Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1112: Go to Wano Country

On the calm sea, after leaving the country where BIGMOM is located, everyone rode the Sonny towards the location of Wano Country.

"What? What is going on, why the bounty of this Chlorella head is as high as 400 million Baileys, and mine is only 177 million Baileys."

Holding up the bounty list for himself and Sauron, Sanji was almost "very unconvinced" engraved on my face. How could Sanji, who never thought he was worse than Sauron, endure such a huge difference in bounty? .

It doesn't matter if your green algae head is higher than mine. How can it be so much higher? This is not a simple one or two billion Baileys. Even if you multiply your bounty by two, there is a difference of 66 million Baileys from Sauron.

Sanji seemed to have seen it, and when he met Wano-kuni, the green algae head held the bounty and mocked himself more or less wantonly, so the whole life would be meaningless.

Patting his mouth, Qiaoba slapped Hache with a dull face and said: "What's the matter? In the battle of Dresrosa, Sauron defended against Doflamingo and helped Luffy fight for ten minutes. , It’s not a weak wind, and even a single sword smashed a hundred-meter-high stone giant, but you were easily injured by Doflamingo..."

After speaking, the cute Chopper suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said. Doesn't that say that Sanji is not comparable to Sauron? Suddenly, a murderous aura came from behind without warning, and Chopper straightened his head and looked back mechanically.

I saw Sanji standing behind Chopper with a devilish smile, as if to say, how should we deal with the reindeer in front of me? Braised or grilled...

In fact, at this moment, Sanji did have the idea of ​​killing Chopper directly.

"Ah!" Chopper screamed and hurried to the bow of the ship, and explained in a flustered mouth: "Sanji, I didn't say anything, you didn't hear anything."

At this time, Captain Idiot Lu Fei walked over, as if he didn't see Sanji's anger in his heart. He walked over and patted Sanji on the shoulder. He laughed loudly and said, "Haha...Sanji, you have to work hard. The reward is only so small, even Usopp has 300 million Baileys!"


Luffy's words were a godsend. Sanji only felt a sharp blade inserted deep into his heart, and even his breathing seemed to stop.

With a plop, Sanji half-kneeled on the deck, hammering Sauron's reward list with both fists, making a muffled sound, as if the reward list in front of him was Sauron in front of him.

"It's shameful, it's really shameful that even Usopp surpassed me. How could this happen? I knew I should stay in Dresrosa." Sanji regretted shouting while holding his reward list with both hands. .

Seeing Sanji's unlovable appearance, Luffy felt very funny and laughed at the edge.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Brook couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered to Luffy from the side: "Um, Luffy, let's leave Sanji alone, let's go fishing."

"Fishing! Good!"

Without a word, Luffy rushed into the storage room and took out two fishing rods. One was thrown to Brook, and the other ran to the ship’s side. In Luffy’s view, it’s not like watching Sanji live here. But love, why not go fishing.

On the upper deck of the Sonny, Garlott, Lin Tian, ​​and Nami were studying the thundercloud in front of them.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so amazing, you actually got a white thundercloud back", Garlott clasped his hands and exclaimed.

After that, Gallotte snorted and jumped into the white thundercloud, lying in the comfortable thundercloud. Gallotte gave out a happy smile. Psychologically speaking, he has been living in Zhuowu Congbuy who has been in contact with Gallo from outside. Especially, the behavior is the same as a teenager.

Reaching out to touch the thundercloud, Nami said: "It is much more obedient by Zeus of BIGMOM."

With a faint smile, Lin Tian introduced behind him: "Different from Zeus, it was created by BIGMOM for decades. After so many years of living together, Zeus has feelings with BIGMOM, but it is different. Although he was created by BIGMOM, he has only seen it together. On the BIGMOM side, you are the one who gets along with it the most, and it will naturally not resist you."

"When you get along for a long time and accumulate deep feelings, it will be not only your relatives, but also the strongest spear and shield in your hand."

Zeus has been with BIGMOM for decades. If Nami abducts Zeus, although Zeus will become a weapon in Nami’s hand, it is equivalent to bringing an explosive barrel with him at any time. Since he is going to give Nami a thundercloud homi As a weapon, Lin Tian would naturally not let Nami carry an explosive barrel with him. It would be better to let BIGMOM make a stronger Thundercloud Homitz.

