Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1119: The supreme knife and black fire!



The headless body of the earth messenger rolled on the ground several times, and then stopped at the foot of Lin Tian.

"Unexpectedly, one of the guards was killed so easily," Lin Tian said with emotion when he raised his foot and stepped on the corpse under his foot.

I remember that during the war at the top, Lin Tian fought against the wooden messenger among the five messengers. The situation at the time was fierce. Although the wooden messenger was finally solved, Lin Tian also suffered a lot of trauma.

But today, the native messenger, named after the wood messenger, was so easily killed by Lin Tian and Oka.

Oka walked over, looked at the corpse at his feet, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the two of us could have exerted such a strong force in cooperation with the sneak attack, and instantly solved the Earth Envoy.

Oka was also shocked to kill the Earth Envoy in a flash. According to their previous plan, the two men's sneak attack should be able to severely damage the Earth Envoy and then kill them quickly.

Unexpectedly, the latter step was omitted, and the soil messenger was killed directly.

I can only blame the messengers for being so unlucky. They came here to hunt down Orka who snatched important items, but they didn't expect Lin Tian to arrive on Landes Island.

It is necessary to know that Lin Tian's strength is above the earth messenger, and Lin Tian is in the dark, the earth messenger is in the light and does not know the existence of Lin Tian, ​​so he has no defense against Lin Tian. Moreover, Lin Tian had already prepared for a sneak attack, so how could it be possible to defend by the local messenger.

Lin Tian's attack made the Earth Envoy panic. He just ran away, forgetting the existence of Oka, but Oka punched his head.

The two powerful men with combat power above the soil messengers secretly attacked. The unprepared soil messengers were naturally killed in seconds, and the soil messengers died sad enough. The strong men who can fight against the generals dignifiedly did not even become elemental. After unfolding, he was killed.

Who would have thought that the two top powerhouses in the world would shamelessly attack someone who is weaker than them, and the native messengers can be said to be deadly.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Tian said, "Oka, can you be more disgusting, you actually smashed someone's head with your fist, and there is a smell on your body."

Although the brain and blood exploded by the earth envoy were washed away by the rain, the taste was not so funny.

"is it?"

With a voice of doubt, Oka raised his arm and handed it to his nose to smell it, and said: "Where is there any smell, I think it's okay".

For this guy Lin Tian, ​​he felt that there was nothing to say, so he chose to shut his mouth wisely.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Lin Tian waved his hand and said: "Get ready to fight, the screams of the earth envoy have been spread all over, I have sensed the five old star Keiichi Hirano and the fire envoy are facing Come here".

Hearing this, Oka immediately became serious, thought about it, and proposed: "Or we can take advantage of this time difference and find a way to get the firebringer."

The battle to kill the Earth Envoy just now gave Oka a lot of confidence. Using the same method, he would surely be able to kill the Fire Envoy in a flash.

If the Firebringer can be killed, the next step will be Keiichi Hirano who is standing on the Five Stars together. With their combined strength, they will be able to kill Keiichi Hirano before the reinforcements arrive.

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Okay, try it!"

It just so happens that the Firebringer and Heiye Keiichi are not in the same direction. It is better to take advantage of the opportunity to solve the Firebringer. Even if it can’t kill the Earthbringer, at least it can severely damage her and prevent her from participating in the next battle. The old star stays here with a lot more certainty.

However, before that, the five large lizards flying in the sky were to be eliminated. The two again cooperated with each other in a sneak attack. Even the dignified messengers died under the joint attack by Lin Tian and Oka, not to mention the flying sky. The Dragon Knight team was easily resolved.

Deep in the dense forest, this downpour enveloped the entire Landes Island in a rainy world. The heavy rain continued for several hours. Many parts of the dense forest were filled with rainwater. The water level in the river rose rapidly and it had spread. Both sides.

On a spewing white river, a red figure rushed up the river countercurrent, like a flashing red streamer.

The fire messenger was watching the destruction of the squad of destroying a hundred people. The entire squad was cut into a skeleton by sharp leaves. Only Oka's ability to control objects can do it.

But as soon as he finished reading it, the fire envoy heard the terrific scream of the earth envoy, and hurried away according to the position of the squad that the earth envoy reached.

On the way, the fire messenger was thinking about the screams of the native messenger and revealed strangeness. It stands to reason that even if the native messenger fought with Oka, it would not be possible for the native messenger to make such an amazing scream soon. Card opponents, but the difference in combat power between the two is not huge, how could Oka solve the native messenger so quickly.


A flash of cold light flashed out of the dense forest, and the sharp cold light sent a harsh whistling sound straight towards the firebringer.

The sudden attack made the firebringer stunned, and quickly looked to the side, he saw a slashing attack exuding a destructive aura, and in the horrified eyes of the firebringer, the slashing strikes like a giant axe.

In an instant, a cold light rose, and the fire envoy drew out the sword in his hand to block him.

File clang...

The sound of metal-like collision, although the sharpness of the slash was blocked, but the power like a tide surged from the blade, the fire envoy's tiger's mouth was instantly shattered by the huge force, and blood flowed out along the wound.


A big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the fire messenger flew out, tumbling several times in the air like a kite with a broken line.


