Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1114: Resurrection, weird!

In the dark night, the Holy Land Mary Gioia, which had not been attacked for hundreds of years, was blazed into the sky. The fire spread throughout the residential area of ​​the Dragon people, and high buildings worth more than the equivalent amount of gold were destroyed in the explosion.

The flames of war were not only in the Tianlongren residential area, but under the siege of dozens of guards, a black figure shrouded in a black robe kept retreating.

At this time, a team of eleven elite admirals, led by the admiral of the navy red dog Sakaski, three lieutenants, and seven rear admirals, quickly rushed to the battlefield.

"Sword Shadow!"

Three purple sword shadows pierced the sky, like three dazzling lights, a distance of tens of meters, the sword shadow quickly hit the body of the black robe, like a tidal wave of terrible power erupting.


A large mouth of blood spurted from the black robe figure's mouth, and the bright red blood was like a blooming snowflake. The black robe figure slammed to the ground with a muffled sound, and the huge impact directly smashed a tall building to pieces.


Suddenly, several guards seized the opportunity to rush into the smoke, trying to seize the opportunity to capture the injured figure in black robe, but in the next second, the guards who rushed in flew upside down, turning into several headless corpses. ground.

Seeing the death of their companions, the rest of the guards who were about to rush into the smoke suddenly stopped. The few people who had just entered were about the same strength as theirs. If they rushed in like this, they might end up like these people.

Suddenly, the earth was trembling, and huge cracks appeared on the flat street, as if an invisible force was pulling the earth.

In the next second, under countless shocking gazes, two huge black palms reaching several tens of meters rose from the ground. The giant palms whizzed towards the dense fog, and the strong wind was blowing. Before the giant palms approached, the smoke was all blown away. The man in the black robe who showed his chest was squatting on the bottom of the pit, panting.

Wearing a yellow shirt and a silver armor on his right shoulder, the wooden messenger with onion hair leaped up to the high building.

As soon as the hands of the messenger were scattered, the two giant black hands immediately stopped, and the messenger shouted: "Although I don't know who you are, you are proud enough to stop our three messengers from attacking until now."


The black-robed figure spit, made a hoarse voice, and said with disdain: "What do you do with so much nonsense, don't you just want that thing? It's a pity that it is in a place that only I know, you never want to get it."

Hearing that, the native messenger was furious and wanted to kill this guy, but thought that the thing could not help but stop.

At this time, the blood-covered golden messenger flew from a distance and said: "Don't give this guy time to recover. He can't take that thing away. It must be hidden somewhere in the Holy Land Mariagioa. Without this guy, give us time to find it."

In the battle just now, the golden messenger was the first to spot the black-robed figure, and was also the first to fight, but the golden messenger was not a black-robed figure opponent at all, but was seriously injured.

Nodded, with these words, the messenger of the earth did not hesitate, closed his big hands, and the two black giant palms that stayed whizzed towards the black robe figure.

The severely injured black-robed man could not escape at all, rumbling... in the deafening explosion, countless smoke and dust were swept by the flying shock wave, and the streets and countless houses were destroyed. I don't know how many slaves were involved in the battle and died tragically.

"Finally dead!"

Looking at the giant black palms in front of him, the earth envoy was panting heavily. This black-robed figure was so powerful that he was surprised that he could still hold on to this point in the face of the three envoys. But how strong is it? The three of them attacked, who in the world can resist, I am afraid they are the legends of the last era.

The golden messenger reminded: "Don't take it lightly. This guy's recovery is very abnormal. When I was fighting with him earlier, I almost cut his arm in two, but he quickly healed again."

After speaking, the golden messenger was still uneasy. Without a second word, the figure flashed over the black giant palm, with a lot of purple light on his body, illuminating the entire area.

A purple beam of light soared into the sky, and the beam of light surging inexplicably like a tide, quickly turned into a tens of meters long purple giant sword hanging high above the head.

The giant sword exudes an astonishing power, shakes gently, and sets off sharp winds, and the void is distorted and exudes destruction-like power.

"The Great Sword of Destruction!"

During the shout, the golden messenger's palm pressed down, and the suspended giant sword immediately trembled, exuding a sharp destructive sword wind. Buildings were destroyed where the sword wind passed, the earth trembled, and cracks spread far away. As if to destroy this sky, how terrible this is.

The purple giant sword of light and shadow descended from the sky, like the wrath of God, before the sword's edge arrived, the sharp sword wind cut off the black giant by one third.

Finally, the lightsaber and the black stone palm came into close contact. In an instant, a dazzling light spread out in all directions, the light flashed, and the entire holy place of Mary Gioia was immediately illuminated. The light rose quickly, disappeared quickly, and the light flashed. Flash past and disappear into the sky.

Boom... bang... bang...

A loud and earth-shattering noise was accompanied by continuous explosions, and the whole holy place, Mariagioa, was trembling.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye spreads in all directions along the ground. The shock wave raises thick smoke. Where the shock wave passes, houses arrive, the ground shatters, and the giant trees hugged by several people are uprooted. What a shocking destructive power.

