Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1115: Dragon Knight Team!

Landes Island!

A famous island in the first half of the New World is not famous because the island is a prosperous country like Dres Rosa, nor is it because of the well-known resources on the island, or what history it is Ground.

All because there is a Neptune nest around Randers Island, which is already centered on Randers Island. The surrounding sea area for dozens of kilometers is a Neptune site. From time to time, one or two huge Neptune species can be seen rushing out of the sea.

Therefore, whether it is for the pirates or the fleet of the New World, Landes Island is a forbidden place, and the ships that enter it have never survived, but today is different.

At six o'clock in the morning, the sky lit up slightly, and the dark curtain of the sky seemed to be torn apart by a pair of invisible hands. The sea was calm, and a faint dusty mist rose, only the sound of faint ocean waves rushing.

In the sound of the rushing water, a fleet of twenty warships was breaking through the waves, heading towards Landes Island through the dust and fog.

The twenty battleships are all three-mast, one-hundred-gun battleships, and these battleships are not naval flags, but the cross flag of the world government.

In other words, these ships belong to the warships under the rule of the world government. After all, they are the pro-sons of the world government. These warships are better than the general naval warships in terms of specifications, and use the best wood and the most advanced shipbuilding technology.

At this moment, the fleet of twenty huge warships has sailed through this sea area called forbidden area extremely fast, and the sky is shining bright.


Suddenly a wave of waves rolled over the calm sea, and then this huge sea king broke through the sea, opened its blood basin and bit down towards the nearest naval warship.

Bang... bang...

Suddenly, dozens of cannons on the side of the battleship roared together. In the flames produced by the orange explosion, the shells formed a barrage like torrential rain and exploded in the mouth of the sea king.

Accompanied by the glare flashing, orange flames rose, and the shock wave generated by the explosion spread out like a substance, and countless fragmented craters pierced into the mouth of the sea king.

In an instant, blood splashed, and the entire head of the Neptune was exploded by dozens of cannonballs. The splashed blood fell like rain, fragments of meat flew everywhere, and the clear sea was instantly dyed bright red.

Unlike those ordinary fleets, this is an elite and huge fleet. There is no navy on the fleet, and all of them belong to the combatants of the world government, including the CP spy agency, including a small number of Draco guards.

How can the sea area known as the forbidden land block the pace of such an elite fleet, not to mention the mere sea kings, even the sea king nest fleet under the sea has enough power to destroy it.

It's just that the most important purpose of this fleet is to land on Randers Island as soon as possible, and catch the guy who made trouble in the Holy Land Mariagioa.

In the lead flagship, the local messenger and the fire messenger in the guard joined forces. Last night, the three messengers joined forces, but they were killed by the opponent's gold messenger. The guard was a faceless face, and it was natural to find the place this time.

But the highest commander in charge of this fleet is not two people, but the five old stars. Last night, not only the Tianlong people, but even the world government was a shame.

As the power center of the world government, it is a great shame that Mary Gioia, a sacred place that is known to be heavily fortified, was attacked and one-third of the city was destroyed.

Of course, this is only a secondary reason. If only the attacker is captured, the five old stars can order the navy and CP spy agencies.

But this time the matter was secretive, and the Navy should not be known. The CP spy agency alone would be fine. It would be okay to ask them to play tricks behind their backs. The frontal battle was really not enough.

As for the performance of the guards last night, everyone, Tianlongren, was greatly disappointed. The three envoys were not only escaped by others, but also killed one person, so the five old stars will naturally take action.

Noda Keiichi (the name is really unknown, so I had to use the cv name in Baidu Encyclopedia, and the same goes for the back...), one of the five old stars, wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, golden beard, and a scar on his chest , I don't know who caused the fight.

After hiring an officer casually, Kei Noda asked: "How long will it take to reach Randers Island!"

The officer around him hurriedly replied respectfully: "My lord, at the current speed, we can land on Landers Island in only ten minutes."

At this time, the local messenger came over and respectfully said: "A man Kei, the Dragon Knight team has blocked the entire sky of Landes Island, and now that guy can't escape at all."

Although as the guards of the Tianlong people, the guards have also developed themselves who think they are noble and arrogant, but it depends on who they are. In front of them are the five old stars, one of the five people who control the world government, and stand at the same level. Maybe you don't need to care about these, but their guardians are not qualified yet.

He waved his hand, Kei Noda's voice was slightly calm, and said, "Compared to these, I care more about the moonlight. Okahe was not killed by Lin Tian himself, and even only half of his body is left. Why did he resurrect? What happened? Haven't your guards investigated clearly yet?"

