Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1111: Nami's new weapon

In the restaurant, at Lin Tian's order, Brook took out the engraved copy of the historical text of the road sign from his abdominal cavity.

Seeing Brooke's actions, everyone was shocked. No one thought Brooke would hide things in this place. It was really different.

He stretched out his hand to spread the text of the history of the road signs on the already emptied table. Except for Luffy, a foodie, even Garrott could not help but gather around to watch the text of the history of the road signs.

However, for them, the various patterns on the paper are simply the rumors of the heavenly book, and everyone's eyes are blackened and they can't understand anything.

Seeing Lin Tian looked so carefully, he couldn't help but ask: "Lin Tian, ​​can you also understand the text on the historical text".

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes gathered on Lin Tian. Everyone was very surprised. When Lin Tian could understand the text of history, could it be that he had learned from Robin in the past two years.

Shaking his head, Lin Tian replied with a straight face: "How is it possible, even O'Hara scholars have studied such profound words for years to understand it, how can I understand it?"


Suddenly, a disdainful voice sounded, everyone invariably raised their **** toward Lin Tian and despised it. Since they don't understand, why are you looking so carefully, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian quickly raised his head and retorted: "Wait, guys, who said I can’t read the text on the history text, so I can’t understand the history text. I can use the power of listening to understand what the text expresses. meaning".


Very equal people instinctively called, and immediately looked at Lin Tian with a look of disbelief, thinking that Lin Tian was cheating them, seeing and hearing the domineering and hearing the future is considered a miracle, and he can understand the meaning of words, which is better than seeing The future is terrible.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Lin Tian was about to explain, Nami suddenly thought of something and exclaimed excitedly: "Lin Tian, ​​you are talking about the sound of everything that Uncle Leili told us."

"Pluto Silbaz Raleigh!!"

Everyone exclaimed, this name is unknown to everyone. After Roger's death, the only man who knew the true situation of ONEPIECE.

"Master Leili!"

Hearing Raleigh, even Luffy, who was eating too much, could not help but stop, and shouted happily, holding the straw hat on his head.

After Nami reminded him, Brooke quickly reacted and said, "I remember. At that time, Uncle Raleigh said that they used the special ability to hear the sound of everything to understand the text of history."

"What kind of power does the Voice of All Things have?" Jinping asked very curiously.

Nami took the conversation and replied: "According to Uncle Leily's words, the one piece king Gelu D. Roger was able to understand the text of history because he could hear the voices of all things. If Lin Tian also had it, he could indeed Understand the historical text".

Everyone was shocked. It was actually the power that Pirate King Roger possessed in the rumors. Hearing the sound of everything felt more terrifying than Kata Kuri predicting the future.

Lin Tian said: "I don't know if Roger and the others are born or trained in the sound of all things, but I have seen and heard the color domineering with the thundering ability, and I can only hear the sound of all things after I have cultivated to an extremely strong point."

While speaking, Lin Tian stretched out his hand and smoothed the paper on the desktop, gently sliding his fingers across each line of the pattern, and the incomprehensible patterns and words, as if they were alive, told Lin Tian what he meant. .

As words poured into his ears, the historical text on the paper was presented in front of Lin Tian. While feeling the words on the paper, Lin Tianbian said, “It’s true. According to the content recorded here, this is a picture. A quarter of the road map, except that it does not record any secrets about Lavdru. It seems that all four maps must be found to reveal the last Lavdru."

The fingers slid past the position of the last pattern, and all the content appeared in Lin Tian's mind.

After eating the last piece of barbecue, Luffy jumped onto the table, squatted in front of the history book, and exclaimed excitedly: "Sanji has already brought it back. In that case, we will go to Wano Country to meet and take the last piece of history. Text it".


In the repaired cake castle, Lin Tian will not forget about the alliance treaty with BIGMOM. As the emperor of the sea, BIGMOM still has this credit. After briefly discussing a few covenants, Lin Tian signed each on the oath. name.

As for Sanji, the affair between the Vinsmok family was perfectly resolved. From now on, he has nothing to do with the Vinsmok family.

The Vinsmoke family's kindness of nurturing Sanji for many years, as well as the love of father and son, all disappeared completely at the tea party.

From today, Vinsmok Sanji no longer exists, and there is only one pirate named Sanji in the world.

As for the fiancée Charlotte Brin of Sanji, although the tea party marriage was only a conspiracy, I have to admit one thing, that is, the steps of Charlotte Brin and Sanji’s wedding have reached the last step. The two have now It is a nominal couple.

Originally, according to the BIGMOM Pirates plan, Charlotte Brin would marry Sanji, but as long as Sanji died, there was nothing to say about the marriage, which was equivalent to non-existent.

But now Sanji is still alive and the marriage has completed the whole process, even if the two of them don't want to admit the marriage, they are already formal couples.

Moreover, staying on Cake Island these few days, there seems to be something wrong between Sanji and Brin. When they heard Nami talk about this, Lin Tian was shocked. The two were still enemies of life and death a few days ago, and they turned into love in an instant. Deep lover.

No matter what happened in the end, the cake island matter was basically resolved, and the next journey to Wano Country was put first.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Chopper was excited and ran past in his new clothes. Lin Tian quickly reached out and grabbed Chopper and asked, "Chopper, what is so happy about?"

