The armed and domineering Keiichi Hirano exploded with astonishing power, and after abruptly tore Lin Tian Leilong with both hands.

Kei Hirano shot a pair of feet, violent power gushing out, and the ground under his feet slammed into a deep hole of several meters, but Kei Hirano had already exploded and rushed forward to Lin Tian.

He clenched his fists tightly, the huge power was easily squeezed out, and Kei Hirano squeezed his fists with both hands and quickly rushed in front of Lin Tian.

With both fists clenched, the black iron fist was propelled by Keiichi Hirano's explosive force and blasted out like a sky cannon. The fist that was swinging tore the air, making a harsh whistling sound, and the white wind surrounded Keiichi Hirano's fist.

At this moment, Keiichi Hirano's speed was too fast. Before Lin Tian had time to get out of the reaction, the fist wind had already rushed toward his face, and his fists battered Lin Tian's chest.

The force like a tide vented out, and it could be clearly seen that Lin Tian's entire chest was dented by this violent punch, and the blood squeezed out of the body turned into a blood arrow ejected from Lin Tian's mouth.

In front of this powerful force, Lin Tian felt that his entire body was torn apart by this force, not only in the chest, but also in the whole body.

In the next second, Lin Tian was blasted out. The inverted Lin Tian broke through the speed of sound instantly and flew hundreds of meters away, like a stream of light passing through the jungle, breaking countless towering trees on the way, causing a burst of smoke.

Until the last hit on the volcano in the center of Landes Island, the entire volcano was trembling in the impact of the sky and the earth, a little magma mixed with fire and skyrocketed, as if it was about to erupt at any time.

Lin Tian smashed a huge crater with a diameter of several tens of meters on the volcano. The dense cracks in the crater were like spider webs. What a terrible impact this was.

In the deep pit, among the gravel piles, Lin Tianfeili peeled away the gravel piled on his body and coughed violently while clutching his chest.

Cough cough cough...

With every cough, Lin Tian would vomit a lot of blood. This is the congestion produced by the broken internal organs in the chest. After coughing up these congestion, the dull chest can immediately breathe easily, and his pale face has improved a lot.

Da da…

His body shook, and a powerful force came out. He lifted the tons of stones piled up on his body. He did not immediately stand up from the deep pit. The punch just now was really too strong. Now Lin Tian's whole body is in pain, as if The whole body has to be torn apart.

Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, Lin Tian said solemnly: "What a strong power, this is the real strength of the five old stars, and it knocked me hundreds of meters away."

In the previous battle, Lin Tian used the power of thunder and swordsmanship to crush Kei Hirano, but when Kei Hirano broke out that powerful and armed domineering, such as the punch just now, Lin Tian just entered the elemental state, he was hit by Kei Hirano one by one. The fist blasted out the elemental state.

"That's right. If the five old stars are so weak, then what is the meaning of this battle", standing up from the pit, Lin Tianyao looked at the Hirano Keiichi rushing in the distance, and his fighting spirit was boiling.

call out…

Just like a streamer, Kei Hirano rushed towards him and stopped in front of the volcano. At the same time, Lin Tian leaped out of the pit.

Just listen to Keiichi Hirano's murderous voice: "Lin Tian, ​​I said that Landers Island is your burial place today. The death of the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, Lin Tian, ​​may be a great blow to the arrogant arrogance of the Revolutionary Army."

He seemed to see that the headline that shocked the world tomorrow read that Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, was killed by the world government. This was a great victory for justice.


Lin Tian suddenly laughed. Under Kei Hirano's suspicious eyes, Lin Tian said arrogantly: "Unexpectedly, we thought the same thing. I was also thinking that if I kill a five-star, the world government should give me one. What kind of reward is at least higher than that of One Piece King Gelu D. Roger."

With a cold snort, Kei Hirano said with disdain: "Lin Tian, ​​don't be too rampant. When the old man is in control of the world, you don't know where you are. Next, I will let you understand how terrible the power of the world government is. The revolutionary army in the district also wants to overthrow the rule of the world government.