Densely crowded figures on the street rushed to the ground, resisting the strong wind coming from the mat, screams and fear were endless.

Looking up far away, the red dog could clearly see a mushroom cloud of smoke slowly rising, and the constant shaking lasted for dozens of seconds before it stopped.

"Even the tactic of destroying the giant sword is used, what are these guards doing?" Anyone can hear the big upset in the red dog's tone.

But I can't blame the red dog, who kindly brought a team of elite navies to catch the invaders, but they didn't expect them to be stopped by the water messenger in front of them before they reached the battlefield.

The good name says that they don't need the help of their navy headquarters, saying that they can solve everything. In fact, the red dog understands that these guys must have some secrets that they don't want to reveal, so they don't want the navy to intervene.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the previously prosperous street had long since disappeared, but it was replaced by a black deep pit with a diameter of several tens of meters, and a lot of thick fog remained at the bottom of the pit.

Looking at this scene, the golden messenger smiled triumphantly: "Now it depends on whether you die or not."

After speaking, the golden messenger made a quick move, and a sword shadow flew out, appeared in the golden messenger's palm, and slowly fell to the bottom of the pit.

The thick smoke blocked the sight, and the golden messenger waved out a sword wind, and the explosion of sword gas blew the surrounding smoke away.

At this moment, a figure rushed in front of the golden messenger. It was the black-robed figure that the golden messenger thought was mortal. Without hesitation, the instinct developed in battle was stabbed by the golden messenger with a sword, trying to force the black-robed figure back. .

The golden messenger was not an idiot, the black robe figure was covered in blood, and his left arm was broken. Although he did not die under his own attack, he was not far from death. At this time, fighting the black robe was completely unnecessary.

Who knows that the black robe figure has no intention of avoiding it. He hits the sword shadow directly with his chest, puffing... his chest is deeply pierced by the sharp blade without any barriers, and the friction between the blade and flesh and blood is like that cloth strip The voice of Jian Ying passed through the chest of the black robe man.


A drop of blood ran down the sharp sword shadow, but the golden messenger did not laugh with joy. His wide-open eyes looked down at his chest, and he couldn't believe the scene before him.

His heart was actually taken out of his chest by the man in black robes, and his thumping heart appeared in the eyes of the golden messenger, and his head was raised blankly. The golden messenger's eyes seemed to be asking why he did this.

In the next second, as his heart was crushed by the black-robed man, the golden messenger died with unwillingness and remorse. Why did he come down and determine the final situation of this lunatic.


The scene turned around. On the Sunny, the dining table was full of leftovers. Luffy touched his round belly and enjoyed it. In Luffy's eyes, a good life is to eat delicious food every day.

"So full!" After eating so many things, Garlott's stomach became round, and his mouth was very cute.

Bolu Bolu...

The phone worm in the restaurant suddenly rang, and everyone was taken aback, not sure what was going on, they were all here, who would call.

"Phone worm, who is calling this?"

"It's so late, who will it be?"

As everyone looked at them in doubt, Lin Tian, ​​who was close to the phone bug, answered the phone bug and asked, "Hey, who is it?"

"Lin Tian, ​​is it me?"

A familiar voice came, making Lin Tian stunned, and then he was surprised: "Sabo, why did you call here all of a sudden?"


Luffy was taken aback, and he called out excitedly when he reacted. He quickly ran over the dining table towards the phone bug. He wanted to grab the phone bug but was caught by Lin Tian. At this time, Sabo called, there must be something important. occur.

I heard Sabo anxiously said: "Lin Tian, ​​just now our staff in the Holy Land Mariagioa sent out a very amazing piece of information. They saw the original Qiwuhai Moonlight Avenger Moonlight Oka in the Holy Land Mariagioa!!!"

"What?" Lin Tian couldn't help exclaiming upon hearing this.

Seeing Lin Tian's face changed so the expressions of everyone at the table changed slightly, and they thought to themselves what could make Lin Tian like this.

Lin Tian immediately didn't believe it and said: "How is it possible, absolutely impossible, that guy was clearly killed by me, and there is only half of his body left, how could he be alive, absolutely impossible".

"Lin Tian, ​​I didn't believe it at first, but it was the truth." To be honest, Sabo would not believe it if it weren't for the intelligence personnel to pass the photo.

After being shocked, Lin Tian who calmed down understood that Sabo would not use this kind of thing to deceive himself, which meant that Oka was really alive.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tiandao: "I understand. Next, I will personally visit the Holy Land Mary Gioia!"

Sabo’s voice came from the microphone, “No! It’s not to go to Mariejoa, but to Landes Island. Oka fled there under the hunt. You must come as soon as possible, because according to the information from the intelligence personnel, this time Even the five old stars have shot."

The five old stars, the top controllers of the world government, have great power. No one knows why they can control the entire world government, and no one knows how powerful they are.

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