The combat power of a single straw hat boy is definitely not enough, even with the help of the original Qiwu sea sea knight, if you add Lin Tian and three people, they are completely worthy of the BIGMOM Pirate Group.

Moreover, in fact, Stutsi still has to guess what he did not say, that is, this sabotage, whether the straw hat kid acted privately, or Lin Tian and others planned it. To be honest, Stutsy does not believe in a straw hat kid. Dare to attack BIGMOM.

This is because Stutsi doesn't understand Luffy, let alone attacking BIGMOM. Two years ago, Luffy dared to break into the navy headquarters.

"In any case, if Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, goes to war because the straw hats attacked the tea party, it must be big news that shocked the world." World Economic News President Morgans seemed very excited.

The whole world knows that the straw hat boy is noble, his father is the leader of the revolutionary army, his grandfather is the legendary navy lieutenant general, two brothers, one is the **** of death Lin Tian, ​​the other is the captain of the white beard pirate group.

If the BIGMOM Pirates killed the Straw Hat Boy Luffy in this way, it would inevitably set off a war sweeping the entire new world, which would be even greater than the war on top.

Touching his nose, Lin Tian looked embarrassed, the warning in BIGMOM’s words, how could Lin Tian hear it, it’s a pity that this matter really has nothing to do with him, for Lu Fei and others will rush out of the wedding cake, Lin Tian is also not sure.

But if you tell BIGMOM this way, BIGMOM will definitely not believe it.

"What to do? Lin Tian" watched the chaos in the venue, and the many children of BIGMOM attacked Luffy and others, Nami shouted worriedly.

He patted Nami's little hand, indicating that Nami shouldn't be afraid, Lin Tian said softly: "Don't act, just wait and see the changes, but the photo must not let the daredevil die Luffy."

Lin Tian knows what that photo means to BIGMOM. If Luffy's daredevils destroy the photo, then everything will be lost.

"Prometheus, Zeus"

BIGMOM raised his hands and yelled. In response, two Hormiz descended from the sky and floated beside BIGMOM. These were the two strongest Hormiz under the aunt.

Because of Charlotte Bree’s ability, many animals turned into Luffy, like a torrent rushing towards BIGMOM. In fact, their purpose is to take photos. As for Jinping and Pedro and others to cover Luffy’s actions .

Although countless Luffy can be fake and real, they can't escape Kata Kuri's eyes. Although Kata Kuri can't distinguish Luffy now, Kata Kuri can see Luffy's real body in the future.

"Second gear!"

The steamy figure of Luffy flashed and flew into the air of BIGMOM, raising his black fist to attack BIGMOM.

The right foot quickly lifted up, the speed that was visible to the naked eye increased, and he quickly kicked towards Luffy. The powerful force actually kicked Luffy into the second gear and kicked the domineering Luffy with his arm to vomit blood.

At the same time, Kata Kuri's right foot turned into a strange substance, which plunged Luffy into the substance and imprisoned it.

"What the **** is this, hands and feet are deeply stuck in it and can't be pulled out, what kind of ability is this?" Luffy struggled desperately, but could not move at all.

Seeing Kata Kuri actually grabbed his own thread to attack, BIGMOM immediately shouted angrily: "Kata Kuri, are you planning to help me?! Although you are my son, it does not mean you are qualified to be nosy."

In BIGMOM's view, only she can solve the straw hat boy, so as to vent his anger.

Kata Kuri quickly explained: "Mom? He didn't want to attack you, he just wanted to shoot at the picture of mother Carummel."

"What!" Hearing Kata Kuri's explanation, BIGMOM was shocked. In BIGMOM's heart, thousands of wedding cakes are not as good as the corner of Carrummel's photo.

But then BIGMOM was very puzzled: "How did they know the secret of the photo, and who told him it?"

Only her children knew about this. Even the children didn't know Carrummel's secret very well. They only knew that this was a vital relative of the Charlotte family.

At this time, Shenping suddenly stood up and said: "I told them that after staying under your command for so long, some things have always been heard."

In fact, this matter was said by Capone Becky and Charlotte Chiffon, the 28th daughter of the Charlotte family, but acknowledging it at this time means acknowledging this responsibility.

Upon hearing this, BIGMOM immediately angrily said to Jinping: "Jinping, didn't your kid have given up leaving the group? It's just that you have hidden the culprit who destroyed my cake, which means that you are now a complete rebellion, right?" .

