Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1102: Swordsmanship of BIGMOM

A azure blue electric arc appeared on Lin Tian's body, thunder gleaming in the void, lightning and thunder.

The battle between Lin Tian and bigmom caused a temporary calm in the venue. Now the venue is mainly divided into these forces, the underground world group headed by the six underground world kings, they just watched the good show in peace.

In addition, Lin Tian and others led by the culprit who turned tea talks into what they are now, as well as the Vinsmoke family who has lost their freedom, and finally all the cadres of the bigmom pirate group fighting locally.

"Lin Tian, ​​you dare to instruct them to destroy the wedding cake I have been looking forward to so long, as well as to destroy the picture of mother Carummel, I can't spare you!"

In the angry shout, bigmom stretched out his hand and took off the hat he was wearing. Looking at this scene, many people around had a strange face. At this time, what was bigmom doing with his hat off.

But the next second, a shocking scene happened. Two eyes and a mouth appeared in the hat in bigmom's hand. Obviously, the hat led by bigmom was also a Homitz.

Not only that, the hat in bigmom's hand suddenly changed, and the sharp and sharp blade flew out from the top of the hat. In a blink of an eye, the hat on bigmom's forehead became a sword that was more than two meters long.

"It can be like this, is it a lie? The hat has become a sword"

"It seems that this is Napoleon in the double-horned hat, one of the strongest Hormitz under bigmom in the rumors."

"It turns out that this is the true face of Napoleon in the double-horned hat. It's really the first time I have seen you."


Seeing this scene, everyone on the side was surprised. Thundercloud Zeus, Prometheus Sun, and Napoleon in the double-horned hat. These three Hormiz are the strongest Hormiz of the Hormiz legion. This is no secret. , But Thundercloud Zeus, Sun Prometheus often appeared next to bigmom, and it was the first time that the power of Napoleon in the double-horned hat was shown.

"How is this possible, bigmom can actually use a sword!" Capone Becky couldn't believe it.

After staying under bigmom for more than a year, Capone Becky thought he had a general understanding of bigmom, but at this moment he realized an amazing mistake, that is, bigmom's strength far exceeded his expectations.

And what has shocked many underground world leaders is that bigmom would actually use swords. In other words, bigmom actually possesses powerful swordsmanship. Since the tea party, bigmom has at most demonstrated the powerful power of Thundercloud Zeus and Sun Prometheus. And the body of steel that can't even shake a cannonball.

Wielding the long sword in his hand, the furious bigmom let out an angry cry, stepped and flew out, holding the sword in both hands to kill Lin Tian.

"Take me one trick, Lin Tian!!"

"Bigmom actually knows swordsmanship, it's a lie" Lin Tian couldn't believe it, and was shocked by the scene of bigmom using swordsmanship.

Although it is not clear how bigmom swordsmanship is, and even that bigmom knows swordsmanship is only now known, but Lin Tian does not have the slightest intention of underestimating it. As the three emperors, bigmom actually uses swordsmanship, so the power can be imagined.

Without the support, Lin Tian's body suddenly flickered, and arcs with a voltage of hundreds of millions of volts emerged. At the same time, a faint white light rose from his right hand.

"Void Sword!"

When Lin Tian grasped the void, a sword hilt composed of bright white light appeared in the palm of his hand. The faint white light turned into a bright white sword along the hilt, facing the bigmom, Lin Tian did not hide the least bit of clumsy.

"Albuff's gun is prestigious!!!"

In angrily, bigmom shook his long sword and drew a semicircle around him, then slashed it suddenly.

In an instant, a spiral of white sword energy burst out from the blade, the sword energy set off gusts of wind, the sword energy tens of meters long went straight to Lin Tian, ​​and the hard candy ground where the sword energy passed was destroyed. Cracks spread one after another.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the aura of destruction brought by the sword aura, Lin Tian already had a judgment on the bigmom swordsmanship.

"It is worthy of being the three emperors and two emperors, even if it is not a special swordsman, but the slashes he slashes are still so terrible."

World Economic News President Morgans hid behind a table and said excitedly: "This must be a big news. Who would have thought that bigmom is a master of swordsmanship."

Compared with the terrible sword aura, funeral director Dragu Patel paid more attention to the names of bigmom moves, and guessed: "Albuff's gun, is there any unusual relationship between bigmom and the giants?"

