Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1100: Lin Tian shot

Jinping's domineering announcement full of chivalrous words shocked the entire venue, and everyone was stunned for a while.

It is hard to believe that Haixia Jinping is the original Qiwuhai, or a powerful murloc, who is standing at the top of the world's pyramid, and that such a powerful person can believe so firmly in a small straw hat boy.

"If the rumors of what Jinping said today, I am afraid the whole world will be shocked," World Economic News President Morgans said in surprise.

It is important to know that even bigmom cannot make Jinping really surrender. The reason why Jinping stays under the bigmom banner is only for the safety of the fisherman island. From the powerful declaration of Jinping just now, anyone can hear Jinping's words. It is from the heart.

Happy Street Queen Stu's beautiful Danfeng looked at Luffy with interest, and said with interest: "Monkey Luffy, a man who dares to be interested, even a man like Haixia Jinping can surrender."

At the same time, Vince Mokjaj, who was sitting across from Lin Tian, ​​was pointed at the head by several black barrels at the back of his head when the priest fired.

Vince Mokjaj is not an idiot, he is watching everything that happens in the meeting place, if he doesn't react now, then he is an idiot.

Without looking back, Vince Mokjaji yelled at bigmom angrily: "Bigmom, let us trust you so much, you did such a thing."

Vince Mokjaj is also considered to be the famous boss in the underground world. I don’t know how many gangsters have been seen before, but this time obviously the cooperation with the bigmom pirate group was planned from the beginning. Like an idiot, he happily stepped into the trap of others.

The angry bigmom didn't have time to pay attention to Vince Mokjaj, and listened to Charlotte Perrospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, taunting: "It is because of your Vince Mok family also cooperating with our bigmom Pirates. At the beginning, we never thought about helping you rule the East China Sea. That kind of small place is not what the bigmom pirates can see. Our bigmom pirates journey is a new world. As long as you get the technology of your Vinsmoke family, Then combined with the mother's soul fruit ability, we can create a Hormiz army stronger than the White Knights."

After speaking, the proud Charlotte Perrospero couldn't help but stretch out her long tongue and licked *igmom's target but the One Piece Throne.

The eldest son Vince Mok Iji put his arms around his chest and calmly persuaded: "Father, it is useless to say anything now. Our bodies have become very dull because of sugar, and our battle uniforms are also placed outside. It must be hopeless this time, it seems that we were completely deceived."

"Even the wicked world should pay attention to benevolence and righteousness," Vince Mokjaji said unwillingly.


Suddenly, laughter full of sarcasm sounded from behind, and even the opposite Nami couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

Just listen to Charlotte Perrospero’s disdain: "Vince Mokjaj, you are also a hero, you will actually say this kind of thing, as the underground world known as the killer family, when will you Speaking of benevolence".


Hearing that, Vince Mokjaji was taken aback, and then he was as if he was discouraged, lying on a chair, still unbelievable: "Look, tell me this is not true."

At this time, the eldest daughter Vinsmoke Leijiu calmly said: "This is true, father! In fact, I knew about the Bigmom Pirates plan a long time ago."


It is said that everyone, including bigmom’s many children, was taken aback by Vinsmok Leijiu’s words. She actually knew about the bigmom family plan very early, but why didn’t she say it? If she did it, she could avoid it. With the collapse of the Smoke family, everyone couldn't help but raise questions.

As if regaining his strength, Vinsmok Gajhu stood up and shouted angrily at Vinsmok Lejiu: "Why, why don't you tell me, Lejiu, you are the eldest daughter of the Vinsmok family, my My own daughter."

"Birth daughter?" Vinsmok Lejiu repeated, and then a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face. He looked up at the father in front of him and asked: "When did you treat us as your biological children? It started when you transformed us back then. At that time, our family relationship has dissipated. My younger brothers are no longer human. The Vinsmoke family is a ruthless family, and this family shouldn’t exist anymore.”

After speaking, Vinsmok Lejiu closed his eyes, and a sad tear fell down his smooth cheeks.

After listening to the question of the eldest daughter, Vince Mok Kage suddenly recalled that year, with a muffled sound, Vince Mok Kage fell to his seat, tears from his eyes.

Vince Mok Gage, known as the hero, actually cried, "My life, everything I have is for revenge on the North Sea, but I have contributed everything to the resurrection of the Vince Mok family!!!"

"He actually cried, it was shocking"

"But today it seems that the powerful force of germa66 is going to disappear into the underground world"


Looking at this scene, many bigwigs on the side could not help whispering, unable to hide the shock in their hearts, such a powerful force was about to perish.

