Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1113: Mary Joa's attack

The fourth day after leaving IWC, that is, the fourth day Shiping arrived on the Sonny, although he had been prepared, the ship was always pleasantly surprised.

For example, the loud noise and screams that come every night, everyone can see Luffy stealing food in the kitchen was caught by a mouse, so everyone who woke up ushered in the fourth meal of the day, which is supper .

So that we only eat three meals a day, and have to change the way of eating four meals a day, or even five meals a day. There is no way that Luffy is so good at eating.

Fortunately, Jinping got on the ship after the construction of the Sonny was completed. Otherwise, Jinping would appreciate what it means to be hungry for two days on a three-day voyage.

Naturally, there are also Captain Idiot’s daily routines that are staged on the deck during the day. From the shock of getting on the boat to the helpless shaking of his head behind him, to the calmness of everything he sees, he ignores him and stays with him for four days. I have adapted to the amusing daily routine on this ship.

Sanji dangled his cigarette and shook his head helplessly: "There is no way, it seems we need a supper tonight."

Speaking of Sanji, strolling to the side of the huge refrigerator, took out the frozen ingredients, and began to show off in the kitchen.


Garrott waved his arms and exclaimed excitedly, Sanji's food is so delicious, and Garrott has never eaten such delicious food. He hopes to eat Sanji food anytime.

The beautiful white moonlight outside fell on the surface of the sea, and the undulating waves were sparkling, as if they were wearing a white coat.

Along the sea, hundreds of meters high cliffs rushed straight into the Lantern Festival. The calm waters began to be choppy, and waves as high as tens of meters hit the cliffs and knocked down countless rubble.

The crimson ridges spread in rows like the backs of giants. The red earth continent, the largest land in the world, is also a huge land that divides the world into two. The crimson soil covers the entire continent.

The circular intersection of the red earth continent and the cross of the great route, so there are two intersections, the first intersection is the upside-down mountain, and the second intersection is the sacred place Maria.

Upside Down Mountain is the starting point of the great route. All pirates from all over the world must pass the Upside Down Mountain to enter the great route, which is also called the starting point of dreams.

But today we are not talking about the upside-down mountain, but the holy place Mariejoa. Since the establishment of the world government 800 years ago, 19 kings brought their relatives into Mariejoa. For 800 years, this place has been the center of the world. World power center, every command here will change the world.

Mary Gioia is known as a holy land, and it does live up to this title. There are tall buildings of various styles. Because of the deepest part of the red earth continent, the entire city is mostly covered by white clouds, just like the residence of the gods in the sky.

There are countless buildings in Mary Gioia. Every building is built by the most famous architect in the world. More than 50% of the buildings have a history of thousands of years.

You can see priceless jewels, gold and silver everywhere, and even some houses are covered with shiny gems on the entire wall. Gold is everywhere. In any trash can in Mariagioa, you may find it out. One hundred thousand Bailey items.

There are luxury goods that can only be used by the major royal families in the outside world. There are all over the streets here. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a city built on gold.

But to outsiders, Mary Joa is more terrifying than hell. In general, Mary Joa has three kinds of people.

The first is the Draco people, who are also the masters of this city. They are the royal clans of the 18 countries still living in Mariejoa, as well as the rumored guardians.

The second is the world government personnel. This part is relatively large and occupies the majority. For example, elite guards from the three services, personnel from the world government, personnel from the world government spy agency, including the headquarters of the three services...

In the end, it is also the cheapest in this city, not even a piece of grass on the roadside as the slaves of countless races from all over the world.

In this city, I don't know how many slaves died at the hands of the Tianlong people at all times, nor how many slaves were brought to this city by the navy and spies.

Although it is called the Holy Land, it hides the most disgusting darkness in the world, but the irony is that it is indeed the headquarters of the justice army.

The Marigioa Government Agency District, the navy, the strongest institution of the world government, although its headquarters is in the New World, still has a large office area.

What happened in BIGMOM has spread to the world through the mouths of many underground world bosses, and the world government naturally got the news.

Therefore, Wu Lao Xing immediately summoned Sakarski, who was the Marshal of the Navy, to Marijoa for a discussion. It is no wonder Wu Lao Xing was so eager.

What happened in the tea talk was beyond their expectation. Not to mention that Lin Tian and the BIGMOM Pirates were peacefully getting along, but after the news that the Queen of Happy Street was a cp0 intelligence officer, all the forces in the underground world ceased war, and they all joined together by appointment. One thing, to clear the world government spy personnel around him, no one wants to hide a poisonous snake all the time.

In the past few days, Wu Lao Xing has been able to receive a large number of lost documents every day. It can be said that the underground world intelligence network is basically a waste after such a process.