"Four Million Voltley Sword Void Shattered!"

The lightning flashes on Lin Tian's body, and the high-intensity thunder and lightning stimulates the entire right arm, leaving the cells in a very active state, thereby bursting out more powerful forces.

The blade trembled slightly, and a special void wave was invisible. The peaceful void around him suddenly became distorted. A series of small black cracks appeared around the blade, and the power of the void was scattered, as if an invisible hand would give everything. Torn.

With both feet flicking towards the ground, the burst of power directly stepped out of a large pit on the ground. Lin Tian rushed out with the Space Sword in his hand and swung it out at lightning speed.

It was like two high-speed trains colliding head-on. In a moment, a dazzling light swept across the venue. Everyone felt a tingling sensation and couldn't close their eyes.


Accompanied by the dazzling light, the invisible slash rushed out of the castle instantly, and the walls that were several meters thick could hardly resist such a sharp slash.

In the next second, the loud rumbling sound was like an explosion caused by dozens of naval guns fired together, and then the shock wave quickly dissipated. The entire cake castle trembled under the collision, and cracks filled the cake. On the walls of the castle, a lot of candy-cast buildings collapsed.


Many underground world bosses who closed their eyes didn't realize what was happening. They felt that they were hit by a boulder head-on in their chests, like a tide of power gushing out, and the whole chest was about to be crushed. Blood spurted out of the body. Flying upside down, some people saved their lives, and some were directly killed by the shock wave.

Not to mention them, even the children of bigmom, who are known as monsters, could not bear the impact and were lifted out.

The cake castle was trembling, and everyone could find such a huge movement. This scene was shocked by countless residents of the cake city.

However, what happened next was that it stunned countless residents, and saw that in the shaking, the huge cake castle was divided into two, and the top part directly flew into the air.

"Hello... how is this possible?"

"The cake castle was cut into two pieces"

"I'm not dreaming, who can have such a powerful force"


Hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes were all staring to the maximum, and countless people were dumbfounded when looking at the top of the flying cake castle.

This is the cake castle, said to be a castle, but the cake castle covers an area comparable to a city, covering an area of ​​one-sixth of the entire cake island.

Although it is the top part, it has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. It is like a hill standing on a plain, but it is broken in two, and judging from the smooth cross section, it is obviously cut off by something.

Not to mention the residents outside, many underground world bosses raised their heads and saw the flying cake castle above them, and couldn't stop screaming.

The top of the huge castle, which is one hundred meters high, flew up, and the sunlight fell down the venue along the gap, like a huge shadow covering everyone.

"Guru..." Many people couldn't help swallowing hard.

But then, everyone in the venue suddenly thought of a very terrible problem. If the top of the cake castle above was smashed, the whole cake city would be crushed into ruins, and they would also be crushed into meat pie.

"What to do, if it comes down, we'll be finished"

"There is no way. In this case, even if we want to escape, it is impossible for us to escape."

"The entire third layer was cut into two by the attack of mother and Lin Tian, ​​and it is inevitable that the top of the third layer will fall down."

Looking up at the top of the third layer of the huge cake castle falling, everyone in the venue panicked, and countless raised their heads in horror at the terrible scene above their heads.

If it is allowed to fall, and eventually the entire cake castle collapses, all but a few people in their tea party will be dragged and buried.

"How did things turn out to be like this? Without assassinating the bigmom pirate group, it will be completely wiped out, and we will all be done." Jinping looked at the top of his head with a serious face.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that the battle between bigmom and Lin Tian would produce such a powerful destructive power. It deserves to be known as the world's top Pedro exclaimed.

The furious bigmom went all out without any mercy at all. In order to resist the bigmom attack, Lin Tian naturally broke out with all his strength. The two collided with all their strength, and the power to destroy the cake castle was natural.

Just when everyone in the venue thought they were going to die, two blood-stained figures rushed out of the smoke. It was Lin Tian and bigmom.

It’s just that neither of them are in very good condition, and their bodies are full of blood. Even if bigmom has a very strong body and a very strong defense force, even a rain of bullets can’t add a trace of scars to her, but she was still injured in the collision just now. Blood wounds appeared on his body.

In comparison, Lin Tian is also much better. Lin Tian's body is very resilient, and some small wounds have begun to heal or even scar.


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