Oka would appear in the Holy Land Mary Joa and cause such great damage. It was the Denonians who did it, but now they have not even come up with an explanation. It is strange that Noda Kei can speak well.

"This..." Regarding this matter, it is really difficult for the local messenger to explain. The entire research room was destroyed by Oka, and all the personnel in it died. Apart from Oka, I am afraid that no one knows the truth.

The fleet sprinted all the way, and the sea kings who occasionally sprang out to face the gunfire of more than 20 warships, and were killed instantly when they came out, without blocking at all, breaking through the mist, and the Landes Island appeared in front of everyone.

Huge plants can be seen everywhere on the huge island. Except for the towering volcano in the center, the entire island is covered by forest.

Because of the nests of the sea kings, there is a natural barrier around Landes Island, which has not been destroyed by humans. The entire island still retains its ancient appearance tens of thousands of years ago. It is an island like the small garden that Lu Fei and others passed by. .

Approaching Randers Island, the fleet speed dropped a little bit, and twenty warships lined up and docked on the shore.


In the sound of the violent wind, the sailors quickly raised their heads and saw several groups of dark shadows falling from the sky, setting off whistling winds.

As the distance from the shadows narrowed, and the moment they finally saw the shadows, the sailors were stunned, and even scared directly on the ground, they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Where are the groups of black shadows, obviously the giant dragons in the rumor, the huge body like a lizard nearly ten meters, the two huge bat wings on the side, the dazzling metal-like dragon scales covering the whole body, the top of the forehead They all have a raised spike, long and winding tails with thorns at the end.

There is a row of sharp back spines on the back, the dragon opened its blood basin and mouth, and a fishy wind rushed toward its face, revealing two rows of teeth that could easily bite off steel. Its limbs were like ancient Tyrannosaurus rex, with sharp claws tens of centimeters. Can tear steel.

If the appearance of the giant dragon is frightening to everyone, then a soldier who sits on the giant dragon and is wrapped in exquisite armor and carrying a golden spear brings everyone a fright.

"Wearing a strong knight's armor and riding an ancient dragon under him, isn't this the knight that has been spread in many countries", a sailor shouted in surprise.

A knight is a real knight, and a dragon is not an ancient dragon, but an artificial dragon developed by Begapunk using biotechnology.

As early as the Deres Rosa research base destroyed three years ago, Begapunk has been able to create fire-breathing artificial dragons. In the past few years, Begapunk has not given up on artificial dragon research. It not only incorporates more powerful biological genes to make the artificial dragon stronger, but also solves the violent factor of the artificial dragon, making it a biological weapon that obeys orders.

Unfortunately, the cost of man-made dragons is too high. One man-made dragon is enough to be worth three pacifists, that is, three naval warships. Even the world government only built five and formed a dragon knight team.

I have to say that Begapunk’s products are truly exquisite, and a dragon knight can be as powerful as five pacifists.

The scale armor is comparable to steel, not to mention naval guns, even the laser beams of pacifists can hardly penetrate, plus the powerful limbs fused with ancient Tyrannosaurus genetic modification, with the claws harder than steel, it can easily Can tear through the armor of the pacifist, especially the terrible devil-like dragon flame can swallow everything.

The fly in the ointment is that this man-made dragon is too expensive to be made even by a wealthy world government. Otherwise, if a 10,000-man dragon knight army is formed, the revolutionary army will not even The dragon flickered its wings and hovered over the battleship, flew down for the leader of the dragon knight captain, and announced: "Ki, a big man, Oka is escaping into the forest under our persecution, and now he is nowhere to be seen."

"Hidden", Kei Hirano gave a cold snort, and then ordered: "Order the whole ship to shell out and destroy this forest for me."

With an order, the combatants on the twenty battleships suddenly became busy, a cannon was pushed out, and the shells were stuffed into the barrel.

Bang... bang... bang...

Pieces of cannons rang, fires flickered, cannons roared, and countless cannonballs filled the sky, falling into Randers Island like a torrential rain.

Twenty battleships have hundreds of cannons, and all of them are powerful naval guns. One round of artillery bombardment adds up to two thousand shells.

What is the concept of two thousand cannonballs? Even in the forest, a several kilogram cannonball plus the fragmented single-chip damage range is huge, and two thousand cannonballs are enough to create a death forbidden area, and there are no creatures inside. If one survives, all will be shredded by shells.

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