Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1125: The highest reward!

After the news that Keiichi Noda, one of the five old stars, was killed was spread, the whole world was shaken by it. Countless people couldn't believe at the first moment how the supreme ruler of the world government of the five old stars could be killed.

But when they saw the photos of the sacred place Mary Gioia, the countless elite soldiers lined up to welcome the dead Keiichi Hirano, and the photos of Lin Tian in the newspaper, everyone suddenly believed.

For a time, hundreds of millions of people in the world's four major oceans, great sea routes, and major countries were all watching the newspaper at hand, and all of them were discussing the death of the five old star Keiichi Hirano.

Five old stars, the five leaders who have the highest power of the world's highest power organization, and the people who have the highest power of the world government.

Its affiliated agencies include the directly affiliated secret spy agency (CP0-CP9), the Navy, the King’s Qiwu Sea, the Great Undersea Prison, the Judicial Island...

It can be said that the five old stars are synonymous with power. They have the most powerful power in the world, and they can determine the destiny of millions of people with the slightest opening.

But today, it is such a person who is in the eyes of the people, who is named after the gods, but was killed, and the murderer is Lin Tian, ​​who is beyond the fame.

Lin Tian, ​​the strongest navy genius of the year and the heir to the navy marshal, almost sat on the throne of the admiral at the age of nineteen, a man known as a murderer, a navy soldier who even talked about incomparably vicious pirates. .

Although he rebelled against the navy, the deputy leader of the revolutionary army has already appeared in front of the world in the newspapers again. Two years ago, he led a large army of the revolutionary army to launch a frontal attack on the world government and once captured more than a dozen countries.

And after a year of immersion, this man broke out shocking news again, killing Keiichi Hirano among the five old stars, the highest ruler of the world government. What a shocking news.

East China Sea!

The news that Lin Tian killed the fifth old star Keiichi Hirano at the headquarters of the East China Sea Army of the Revolutionary Army had long been here.

When the news came out of the intelligence personnel, deafening cheers rang out from the entire staff center. Countless people raised their hands and shouted. Excited smiles appeared on the faces of many staff officers. Everyone tried their best to give out cheers.

This is the Five Old Stars, the supreme ruler of the world government, but today he died under the deputy leader of their revolutionary army. How could he not make many revolutionary soldiers happy.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Wixon Lincoln, one of the top three commanders of the Revolutionary Army, did not stop him.

Wearing a dark green cloak, wearing a white shirt, and long white hair, there is a scar on his right eye that loses its light.

The three commanders of the Revolutionary Army, as the real senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army, in the eyes of the world government leaders, they are more dangerous than the Three Emperors and Two Emperors.

The three emperors and two emperors at best pursue the unreachable throne of the One Piece, and the rumored ONEPIECE, but the three commanders really want to overthrow the rule of the world government and completely subvert the world government.

Wixon Lincoln looked at the newspaper in his hand and couldn't help laughing: "Unexpectedly, Lin Tian did such an earth-shattering thing silently, but this news appeared at the right time."

Indeed, since the headquarters of the New World Revolutionary Army was breached by the world government, and the main force of the Revolutionary Army faced the defeat of the world government coalition forces, the morale of the Revolutionary Army plummeted, and even the Revolutionary Army soldiers here in the East China Sea were affected.

The news of Lin Tian's killing of the Five Old Stars, although not able to make the morale of the revolutionary army like a rainbow, can greatly enhance the morale of the revolutionary soldiers.


Headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

After the headquarters of the New World Revolutionary Army was attacked by the World Government and the Blackbeard Pirates, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has moved to Xihai.

At this moment, the scene in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was similar to that of the East China Sea Revolutionary Army. Many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were holding newspapers and shouting excitedly.

Sitting on the chair and putting down the newspaper in his hand, Sabo smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, Lin Tian actually killed Keiichi Noda. It's really exciting. A few days ago, they attacked our navy headquarters. Today, their five old stars Become a four-star."

Regarding this result, Long Xing was also very surprised, saying: "Originally, my idea was that Lin Tian went to Landes Island to rescue Oka, because according to the information our intelligence personnel received, Oka seems to have received Important things made Tianlong people shocked, but they didn't expect such things to happen."

With a smile, Sabo said, "No matter what you say, this is an excellent omen. Now one of the five old stars has died, which has relieved a lot of our pressure."

Nodded, Long agreed with Sabo’s words, “Also ordered the shadows to be closely related to the world government activities these days. After all, we killed a five-star, and the other high-level officials will retaliate against our revolutionary army and notify the murlocs. Now, I hope they can draw a group of Murloc soldiers again."

Sabo replied: "Well, I'll talk to Marlton Nice at the same time, let him discuss with the king of the murloc!"

The first half of the great route!


This country that has been passed down for thousands of years, a famous big country in the world, is ruled by the Nafirutali family, one of the twenty royal clans that established the world government.