When the voice fell, Keiichi Hirano exuded an amazing domineering, domineering domineering, and the dark armor color all over his body changed surprisingly, turning into purple black.

In a blink of an eye, the jet black armor on Keiichi Hirano turned into purple-black armor, and his defense and attack power were doubled.

"It just so happens, I don't want to play with you!"

Lifting his head slightly, Lin Tian is also very domineering, and the domineering look adds to Lin Tian's domineering aura! !

call out…

call out…

With a flick of both feet, the two shot out at the same time. The speed exceeded the naked eye, and the two seemed to turn into two streams of black and white.

A distance of tens of meters, it was fleeting, and when the distance between the two of them was only one meter, in an instant, Keiichi Hirano's purple-black iron fist ready to go blasted towards Lin Tian's head. The shot is a killer move. If Lin Tian's head is blasted by this fist, it will definitely explode like a broken watermelon. The red blood mixed with the white brain is flying, and it is disgusting to think about it.

The powerful purple-black giant fist pierced the sky and punched Lin Tian's head, which shocked Hirano Keiyi. His fist was actually wearing Lin Tian's head.

Responsively, Kei Hirano quickly retracted his fist, raised his foot, and pushed his knee towards Lin Tian's abdomen, but as before, Kei Hirano also passed through Lin Tian's body with one knee.

Not only the fist but also the knees, Kei Hirano's entire body was removed from Lin Tian's body, and Kei Hirano was shocked by the strange scene.


As we all know, in the battle of the strong, the victory or defeat is often in an instant, Lin Tian turned around and raised his fist and blasted towards Keiichi Hirano.

Hirano Keiichi thought it was just a phantom, and his body would pass through Lin Tian's fist as before, but the next second, Hirano Keiichi realized that he was wrong so thoroughly.

Lin Tian punched his fist firmly on Kei Hirano's face. Lin Tian's fist gathered all his strength. Even with the domineering defense of purple and black armor, Kei Hirano shattered at once, his entire nose bone was shattered, and half of his face sunken in. White teeth mixed with blood spouted from his mouth.

Bang... bang...

Kei Hirano rolled dozens of punches along the ground, arousing a large amount of smoke and dust, and finally hit the foot of the volcano before he barely stopped.

The smoke was blown away by the strong wind, and the heavy rain poured on Keiichi Hirano. He shook his head and was still a little confused. He had not recovered his sober head. Now, in Keiichi Hirano's eyes, everything was trembling, and it was blurred, only one could be seen clearly. Probably a dark shadow.


With a heavy breath in his mouth, Kei Hirano supported the ground with both hands and swayed from the ground. This state lasted for more than ten seconds, and Keiichi Hirano finally recovered from the beating.

Step on...

Lin Tian held the white space sword in his right hand, and walked closer to Kei Hirano step by step, gently swinging the space sword in his hand, spilling the power of the void and destroying the void. Cracks appeared under Lin Tian's feet, and his feet stepped on the broken void. .

At this moment, Lin Tian was like a king that no one could resist, and every step he fell, the mighty king's dominance could not even bear the void.

"Keiichi Hirano, as I said, today Landers Island is your burial place"

Seeing Lin Tian forced to come, Kei Hirano didn't say a word, turned his head and ran away, where there was the momentum of threatening to kill Lin Tian before.

Lin Tian’s ability to hide in the void just startled Keiichi Hirano. Facing this ability, Keiichi Hirano couldn’t afford the slightest confidence. You can’t attack the opponent, but the opponent can attack you at any time. This is completely asymmetrical battle. .

It's like a person who can't be domineering, facing people with natural abilities, no matter how strong you are, what use is there if you can't beat other entities.

Hirano Keiichi fled without dignity, leaving Lin Tian stunned, but I have to say that Hirano Keiichi did make a correct choice.

