Lin Tian's words are like an invisible hand that uncovers BIGMOM's dusty heart, and everything that will never be forgotten back then floods into BIGMOM's mind.

"Lin Tian, ​​tell me, what do you know and how do you know", BIGMOM let out a huge roar echoing in the sky.

Kata Kuri raised his head and said solemnly, "What happened? Why is mother so excited?"

Suddenly, seeing and hearing color is driven by domineering, revealing red ray eyes to see the future, but the future Kata Kuri sees is only conversation, and there is no sign of fighting, but what is going on in this scene now.

Feeling the hurricane on the face and the deafening shouts coming from his ears, Lin Tian didn't say much. Knowing the past, he had earlier expected that if he told BIGMOM the secret, BIGMOM's current performance is the most basic , If you tell the next thing, BIGMOM will definitely run away.

More than ten seconds later, the excited BIGMOM finally calmed down. Before Lin Tian could speak, BIGMOM took the lead and said: "Lin Tian, ​​if you can tell me what happened back then, I can leave it alone for anything that happened today. , And even form an offensive and defensive alliance with your revolutionary army."

Hearing what BIGMOM said, Lin Tian was shocked. He couldn't believe that BIGMOM had put forward such conditions. It's fine to leave things alone today. Although the tea party was destroyed, it was just some building damage. The personnel under BIGMOM suffered very little loss.

But in the end, the offensive and defensive alliance is shocking. The so-called offensive and defensive alliance means that both sides must resist together regardless of the life and death crisis in front of them. That is to say, BIGMOM tied the entire BIGMOM pirate group to the chariot of the revolutionary army. The BIGMOM pirate group is What kind of power, one of the top five pirate groups in the world, rules dozens of islands, with countless powerful men and elite soldiers.

And BIGMOM actually dared to tie the entire pirate group to a revolutionary army chariot, either BIGMOM was crazy, or Lin Tian was crazy.

After calming down, Lin Tian, ​​who was not convinced, asked: "BIGMOM, are you serious?"

Nodded. Faced with this question about the future of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, BIGMOM is also very serious, affirming: "Naturally, the relationship between our BIGMOM Pirate Group and your revolutionary army is an alliance, at the same level, not Subordinate relationship".

"Of course, I still understand what the alliance means," Lin Tian waved his hand.

Although the revolutionary army is powerful, surpassing the BIGMOM Pirate Group, it is not yet qualified to make the Bigmom Pirate Group of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors a subordinate. Lin Tian still knows this.

Suddenly, BIGMOM turned around and warned Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​but my ugly words are ahead. If you can’t explain to me, or if you find you cheating on me, our BIGMOM Pirates is not an alliance. It is war against your revolutionary army".

For Lin Tian's cunning, BIGMOM suffered a lot, so BIGMOM was more careful about this kind of thing.

Waved his hand, Lin Tian said with a face: "Don't worry, BIGMOM, I will not use this kind of thing to deceive you."

"What the **** is that **** Lin Tian doing? This is the best chance to solve BIGMOM. Why doesn't he do it?" Seeing that Lin Tian who had the upper hand suddenly stopped, Capone Becky's anger naturally did not need to be said.

Turning his gaze, Capone Becky looked at Nami who was holding the photo tightly, asking for help instead of asking herself, thinking about how to destroy the photo from Nami’s hands, but Cod and Disca’s attitude towards Capone Becky They are two insurmountable mountains. If he really makes any weird move, it will surely attract Cod and Disca's thunderous attacks.

In the venue, everyone looked up at Lin Tian and BIGMOM who hadn’t been fighting for a long time. Then, something more shocking happened. Lin Tian and BIGMOM stopped and landed from Tianer to the side of the team. .

"Mom, you are not injured..."

"You are fine, mom..."

As soon as BIGMOM landed, the surrounding children swarmed over. Seeing that BIGMOM was injured a lot but not very serious, many children were relieved.

On the other side, Nami hugged the photo and rushed to Lin Tian's chest. She cursed worriedly: "You bastard, I thought you had an accident."

After stroking Nami's hair, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Who am I, how could I lose to BIGMOM".

"Lin Tian, ​​you are amazing, Karuchiu!"

The excited Gallot yelled, and flew on Lin Tian, ​​with a lovely face holding Lin Tian's ear and gently biting.

At the same time, BIGMOM pushed away the many daughters in front of him, looked at Kata Kuri and said: "Kata Kuri, let go of the straw hat boy."


Suddenly, the exclamation sounded in the film, not only Kata Kuri himself looked at BIGMOM with a strange look, but even the many children who had injured him, including the bigwigs of the underground world, looked strange.

It can be said that the straw hat boy is the only bargaining chip in the hands of the BIGMOM Pirates, and it is also a guarantee to exchange photos from Lin Tian and others.

