On the calm sea, a steam freighter, hundreds of meters long, carries hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo from the New World.

When many people on the freighter were shocked talking about the death of the five old stars, what they didn't expect was that the two culprits they talked about were hiding on this ship.

In the storage room, the two of them hid in the food pile and ate, because they had to keep thousands of people sailing, the storage room of this ship was huge, and it stored fruits, wine, sweets... all kinds of food.

After a great fight, the two of them had been so hungry that their stomachs were groaning, and they naturally ate a lot. Looking at the newspaper that came along, all the more than ten pages of paper were about the two of them.

Suddenly, under the flipped newspaper, two reward lists fell out. Oka was taken aback for a moment, then put down the wine in his left hand and picked up the reward list on the ground.

The next second, after seeing the reward list, Oka was surprised: "Fuck, I was actually offered a reward, and the reward is so high, a full 1.3 billion Baileys, hahaha...".

Seeing the very handsome self in black robe on the reward list, Oka suddenly burst into laughter.

Hearing the amount of bounty offered by Oka, even Lin Tian was surprised and put down his barbecue, "1.3 billion Baileys are so high, your bounty must catch up with the three emperors and two emperors."

It is important to know that this is the second time Oka has offered a bounty. The first bounty was only 500 million Baileys, and the third time the bounty reached 1.3 billion Baileys. He has caught up with Ace, as Baidi Ace. His bounty has just broken 1.3 billion Baileys, and his bounty is only 1.35 billion.

Looking at the numbers on the reward list, Oka proudly said: "That is, who is Lao Tzu? Not only did he make trouble in the Holy Land Mary Gioia, but also killed a golden messenger in the face of the siege of three messengers. Of course, I have to give me so many rewards Gold".

Seeing Oka's proud look, Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, raised the wine bottle on the side and drank.

"What, Lin Tian, ​​you beast!!!"

The next second, Oka suddenly screamed, shocking Lin Tian, ​​all the wine in his mouth was sprayed out, and the wine stains on the corners of his mouth were wiped out. Lin Tian cursed: "Hey, Oka, you guy What kind of madness is going on suddenly, as to be so loud?"

As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, Oka backhanded out another reward list, and said viciously: "Look at the numbers above, do you think you are a beast, two billion Baileys, your kid actually has two. Billion Baileys".

Originally, Oka was excited about his reward of 1.3 billion Baileys, but after seeing Lin Tian's reward of 2 billion Baileys, there was nothing. The 1.3 billion Baileys are indeed a lot, comparable to the Three Emperors and Two Emperors, but there is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with Lin Tian's 2 billion Baileys, there is a difference of 700 million Baileys.

Hearing Oka yelling, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment. To his surprise, he quickly grabbed the reward list from Oka. He did not believe it: "No, how could there be 2 billion Baileys? Even the Pirate King Roger has no bounty. so tall".

But when Lin Tian saw the reward list of life and death, no matter the 9 zeros behind 2 below, and watched it three times, the unbelief in Lin Tian's heart suddenly disappeared.

Holding the reward list, he smiled excitedly: "Haha... I didn't expect that I would have 2 billion Baileys. Since the establishment of the world government, there has not been such a high reward."

Compared to Lin Tian's excitement, Oka bit the bread in his hand with a depressed look, and suddenly lost the slightest appetite.

Oka looked up at Lin Tian, ​​and said, "Hey, I'm surprised, what are the old heads of the world government thinking, we two obviously act together, why do you have two billion? Bailey, I only have 300 million Baileys. That's a big difference."

"That must be different." Lin Tiandao took his gaze back from the reward list. "The level of the bounty issued by the world government depends on the strength of the high ground, but also the degree of threat to the world government. For example, the three emperors and two emperors now have different strengths. It's not very big, but the bounty is quite different."

"Although the Landers incident is the two of us acting together, but you are only for revenge, but I have taken the revolutionary position and killed Keiichi Hirano, one of the five old stars. Although we acted together, because of our position There are also reasons for motivation, which are fundamentally different."

Just like the comparison between the pirates and the revolutionary army, although the pirates will endanger social stability, they have no interest in power, and they will not seize power with the world government.