With the cooperation of Nami Weather and Leiyun, Leiyun can perform far beyond the power of BIGMOM in the hands of Nami.

Touching the thundercloud in front of her, Nami thought that she hadn't named it yet, "Lin Tian, ​​what kind of name do you think we should give it."

After pondering for a few seconds, Nami thought of a very good name, "How about we call him Thor?"

Shrugged, Lin Tian didn't care about Nami's name, and said, "It's your partner, you can choose the name, but Thor is a good name."

"Okay, just this name," Nami confirmed: "From today, you will be called Thor."

With a name, Lei Yun jumped with joy and said happily: "Yeah, I have a name, my name is Thor."

Leiyun jumped happily, but Garrott, who was enjoying the comfort of Leiyun, was directly jumped up by Thor, and fell to the ground with a bang, and the **** buttocks came into intimate contact with the deck.

"Ah, it hurts..."

Reaching out and stroking the painful little butt, the severe pain made Garlott cry. Looking at this scene, Lin Tian and Nami laughed at the same time.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Tianchao Nami reminded: "Nami, Thor is different from Zeus. Because of my thunder-sounding ability, Thor's thunder falling at will can reach 100 million volts. That is to say, you should pay a little attention when performing attacks. Distance, don’t get hurt by mistake.”

It's a pity that Namizhi heard the previous sentence, but didn't hear it at all. She hugged Leiyun Tor and shouted with excitement: "The voltage of 100 million volts is too strong. Now I can finally escape from the weakest. The trio is called".

At least 100 million volts of lightning strikes. Coupled with the weather studies that have been studied hard two years ago, and the weather bar that has been remodeled, Nami is confident to cooperate with Thor to make her lightning attacks sharply increased.

With that, Nami got up and put it on Thor, and shouted at Garlott: "Come on, Garlott, let's go for a ride together."

Hearing this, Garrott, who was still in pain before, was overjoyed and quickly leaped to Thor. Under Nami's order, Thor carried Nami and Garrott to the sky quickly, and the whole sky echoed pleasantly. Nice laugh.

Looking up and seeing this scene, Luffy immediately raised his fishing rod and shouted angrily: "Nami, you come down, come down, I have to sit up too, **** Nami".

It's a pity that even if Luffy yelled loudly, he couldn't reach the ears of Nami who were hundreds of meters deep in the sky. Even if it was delivered, Nami wouldn't know how to manage money. Maybe she would fly down and give Luffy a fat beating. It.

call out…

In the sound of breaking through the air, Lin Tian flew up to the top of the main mast and asked standing Pedro: "How long will we have to reach the country of Japan?"

Looking back from the distant sea, Pedro calmly replied: "Now we have left the world for three days, and it will take seven days to reach the country of Wano".

Leaning against the mast, facing the refreshing sea breeze, Lin Tian folded his arms and said, "Pedro, I remember you, the former captain of the Knox Pirates, who offered a reward of 382 million Baileys, five years ago. He is a little famous pirate in the New World, my memory should be When Lin Tian suddenly mentioned his identity as a pirate, Pedro was taken aback, and then faintly replied: "Ah, Back then I just wanted to be an adventurer, but I didn't expect to be a pirate, and I was almost killed by your lieutenant general Xinhuannahan.

Lin Tian's eyes revealed contemplation, and he suddenly asked, "Why do you follow Luffy to the place where BIGMOM is located? It stands to reason that the nations should be considered your painful place."

"Because the Straw Hat Pirates is our benefactor of Zhuowu, I am here to repay my gratitude", without thinking, Pedro calmly replied: "There is another point that I want to get the historical text of the road signs, and I am sorry five years ago" .

"Remember what you said!"

With a squeak, Pedro could feel Lin Tian go straight down after speaking, and he was relieved immediately before realizing that his back was drenched with sweat at some point.

In just a few words of conversation, Pedro felt an invisible pressure, especially the last question, which made Pedro nervous.

Although it is not clear whether his answer dispelled Lin Tian's doubts, at least Lin Tian has already admitted that he exists on the ship.

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