Although after two years of training, the body can switch between the void and the real space at any time in the state of'anti-emptiness' for as long as one minute, but if it takes more than one minute, Lin Tian's power of the void will be exhausted. It can't use the slightest power of the void, it must be used after half an hour.

For example, in the battle with Red Earl, although Lin Tian used Anti-Void, Red Earl simply spent this minute Lin Tian immune to any damage.

But Earl Red is Earl Red, Keiichi Hirano is Keiichi Hirano, Lin Tian's body turned into thunder and lightning, and he immediately caught up with Keiichi Hirano, waving the space sword in his hand and cutting it down.

Knowing Lin Tian's ability to be immune to all damage, Hirano Keiichi had no idea of ​​fighting Lin Tian, ​​his figure flashed to the other side, and the sharp blade ran across Hirano Keiichi's scalp.

The two of them chased and fled in the dense forest like this, but Keiichi Hirano could not be as fast as Lin Tian, ​​and even if Keihi Hirano desperately opened the distance, Lin Tian could catch up instantly.

No matter how flexible Hirano Keiichi is, Lin Tian will seize the opportunity. Normally, half a minute is very fast, but for Keiichi Hirano, it is very long. During this half-minute, Keiichi Hirano was attacked by Lin Tian ten times with his right arm and The left arm was chopped off.

Although Kei Hirano's right arm and left arm had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye under his abnormal recovery ability, it still took time, and how could Lin Tian give him time.


With the sound of breaking through the air, Lin Tian teleported behind Kei Hirano and kicked out his feet quickly, and all foot shadows fell behind Kei Hirano.

Bang... bang...

Every kick was a force of tens of thousands of kilograms, and he was kicked for dozens of feet in a row. How could Keiichi Hirano resist, flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

Before waiting for Kei Hirano to come, Lin Tian hurriedly stepped on Kei Hirano's body, and at the same time the space sword in his hand pointed directly at Kei Hirano's forehead, the sharp point of the sword slightly pierced, and a splash of blood ran down the forehead.

As long as Lin Tian stabs lightly, Keiichi Hirano will have a big hole in his head. Facing this situation, Keiichi Hirano quickly raised his hands to stop the defense.

Seeing him raising his hands, Lin Tian showed disdain and mocked: "Run, keep running, old guy, I didn't expect you to run away quite fast. You didn't say you wanted to kill me. ?"

Stepping on one of the five old stars of the highest authority in the world government, the feeling is different, in short, cool! Very cool!

Endless shame rushed to my heart. He had never been trampled underfoot by his dignified five-star, Keiichi Hirano was full of shame and anger, and it was all because of the kid in front of him.

Hirano Keiichi vowed that he must kill Lin Tian, ​​but all this requires that he is alive, so Hirano Keiichi did not dare to reveal the slightest murderous or angry.

Looking up at Lin Tian, ​​Keiichi Hirano calmly said: "Lin Tian, ​​we will make a deal between us. If you let me go, I can tell you what happened in the 100-year history of disappearance."

Hirano Keiichi knows money, power, beauty, etc. for Lin Tian is not a condition at all, and Lin Tian has been pursuing the secrets of a hundred years ago for many years, so he did not hesitate to go to many places to search the text of history, so he used A piece of history as a bargaining chip.

"A hundred years of history, a heart-wrenching bargaining chip", stroking his chin, Lin Tian was indeed heart-shaped. After years of searching, he only needs to know everything now.

Seeing Lin Tian's heartbeat, Kei Hirano's eyes flashed with excitement, and he felt more confident in his heart and was about to speak.

But who knows that the cold light flashed, Lin Tian stabbed without hesitation, the sharp point of the sword directly penetrated Hirano Kei's head band, and blood mixed with white brain plasma flowed out.

When Kei Hirano died at the last moment, his eyes widened, staring at Lin Tian, ​​as if saying, "Why do you still have to do it because you are obviously moved."

"Although the results moved my heart, the process is equally important, and I have collected almost the same historical text, why must I know the final answer from you".

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