In the venue, the air seemed to be solidifying, and everyone's eyes were on Lin Tian.

At this moment, everyone’s thoughts flashed crazily in their minds. First of all, the big bosses of the underground world, they naturally hope that Lin Tian can destroy the photos. It is best that the Revolutionary Army fights the BIgmom Pirates, regardless of the final result. However, as the underground world in control of the weapons and ammunition trading, they can all make a lot of money.

Naturally, the children of BIgmom do not want Lin Tian to destroy the photo, because a little destruction of the photo will make BIgmom weak, and the entire BIgmom Pirate Group will be destroyed in Lin Tian's hands.

As the creator of the entire assassination plan, Capone Becky naturally hopes that Lin Tian will destroy BIgmom's photos, this BIgmom will be weak, and then he will be able to kill BIgmom.

As for Lu Fei and the others, it doesn't matter, whether Lin Tian destroys the photo or not, they will act according to Lin Tian's ideas.

Waving a hand to release a large amount of sticky material, Kata Kuri grabbed Luffy in his hand and held it high above his head, then took out a spear from Hormitz, who was dead on the side, and pointed it at Luffy's head.

With Luffy as a bargaining chip, Kata Kuri threatened: "Lin Tian, ​​put down the picture of mother Karumel, if you dare to destroy the picture, I will kill the straw hat boy myself."


Upon seeing this, Nami immediately covered her mouth with her hands and exclaimed.

When Shi Ping saw this scene, his face changed instantaneously, and he wanted to rush towards Kata Kuri to save Luffy, but was stopped by the team composed of Charlotte Dafu, the third son of the Charlotte family.

The tense silence in the venue suddenly turned into a weird confrontation. Lin Tian had a photo that BIgmom desperately wanted to protect, and Kata Kuli had Luffy that Lin Tian desperately wanted to protect. The same chips.

In fact, to be honest, Kata Kuri naturally didn't want to hijack Straw Hat Boy Luffy. The background of this guy is a little terrifying, so terrible that even the BIgmom Pirates of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors can withstand it.

But now this situation has no way. If Lin Tian destroys the photo, the BIgmom Pirate Group will usher in a crisis of destruction. In that case, killing the Straw Hat Boy would be nothing.

Looking at Luffy, whose spear was pointed at his head, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and said murderously: "Kata Kuli, you should understand that I hate threats the most!"

When the words fell, Lin Tian suddenly burst into an invisible overlord look, and the momentum turned into an invisible hurricane raging in the venue, the wind roared, and countless ruins were blown from the ground.

"Overlord look domineering!" Feeling the invisible pressure from the soul, the faces of many underground world leaders changed drastically.

In the venue, the famous Homitz fell in pieces, they could not bear Lin Tian's domineering look, even some weaker underground world bosses could not bear the domineering look and pass out.

However, those who can participate in the tea party are not weak. The underground world bigwigs are naturally brave. There is also the BIgmom children. The crowd in the conference hall who fell into a coma is only a small number.

Lin Tianbawang is very domineering, but it has no effect on Kata Kuri. He slightly raised the spear in his hand, Kata Kuri's tone is slightly weaker: "Lin Tian, ​​our BIgmom Pirates do not want to complain with your revolutionary army. It’s just that the picture of mother Carummel is very important to our BIgmom Pirates, and we must not watch it be destroyed.”

This is not only the announcement of Kata Kuri alone, but the voice of the entire BIgmom Pirates. Mother can be said to be the most important thing of the BIgmom Pirates. Even the historical text is not as important as the photos.

Before Lin Tian could speak, the shocked BIgmom reacted and instantly saw Lin Tian holding up the photo, and immediately shouted angrily.

"Lin Tian, ​​you dare to hold the picture of Mother Carummel, I won't let you go!"

Watching this scene, Kata Kuli's face changed drastically, "Oops, because the wedding egg was destroyed, and Lin Tian was holding the photo, my mother was in a state of anger at this moment, and it was hard to listen to anyone's words."

Moreover, just now Kata Kuli saw the future, the furious mother fought and fought a war with Lin Tian. Although he did not see the future in the future, if Lin Tian and his mother fight, the whole cake will be destroyed.

"Wait, mom, you calm down first..."

Without even thinking about it, Kata Kuri hurriedly stood up and stood in front of BIgmom to prevent the explosion, but as it said, BIgmom couldn't hear anyone.

"Go away, Kata Kuri, although you are my son, you are not yet qualified to make irresponsible remarks about my mother."

Pushing away Kata Kuri in front of him, BIgmom opened his mouth to invite Thundercloud Zeus, one of the strongest Hormiz in his hand.

"It's really an angry and ugly old woman. Let's go to war without a word." He cursed at BIgmom in his heart, but Lin Tian didn't move slowly and threw the photo in his hand to Nami.


