Bang... bang... bang...

A series of explosions sounded in the forest. The sturdy tree trunks were torn apart, the sawdust flew across, countless plants dissipated in the explosion, one by one scorched deep pits, the calm forest was startled, countless animals flee to the other side of the island. Go, a life and death escape was staged in the quiet forest at this moment.

Thousands of artillery shells instantly triggered a huge and earth-shattering explosion like the sky and the earth. The earth was mad, the Landes Island was shaken, the dense forest where the bomb fell was blown to pieces, the ground sawdust was flying, and countless towering trees were exploded. The waist was broken, the flaming broken wood was blown into the air, and the ancient forest turned into a sea of ​​fire and scorched earth.

Where the shells landed, fireballs splashed up, and countless plants became the best fuel. In a short time, black smoke obscured the sky, and the blast of the air wave sat in the dense forest and whistled and rolled, like a typhoon or tsunami. Blow circles of dense forest to the ground.

The raindrops of cannonballs fell from the sky, piercing through the midair with a sharp piercing tremor, and a trail of bullet marks appeared in the sky, and the sound of cannonballs continued.

The crisp dense forest disappeared. Instead, a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of you. Everyone shone the early morning sky red, and the soaring fire would quickly sweep the entire island.

The flames are ruthless and cruel. The fire has spread extremely quickly. For a time, countless animals that fled were overtaken by the fire. The burning flames waved their minions wantonly, as if to swallow everything.

After discovering this scene, the naval naval guns changed their previous intensive firing and began to shell out at intervals. The ancient forest was ignited with shells and destroyed in the fire, so that Oka had nowhere to hide.

The skyrocketing fire light, the black smoke rising from the ground like a sand city, even the sea water on the shore of Landes Island was boiled by the flames.

In the depths of the only remaining forest, Oka was lying in the canopy of a towering tree, panting heavily in his mouth, and every second was used to restore his strength.

Oka naturally heard the earth-shattering roar of naval guns. Countless creatures in the forest flee towards the other side of the fleet, but the fire has spread. It does not take long for the entire Landes Island to be enveloped in a sea of ​​flames. There is no place to hide, all life will be swallowed by everyone.

Unless there is a torrential rain that will put everyone out, you can look up at the cloudless sky, and even the clouds can barely see a few. How could it be raining.

Everyone was reflected on Kei Hirano's face. The entire Landers Island has been sealed off, and the seriously injured Oka can't escape the island.

Then just wait for the flames to swallow everything up and turn Landers Island into a piece of scorched earth, when Oka has nowhere to hide.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky without warning, followed by a thick thunder and lightning, and the shining thunder light instantly illuminated the sky.

Looking up at this strange scene, the navigator on the battleship was very puzzled. It is impossible for thunder and lightning in this weather.

When Kei Hirano raised his head and looked at the blue sky, his brows were slightly frowned, and the sound of thunder and lightning just now revealed strangeness.

But the next moment, without waiting for these navigators to think about the answer, black clouds suddenly appeared in the calm sky, and in a blink of an eye, the bright sky was shrouded in black clouds.

The black cloud that appeared without warning came over, and all of this revealed weirdness. Keiichi Hirano was an idiot before he noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly asked the navigator: "Navigator, what's the matter with this black cloud?"

The navigator in white came out, touching his head with a cold sweat, afraid to reply: "My lord, we don't know, but we can be sure that it is not natural."

He was just a navigator who was forcibly recruited by the cp spy agency. It was the first time he saw the five elder stars who are rumored to control the world government, but he was not admired but fearful.

Boom boom...

In an instant, the thunder was loud, and from time to time, one or two dazzling thunder and lightning broke through the void and descended into the world, shining dazzling light on everyone's faces.

"Lord Kei, this thunderstorm weather is very unusual, I'm afraid someone will make trouble in secret", the fire envoy came over and said in a deep voice.

Among the five exercisers, the fire messenger is dressed in flame-like red clothes, and even the flame cloak behind his back is also fiery red. He wears a cloth flame mask on his face. You can’t see the truth, but from the soft voice. From the towering chest, you can tell that this is a woman, but I don't know whether the real face hidden under the mask is beautiful or ugly.

Nodded, Kei Hirano said: "Yes, how could Landers Island, which is in the summer and autumn climate, be caught in a torrential rain in a blink of an eye. The whole ship is ordered to stop the shelling, and the combatants are ready to land on Landers Island for carpet style. Search, no one can save Oka today".

With Kei Hirano's order, the roar of the naval gun finally stopped, a group of soldiers gathered on the deck, and the battleship rushed straight to the coast.

A big fire soared into the sky, and the ancient forest turned into a sea of ​​fire today, and the blazing flames waved their devilish teeth and swallowed everything.

