Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1117: Plan 5 old stars

The heavy rain fell, and the black sky flashed thunder from time to time. On the scorched open space in the silent forest, Lin Tian stepped on the resurrected Oka, feeling a lot in his heart.

"I didn't expect that you would actually appear here, Lin Tian!" Goodbye Lin Tian, ​​Oka also sighed with emotion.

After speaking, Oka shook his head and laughed at himself: "It's right to think about it. The thunder and lightning just now must be you. It can cover a country and clearly monitor every sound, and it can also lock the position of the sound to launch a lightning attack. In this world There is no one else but you."

"You are not weak, I played a trick in the Dresrosa incident." Lin Tian's tone was inevitably a bit unhappy when it came to this.

Who knows, Oka retorted: "I didn't play with you. I really did kill you. I was really killed by you. Now I am a man who came back alive from hell, just like your brother Baidi Aisi. The Avengers born of revenge, even **** can hardly take me in."

With that, Oka looked at Lin Tian with a devilish smile on his face, as if saying that I was immortal.

"Who are you lie to?", licking his lips, Lin Tian said disdainfully: "Don't lie to me, how can I not know how Ace is resurrected? Let's talk about what means did you use to escape my investigation. What revenge? , You think I can't sense that you don't have the slightest murderous spirit in you.

Lin Tiancai would not believe what Oka said about a man returning from hell. It was not that he had never been to hell. Who else could go on that route besides them.

As for why he didn't die, Lin Tian guessed that when Dresrosa was killed, Oka was killed but half of his body was left, but perhaps he used some means to evade his detection and then secretly recovered.

And what makes Lin Tian weird is why he didn't sense murderous aura in Oka. He was always murderous when he met this guy before. He clamored for revenge and did it with himself, but today he changed his sex.

Facing Lin Tian's question, Oka suddenly became serious, "Leave aside what means, I already know what happened that night, I'm sorry, Lin Tian, ​​I think I should apologize to you."

Hearing this, Lin Tian was shocked. Did he make a mistake? Oka actually figured out what happened that night and apologized to himself, either he was crazy or the world was crazy.

After shaking his head suddenly and making sure that he was not dreaming, Lin Tian looked at Oka and said in disbelief, "What did you say, you actually know it, my God, what a miracle!"

"Yes, I should apologize for the stupid things I have done in the past few years. As you said, I am indeed a fool." Oka said with ashamed.

Looking at Oka's sincere gaze, Lin Tian's chaotic heart quickly calmed down. This was not like a lie, but true.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tian let go of the right leg that was stepping on Oka's chest, stood in the rain and asked calmly: "What the **** is going on, how do you know those?"

Getting up and sitting up from the puddle, Oka paused, and said in a heavy tone: "Everything needs to start from the Dresrosa incident. In our battle that day, you defeated me, just as you said. At that time, only half of my body was left and I did not die immediately."

"After you left, my consciousness gradually dissipated and I regretted that I was useless, why I was so weak, I couldn't kill you Lin Tian, ​​and couldn't help us Moonlight Clan avenge this life and death."

Speaking of this, Oka raised his head and looked at Lin Tian, ​​and saw that he was embarrassed and looked upset. He carried a **** pot for no reason, and was chased by an idiot for several years. Lin Tianneng was so cool.

With a wry smile, Oka continued: "At that time, I was really an idiot. I was going to die in pursuit of the false truth, but someone appeared. Three cp0 spies hidden in Dres Rosa showed up, and they put away my The body hit the special liquid bottle and transported me to the holy place of Maria."

"I found out all the secrets there. I finally understood that the destruction of our Moonlight Clan that day was nothing more than a high-level world government conspiracy. It was the five old stars who really killed my father and the three elders that day. They were the ones who destroyed our Moonlight Clan. Murderer, you Lin Tian is just a scapegoat."

After speaking, Oka's fists clenched tightly and made a creaking sound, and the fingers turned white because of the force, and the whole body exuded an amazing murderous intent, which turned into a substantive murderous intent like a blood-red light.

Thinking of the tragic death of tens of thousands of people in front of him that night, Oka's heart was full of anger and murderous intent. Because of the mere ambition of those old guys, their entire group was destroyed.


With a light sigh, Lin Tian, ​​who was standing in the rain, recalled: "In fact, I was calculated by cp0 from the very beginning. They used me to tell you about your uncle’s secretly imprisoning the Moonlight Clan people to study the Moonlight Clan’s physique. This caused your Moonlight Clan to fall into a civil war, but the Five Old Stars attacked the Moonlight Clan when we went to the research institute."

