Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1106: Defeat BIGMOM

Things suddenly turned around in an astonishing way. I thought that BIGMOM had won the final victory. I didn't expect BIGMOM to rush out of the smoke. It was suddenly noticed that this was not flying out by itself, but being blown out.

Like a flying cannonball, BIGMOM glided across the sky and hit the southeast corner of Cake Castle.

At this scene, everyone is still not sure that the final ending is a fool. Just as everyone thought, immediately after BIGMOM flew out, Lin Tian covered in blood came out of the smoke, unlike BIGMOM flying backwards. Although Lin Tian seems to have been severely traumatized, Lin Tian's performance is much better than BIGMOM.

call out…

The weak thundercloud Zeus flew out of the white fog, and Lin Tian did not stop it. Zeus quickly caught up with BIGMOM that fell to the ground, caught BIGMOM, and then flew into the air.

"What I said, how could Lin Tian lose to BIGMOM, he will definitely win," Nami suddenly shouted with joy, waving her hands.

A faint smile appeared on Brook's skull, "I always thought that Lin Tian would win the final victory, but he is a man who wants to stand on top of the world, how could he lose here."

If Brooke's unconditional trust in Luffy comes from Brooke's worship and surrender to Lin Tian, ​​especially after the incident in Huangquan Township, he has seen Brook in another world, and Brooke's worship of Lin Tian has reached the extreme.

"That's great, Master Lin Tian!" Garrott clapped his palms, shouting with a lovely face.

Compared with the excitement on Nami's side, the children of BIGMOM are the same as their dead parents. It seems that BIGMOM is their mother.

Charlotte Moscato, the sixteenth son of Ice Cream Minister, couldn't believe it and said: "How could this happen? The mother of the emperor among the pirates actually lost to Lin Tian."

"This kind of thing will happen..."

"Mom actually lost... how could it be possible?"


For a moment they were still excited about BIGMOM's victory in the battle, but in a blink of an eye, BIGMOM was defeated and fell directly from heaven to hell. Many children are still a little unacceptable.

At this time, as the eldest son, Charlotte Perrospero had to stand up and shouted: "Shut up, why are you talking about this? Rather than yelling here, it is better to think about how to get from Lin Tian next. Save mom, if mom loses, our BIGMOM pirates will be destroyed."

Hearing this, the children of BIGMOM suddenly closed their mouths, their faces were gloomy, and they obviously understood that the BIGMOM Pirate Group was facing a life and death crisis at this moment.

After thinking about it, Charlotte Taifook, the third son of the Charlotte family, waved his weapon and said eagerly: "Naturally, I will save my mother, and protect her no matter what the price is."

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Kata Kuri suddenly reached out to stop everyone's movements.

The eldest son Charlotte Perrospero turned his head to Kata Kuri and asked: "What's wrong, Kata Kuri, what do you see in the future".

Kata Kuri replied with a strange look: "I saw my mother talking to Lin Tian, ​​and it seemed that an agreement was reached in the end."

"What?!" Everyone around was surprised and suspicious.

High in the sky!

Looking at the BIGMOM on Zeus, Lin Tian, ​​who was covered in blood, panted and said, "BIGMOM, don't lie down. Although the blow just now can seriously hurt you, it won't make you faint."

As he said, Lin Tian gritted his teeth and forcibly endured the pain, clenching his left arm and twisting towards the inside of his chest, only hearing a muffled sound, Lin Tian let out a painful roar.

Although the dislocated left arm is restored to its original position, the broken bones in the left arm are not so easy to recover, and a specialized doctor must perform surgical fixation.

A few seconds after Lin Tian's voice fell, BIGMOM stood up from Zeus with the restored black sword in his hands, and looked up at Lin Tian.

BIGMOM's anger disappeared completely, and he was very puzzled: "If it wasn't for your last blow to keep your hand, I can't stand up at all now, why are you doing this, Lin Tian? You are not going to destroy mother Carummel. Do you destroy our BIGMOM pirate group?"

