Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1120: Battle 5 old stars

The downpour was falling, and the rain flooded the sky like a gauze mist layer after layer. This heavy rain has been falling for more than two hours, but there is still no tendency to weaken at all. The sky is dark, and there are one or two from time to time. Thunder and lightning glided across the sky.

Under the heavy rain, Lin Tian, ​​Oka, Firebringer, and the last five old star Keiichi Hirano stood on the canopy of the big tree, and the four stood in horns.

Keiichi Hirano took the lead to break the silence, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to appear on Landers Island, Lin Tian! It seems that the high level of our world government has been infiltrated by your revolutionary army."

For Lin Tian’s appearance, Hirano Keiichi was shocked, but also thought of something else. Last night, after Oka escaped their siege at Marijoa, the world government immediately dispatched a team of Dragon Knights and a group of twenty battleships. The fleet, ready to kill Oka on Landers Island.

It can be said that the actions of the world government are very fast. They came as soon as Oka arrived on Landers Island. As soon as they arrived, Lin Tian came on the front foot. Apart from the spy leaks from the world government high-level leaders, Kei Hirano couldn't think of any explanation.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a flash of disdain flashed across Lin Tian's face: "Old guy, let alone so many useless things. Everyone is the same in spying. Our revolutionary army was defeated a few days ago, but your spy agencies have performed well. Not a small effect."

Both the revolutionary army and the world government will work hard to bring spies into each other's camp. Every day, the shadows under the revolutionary army will confront the cp spy agency.

The fire messenger reported to Hirano Keiichi: "Kei, a big man, Oka already knows the truth of what happened back then. Just now, the two of them jointly attacked, I am afraid the native messenger has been persecuted by them."

"It's not already, but for sure. When I rushed here just now, I already saw the headless corpse of the Earth Envoy," Keiichi Hirano said lightly.

Regarding the death of the native messenger, the fire messenger's expression did not change unnecessarily, and he appeared very calm. He did not hear the sadness and anger of his companion when he died, as if the native messenger was just a stranger and his death was just a trivial matter.

This is the guardian, perhaps ruled by a group of inhuman trash, the law of the weak eating the strong in the guardian, the strong can have all the beauties and money, and the weak can only accept bullying by the strong.

Among the guards, if you want to gain more power and strength, there is only one way, and that is to kill the guy in front of you, so that you can gain his power and strength.

Therefore, among the guards, there is no feeling of partner at all, because everyone is an enemy, and everyone wants to kill others.

Just like the death of the native messenger will not arouse any grief, but will make more people excited. Because the native messenger dies, his position will be vacated. Among the guards, the five messengers have the most power, and naturally only the strongest can Sit in this position.

With a soft snort, the fire envoy looked at Lin Tian in front of him, and said sarcastically: "The dignified murderer and the moonlight Avengers have joined forces to attack a person who is weaker than themselves. If it spreads out, it will definitely be a "famous" world."

Faced with the irony of the firebringer, Lin Tian did not get angry, and said indifferently: "Firebringer, what we have done is far behind your guards. You are talking about humanity to a group of garbage, that’s not to say. Are you **** too?"


Lin Tian said that they were rubbish, why the fire messenger couldn't hear it, and he was immediately angry, but couldn't find the words to refute it.

At this time, the fifth star, Kei Hirano, said: "If my guess is correct, you teamed up to attack and kill the earth messenger, and later you want to use the same method to kill the fire messenger. It seems that you two want to join hands to keep me. Here it is".

Oka came out and said murderously: "I was going to solve these two **** first, and then solve you, but I didn't expect this woman to be prepared long ago, but it doesn't matter, Landers Island will be you The place of burial".

With a cold snort, Keiichi Hirano yelled: "Little devil, don't be too arrogant. When the old man is ruling the world, you don't know where you are. Just because you two want to kill the old man, don't daydream."

"Really?" The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and Oka disdainfully said: "You are just the remnants of the old era. Do you think this is the era of the past? Young people here rely on the old and sell the old. What I have to do today is to die for me. The tens of thousands of Moonlight people avenge.

Speaking of the destruction of the Moonlight Clan, Oka could hardly contain the anger and murderous intent in his heart, and the scarlet murderous aura seemed to radiate from Oka's body.

What an amazing murderousness, if ordinary people faced it, they would have been scared and fainted.

As he said, Oka clenched his fists, staring at the culprit who destroyed their race in front of him, and a scarlet blood flashed across his eyes.


Suddenly Lin Tian stretched out his hand and patted Oka and stopped saying: "Wait for Oka, your injury has not fully recovered. It is not the opponent of this old fellow. He will hand it to me to deal with, and you will deal with the firebringer on the side."


Oka didn't support the big, nodded and agreed to Lin Tian's battle distribution.

Although he missed the life and death enemy in front of him very much, Oka hadn't been dazzled by anger and hatred. He knew very well that his state at the moment had no chance of winning against Keiichi Hirano.

It's better to wait to solve the injured Firebringer first, and then solve Keiichi Hirano with Lin Tian, ​​this is the most suitable strategy.

"Be careful, this old man is not easy!"