In the face of BIGMOM's history, he was very calm, neither overbearing nor overbearing, and replied domineeringly: "Yes, the old man has already decided, this is undoubtedly a matter, the old man decided to join the straw hat guys."

Before BIGMOM could react from the news brought by Jinping, Luffy immediately announced loudly: "Yes, BIGMOM, Jinping is already a member of our Straw Hat Pirates, you are no longer qualified to ask him to do anything."

World Economic News President Morgans exclaimed with great joy: "This is big news. The original Qiwuhai Haixia Jinping joined the Straw Hat Boys."

BIGMOM ignored Luffy’s cry, looked directly at Jin Ping with red eyes, and asked again: "Jin Ping, you are sure to do this."

"Yes, the old man is sure", Shen Ping's answer was so sharp and sound, so without hesitation.

"Boss Jinping is amazing!"

Garlott waved his hands and exclaimed with a lovely expression on his face.

Before stepping to the very plane, BIGMOM suddenly smiled and said: "Jinping, you should understand that if you leave me, you have to turn the turntable, but you asked to join our BIGMOM pirate group back then, use our reputation to protect the murlocs Island, since you want to leave, you should make a decision. This will not violate your chivalrous name, and you don't want to live in shame."

BIGMOM is a person who will never allow anyone to betray her and leave alive, so she tells the story of the fisherman island to persecute Jinping with the chivalry that Jinping has always adhered to.

At this moment, all the eyes of everyone in the venue focused on Jinping and BIGMOM, and everyone looked forward to how Jinping would choose.

I saw that Jinping sat down on the ground, neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Yes, I borrowed your BIGMOM fame to guard the fisherman island. I really owe you the BIGMOM Pirate Group, but if it is to pay the price, I should come alone. And It’s not the lives of all the members of the Sun Pirates. I hope that BIGMOM can only hold me accountable, not our entire Pirates Sun.”

"Okay, I promise you!"

Without even thinking about it, BIGMOM directly responded. The other members of the Pirates of the Sun, BIGMOM, did not pay attention to it. Now all she wants to do is to kill the guys who disrupted the tea party one by one. The first is Shiping.

Hearing BIGMOM's promise, Jin Ping breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't involve his partner, Jin Ping was not afraid of anything and took out a red bowl from his pocket.

"This is the glass of the little brother wine I drank two years ago. I have kept it. If you can't take my life, then I will keep this glass." As he said, Jinping put the glass in his hand on the ground and looked up straight. Looking at BIGMOM.


Suddenly, BIGMOM let out a harsh laugh, which showed that BIGMOM was extremely angry. BIGMOM didn't want to use the turntable anymore, and she wanted to directly deprive Jinping of her life.

I saw BIGMOM standing tall in front of Jinping, with a faint black air emanating from his body. At this moment, BIGMOM was like a **** of death in hell. Chao Jinping made a terrible voice like an evil ghost and asked: "Jinping, you want to keep people. Next, we still have to save our lives."

‘Soul Spell’, an ability of BIGMOM’s Soul, judges the life of the opponent by questioning humans, even if the opponent feels a trace of fear, the soul will be taken away instantly. The soul will be arbitrarily deprived based on its life span.

Jinping shouted firmly: "Keep your life!"

"Is Jinping going to die?" Lu Field, the king of loan sharks, shook his head, a little regretful.

Regarding the soul spell, they, the kings of the underground world, naturally know that BIGMOM is one of the strongest pirates in the world. It is notorious and can even stop children from crying. There are several people in the world who have no fear of BIGMOM, at least he Lu Field couldn't do it, so he thought that Jinping was going to die.

After a few seconds passed, Jinping was still sitting there, and the soul of Jinping was drawn out by BIGMOM.

"How is this possible, how can this be?"

"The soul didn't run out, it's a lie..."

"Does Jinping have no fear of her mother at all"

The children of BIGMOM can't believe how this kind of thing can happen. There are people in the world who have no fear of their mothers, such as Lin Tian in the court, but how could he not have any fear of their mothers.

Not to mention the children of BIGMOM, even BIGMOM was shocked, how can I not feel that Jinping has the slightest heart of fear.

Seeing that Jinping looked straight into BIGMOM's eyes without fear, he declared very aggressively.

"I'm the man who wants to be One Piece's partner!! How can I be afraid of the three emperors and two emperors!!"

The domineering declaration reverberated in the center of the venue. At this moment, both the many underground world leaders and the children of BIGMOM were deeply shocked.

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