It's just that this great country that established the world government is secretly a member of the revolutionary army, and its revolutionary army base hidden in the desert is one of the top Oita bases in the revolutionary army.

In the palace of Alabastan, several years later, King Cobra looked very old. Sitting high on the throne, he wrinkled his brows with a newspaper.

And Wei Weiwei, who is a princess next to him, looked very happy to see the photo of Lin Tian's brother. Under the throne, the leader of the Shadow 4th Division of the Revolutionary Army was standing.

Cobra raised his head and asked Jeko: "What do you think of the revolutionary army regarding Lin Tian's killing of the five old star Keiichi Hirano".

After thinking about it, Jeko replied: "Our revolutionary army is naturally very excited about this news. The death of Keiichi Hirano is a profit but no harm to the revolutionary army."

As he said, Jieke changed his conversation and said: "It's just that it still has a big impact on major countries. After all, this year is the year of the World Government Conference. Now that this is happening, I don’t know what the world government will do. move".

With a light sigh, Cobra took out a notification letter with the emblem of the world government from his arms and asked the guards to pass it to Jeko.

After receiving the opened envelope, Jake looked at it quickly, and his calm expression suddenly changed rapidly.

Just listen to Cobra said: "Because of the news of the death of the old star Noda Keiichi, the world government decided to open the meeting time this year in advance. After the meeting is scheduled for seven days, all countries will be there."

Without hesitation, Jake quickly said: "Thank you, King Cobra, I will immediately notify the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army of this matter."

With that said, Jake got up and left immediately. This matter related to the revolutionary army's next plan, and he must immediately notify the headquarters.

Seeing Jake leave, Cobra couldn't help but focus on the reward list sent out with the newspaper. The numbers on it made his country unbelievable.

New world!

BIGMOM Pirates Headquarters Cake Island!

In a meeting room of Cake Castle, BIGMOM and his children all arrived. Everyone knew the news that Lin Tian had killed the five old star Keiichi Hirano. The entire meeting room was in a quarrel. Everyone was talking about this matter. While shocked I also admire Lin Tian, ​​even the five old stars dare to kill.

Throwing the newspaper down, BIGMOM turned his head towards his most trusted son, Kata Kuri and asked: "What do you think of this matter?"

After thinking about it, Kata Kuri expressed his views, “It is undeniable that the death of Guro Hoshi Noda has indeed disrupted the entire world, and it has also greatly stimulated the remaining four top leaders of the world government. I am afraid it will not take long. The world government There will be revenge against the revolutionary army. There is also Oka, why he resurrected after he died? It is unknown what secrets were involved in this."

"In short, the battle between the world government and the revolutionary army, which has finally calmed down, will begin again, and it may involve a larger scope than before."

"Originally, this has nothing to do with our BIGMOM Pirate Group, but we have formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the Revolutionary Army, and we are inevitably involved in this vortex, and we must prepare early."

He nodded in agreement. Kata Kuri said these words to BIGMOM's heart. BIGMOM grinned and said: "Chaos, the chaos the world is, the better. The era of hegemony is about to enter the war stage, but that picture belongs to the king. Who will take the throne? The world's rampage is inevitable!!"

"Kata Kuri, hurry up and use all resources to integrate the technology from the Vinsmok family with our Holmiz. I want to build an invincible army of and Kapenbeki The traitor chased me back!!"


Navy Headquarters!

The Landers Island incident was a cooperative attack by the five old stars and the Denonites. Although the death of the five old stars Keiichi Noda caused a huge impact and shock within the entire world government, it was only a shock, and it was not as important as the navy headquarters, because The navy headquarters was not involved at all, and naturally there was nothing about the navy.

Sakaski, who had just returned from the memorial service for Keiichi Hirano, immediately called the Chief of General Staff, and Lieutenant General Tsuru, the First Staff Officer of the Navy Headquarters, went to the office for a meeting.

As soon as he sat down, He asked: "Now, the world's top government officials are probably in a mess."

"Almost", the red dog nodded and said: "However, Lin Tian is really brave, even Noda Keiichi dared to kill, this incident happened, the other four were very irritated, before I came back, they found me, want I issue a reward order".

As he said, in the curious eyes of Crane, Chi Dog took out the five old star to give him a reward order for Lin Tian and Oka.

When looking at the numbers on the reward order, even if the cultivation of Qi Kungfu is already incomparable, Crane, who can do everything without changing his face, is shocked.

There are zeros after the second... a full nine zeros, which add up to two billion Baileys, and Lin Tian's bounty is as high as two billion Baileys.

Looking up at the red dog, Crane almost couldn't believe it and said: "How is this possible? The world government actually wants us to release such a high bounty. This has broken the record of the highest bounty issued by us."

The bounty of 2 billion, even the one piece king Gelu D. Roger was not so high, since the establishment of the navy headquarters, has not issued such a high bounty, it can be said that the navy's highest bounty.

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