Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1124: World shaking

In the dense forest, with the death of the fire envoy, the sea of ​​fire in the heavy rain was wiped out by the heavy rain in an instant.

As the flame disappeared, several searcher squads gathered in the surroundings advanced step by step. Several searcher squads gathered together, and hundreds of people walked vigilantly towards the core of the battlefield.

Several guards gathered to build the core of the team. The firebringer's battle with Orka just now was really terrifying. These teams can only be on the side and dare not approach the battlefield at all.

Even Oka solved the fire messenger and the battle stopped. These people dared to lead the team cautiously in the past more than an hour.

Hundreds of people stepped on this scorched land, and black became the sole theme of this scorched land. The original jungle had long since disappeared, replaced by countless potholes in the scorched black land.

The rain drops on the body, and everyone is watching the surroundings with all their attention. From time to time, one or two dead branches will be stepped on under their feet, making a crisp clicking sound.

Hundreds of people were arranged in a fan shape and pushed towards Oka's location. Oka lying in the mud pit had already noticed the arrival of these guys.

"Damn, I didn't expect these guys to come suddenly"

With a low curse, Oka's heart was very bad. He had just finished fighting with the firebringer, and he hasn't recovered much yet. These guys happened to be here.

If it was normal, even before the battle, Oka would not care about these hundreds of soldiers, and would kill them all in an instant.

But now the situation is different. Oka is weak and painful, where there is any power to fight again, even standing up is very reluctant, let alone facing these elite soldiers, even ordinary people are not opponents.

The several guards in the front were only tens of meters away from Oka. According to their speed, tens of meters would not take a minute at all.

"Hey, the situation is a bit wrong. So far we haven't noticed a single figure, neither Oka nor the Firebringer."

"They won't leave. After all, more than an hour has passed since the battle. Perhaps they moved the battlefield elsewhere."

"How is it possible that if the fire messenger fights, the surrounding area will become a sea of ​​flames. If you move to the battlefield, you can clearly find it."

"Don't say so much, in short, let's be careful. Even if Oka defeats the Firebringer, he is seriously injured at the moment, and we just caught it."

Feeling the crowd getting closer and closer, Oka quickly thought about the solution to the crisis before him.

"What to do? What to do? There are more than ten meters to get here."

Suddenly, the sky shone with dazzling light, and dozens of azure blue thunder and lightning descended from the sky and struck the ground.

Bang... bang... bang...

The burst of explosions instantly reminded me of dozens of water droplets flying in the sky at the same time. If in normal times, a fan-shaped area with hundreds of people scattered, dozens of thunder and lightning would not be enough to completely extinguish, but now it is raining heavily, and the ground is completely covered. It was wet from heavy rain.

With rainwater conducting, a single lightning becomes a large-scale attack, dozens of tens of millions of volts of lightning fall, not to mention hundreds of people, even thousands of people, tens of thousands of people can all be killed.

The lightning fell only for an instant. These soldiers were neither fire messengers nor five old stars. They did not react to what happened. They only saw a flash of light when they looked up, and then there was no more. Everyone was turned into black coke by the lightning.

The blue thunder and lightning dissipated, and Lin Tian's figure emerged. He walked to a nearby puddle. He was taken aback, and then he was surprised: "Hey, why did Oka disappear? He is clearly here."

"Lin Tian, ​​you bastard! I electrocuted me"

On the scorched ground, a dark shadow yelled at him. This shadow was Oka.

"Huh!" This sudden scene shocked Lin Tian, ​​but when he saw that Oka was so dark, Lin Tian suddenly slapped his legs and laughed, "Haha... it's you Oka, it's no wonder you are so black, I think Not coming out".

Lin Tian’s thunder and lightning turned into a large-scale attack because of the rain, and Oka lying on the ground was naturally involved. Although Oka did not turn into coke due to his strong physique, his whole body was still scorched by electricity, and the ground was also scorched. , So Oka was lying on the ground, but Lin Tian didn't notice it.

Seeing Lin Tian laughed, Oka cursed: "You bastard, I am so embarrassed to laugh, it's not you, would I be like this?"

Had it not been for the body to be unable to move, Oka would have violently beaten this guy.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh anymore", waving his hand, Lin Tian said not to laugh, but seeing Oka like this, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing.

Upon seeing this, Oka directly adopted an attitude of ignoring, not seeing the heart and keeping the heart quiet, just as this kid fart.

After a while, Lin Tian finally stopped smiling, looked at the fire envoy who passed out on the side, and said, "It seems that you also won a terrible victory, but at least you have solved this woman."

With that said, Lin Tian walked to the fire messenger, and backhand pulled out the supreme big sharp knife Black Fire that was inserted in the ground. The slender and generous blade, the dark pattern, glowing with a faint cold light, a rare treasure knife.


Holding the hilt of the sword tightly, Lin Tian waved his backhand, the blade slid forward and rubbed against the air at high speed, a blazing flame emerged, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly became a flame sword.

Gently waving a few times in the air, holding up sparks, Lin Tian said in admiration: "It really is the same as the legend, a good sword!"

