Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1121: The Battle of God Slaughter!


The heavy rain poured down. In this rain, the billowing smoke on Landers Island was quickly dissipated by the rain, and there were waves of screams echoed in the dense forest.

The southwest corner of Landes is also the place where Lin Tian Lei Zhu landed, but the original dense jungle has disappeared and replaced it with a round fine harbor.

The lightning of up to 400 million volts can be described as destroying the world. The entire southwest corner of Landes Island, a few square kilometers area was wiped out of the sea by Lin Tian, ​​what a terrifying force.

And this terrible power poured on the five old star Keiichi Hirano before landing, this is a power that can melt even an iron mountain.


Hirano Keiichi, who turned into a ball of coke, fell heavily on the ground, and the powerful impact aroused a large swath of thick smoke, and the dense fog rose to block the specific situation of Hirano Keiichi.

The figure slowly fell from the sky, and Lin Tian clearly understood that the 300 million volt thunder pillar was terrifying and could be said to destroy the world, but it was not enough to kill one of the five old stars Keiichi Hirano.


Just as Lin Tian guessed, there was a loud noise in the dense fog, and then countless strong winds blew the dense fog, revealing the figure of Keiichi Hirano.

Although he did not kill Keiichi Hirano, Keiichi Hirano was also very miserable at the moment. His clothes were basically burnt to ashes by thunder and lightning. Even the short blond hair was burned out. The whole body was completely dark with only two bright eyes. .

It can be said that even the coal miners who just came out of the coal mine are cleaner than Keiichi Hirano, but under the washing of the rain, the scorched black material on Keiichi Hirano basically falls to the ground along with the rain.

Suddenly, Lin Tian's eyes shrank slightly, because the palm of Keiichi Hirano's right hand, which was cut off by him, had grown intact. It had to be so powerful that he could grow his entire palm before one minute had passed.

And under the rain, Keiichi Hirano's sturdy muscles showed up. His strong muscles were full of explosive power, and there was no trace of injury.

Kei Hirano twisted his neck and looked at Lin Tiandao: "It is indeed the fruit of thunder that is known as the invincible fruit. The power of thunder and lightning is really powerful. For so many years, you are the first person to make me feel death. But Lin Tian, ​​if If you have the strongest power, then Landers Island will be your burial place."

After finishing speaking, Kei Hirano squeezed a pair of fists, and a violent domineering force came out, and the surrounding rain was suddenly rushed by the powerful domineering.

Lin Tian said with disdain, "Old guy, I'm not a newcomer in this sea anymore. The voltage of 300 million volts is not that good. Although I don't know what you used, you must have paid. It's a price. The taste of being struck by lightning is quite uncomfortable."

As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, Kei Hirano's body shook suddenly, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. The bright red blood reflected in Lin Tian's eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Even BIGMOM can hardly withstand the high-intensity voltage of 300 million volts. How could Keiichi Hirano have nothing at all? Lin Tiancai would not believe it.

Reaching out to wipe off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Kei Hirano said angrily: "Little devil, don't be too mad."

When the voice fell, Kei Hirano stepped toward the ground, and suddenly violent power gushed out. The ground was in a burst, countless rubble and branches flew from the ground, dense cracks appeared under his feet like a spider web.

Reaching out and grabbing a branch forward, the domineering shock shook, and all the green leaves on the branches fell under the sizzle. The invisible dominance was like a layer of black armor covering the branches. The armed dominance on the branches exuded a strange force, curved branches. It becomes a sharp sword in the hands of Kei Hirano.

Seeing and hearing color domineering to a certain level can meet the future and listen to everything, armed color domineering to a certain level can change the shape of objects.

Holding a black sharp sword, Kei Hirano rushed towards Lin Tian in a flash, swiping the sharp sword in his hand, and suddenly several flying bright slashes flew.

File clang... File clang... File clang...

Lin Tianti's sword will attack one after another, and the lightning flashes on his body. Like his right hand, dozens of powerful lightning fly out one after another.

Bang... bang... bang...

Thunder and lightning continued to explode on the ground, and a series of lightning could easily destroy all vitality within a range of a dozen meters, and the explosion caused countless thick smoke.

However, Kei Hirano's figure is really too flexible, combined with the strong sense of domineering, avoiding a series of thunder and lightning attacks, even if he can't avoid it, swinging a sharp sword in his hand will split Lin Tian's lightning.

In a blink of an eye, Keiichi Hirano had already approached Lin Tian, ​​his feet glared, Kei Hirano shot out, rushing directly in front of Lin Tian, ​​and slashed with the black sword in his hand.

Lin Tian didn't show weakness, and the space sword in his hand cleaved out, the blade pierced the void, and whirled up gusts of white wind, the two swords collided heavily in the void.

File clang...