"The research base was suddenly destroyed that night, burying many soldiers of your Moonlight tribe, and our navy soldiers were actually all made by CP0. When I escaped, I returned to the city and was already caught in the flames of war. The five old stars crossed the navy headquarters and used In my name, an order was issued to slaughter the devil, which made me bear the **** pot.

A self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on Lin Tian's face. Since he came into this world, Lin Tian has never suffered a great loss from that day. It is like a puppet manipulated by others, and they are all calculated step by step.

Looking up at Lin Tian, ​​Oka questioned: "Why didn't you tell me this before, but now you say it all".

If he had Lin Tian told these things long ago, how could he be stupid thinking that Lin Tian was the murderer of the Moonlight Clan, and he was played by the five old stars as a fool.

Lin Tian could feel the resentment in Oka's heart, pursed his lips, and said calmly: "Because of your father?"

"Father?" Oka looked puzzled, how could this have something to do with his father again.

In Oka’s puzzled eyes, Lin Tian explained: “When I rushed to the palace that day, your father still had a sigh of relief. He also used the trick of life nirvana just like you. He almost killed the five old star Zhongpingye. Keiichi, the scar on his face was caused by your father."

"At that time, your father's only explanation to me was to keep you from knowing all this, because your father was afraid of your revenge. Your opponent is the Five Old Stars, and it is difficult to defeat the Five Old Stars by your strength."

"So it is!"

Hearing this, Oka fell silent, and the grievances in his heart also disappeared. If it were his father's account, he would have nothing to resent.

I can only blame myself for being an idiot, who was actually deceived by the five old stars, and he worked hard for revenge, but he has been working as Qiwuhai under the real enemy.

The heavy rain was still falling, and at the same time, on the southeast coast of Landes Island, warships docked on the shore.

The five old star Keiichi Hirano is headed by the cp spy personnel, the army directly under the world government, plus the few but extremely powerful guards, deducting a certain amount of retained warship personnel, a total of 10,000 troops stand on the coast .

Looking at the Landers map presented in front of him, Kei Hirano turned to the fire messenger and asked, "How is the plan?"

Reaching out and jogging on the map, the firebringer said: "We have a team of 10,000 people. Due to the heavy rain, the fire is extinguished. Now there is half of the ancient jungle on Landes Island. Team Hundred, each team inserts a guard, carries a signal flare, and sends a signal once Oka is found. Then all teams surround the flare with the flare as the center, step by step compressing the space of Oka's escape."

I nodded. Although the strategy of the fire messenger is satisfactory, it is indeed the safest and most effective method. They have enough time and energy to advance step by step here. Even if they spend more time, they cannot let Oka follow the Holy Land Mary. Joya escaped likewise.

The native messenger suddenly said: "There is one thing we need to pay attention to, Oka is strong, if he solves the search team instantly, what shall we do".

Although there is only one remaining, this ancient jungle is also very huge. A hundred teams spread out, at least a few hundred meters apart. With Orka's strength, he can be like a fish in this dense jungle. If he uses sneak attacks , Then this jungle will become the best slaughter field in Oka.

"Don't worry," the fire messenger replied confidently: "We have already prepared for this. Every team will carry a phone bug and report the team's situation every five minutes. Even if Oka solves any team, count We can also know within minutes."

"At that time, the three of us are here. As long as there is an accident in any of the teams, we will go to one of us to investigate the situation. As long as we find Oka and drag them, when the other two come, Oka will not escape. ".

Seeing the firebringer's thoughts so comprehensive, Kei Hirano nodded and ordered: "In this case, the firebringer then start to act."

The order was issued before the prepared team moved quickly. Each team of hundreds rushed into the jungle. The silent jungle was broken with tens of thousands of people, and a fight was about to begin.

At the same time, in a corner deep in the forest, the heavy rain was still falling, and the heavy rain washed down Lin Tian and Oka.

Feeling the tens of thousands of people rushing into the jungle to search, Lin Tian said: "Well, let's not say so much, the five old stars have already started operations, we should leave this island."

This time he came to Landes Island, Lin Tian was only to prove the truth of Oka’s resurrection, but the results were beyond expectations. Oka actually knew the truth, and now the misunderstanding between the two sides has been explained clearly. There is no need to think that meeting before is a duel .

Suddenly, Oka raised his head and said with a devilish smile: "Lin Tian, ​​this is a perfect opportunity. One of the five old stars is on this island!"

"What do you want to say?" Lin Tian frowned slightly.

He smiled, Oka asked back: "Lin Tian, ​​don't tell me that you have no ideas, this is a rare opportunity to place orders, don't tell me that you have no heart."

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