Seeing an object flying, Nami caught the photo naturally instinctively. When she looked at the photo in her hand, Nami was shocked and almost threw the photo out, but Lin Tian gave it to herself, Nami. Hugged tightly.

Now this photo has become a turning point to change the whole thing. Whoever gets the photo will change the whole event. So the moment Nami got the photo, everyone in the venue focused on Nami.

In the face of so many powerful gazes, Nami had no fear in her heart that it was false. At this time, Lin Tian's words came, "Nami, take the photo properly. Without me, you can never let the photo be destroyed."

"En!" Nami nodded quickly in response.

Nami is very smart, and naturally understands that in the entire venue now, the person who got the photo is the safest. There is no one in the BIgmom Pirate Group who dared to attack. As for the bosses of the underground world, they would like to stay away from this incident. , How is it possible to shoot at the photo.


In the shout, with a big hand, a light thunder and lightning appeared when the thundercloud Zeston hovering in the sky above his head, followed by the silver snake shining, and a thick thunder pillar fell from the sky on Lin Tian's head.

Facing the attack from the sky, Lin Tian did not move his feet at all, and the stout thunder and lightning struck Lin Tian's headband frontally.


Lightning and thunder, a huge explosion sounded, like a roar of thunder, the whole cake castle trembled suddenly, and then the violent impact of the explosion rushed toward the face, the dining tables were lifted off, and all the wedding venues built were destroyed by the impact. It's like a huge force hitting all over the body invisible.

Many people were immediately hit and flew, hitting the wall behind them heavily. Some people responded quickly and threw themselves on the ground to withstand the oncoming impact. As for some unlucky people, they were directly smashed into flesh by the flying dining table and other objects. .

Nami, who was close to Lin Tian, ​​was lifted into the air by air pressure at the moment the lightning fell. Amidst the cry of crying, Smoky, one of the stars, wanted to take the opportunity to take the photo from Nami, but Cod The feet kicked Smoky's head.

Facing the sound of breaking air coming from his ears, Smoky could only give up the idea of ​​retrieving the photo, and kicked it back, his feet like two high-speed cars colliding head-on.


The violent force collided, and the slightly leaked impact vented in all directions. The surrounding dining tables were all blown off by the impact, and the ground under their feet was unable to withstand the impact of the two. In a moment, dense cracks had spread visible to the naked eye.

Step on...

"It's so strong. Using height to provide explosive power several times far away, the power of the fruit is really surprising"

Reversing a few steps to stabilize her figure, Smoky was shocked, she was actually downwind just after the collision. It is important to know that she is a long-legged person, and has the advantage of a distant human being as a long-leg kick.

Cod blocked Smoky, and at the same time, Charlotte Perrospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, took the opportunity to take the opportunity and waved a chain of sugar liquid to catch Nami.

"Sugar Liquid Chain!"

The pink sugar pierced the sky and tied it straight to Nami, knowing that Nami was a Lin Tian woman. When she started, Charlotte Perrospero still kept her hand, just imprisoning instead of killing.

"Ah, help!"

Seeing the chains are coming, Nami immediately hugged the photo and shouted in horror.

A dazzling cold light flashed in everyone's eyes, and the chain of sugar liquid that broke through the air instantly broke into several pieces and fell to the ground, and the handsome figure of Diska wielding a sword emerged in front of Nami.

Charlotte Perrospero cursed: "Damn it, the Captain of the Shadow 2nd Division, Shaking Diska, almost forgot this guy."

Earlier, Cod made a shot and easily blocked one of the stars, Charlotte Smoky, which attracted everyone's attention and almost made this kind of person forget the monster Diska.

Blocking Charlotte Perrospero's attack, Diska did not continue to take action, but only rescued Nami, and then reunited with Very Equality to keep them safe.

This series of movements only lasted for a few seconds, and the falling thunder and lightning dissipated, a strong wind rose out of thin air in the creamy smoke, and Lin Tian's undamaged figure emerged.

The king of loan sharks "Fu Shen" Lu Field smoking a cigar and said, "Is BIgmom stupefied by anger? He actually used thunder and lightning to attack Lin Don’t you know that he has one of the legendary invincible fruits? The fruit of thunder?"

After speaking, Lu Field, the king of loan sharks, looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was shining with a faint thunder and lightning, and his eyes flashed with greed and envy. This is one of the strongest devil fruits in the rumors.

The capable person can fluidize the body into lightning, and ordinary physical attacks are invalid. It can release high-voltage current at will to attack, and it can teleport with lightning speed. You can also use radio waves to enhance the domineering range of seeing and hearing. After being seriously injured, the capable person can also use the ability to give a heart electric shock to himself and revive him. Thunder and lightning have energy, which can be used as power for spacecraft and robots, which is equivalent to the inexhaustible electric energy of the owner. This fruit is invincible.

It hasn't appeared for decades, and I didn't expect that when he reappeared in the world, he would actually fall into Lin Tian's hands.


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