Suddenly, a violent wave of sword energy spread out in all directions, clinging to the ground, wherever the sword energy wave passed, countless grasses under the feet were chopped by sword energy, and large trees fell down in circles.

At this moment, Lin Tian opened his chest wide, and Kei Hirano took the opportunity to make a fist with his left hand and blasted his fist towards Lin Tian's abdomen.

Lin Tian's reaction is not slow, and his fighting instinct for many years is not just talking. With his right hand flexibly grasping Kei Hirano's wrist, at the same time, his thumb pressed tightly against the blood vessel in Kei Hirano's wrist. The blood vessel was squeezed and lost the ability to supply blood, and Kei Hirano's left palm immediately fell into a state of numbness and weakness.

Feeling the weakness of his left hand, Kei Hirano was about to break away. However, Lin Tian moved faster than him. He saw Lin Tian turn his right wrist and retreat while holding the Space Sword. He used his force to shake Kei Hirano open.

At the same time, his left hand clasped Kei Hirano's fist tightly, and he swept out with a kick, mixed with thunder and lightning, hitting Kei Hirano's head heavily.

His head was hit hard, and Kei Hirano's mind suddenly went blank. He couldn't control his body. He was kicked and flew out for hundreds of meters, breaking dozens of big trees along the way.

In the dense forest, a large number of large trees were destroyed, a ravine tens of meters long ran down on the ground, and thick smoke rose from the end of the ravine.

There was a small group of search teams on the side, everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance, and barely reacted after half a day.

"Hey, what was it just now, did you see it?"

"A ghost can see clearly, so fast, only a dark shadow can be seen in front of him"

"However, it looks a bit like a human"

"How is it possible, if it is a human being, this level of impact might turn into a pile of minced meat"


Surrounded by the smoke, everyone was whispering, but no one dared to step into the smoke.

Suddenly, there was a muffled noise from the smoke, which shocked the surrounding search team, and quickly grasped the long gun and aimed it at the vibrating smoke.

Step on...

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Kei Hirano clutched his bleeding head and walked out of the smoke in the disbelief of the search team members.

"This... how is this possible? The shadow was actually made by Kei Hirano, but who did it, knocked Kei Hirano so far."

Kei Hirano is one of the five elder stars. One of the five most powerful people in control of the world government is actually unheard of being beaten here.

Turning his head to look at the guard on the side, Kei Hirano asked, "Where is the Landers Island?"

The guard hurriedly replied: "My lord, we are now near the southwest corner, and a little further past is the Sinan Coast."

"The southwest coast actually flew so far," Kei Hirano was slightly surprised.


Suddenly, the lightning flashed from the sky, like an angry lightning from the sky, and struck Kei Hirano, the lightning flashed, and the lightning in the sky was almost like rain. Looking up, the sky is full of lightning, and the light is very dazzling. The soldier dared not look up.

Bang... bang... bang...

As the first thunder and lightning fell on the ground, it directly split a big tree in half, as if it were a signal. The dense lightning fell crazily. On average, within a square meter area, several thunder and lightning struck. Lin Heaven shouldn't use sight, hearing, and domineering to lock in, the entire area has turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

Although these thunder and lightning attacked Keiichi Hirano, the surrounding searcher squads were bad luck. When the first wave of thunder and lightning came, all of the hundreds of searchers were basically wiped out, and they were basically killed by the lightning.

In this thunder and lightning, Kei Hirano's black giant sword turned into a shield, and Keiichi Hirano relied on the shield to resist the abrupt breakthrough of the lightning.

"Three hundred million volts. Thunder Dragon!"

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian snorted coldly, with the same hands, and suddenly the thunder and lightning gathered in his hands, and the thunder and lightning swarmed into a blue thunder and lightning dragon.


The thunder and lightning dragon raised its head and roared long The harsh sound wave erupted, and countless lightning flashes and crackling noises as the body swings.

Thunder Dragon's slender body swings, a distance of tens of meters, for Raiden, it doesn't even use time, and instantly bombards Hirano Keiichi's shield.


The pitch-black domineering shield only blocked for a few seconds, unable to withstand the powerful power of Thunder Dragon, cracks emerged, and finally burst open with a bang, and the Thunder Dragon's power continued to bombard Hirano Keiichi.

Suddenly, Keiichi Hirano exploded with a strong domineering, strands of black domineering wrapped around Keiichi Hirano, and in a blink of an eye, Keiichi Hirano was covered with armed domineering, as if wearing a layer of black armor.


As soon as Kei Hirano uttered an angry roar, how could he be suppressed by such a small devil as the five-star who controls the world government.

With his fists clenched, his black iron fist exuded amazing power, I saw Kei Hirano sinking his feet deep into the ground, supporting the retreating figure, and at the same time, grabbing the Thunder Dragon with both hands, exploding with amazing power, and he forced Lin The thunder dragon of the sky is torn apart.

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