Reminded Lin Tian, ​​Oka's figure flashed and took the initiative to attack the fire messenger, and the two immediately fought into a group.

call out…

The bright white light of his right hand flickered, and the light seemed to be surging toward Lin Tian's palm, and the flowing void power gathered into a white lightsaber, which was held tightly by Lin Tian.

He sighed lightly, and Kei Hirano regretted: "Unexpectedly, the geniuses that our world government spent so much resources to cultivate will eventually become the most dangerous enemy of our world government. He knew that he should kill you back then, not let you. Become where it is now".

As the second-ranked figure of the Revolutionary Army, Lin Tian commanded the army of tens of millions of Revolutionary Army and overturned more than 20 countries under the World Government, which really hurt the vitality of the World Government. The world government has joined more than 170 countries in total, and more than 20 countries account for one-eighth of the world government, and the intelligence organization it founded, the shadow, has brought the world government much trouble.

With a cold snort, Lin Tian despised: "There are only a few of us here, don't speak righteous words, you and I know the facts, you just want to train to sit on the navy marshal, and then use me to become the strongest spear in your hands. That's it".

call out!

When the voice fell, Lin Tian's figure flashed, burst out, and took the lead in launching an attack. The sharp sword in his hand pierced the void, the sharp blade tore the air and the piercing sound of the sword sounded, and the strong wind surrounded the blade.

Lin Tian quickly rushed in front of Kei Hirano, slashing with a sword, and the sword aura was like a dragon, as if a giant axe smashed into the sky, shaking the void, and the induced air current formed a powerful hurricane raging.

"Canglong Slash!"

Sword energy rushed towards his face, and Kei Hirano was calm and unhurried, and blasted out his domineering fist with burning arms. The domineering fist wind tore through the sky, and the invisible fist struck Lin Tian's sword blade.

The sword aura was like a rainbow, and the terrible sword aura erupted, like a pair of invisible giant hands tearing the attacking fist to pieces, the sword aura's prestige remained undiminished, straddling the space distance and struck Hirano's fist.

Even if it is a powerful armed domineering, it is difficult to resist the power of Lin Tian's void, this is the power from the origin of the world, the power of the void is falling, the endless power of the void bursts, and the void is trembling.


The blood splashed, as if a beautiful snowflake bloomed in the void, the lightsaber forcibly chopped off Keiichi Hirano's fist from his wrist, and the blood poured out like a fountain.

The palm of his hand was cut off, and Kei Hirano's expression instantly distorted, but Kei Hirano was very determined, enduring the severe pain, grabbing the gap, and kicking Lin Tian's chest back, and violent power erupted.

Lin Tian, ​​who was swinging the sword, couldn't defend at all. He could only watch Kei Hirano kick his chest. This was a force that was more terrifying than being hit by BIGMOM.

At the moment he was kicked, Lin Tian felt like he was about to suffocate, and then his chest rolled violently, clearly feeling a stream of heat rushing up his throat, and bright red blood spurted out of his body.

The uncontrollable figure flew directly upside down, Lin Tian flying upside down was like a cannonball from a cannon, the strong wind blowing on his face like a sharp blade.


In a short time, Lin Tian flew upside down with lightning flashing, and arcs emerged. The right hand was gently lifted, the current flowed between the fingers, the blue arc flashed, and Lin Tian's entire right arm turned into thunder.

"400 million volts. Lei Zhu," Lin Tian gritted his teeth and shouted.

Knowing the strength of the five old star Keiichi Hirano, Lin Tian did not try from the beginning, and went all out, directly using the high-intensity voltage of 400 million volts.

With a move from Lin Tian's right hand, the azure blue light suddenly flourished, and a pillar of lightning rushed out of the light. Needless to say, the speed of the lightning flashed in front of Keiichi Hirano and passed through Keiichi Hirano.

Through the dazzling light, you can clearly see that in the terrifying current of up to 400 million volts, a dark figure is in The thunder pillar flashes by, and it falls in the distant forest for a moment. , There was a loud bang, a terrible vibration like the sky and the earth, the substantive shock waves spread in all directions, like a hemispherical dome, swept close to the ground.

The entire Landes Island was shaken by this huge impact, as if an earthquake of dozens of magnitude had occurred, trembling, the place where thunder and lightning had fallen was the center, and no less than ten huge cracks extended to the coast.

Within the impact, it was really like destroying the sky and the earth. The towering trees directly destroyed the smoke under the high-intensity voltage. Countless plants turned into ashes in an instant, and even the earth was gasified. You need to know Even an iron mountain can melt with a voltage of 400 million volts.

In the dense forest, the search team of tens of thousands of people had not yet realized what happened from the earth-shattering explosion. Suddenly, a shock wave carrying a billowing smoke struck, sending many search teams directly away, and many people directly Being shaken to death by this shock wave.

The shock wave quickly swept across the entire Landers Island, and the heavy downpour of the sky was knocked off by the impact, and the entire Landers Island unexpectedly ushered in a short period of no rain. The shock wave rushed along the ground all the way into the ocean, and the calm sea surface was plunged into rough waves, and the mist that had enveloped dozens of miles of waters around Landes Island was blown away in an instant.

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