Compared to the loss of a Happy Street Queen in a mere trivial area, it’s just a trivial matter. Moreover, the identity of BIGMOM and the role played by the world government in the incident 63 years ago have been exposed and passed on to the Giant Nation. I heard that some elders in the Giant Nation are going to summon giant warriors. Form an army for revenge.

Things evolved at this time, the five old stars had to find Sakaski. The five old stars knew very well that the spy agency of the world government, whether it is cp0 or something else, is just a few mice hiding in the stinking ditch. .

At this time, the navy can solve the problem. The navy is the strongest army under the government of the world. Fortunately, the cooperation with the Blackbeard Pirates has caused heavy damage to the revolutionary army a few days ago, otherwise the five old stars will have more headaches.

In the middle of the night, Sakarski was still sitting in the Marshal's office working with the documents in front of him. What happened on Cake Island was also deeply affected by the Navy.

For example, according to the documents Sakaski now receives, in the past four days, more than one-third of the giant navy soldiers in the navy headquarters have rebelled against the navy, and even the backbone of the navy headquarters, the navy has lost two.

To be honest, after reading the report in the file, Sarkarski was even more shameless to those mouse-like spy agents. Every time he made some shit, he asked the Navy to wipe his butt.

Frowning his brows, Sakarski can now clearly understand how difficult it is for the Warring States to sit in the seat of the admiral.

咚... 咚...

There was a knock on the door, and Sakarski's expression quickly returned to his usual seriousness. He couldn't let his men see his fatigue.

"Come in!"

When the door opened, the door was pushed open, and Lieutenant General Crane, wearing a navy cloak, walked into the office.

Seeing the crane coming in, Sakaski quickly closed the documents in his hand and asked: "Cruise staff, how has the matter about the riots of the giant soldiers of the navy headquarters been handled?"

Pulling off the chair in front of Sakaski's desk and sitting down, Lieutenant General Crane was slightly tired. After all, she was already in her seventies and she was not as strong as a young man.

He whispered: "The matter is almost handled. The naval riots have been suppressed. Except for some giant soldiers who have left the navy, the rest are waiting for the world government to explain to them. How is your side?"

He took out the red document that he had already put on hand and handed it to He. This was Wu Lao Xing's way of calming down the preparations for this matter.

After receiving the document, He quickly flipped through his face, with a touch of shock on his calm face. He raised his head and looked at Sarkarski. He couldn't believe it, "When will the five old stars compromise? I didn't expect them to take out this. A way to come".

It is written in this document that the world government will punish all personnel involved in the incident. Although 63 years have passed since the incident, most of the people involved are no longer there.

But the last thing is the point. The world government is willing to provide a large number of important resources to the giant country. It apologizes for that matter. The world government senior will actually compromise with the country. This is the first time that the crane has seen it.


With a cold snort, the red dog said with disdain: "That's because the five old guys can't help it. This time, the Giant Nation has gathered an army of thousands of people. You must know that the giant warriors form an army, which can resist a million elite army. If it weren't for me Send the Green Bull to lead a fleet of twenty warships. I am afraid that the Giant Nation has already sent troops."

"Before, in order to solve the revolutionary army, the world government coalition forces have suffered a lot. How can it be launched a war with the giant country at this time. After all, the giant country is the strongest country in the world, and the revolutionary army is still hidden in the dark. These things are still seen by the old men. Clear".

Closing the documents, Heda breathed a sigh of relief and said: "No matter what, with this document, this giant incident should be over."


The red dog nodded, knowing that the navy is in a mess these days because of the giant navy strike.

Boom... boom...

Without warning, the deafening explosion suddenly remembered that the Akagi and Tsuru who were talking were taken aback, and then they looked at each other with an incredible expression on their faces.

Without saying a word, Aka dog quickly got up and walked to the window, opened the curtains and took a look. Through the glass, he could clearly see the fire in the distance, the smoke rising, the lights in the city, and the sleeping people were all awakened.

Crane walked to the window and couldn't believe it and said to himself: "How could it be possible that the Holy Land Mary Gioia was attacked."

At this moment Akadog's face is extremely ugly, his brows are raised high, and the skyrocketing flames all indicate that this place, which symbolizes the power center of the world government, has been attacked.

Although the world government was invaded more than 20 years ago, Tiger only took the opportunity to make a little chaos and rescued a small number of slaves.

But this time was different. Although he was not on the scene, the explosions that continued to be heard were anything other than invasion.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and a panicked navy ran in, panting and saying: "No, Marshal Sakaski, someone attacked the Draco residential area, killing several Dracos, and the residential area was in chaos. The guards are now at war with the invaders."

Without thinking about it, Akinu lifted the navy cloak behind him, walked out the door, and gave an order at the same time: "Order now all Rear Admiral level generals to form a team, and I will take down the invader under the leadership of me."

Even the guards failed to win the intruder, which is enough to show that the intruder is powerful, and it is useless to bring the admiral below the major general to go.

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