Suddenly, Lin Tian's figure sitting in the seat flashed. Following Lin Tian's actions, the children under the bigmom group were taken aback, and immediately got up to search for Lin Tian's trace.

In the meeting place, in fact, except for the people who were dealing with Luffy and other bigmom, the rest of bigmom's children were all focused on Lin Tian.

Everyone knows that the straw hat kid is nothing at all. The real scary thing is Lin Tian. He is the only strong man in the venue who can not fear his mother and threaten him.

Especially when seeing Lin Tian rushing towards the picture of mother Carummel, the faces of bigmom's children suddenly changed and they shouted angrily.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you going to do? If you dare to destroy the picture of Mother Carummel, our bigmom pirates will definitely go to war with your revolutionary army."

The faces of the underground world bosses watching the battle change transiently. If Lin Tian’s idea is to destroy the picture of mother Carummel, that is to say, everything that is happening now is really under Lin Tian’s leadership. Could it be that Lin Tian wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the tea party to kill bigmom?

It is a pity that the threat behind Lin Tian didn't have the slightest impression of Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian's figure quickly approached the picture of Mother Carummel.

"This must be a shocking event that shocked the entire world," World Economic News President Morgans did not conceal the tremor in his heart.

The king of loan sharks "the **** of good fortune" Lu Field's face was unspeakably solemn, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground, "the most worrying thing has happened!"

"The world is going to be swept by a storm. I seem to have seen the beginning of a new era!" someone tremblingly shouted.


With a loud shout, as one of the three stars, the Minister of Juice, Charlotte Smoky, made a shot towards Lin Tian. Her attention was concentrated on Lin Tian from the beginning. So when Lin Tian started his hand, Lotte Smoky Ji moved too, reaching for the photo on the dining table.

Therefore, at the same time, a black shadow quickly appeared in front of Charlotte Smoky, blocking Charlotte Smoky.


With a muffled sound, Charlotte Smoky was knocked into the air for a few steps, smashing the dining table behind him, and the shock wave generated by the collision swept up, rolling up layers of thick smoke.

"Who actually repelled Charlotte Smoky, one of the stars",

"Who is it?"

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Charlotte Smoky was a big pirate with a bounty of 930 million. He was repelled by someone and shocked the entire venue.

A strong wind blew out of thin air to disperse the smoke in front of him, revealing a tall figure, and suddenly an exclamation sound resounded in the venue.

"That's... Shadow First Team Captain Cod!!"

Looking at the figure in the faint smoke, many people in the venue showed even more fear.

There is an underground world boss who said in a terrified voice: "Captain Cod of the first division, the terrible pirate with a bounty of up to 1.1 billion, is a superhuman speed fruit ability. It is rumored that its development of abilities has been able to affect Time flows, facing the three emperors and two emperors, he can all retreat. He is an extremely terrifying man."

Apart from Lin Tian, ​​Cod was the only one who could repel the star Charlotte Smoky.

At the same time, Lin Tian took the picture of Mother Carummel, and within a short time, the previously chaotic venue fell into strange silence.

The eyes of hundreds of people in the venue were all focused on the photo that Lin Tian was clutching with his right hand. Everyone was so nervous that even their breathing seemed to stop.

If Lin Tian took the shot to crush the photo, bigmom would definitely fall into extreme rage, and many of bigmom's children knew one thing. If they saw the photo crushed, bigmom would become very weak. By then, Lin Tian would already Strength can easily solve bigmom.

And if bigmom dies, then the bigmom pirates group, which dominates the world like an emperor, will suffer a complete decline and even be divided by other forces.

I don’t see the White Beard Pirates of the year. Because they lost the White Beard’s awe, the entire White Beard Pirates went to the top after the war I don’t know how many forces snatched the White Beard’s site and even attacked the White Beard Sea. The thief group, at that time the white beard pirate group was in a crisis of destruction.

If it wasn't for the last dead Firefist Ace to return from **** and obtain the white beard's ability to shake fruits, then there would be no three emperors and two emperors in the new world.

But the bigmom pirate group, if it loses the existence of bigmom, it will definitely fall to the throne of the three emperors and two emperors, and the world will fall into a terrible storm.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, and the world seemed to stop turning, because Lin Tian's choice in the next second would determine the fate of everyone in the bigmom pirate group, and even the future direction of this world.

Peace or destruction, just between Lin Tian's thoughts. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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