At this time, Oka endured the pain, and barely stood up from the ground while clutching his chest. Under the washing of the rain, the stains on Oka quickly disappeared.

Walking to the firebringer, Oka asked Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Tian, ​​what should I do with this woman, kill it or leave it here to fend for itself?"

With a scream, as soon as Oka's voice fell, Lin Tian backhanded with a flame slash, splitting the fainted Firebringer in half.

Lin Tian said: "Each of these messengers is loyal to the Tianlong people. Rather than being captured, it is better to kill them once and for all."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian lightly stepped on the scabbard under his feet, the scabbard flew up, and reached out to take the scabbard backhand and retract the black fire into the scabbard.

Seeing the fire messenger disappearing little by little in the flame, Oka shook his head and despised: "I really don't understand Lianxiangxiyu. I don't even look at people's appearance. If it's a beautiful woman, it's not a pity."


Lin Tian backhanded thumbs up and despised Oka. This guy was ashamed to say this. It was obviously that he smashed all the bones of the firebringer's upper body.

"Let's go, I can't stay here anymore, the world government reinforcements are coming soon!"

While speaking, Lin Tian walked to the side of Oka, put his hand on Oka's shoulder, the white light flashed on his body, and the two disappeared with a slam.


The pouring rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed little by little. The light from the sun shone on the island, and a colorful rainbow straddled the sky over Landes Island.

At the port, thirty huge warships were docked on the sea, while on the shore, hundreds of stretchers visited on the grass, and the white shroud was blowing in the breeze.

On the two front stretchers were the bodies of the five old star Keiichi Hirano, the guardian Huozhe, and the soil messenger. They were all wrapped in white cloth.

At the forefront of the stretcher, three five old stars and two guardians and two envoys stood in the forefront, looking at the bodies of these two people in silence.

Wearing a black suit, white curly hair, Peng Song's white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on his left cheek is one of the five old stars Masato Hirano.

Wearing a white robe, bald head, glasses, holding a demon sword with a red scabbard in his hand, and wearing wooden clogs, the samurai is one of the five old stars Keiichi Sonobe.

Wearing a dark green suit, with a bald head, a figure-eight-shaped beard, and a spot on his forehead, Kenichi Ogata is one of the five old stars.

Behind the five old stars, the water messenger and the wooden messenger among the guards revealed a sense of sorrow. The dignified five messengers unexpectedly died overnight, leaving only the two of them.

The soldiers on the side took the statistical data sheet and whispered: "This time, a total of 1013 people were lost, including 1,000 soldiers, 12 guards, and two of them were the fire and the earth. It is Kei Hirano."

After that, the soldier's back was already wet with sweat, and the loss of thousands of people was nothing. The two five-striders were shocking, but the death of Kei Hirano made him feel terrified.

This was one of the five old stars, Keiichi Hirano, the five old stars who controlled the world government and possessed supreme power, but he died today.

Although he is just an ordinary soldier, he can also understand what a storm this world will cause if this incident is leaked out.

Facing the death of Keiichi Hirano, the other three five old stars were silent. None of them spoke, but anyone could feel the hidden volcanic anger of the three.


Suddenly, with a scream, the tens of thousands of soldiers only felt a bright light flashing past their eyes. The next second, the confused soldiers looked around.

In the sound of squeaking, Kenichi Ogata, the samurai among the five old stars, put away the unsheathed sword a little when the blade was fully retracted into the scabbard.

In an instant, the distant volcano made a loud noise of the sky and the earth cracking, billowing smoke rose from the ground, and the earth trembled violently. The entire Landes Island seemed to be caught in an earthquake of more than ten magnitudes. The soldiers standing on the shore were almost caught off guard. The shock fell to the ground.

In the next scene, tens of thousands of soldiers were stunned. The hundreds of meters of volcano was split in half. The huge volcano was cut off lazily and flew high. Cracks spread and rumbling. In the loud noise, half of the volcano exploded, and countless boulders hit the sky.

The sharp sword slashed the huge volcano in half, and Ogata Kenichi's sword skills were terrifying.

This huge movement naturally moved the entire volcano. A column of hot magma rose into the sky, and the hot magma fell like rain, which was powerful enough to destroy the world.

In a blink of an eye, magma mixed with boulders smashed into the depths of the dense forest, making loud noises, blazing flames spreading wildly, and large areas of dense forest turned into a sea of ​​flames.

In the port, a team of soldiers and guards who died boarded the warship, and thirty warships formed a powerful fleet to leave Randers Island.


On that day, the entire page was the newspaper in which the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army killed Keiichi Hirano, the five-old star of the highest ruling layer of the world government, and spread quickly throughout the world under countless Shiratori.

The death of the dignified five old stars is enough to shake the entire world. The world government can't hide it, so the world government did not hide it. The news had been spread that day when Keiichi Hirano's body returned to the sacred place, Mariagioa. Get out.

Suddenly, the world that had not yet come out of the war of the revolutionary army after the world government coalition forces had achieved a great victory was shocked again.

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