Wiping off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Lin Tian smiled bitterly, and said in a bad tone: "Bigmom, don't you think about it? If I really want to destroy your BIGMOM pirate group, I will let the straw hat boy be the main attacker this time, and only bring After the Shadow Cod and Disca, at least the entire Shadow appeared on the scene and directly killed all of you in the BIGMOM Pirate Group. BIGMOM, you should understand that I am not a person who will leave me with trouble."

BIGMOM did not make any comments, but asked again: "If it weren't for you, how would you explain why the straw hat kid attacked the tea party?"

Obviously BIGMOM didn’t believe Lin Tian’s explanation. BIGMOM didn’t believe it. Just relying on him, a newcomer with a bounty of 500 million, he dared to destroy the tea party when all BIGMOM’s main players were gathered, unless he was an idiot. Luffy is indeed an idiot captain.

Waved his hand, Lin Tian said innocently: "This really has nothing to do with me. After all, I am just a deputy captain and can't control our captain's actions, and my arrival is five days earlier than our captain."

"Furthermore, the reason why our captain came back here is nothing more than the alliance between your BIGMOM Pirates and the Vinsmok family. In fact, you invited me to come over before this is only the matter, BIGMOM, although I am very clear about this. In the era of hegemony, your BIGMOM Pirates want to swallow the technology of the Vinsmok family, but don't count our revolutionary army into it."

In the end, Lin Tian did not conceal the warning in his tone, but BIGMOM's face changed slightly, but he did not conceal anything.

He unceremoniously counterattacked: "Lin Tian, ​​let alone those useless words, this tea party will surely spread throughout the world tomorrow. I didn’t expect that the BIGMOM Pirates hadn’t started the fight for hegemony, so I lost at the starting line. step",

"But I don't care about those, I can also pay you back for the life of the straw hat boy, including the destruction of the tea party this time, I can also not pursue all of it, but I only have one condition and that is that the picture of mother Carummel must be returned to me." .

From these words, it can be seen how important the picture of mother Carummel in BIGMOM's heart is. Luffy’s destruction of the tea party and the final battle caused the cake castle to be almost destroyed, and the entire cake island fell into a panic. Together, these things can be said to be Life and death feud, and the brutal BIGMOM was able to give up all this for mothe Carrumel's photos.

At this moment, even if Lin Tian was shocked, the picture in BIGMOM's mind exceeded Lin Tian's estimation.

"Why, don't you agree?" Seeing Lin Tian did not reply, BIGMOM thought that Lin Tian was unwilling, and raised the giant sword in his hand angrily.

The shout of BIGMOM awakened Lin Tian. Looking at the black tip of his sword, Lin Tian waved his hand quickly and said, " kind of Carrummel photos are of no use to me. Holding that photo just want to see how far the most important thing in BIGMOM's mind is? The actual situation is far beyond my expectations."

Hearing this, BIGMOM secretly gave a sigh of relief. Lin Tian's sentence is enough. BIGMOM will not destroy mother Karumel's photos at any price. It is not only the memories and obsessions in the heart, but also BIGMOM. The dream of this life.

For example, in this piece of waters called IWC, BIGMOM is keen to collect all kinds of strange creatures to live in IWC, creating a country where countless creatures are equal, and everything is to create a country that makes Sister Carummel happy.

Suddenly Lin Tian turned to BIGMOM and discussed with BIGMOM: "BIGMOM, it’s okay to ask me to give you the picture of Carrummel, but I have something here that will surely impress you. interest."

When Lin Tian said to give the photo to himself, BIGMOM suddenly smiled, but when he heard the following words, BIGMOM's face changed slightly, and he asked vigilantly: "What interests me? What is it?"

BIGMOM’s inquiry was in the arms of the forest world. Under BIGMOM’s suspicious gaze, Lin Tian said a few words indifferently, "Mother Mother... Sheep House... Winter Festival..."

When the first word was uttered, BIGMOM's face changed drastically. As Lin Tian finished speaking the three words, BIGMOM's expression disappeared, but only panic, fear, and disbelief was replaced.

Staring at Lin Tian, ​​BIGMOM trembled and asked: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you talking about? How do you know these things, tell me!"

As the words fell, the excited BIGMOM suddenly burst into a powerful and domineering, and the domineering whirled up white winds around BIGMOM.

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