But the Revolutionary Army is different. The purpose of the Revolutionary Army is to overthrow the rules of the world government and establish a new order for the world. Therefore, the world government has always been more afraid of the Revolutionary Army than the powerful Four Emperors.

The death of the five old star Keiichi Hirano was indeed taken by Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army. In addition to the positions of both sides, this is just a coincidence between Lin Tian and Oka on the Landers incident. It is in countless forces and even the world. In the eyes of the government, it has become the revenge of the revolutionary army, the revenge of the revolutionary army headquarters a few days ago.

While countless people were shocked by the revolutionary army's revenge, the major forces in the world remained silent. Everyone knew that the world government that suffered such a big loss would never let it go.

Lin Tian and Oka, who are the masters, took this cargo ship and lived a life of eating, sleeping, and eating every day, until they reached Alabastan.


Yuba, the once oasis of Alabastan, when Luffy and the others arrived here, Yuba was still in ruins. Most of the city was covered with sand. The whole city could not find a growing plant. Use the "dead land" Words are not an exaggeration.

But now the city has regained its vitality again. Green can be seen everywhere in the city, and the big trees on both sides of the road exude a green atmosphere.

Not to mention the city center, surrounded by a forest several kilometers deep around Yuba, and thanks to the efforts of the people of Yuba, this forest has grown at a very fast rate every day.

All that can make the dead city of Yuba radiate vitality, all because of the city center of Yuba, the Grand Canal that is tens of meters wide and passes through the entire Yuba.

The Grand Canal is like a thick blood vessel, transporting nutrients to the city through the waterways of Yuba. The waves on the wide river of tens of meters are rolling, and from time to time you can see fishing boats fishing on the river. This has always been a fantasy scene for the people of Yuba in the desert.

Lin Tian and Oka strolled on the bridge of the horizontal frame canal. Looking at this city exuding infinite vitality, Lin Tian was full of emotion for a moment.

In just two years, this dead city has not only been reborn from the ashes of death, it has also grown stronger.


Oka stained voice: "It's a miracle. After two years of stepping into this city again, I can't recognize it anymore."

Hearing this, Lin Tian tilted his head and asked curiously: "Have you been to Yuba too?"

Nodded, Oka recalled: "In order to avenge you, this guy, when I heard you appeared in Alabastan, I rushed over immediately. It happened to pass by the city. I remember that time, this city was 100% Eighty of them are all covered by the desert. Only one old man in the huge city is constantly digging wells."

"Well, the city of Yuba has undergone earth-shaking changes," said Lin Tian, ​​leaning over the railing while looking at the city.

Oka tilted his head and asked: "By the way, I don't know what you are doing in this country and why you want to leave the new world."

"Find someone!"

"Find someone?"

Before Oka could speak, continue to inquire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The calm bridge suddenly became noisy, and when I turned around, I saw the crowd on the bridge running towards the bridge.

"Princess Vivi is here! Princess Vivi is here in Yuba"

"Really? Where is Princess Weiwei?"

"Just over there at the bridgehead, Princess Vivi is patrolling Yuba under the leadership of the mayor!"


Hearing that Weiwei was here, a smile flashed across Lin Tian's face, and then led Oka to follow the crowd towards the bridge.

Looking through the dense crowd, even though they were far apart, Lin Tian could see clearly with his excellent eyesight.

Among the hundreds of elite soldier regiment guards and the mayor of Yuba and other important officials, a beautiful figure like a god, with a happy smile on his face, waving his hands and eagerly greeted the people on both sides of the street.

After two years of absence, Weiwei is less immature and more mature, but she is still full of youthful beauty. Bluer than the sky, blue curly hair like the sea, dancing with the wind, the appearance of the country and the city has not changed much, it is still so beautiful.

Behind him was a cloak with a red and yellow pattern, and he was wearing a pink and golden costume decorated with Alabastan. The noble temperament of a princess was added between the waves.

Looking at Weiwei with a smile on her face in the distance, Lin Tian showed a smile from the heart.

"What a beautiful princess, it's no wonder that she is so loved by the people", Oka dragged her chin and exclaimed, her eyes showing appreciation.

Suddenly, a big hand gripped Oka's shoulder tightly and pulled Oka out of the crowd.

The body kept moving backwards, Oka hurriedly yelled out loud; "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​you stop, I will go by himself."

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