Seeing Qiaoba waving his hands, excitedly shouted: "Nami is going to take me to the sky to play!"

"Heaven?" Lin Tian frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "What the **** is going on?"

Chopper turned around and explained: "In the past two days, Nami used the thundercloud bubbles she created to lure the big Hormiz thundercloud Zeus under BIGMOM, and now she is flying everyone."

After that, Chopper seemed to be afraid that he would not be able to sit on it, so he freed Lin Tian's hand and ran to the door.

After listening to Chopper's explanation, Lin Tian gave a wry smile, thought about it, and quickly followed up to see what was going on.

It is necessary to know that Thundercloud Zeus is the strongest Hormitz under BIGMOM. If Nami kidnapped Thundercloud Zeus, I am afraid that BIGMOM will be offended. This is a very troublesome thing.

The residence where Lin Tian and others live is close to the Wonderful Forest. There is a huge lawn in front of the door, and now many people gather on the lawn.

As Chopper said, Nami really tempted Thundercloud Zeus. Over the lawn, Nami was sitting on Thundercloud Zeus. Chopper and Garrot were also sitting on Thundercloud. Meizheng waved the weather stick in her hand to continuously create black thunderclouds.

Opened his mouth and swallowed a group of black thunderclouds into the mouth, Zeus's face was filled with a very happy smile, this kind of thundercloud was more delicious than Lintian's thundercloud.

"Hey, Lin Tian!"

Looking at Lin Tian in the distance, Nami quickly waved and shouted happily.

The figure flashed, Lin Tian appeared beside Nami and asked: "How did you think of using this method to abduct this Thundercloud Zeus?"

She got up and hugged Lin Tian, ​​and Nami smiled triumphantly: "I saw Thundercloud Zeus devour your thunder and lightning that day, and I had an idea. When I practiced using the weather stick for these two days, this Thundercloud Zeus was attracted to him for some reason , And then I keep it in this way."

Although I felt that Nami was very smart, Lin Tian had a headache thinking about the troubles after the abduction of Thunder Cloud Zeus.

But seeing that Nami loves Thundercloud Zeus so much, Lin Tian couldn't bear to say these words, and Nami's weather science combined with Thundercloud Zeus can exert super power.

If you want to get Thunder Cloud Zeus, and you have to get BIGMOM to agree, it seems that you are going to cut the meat this time.

In the afternoon, Lin Tian entered the cake castle. When he came out at night, Lin Tian's face was painful. Although the price was high, his goal was achieved.

At night, the bright moon is in the sky, and the bright sky is filled with stars, like a beautiful galaxy.

When everyone was asleep, Lin Tian came outside the house with a puzzled look of Nami, let Lin Tian hold her hands, Nami looked puzzled: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you taking me out to see so late?"

"Let me do a dumb riddle, you close your eyes first", holding Nami's hands, Lin Tian smiled.

Although she was curious about what Lin Tian wanted to show herself, Nami still obeyed Lin Tian and closed her eyes obediently.

A happy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. No matter what gifts Lin Tian prepares for herself next, Nami will be very happy, because gifts are not the most important thing, what is important is the heart.

Nami closed her eyes and asked, "What the **** have you prepared for me, I have to wait till night to see".

He didn't make Namiduo wait. After only more than ten seconds, Lin Tian asked him to open his eyes, "Okay, the gift is here, now open my eyes and take a look."

Hearing the words, Nami opened her eyes lightly. At first, a faint bright white light appeared in Nami's eyes, and then a white cloud completely appeared in Nami's eyes. The blue cloud glowing with white light gently Suspended in front of Nami.

Upon seeing this, Nami couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands and exclaiming. She had guessed what gift Lin Tian would prepare for herself, but Nami did not expect it to be this, a Leiyun Homitz, different from Zeus's Lei Yun Ho Mitz.

"This...", looking up at Lin Tian, ​​Nami was already speechless with excitement.

Seeing Nami so happy, Lin Tian also showed a happy smile on his face. The price was not in vain, and said: "Knowing that you want a Thundercloud Homitz, but Thundercloud Zeus is BIGMOM after all, so I found this afternoon~www. my thundering ability and BIGMOM's soul fruit ability to create a stronger thundercloud homitz..."

As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, Nami couldn't restrain the emotion in her heart, she threw herself into Lin Tian's arms, her arms tightly around Lin Tian's neck.

Nami naturally likes Thunder Cloud Zeus very much, not only can she enhance her strength, but she can also fly. But she also understood that Thundercloud Zeus was one of BIGMOM's strongest Hormitz. If she abducted Thundercloud Zeus, BIGMOM would be very angry, and the battle that finally ended would be set off again.

But Nami didn't expect that Lin Tian would actually see all this in her eyes, and even asked BIGMOM to create a Homitz again behind her back.

"Ouch..." Lin Tian, ​​who was unprepared, was almost knocked to the ground by Nami.

Holding Lin Tian tightly, leaning on her generous shoulders, Nami choked and said, "Thank you, Lin Tian, ​​thank you, this is the best gift I have ever received!"

Although Lin Tian said it very lightly, Nami could understand that if BIGMOM made a Thundercloud Homitz that was stronger than Zeus, Lin Tian would definitely pay a high price.

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