Leaning back on the tree trunk, looking up at the dark cloud, Oka's face was in a pensive color. The appearance of this black cloud was too weird and unusual. Especially at this time, Oka was secretly vigilant, who Know if these guys did it.


Suddenly, a drop of water fell on Oka's face, making a crisp sound, and clearly felt a cold touch on his cheek.

"Rain!" Oka couldn't help muttering to himself.

This seemed to be a signal, and then a drop of rain fell on Oka's face, and the leaves made a rustling noise. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. In less than ten seconds, there was a downpour in the sky.

The rain fell like squally gusts, the rain all over the sky was like a dangling gauze, the rain was low, and the voices gathered into a music from nature.

Lifting his head, the rain flooded his face, and the cold touch brought by the heavy rain made Oka instantly wake up a lot. Although the leaves were blocked, the rain was too great, and Oka's whole body was showered in a blink of an eye.

Boom... Thunderbolt...

The thunder continued, lightning flashed, and lightning flashed across the sky, like tree branches spreading out, the lightning shining in the dark sky, and the light flashing in the dark clouds like silver snakes.

In the face of this pouring rain, the devil-like flames hit the nemesis, and had to put away the dancing teeth and claws. The rain filled the sky like a hanging sky to extinguish the flames, the red flames dissipated little by little, and the burning flames shrank in fear.

In just one minute, the sea of ​​fire that was enough to cover half of the Landers Island was wiped out, and a handful of sparks were struggling in the rain.

The thunder roared constantly, like the morning bells and drums echoing in the sky. At this time, the sun should have risen from the sea level, completely dissipating the darkness, and Landes Island entered the beautiful morning light, but the black clouds covered Landes Island again. in the darkness.

In the black cloud, a very dazzling lightning tore the black cloud blocking, like a lightning spear thrown by a **** to punish the most evil in the world, and the lightning fell on Landes Island.


The electric current flickered, and the deafening explosion sounded thunder and lightning, and black smoke rose from the ground. Several towering trees were directly scorched by the falling lightning.

The shock wave generated by the thunder and lightning spreads in all directions like a storm. Where the shock wave passed, a circle of plants fell down.

Thunder and lightning just landed and sat next to Oka, the shock wave hit, and the tree under Oka's **** trembled three times, almost shook Oka out.

Reaching out to support the tree trunk under his feet, Oka couldn't help but vomit: "God thief, a thunder and lightning is so close to Lao Tzu, just smash Lao Tzu to death."

Oka's words seemed to be heard by the heavens, and the roar of the sky broke and the earth broke, the thunder flickered in the black cloud, and the roar continued.

This scene shocked Oka, and raised his head and said: "No, vomiting is so effective. Isn't this lifeless?"


The black cloud rolled, a blue thunder and lightning broke through the black cloud, and in the harsh thunder, the thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck the big tree where Oka was.


With a secret curse, Oka didn't even think about it, and hurriedly jumped and ran out. However, the lightning speed was extremely fast, and Oka had just moved and the lightning had already struck, and he slashed on the towering tree.

An ear-piercing roar was accompanied by a cracking sound. The green leaves covering the crown of the tree were all ashes in an instant, and several people hugged the thick tree and fell to the ground without persisting even a second.

Thunder and lightning rushed into the ground along the trunk of the tree. For a moment, the surrounding trees all turned into coke, and thick smoke came up from the ground. The flames that had just emerged were extinguished by the heavy rain.

Following the tree to the ground was Oka, who was slashed. He was scorched and his clothes shattered into pieces. At this moment, Oka lying in the scorched pit was worse than a beggar.

Slightly opened her mouth, and a faint white smoke came out of Oka's mouth, cursing: "That bastard, how dare to play Laozi..."

The voice hasn't fallen A black shadow emerged, stepping on Oka's body, it was Lin Tian wearing a black cloak.

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes collided with sparks in the void, and a strange silence was suddenly set off around, only the sound of rain continued to echo in their ears.

The heavy rain poured down on Lin Tian, ​​and countless rainwater merged into water and flowed down from Lin Tian. Not long after, Oka's body was submerged by rain.

Lin Tian broke the silence and said, "Unexpectedly, you are still alive, Oka..."

Seeing this picture clearly showing on his cheeks under the rain, Lin Tian felt emotional for a moment. Although he was prepared in his heart, he would inevitably be shocked when he saw it. After all, this was the person who died in his own hands, and he was sure. , But now he appears in front of him alive, it is strange that Lin Tian can remain calm.

In the Dresrosa incident a few days ago, killing Okalintian still felt a little unbearable. After all, Oka was not wrong, and he was not wrong, but it was calculated by others.

Later, in order to understand the doubts in happiness, Lin Tian did not hesitate to spend a billion Baileys, and only after seeing the past did he know the true truth.

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