Kata Kuli asked puzzledly: "Mom, why do you want to do this, the straw hat boy is our biggest...".

Unexpectedly, before Kata Kuri finished speaking, BIGMOM directly interrupted, and angrily said: "Kata Kuri, although you are my son, but my mother is still not your son's turn to talk about things."

Seeing that Kata Kuri, who was most trusted by his mother, was scolded, the many BIGMOM children who had wanted to ask questions quickly closed their mouths.

Seeing that his mother had decided, Kata Kuli had no choice but to put down the sharp spear in his hand and reached out to grab Luffy.

Suddenly, Lin Tianchao Nami said: "Nami, give me the photo."

Lin Tian understands that BIGMOM's move to let go of Luffy is actually showing his sincerity to Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time it is also a warning. I already have so much. If the last thing does not want you to say, then we will definitely welcome our BIGMOM Pirates. Anger.

After receiving the photo handed over from Nami, Lin Tian glanced at the old woman in the photo, and then said nothing. In the shock and disbelief of Nami and others, he threw the photo at BIGMOM, which is also Lin Tianchao BIGMOM. Express your sincerity.

At the same time, Kata Kuri also threw Luffy into the air, which was imprisoned by the sticky substance, Jinpingfei caught Luffy with one leap and returned to the team.

BIGMOM took the photo and saw that the photo was unscathed, and a happy smile appeared on his face. Is there anything happier than this that the photo has not been destroyed?

"What's going on? The development of things has changed drastically." The king of loan shark "Fu Shen" Lu Field stopped smoking cigars in his mouth, and the development of things exceeded his expectations.

Funeral director Dragu Patt slightly frowned and guessed: "Could it be that Lin Tian and BIGMOM just made a deal?"

It’s not that everyone’s reaction is not fast enough, but the development of things is too unexpected. Before Lin Tian and BIGMOM were in a life and death battle, in a blink of an eye, the two sides exchanged chips decisively. Without hesitation, many people stretched out their hands and rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren’t. After reading it wrong, I can believe that I saw this scene before me.

With the help of Brooke, the sticky substance on Luffy's body was quickly cleaned up, and Luffy, who was regaining freedom, made a fist and rushed for a duel with BIGMOM.

"Damn it, BIGMOM I won't lose to you, I must beat you up!"

Reaching out his hand to stop Luffy, Lin Tian said: "Wait, Luffy, you are not an opponent of BIGMOM, please give me peace first."

Jinping also came from behind and hugged Lu Fei to persuade him: "Lin Tian is right, brother Luffy, and the battle has stopped."

As Jinping said, although it is not clear why BIGMOM will take the initiative to let go of Brother Luffy, the exchange of photos with Brother Luffy proves that their confrontation with the BIGMOM Pirate Group has ended.

At this time, after giving the photo to his most trusted son, Kata Kuri, BIGMOM walked out and said, "Lin Tian, ​​what are you going to do next?"

"Block the entire venue and don't let anyone leave," Lin Tian replied solemnly.

The voice fell. Under BIGMOM's order, many of BIGMOM's children, including the White Knights Homitz, blocked the entire venue group and achieved five steps to one person.

Seeing this scene, many underground world leaders who participated in the tea party suddenly panicked. These things were obviously aimed at them.

Looking at the murderous Homitz and the ministers of BIGMOM, the big brothers immediately had a bad feeling in their hearts, and they couldn't help but guess; "Is BIGMOM ready to join forces with Lin Tian to annihilate them all here" .

World Economic News President Morgans stepped up and asked: "Lin Tian, ​​BIGMOM, please give us an explanation, why we are surrounded and not let us leave."

After all, they are the kings of the underground world. When they gather so many underground world leaders, they will not be weaker than the BIGMOM Pirates, so Morgans is also very emboldened.

Stepping out, standing in front of many underground world bosses, Lin Tian smiled and replied: "Don't worry, everyone, we don't have the idea of ​​catching you all at once. The reason why no one is allowed to leave is just because I am with BIGMOM. A deal has been concluded, and to complete this transaction requires one of you.”

Hearing this the crowd began to whisper, everyone looked puzzled, glanced around and looked at each other.

"Deal? What deal?"

"I don't know... but it must be a transaction that shocked the world..."

"The most important thing is what does this have to do with us, and who is involved in it?"


He pressed his hands and signaled the many underground worlds to shut up. Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, Lin Tian walked to the Queen of Happy Street, Stutsi.

At the beautiful woman in front of me, who was full of mature temptation in every move, smiled and said: "Is the rate of intelligence personnel belonging to the world government spy agency cp0, does Queen Stutsi want me to invite you out?"

"What! Cp0!!!"

There was a deafening exclamation in the field, and everyone's shocked eyes focused on Stushi. The five underground world kings standing beside Stushi quickly withdrew a few steps back, watching Stushi vigilantly.

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