Seeing that the unprepared Firebringer actually blocked his own slash, Lin Tian who was hiding in secret let out a horror. He didn't expect this woman known as the Firebringer to have such superb sword skills.


At the same time, Oka, who was hidden in the dense forest, seized the opportunity and suddenly stepped on his feet. A powerful force gushed from the soles of his feet. Amid the loud noise, the huge towering tree was actually crushed by Oka's foot.

And Oka had already taken advantage of that reaction force to rise to the sky, and his speed quickly increased to the fastest, raising his black iron fist and blasting towards the fire messenger.

Looking at the fast approaching Firebringer, Oka's mouth showed a smug smile, as if he saw the firebringer being bombarded by himself like the Earthbringer.

"Yue step!"

But who knows, the tumbling fire messenger stepped into the air to keep his body stable, and his feet repeatedly stepped in the void, like walking in the sky and quickly pulling away from Oka.

Immediately afterwards, the fire messenger waved a sharp sword in his hand, the blade rubbed against the air at high speed, and a flame slashed between his hands.

"Flame Slash!"

"What!" Oka was taken aback when he saw the fire envoy sway a blazing flame.

Faced with the slashing flames, Oka had no choice but to blast out a pair of fists ready to go. The strong fists easily tore the air, surrounded by strong winds, and each fist blasted a white fist to slash the flames in front of him. Into smash.

The fist wind was like a column, making a harsh whistling sound, and suddenly bombarded the fire envoy's chest, as if being hit by a huge boulder. The fire envoy's chest was filled with breath, and blood spurted out suddenly.

"Damn it, I didn't expect such a thing to happen", with a low curse, Oka could only be unwilling to fall on a towering tree. The sneak attack had failed, and there was no point in continuing to attack.

The fire messenger walked with his feet in the air and landed on the canopy of a big tree across the white river. He whispered in a soft voice: "Come out, the one who sneaked in?"

Seeing that his identity was already furious, Lin Tian did not continue to hide, jumped out of the dense forest, and also landed on the crown of a big tree.

Seeing Lin Tian appeared, even if the fire messenger had prepared long ago, he was shocked, "I didn't expect it to be you, Lin Tian?"

With the strange gusts and rains, coupled with the screams from the native messenger, the fire messenger probably guessed that Oka might have a helper in his heart, and it was precisely because of the vigilance in his heart that the fire messenger managed to escape Lin. Tian and Oka made a sneak attack.

The fire messenger thought about many powerful men, but he didn't think about Lin Tian, ​​because the relationship between Lin Tian and Oka's life and death enemies is known to the whole world. When the two meet, there is a big battle. How can they make a sneak attack together, but it is a sneak attack. This is the most unlikely person.

Looking at Oka, the fire messenger said: "It seems that all the secrets of the year have been known to you."

And these two enemies of life and death would actually become partners, and even jointly attack, the fire messenger only has this answer in his mind.

With a cold snort, Oka said murderously: "Thanks to you for bringing me to the Holy Land Mariagioa, otherwise I will be buried in the drum forever and let the real genocide enemies go unpunished. Next, I will find you. The **** of the Holy Land Mary Joa settled accounts with our Moonlight Clan."

"Oka, do you think you are still the prince of the Moonlight clan? Do you think that the world's strongest clan still exists? We can all destroy the Moonlight clan back then, not to mention a fallen prince in your area, you think you will find Lin Tian The capital of revenge," the firebringer said with disdain.

As the voice fell, the sharp sword in the fire messenger's hand flicked slightly, and suddenly flames rose out of thin air and appeared in the void.

Lin Tian stared at the sharp sword in the hands of the fire messenger, and suddenly said: "I didn't expect that the famous sword Black Fire, one of the Twelve Skills of Supreme Sharp Knife, would be in your hand."

"That turned out to be the supreme knife", Oka was taken aback.

Although he is not a swordsman, he has heard of the supreme knives that countless swordsmen in rumors hope to get

There are a total of twelve supreme swords, each of which is a famous sword in the world, and every swordsman wants to get it, but it is a pity that only the real swordsman deserves to have it.

Lin Tian said with enthusiasm: "The blade is flat and chaotic, with heavy T-shaped characters, cast in Tianwai stainless steel, and the thicker blade has a stronger chopping power. Not only that, the generous blade has undergone a magical process and is touched. You can feel the obvious bumps, which is impossible for a sword."

"But it is precisely because of this strange concave-convex feeling that when the sharp sword is gently swung, it will rub against the air at a high speed, resulting in blazing flames, so Wushuang Big Knife Black Fire is also called the flame knife."

If the strongest sword of the Supreme Sharp Knife is the **** sword "Ye" in the hands of Hawkeye, then the most magical thing of the Supreme Sharp Knife is the flame knife Heihuo. I didn't expect this knife to appear in the hands of the firebringer.

At this time, Lin Tian saw with his own eyes that Keiichi Hirano, one of the five oldest stars, was jumping high in the forest and rushing towards this side.

With the arrival of Keiichi Hirano, Lin Tian and Oka took the opportunity to solve the fire messenger's purpose, which has become a face-to-face head-to-head encounter.

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