Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1110: Signpost text in hand

The next day after the tea party!

This tea party that attracted the attention of all over the world has come to an end with a very bad ending. The broken cake castle and the broken cake island of the BIGMOM pirate group headquarters. It can be said that this tea party is simply for everyone in the BIGMOM pirate group. shame.

However, the transaction between BIGMOM and Lin Tian has been confirmed, and BIGMOM will cancel everything that happened today, and they have united with the BIGMOM Pirates into an offensive and defensive alliance.

Compared with the upset of the members of the BIGMOM Pirates, many of the big guys who participated in the tea party were very fortunate. They were originally forced to participate in the tea party. They did not expect to be involved in the battle between Lin Tian and the BIGMOM Pirates. Unexpectedly, I heard the secret of BIGMOM's identity and the secrets of cp0.

I thought that they might be killed by the BIGMOM Pirates, but I didn't expect BIGMOM to let them go, making many underground worlds feel very lucky to have their lives back.

You must know that even if BIGMOM kills them all on Cake Island, no one will avenge them. People are already dead. Who will come to the BIGMOM Pirate Group for revenge for these dead people.

The underground world is a world of only interests and transactions. As far as there is no emotion, they believe in the strong food of the weak. Back then, they also counted friends and bosses one by one, but now they are in this position. They are not like pirates who value companionship.

Of course, there were dozens of big guys when they came, and they were less than one-third when they left. Some were unlucky and died under the impact of the battle. They fell from the 100-meter-high cake castle. It must be a meatloaf. The children of BIGMOM were killed.

For example, Stushi, the Queen of Happy Street, the most special cp0 espionage agency, was left by BIGMOM on the spot. Although it is not clear what BIGMOM has become, everyone can probably guess that death is a luxury, I am afraid it is to survive. Can't die.

I can’t help feeling that Stussi’s bad luck has happened for more than sixty years and was still being pulled out. At that time, Stussi was not born, but now it is unfortunately involved. After listening to Lin Tian’s words at the meeting, everyone Can feel the anger and killing intent of BIGMOM.

At the same time, many underground world leaders have made a decision in their minds. After returning, they must thoroughly investigate how many world government spy personnel are in their hands, even among the prestigious underground world kings. One person is a world government official, and there are definitely world government intelligence personnel under them.

How could anyone be allowed to sleep beside the couch, and there were still ambitious Tianlong people running dogs. If those people were not eliminated, they might be killed in their sleep that day.

What will happen in the tea talk will surely spread to the whole world through the mouths of big bosses, and the world that has not yet reacted to the Dres Rosa incident will usher in another storm.

At the same time, the destruction of Cake Island and Cake Castle is entering the stage of restoration, especially the third layer of Cake Castle, which was destroyed overnight, was repaired, thanks to the ability of the eldest son Charlotte Perrospero.

Superman "licks the fruit", under the condition of the drawings, creates a large number of candies and manipulates them into the appearance in the drawings. Steel components can be incorporated into the candies to make them difficult to melt. Complex buildings can be easily reproduced.

Otherwise, if you want to repair the huge cake island, you don't know how much human and material resources will be consumed, and there is still a lot of time.

After the tea party, Lin Tian and his party were ‘checked out’ of the cake castle by BIGMOM. On the way, all the BIGMOM members had their faces black and almost wrote the word angry on their faces.

The whole tea talk will be ruined once, the destruction of Cake Castle, the destruction of many buildings on Cake Island, and the massive damage to personnel, everything has never been so humiliating since the establishment of the BIGMOM Pirate Group.

Had it not been for the transaction with Lin Tian, ​​BIGMOM would not be so reluctant and let Lin Tian and others leave.

Sunlight shines through the windows into the messy room. On the white bed, Nami's beautiful body is half exposed from the bedding. The white skin like mutton when exposed to the sun seems to reflect dim light.

The concave and convex body clearly showed Nami's rare beautiful figure. Leaning against Lin Tian's hands, Nami murmured her small mouth, with a faint smile on her face, not knowing what she was dreaming.

The sun shone on Lin Tian's eyes, and the sleeping Lin Tian quickly woke up. He glanced at the scorching sun rising from the sea outside the window. Lin Tian moved her body down, and glanced at Nami like a sleeping beauty. She has no peerless face The slightest modification was a masterpiece that God could hardly have, and she kissed Nami's smooth forehead gently.

Then slowly and gently withdrew her arm from Nami's majestic twin peaks, Lin Tian then walked towards the bathroom, but she didn't know that when Lin Tian entered the bathroom, Nami gently opened her eyes.

As early as when Lin Tian kissed Nami's forehead, Nami woke up, but Nami didn't say anything. Looking at Lin Tian's back, Nami enjoyed the feeling very much, and a smile from her heart appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"This kind of life is great," Nami said with emotion with her eyes closed.

