The strong wind roared, and the angry BIGMOM didn't conceal that strong domineering at all. She could not tolerate anyone slandering mother Karumel, she was the Virgin in BIGMOM's heart.

Just like building a nation where any race can live together, in order to create a country that makes nuns happy, BIGMOM formed the Pirate Group and established a nation where any race can survive.

"Lin Tian! Don't try to discredit Carummel in front of me, you cunning liar."


The furious BIGMOM slammed a punch, the armed color domineering wrapped around the fist, the fist trembled in the void, and the air was torn apart.

The strong wind blew his face, Lin Tian did not expect that BIGMOM would actually make a move without saying a word. He squeezed a fist with his right hand, and the powerful armed color covered his fist. The lightning flashed on his body, and the lightning flashed thunderin. Lin Tian raised his black iron fist and punched. Blasted out.


With a loud noise like the bombardment of a ship, the sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions, like a tide of power gushing out of the arms, violent and heavy collisions.

Suddenly, the shock wave visible to the naked eye broke through the venue like a dozen hurricanes. For a while, the tables, chairs, and various exquisite desserts were all lifted into the air by the hurricane, flying out of the venue, and falling out of the cake castle.


The astonishing sound of thundering ring sounded without warning, and he saw a series of black lightning flashing out of the void, and a more violent impact was rushing toward his face. This is a domineering confrontation of the overlord.

As the world's top powerhouses BIGMOM and Lin Tian, ​​the two domineering powers needless to say, such a domineering collision is much stronger than Lu Fei and Ming Ge.

Even the ground couldn't withstand the impact of domineering collisions, cracks spread under the feet of Lin Tian and BIGMOM, and the dense cracks spread out like spider webs.

Thump... thump...

A big boss of the underground world fell. As the boss of the underground world, they needless to say, but they are far behind Lin Tian and BIGMOM.

Black thunder and lightning spread in the void, and the hurricane of wild hunting intensified. Everyone can only resist the domineering impact by reaching out to block them. Only a few strong people like Cod and disco can stay still.

The collision lasted for dozens of seconds before it fell. The entire venue was in chaos. Various furnishings were piled up in the corner. The exquisite wedding scene collapsed, and the center of the venue had become an empty space with nothing.

Withdrawing and exiting, Lin Tian just stabilized his footsteps, BIGMOM was about to rush forward, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, BIGMOM, if you don't believe it, you ask your daughter Charlotte Brin to use his power to see Si Tutsi's memory will not be known".

"As a member of the cp0 intelligence center, Stutsy must know about this kind of acquisition of qualified orphans by human traffickers. Moreover, the rescue of the giant by nun Carummel was also related to the cp0 bureau, just for the trafficker. Infiltrate the giants and let the giants serve the world government. The first giant naval soldier of the Navy, John, was completed with the help of Carrummel."

"Karummel is also the only human trafficker who has gained the trust of the giants. Stutsi has definitely heard of Carrummel's identity."

Now that there are so many giant soldiers serving in the navy, it’s entirely due to the trafficker Karumel. If it weren’t for her method to deceive the giants’ trust, there would be no giant soldier in the navy headquarters. There are stories about Karumel. Everyone knows cp0 more or less.

Hearing that, BIGMOM's steps stopped. Lin Tian was right. Just let Brin look at Stutsi's memory to determine whether all this is exactly what Lin Tian said.

But BIGMOM hesitated, no! It should be said that she was afraid. She was afraid that what Lin Tian said was true. Then how should she face it? The Virgin Carummel, who has been regarded as the closest relatives in her heart for decades, is actually a human trafficker. This must be accepted by BIGMOM.

Suddenly, Stucci red lips proclaimed in person: "Yes, Carummel was indeed a human trafficker 63 years ago, and she has cooperated with cp0 for 50 years. It can be said that no one of cp0's human traffickers can exceed She, she helped the world government pry away the giants."

Lin Tian was slightly surprised by Stushy's active confession, and he thought to himself, what was this woman's idea, and suddenly admitted that this matter should not be good for her.


Although it had been prepared for a long time, BIGMOM still had difficulty accepting that Carummel, who had been missing for decades, was only a human trafficker. BIGMOM clutched his head and roared.

At this moment, BIGMOM was at a loss. If Carrummel was just a human trafficker, then over the years she created the Pirate Group, and why did she build the nations?

Lin Tian is not too surprised by the performance of BIGMOM. If he were BIGMOM, I am afraid it would be the same. For decades, the family members who insisted on keeping them in the deepest heart, in fact, just want to sell money by themselves, whoever faces such things It will be unacceptable.

"Mom!" Kata Kuri shouted worriedly.