In my mind, it would be great if we had such a peaceful and beautiful life every day, without thinking about the fights between the pirates, the navy, the world government, and the revolutionary army.

With her soft white duvet in her arms, Nami lay on the bed for a few minutes, then got up and stretched her waist, her strong twin peaks, a full-bodied belly, and her blood-white skin, so beautiful No one can appreciate it.

The good time in the morning, as the sun rises and passes quickly, like a white horse passing a gap, it is time for breakfast.

The dinner table is as lively and chaotic as ever, even if there are half of the people, but there is a guy like Luffy, don't think of being quiet when eating.

Holding two pieces of barbecue in his hands, Da Lufei bit the cake in his mouth and said, "Why didn't I see Sanji for dinner? Where did he go?"

Hearing that, Chopper, who was immersed in the chocolate, looked up and said, "Sanji didn't come back last night. I heard that he was going to deal with the Vinsmoke family thoroughly this time."

Listening, Luffy suddenly worried: "Will Sanji still marry that **** daughter of BIGMOM".

Speaking of Breen, Nami immediately said angrily: "When I talk about that woman, I am very angry, pretending to be kind and cute. In fact, I don’t know how dark in my heart, but we still believed in her so much at first, but we were all caught by her. Acting tricked."

Nami, known as the Little Thief Cat, has been the only one who has deceived others since her debut. How could she have been tricked like this? It is really a shame.

Brooke, who was drinking coffee quietly, also spoke: "No matter how you say it, Mr. Sanji should solve the whole thing this time. After all, at the tea party yesterday, Mr. Sanji not only helped the Vinsmoke family and the others. , Should make Sanji's father and the others have different opinions."

Yesterday was considered to be lucky for the Vinsmok family. With Lin Tian’s cooperation, the Vinsmok family paid a certain technological price and was not destroyed by BIGMOM. At that time, BIGMOM, who learned the truth about Carrummel, did not have the energy to pay attention to the trivial text. The Smoke family.

As he said, Brook laughed and said: "In general, our infiltration into the world to bring back to Sanji is nothing short of surprises and a complete success. Not only did we bring back Sanji, but also got three pieces of historical text. There is also a historical article on road signs."

"Yes, cheers!" Garrott immediately shouted excitedly, holding a large glass of juice.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly said: "The historical text of the road sign, what historical text is that?"

So far, Lin Tian has collected the historical texts of intelligence, including the historical texts of ancient weapons in the rumors, and some historical texts telling major events, as well as the historical texts of the apology on the fisherman island. I have never heard of the historical text of any road signs. .

Nami explained with a smile: "That's it, Lin Tian, ​​this time on Zhuowu Island, we saw a red road sign in the historical text, and each red stone recorded a location. When you know these locations, you can When the four points were connected, the last island "Lafdro" appeared in the center.

"The One Piece King Gelu D. Roger was able to reach the last island, Love Drew, and become the One Piece because he obtained the historical text of the road sign!!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian was slightly startled, and suddenly realized that the ultimate island where the 7 roads converge on the great route, Lin Tian has naturally been to, but that strange sea area, the pointer in the sea area has completely lost its effect, except for One Piece Roger entered that sea area and came back alive. For hundreds of years now, no one has been able to come out of that sea area alive.

At that time, Lin Tian guessed that certain things were necessary to enter that sea area. He didn't expect it to be the historical text, and the final road was recorded on it.

Nami continued: "Now one piece of the Aka Stone is in the control of the Guangyue clan in the country of Zuoyuwa, one piece is unknown, and the remaining two pieces are controlled by the four emperors Charlotte Lingling and the four emperors Kaido." .

"That is to say, we now have two pieces of the historical text of the road signs, the Guangyue clan plus Charlotte Lingling, and the next step is to seize the historical text of the road signs in Kaido's hand," Lin Tian thought.

So four historical icons get two, if they win Kaido's hands, they will have three icons, as long as they find the last one, they can go to Rafdelu, the 100-year secret will Expand all.

Nami nodded and said, "Now we know the whereabouts of the third piece of road sign history, but we don't have the slightest clue on the fourth piece."

"But I have!"

Lin Tian secretly said in his heart, but did not speak out in front of everyone. Lin Tian finally understood the red stones that he saw in Roland Snard Island that day. It turned out to be the historical text of the road signs.

At this moment, Lin Tian also understood why the five old men did not hesitate to attack the Moonlight Clan. It turned out that they knew that the historical text of the road sign was in the hands of the Moonlight Clan, so in order to keep the secret, the five old men would do everything possible to get it.

As long as they control a piece of historical text, no one in the world can reach Lavdrew, and the secrets there will never reveal the world.

Just because the fourth piece of icon history text is in the hands of Wu Lao Xing, Lin Tian didn't say it, because even telling them is of little use, Mary Gioia is not a cake island, and Wu Lao Xing is not a BIGMOM.

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