Many children are full of worries when they see BIGMOM's appearance, but BIGMOM's mental confusion causes its power to lose control, and its powerful domineering is like an invisible wall blocking BIGMOM.

Looking away from BIGMOM, Stushi looked at Lin Tian with watery eyes, and his whole body exuded a different kind of mature charm, which was the beauty of a young woman.

The voice said with temptation: "Lin Tian, ​​how do you know about Karumel, and it is also related to cp0".

If it's a pervert like Sanji, I'm afraid I've been fascinated by the beauty of Stushi, and my ancestors have said it for eight lifetimes.

But Lin Tian can also be regarded as coming from the beauties. Every day I see no one like Nami, Hancock, and Robin, so I don't need to mention the resistance.

Lightly raised Stutsi's beautiful cheeks, and smiled evilly: "If you want to use beauty to inquire about something from me, don't waste it, but I can help you understand your doubts."

"More than ten days ago, your cp0 team and the guards secretly set us together in Dresrosa. It was also bad luck for you to run into the violent temper of Shi Zhihao. A few days ago he caught two cp0s and gave them to In our revolutionary army, it happened that some of our revolutionary army had the ability to see through the soul and obtained a lot of information. I didn't expect it to be used at this tea party."

After listening to it, the smile on Stucci’s face collapsed. As the strongest espionage agency cp0, each of them controlled a large number of world governments and the secrets of the Dragon people, including various confidential events.

Now these secrets are known by the revolutionary army, enough to have an immeasurable impact on the world government, we must find a way to pass on what happened today, but when one adds Star Smoky and Lin Tian, ​​she can't do any small actions.

Suddenly BIGMOM stopped screaming, clenched his fists, and said murderously: "The running dog of the world government, I just want to know one thing, did you kill Carrummel or disappeared".

Stucci replied: "We are also very surprised about Carummel. Everyone in the house of sheep, including Carummel, is dead, except you are still alive."

Karumel can provide some giant soldiers to the world government every two years. How can cp0 kill Karumel? Wouldn't it break the way for giant soldiers? Although Tianlong people are rubbish, they are not idiots.

The human trafficker Karumel disappeared very strangely. Even their cp0 didn’t know if she was dead or alive. However, Karumel has never appeared in the world for decades. The children in the entire Sheep’s Family are only BIGMOM. People are alive.

Hearing Stucci's answer, BIGMOM immediately asked Lin Tian: "Whether Carummel is alive or dead? You said that you have to answer my doubts in order to reach a deal between us."

Facing BIGMOM's question, Lin Tian didn't answer immediately, instead he thought about it. Although he knew the last thing, Lin Tian wondered whether he should say it. If he did, what would happen to BIGMOM.

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Tian finally raised his head and said: "BIGMOM, in the Elbaff Winter Festival event that year, Karumel turned sunlight and flames into life. You never thought that she and your soul fruit are very much ?"

Hearing this, Stushi's face changed drastically, and he suddenly understood something. He looked at BIGMOM with deep fear in his eyes.

Without seeing Stucci's expression, BIGMOM frowned and said, "What are you trying to say? Lin Tian."

"Hey..." He sighed helplessly. It seemed that the euphemism couldn't work, so he had to call him by name: "Karumeer is already the children of the Sheep House, but you actually ate them!!!"

When the voice fell, everyone in the venue was stunned, and they immediately reacted with shrill exclaims, looking at BIGMOM with fear in their eyes.


Everyone could hardly believe what they heard just now, and Carummel, who had been puzzled by BIGMOM, was actually stuttered by BIGMOM himself.

The quick-reacting person immediately understood what Lin Tian said why BIGMOM has the same ability as Karumel to anthropomorphize creatures, BIGMOM swallowed Karumel, which just happened to explain why. .

The children in BIGMOM quickly wake up from shock. They have seen a scene where mothers can kill even their own sons in an anorexic state. Killing Carummel is quite normal compared to killing Karumel.

Looking at BIGMOM, Lin Tian thought the sober BIGMOM would go into madness, who knew BIGMOM angrily shouted: "Good death, the stinky woman who cheated on me, Carummel, will make her cheaper, if she still I will definitely make her alive than dead."

Seeing BIGMOM's performance, Lin Tian was immediately confused. It was completely the opposite of what he had expected. But then Lin Tian realized that BIGMOM is no longer just what it was when he was five years old. In this ocean for decades, BIGMOM I have experienced too much and become ruthless and cruel.

Just from treating his own biological daughter with no mercy, including any thing that will not live without BIGMOM, it is enough to see that BIGMOM is a born devil.

"And you cp0, the lackeys of the world government..."

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