Yuba Government Building!

The elite kings of the brigade surrounded the entire building, always guarding the safety of the king and princess. Originally, Cobra was going to patrol Yuba with Vivi today, but Cobra’s body was not suitable for today’s parade. Princess Weiwei alone.

Cobra sat on the throne, and the health doctors around him were doing a detailed examination for him. This was their daily task.

Icarem asked the health doctor softly, "How's it going? There is nothing wrong with the king's body, right".

The doctor replied: "It's not a big problem. It's just because the king has been tired recently, and when he's getting older, it's enough for a few days of quiet training."

Hearing that the king was okay, Icarim was relieved and he was fine.

Putting up his sleeves and looking at the health doctors around him, Cobra complained: "For me, this time of day is really the most painful day. Or Icarem will change the daily checkup to once every two days. This will also allow them to take a break, give them a home, and save the elderly who accompany me every day."

Icarim ran over and hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, you can't say that, it's about your body, how can you change it to once every two days".

The health doctor echoed: "Yes, Lord King, your health has finally improved a bit recently, but you can't give up all your efforts at this time."

"Okay, I see," Cobra said and waved his hand, motioning the doctors to leave.

At this time, after completing the parade, Weiwei came back. Taking a brisk pace, Weiwei ran to Cobra with a small smile on her face.

Holding Cobra's arm, Weiwei squatted down and cared: "What's wrong, Father, are you all right, Icarim, what did the doctors say?"

"His Royal Highness, the doctor said that there is no major problem, just because of too much fatigue in these two days," Icarim replied truthfully.


After coughing a few times, Cobra gasped and asked with a smile: "Viwei, you laughed so happily when you came in just now, did you see something exciting?"

Nodding vigorously, Weiwei said happily: "Today, I walked half of Yuba. The changes here are really amazing. The surrounding protective forests are constantly expanding, and streets are being built. People are very happy. Live".

When she came to Yuba two years ago, it was still a desolate and ruined city, but now it has become a bustling metropolis, and all this was built in just two years, which is a miracle.

In Alabastan, people call this canal that runs through the entire Alabastan as the Myrik River (miracle).

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Weiwei looked up and saw Bell trotting over.

Upon seeing this, Weiwei showed a touch of puzzlement on her face, got up and stood up. This is because Bell has encountered something that needs to be anxious. Cobra also found that Bell was wrong.

Bell trot into the room. Before Cobra and Vivi could speak, Bell smiled and said: "King Cobra, Princess Vivi, Lin Tian has appeared, and they are now outside the building."


Cobra couldn't help but exclaimed. He was shocked by the news. Lin Tian killed Keiichi Hirano a few days ago, but now he is here.

Weiwei was even more dazed, and then she reacted with an extremely excited smile on her face, lifting the pink dress under her body and ran out of the door.

Icarim stretched out his hand to call Vivi: "Wait, Princess Vivi etiquette, etiquette..."

Cobra stretched out his hand to stop and said: "Forget it, Icarim, don't care about etiquette, Vivi does not need these, she has been looking forward to this day for a long time...".

Outside the room! Oka and Lin Tian were standing boringly, but at the moment they both had masks on their heads.

No way, they killed Keiichi Hirano. Now countless forces in the entire world, including the CP spy agency under the world government, are looking for them. If they don’t do some protection, they will come and look for Weiwei. It is easy to reveal his identity. Trouble, both for them and for Alabastan.

"Hey, Lin Tian, ​​I didn't expect that you guy is so familiar with the royal family of Alabastan!" Oka was surprised at the side.

He still remembered just now that Lin Tian found the captain of the guard of the king's army, and after a few words, the captain of the guard repatriated the surrounding king's army, and then brought them here unimpeded.

Lin Tiandao: "Brother has served in the navy headquarters for ten years anyway. After spending so long in this sea, many countries have received my kindness, and some kings have deep friendship with me."


Oka held up his fingers in disdain, hiding his cheeks under the mask with disdain.

Step on...

Suddenly, a crisp sound of footsteps sounded, which immediately interrupted the conversation between the two of them, and attracted the attention of Lin Tian and Oka. The two followed the footsteps and looked back.

I saw Weiwei, who was full of excitement and smiles, running towards them with her pink dress in both hands. Her long blue hair was dancing with the wind and striding lightly. Weiwei was like a dancing elf, full of youthfulness. beautiful.

"I rub, princess!"

Seeing this scene, Oka was shocked. This was not the princesses they had seen on the road before.

Oka was not blind, the smile on Weiwei's face naturally saw him, and he didn't know the princess, then the princess must not be directed at him, so she looked at Lin Tian and cursed Lin Tian Beasts in her heart.

Seeing the two people in front of them, although Lin Tian and Oka both put on masks and couldn't see their faces clearly, there was an inexplicable feeling in Weiwei's heart, clearly distinguishing which was Lin Tian.

As we trot all the way, Weiwei threw himself into Lin Tian’s arms with excitement, her hands tightly hugged Lin Tian’s waist, and said aggrieved: "Brother Lin Tian, ​​you haven’t looked at me for a long time, I thought you would forget me ".

Embracing Weiwei's soft body, her bumpy figure clings to Lin Tian, ​​a young and beautiful breath that belongs to a girl, Lin Tian's lower body suddenly reacted.

The girl who was slightly immature at the time has grown into a beautiful girl who is a youth partner, and it is time to eat.

"Beast, what do you think?" He cursed secretly in his heart, and Lin Tian explained softly: "How could I forget the beautiful Weiwei, I have been thinking of you, but these hours are really too busy."

Sometimes women just want to say something nice, especially young girls like Weiwei. Although she knows Lin Tian's sweet words at this time, Weiwei is still very useful, and a smile appears on her aggrieved face.

Raising her head, Weiwei grumbled her mouth and said coquettishly: "Brother Lintian, don't leave so soon when you come to Alabastan this time."

"Well, this time I am going to stay in Alabastan for a long time!" Without much thought, Lin Tian agreed directly.

From the very beginning, Lin Tian planned to stay here for a while. In addition to avoiding the limelight, he, the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, also needed to preside over the strategic plan of the next revolutionary army.

"Really? Great!" Vivi suddenly exclaimed with excitement.

This request Weiwei was just talking about, without much hope. Weiwei knew that Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, had a lot to do, but Lin Tian did not expect Lin Tian to agree.

On the one hand, looking at Lin Tian and Weiwei's showy affection, Oka has already scolded Lin Tian countless beasts. If his vision could kill people, Lin Tian would have died many times.

Secretly cursed in my heart: "I said why this guy came to Alabastan, it turned out to be to accompany the princess woman, **** it, I am just a light bulb."

Finally, Oka couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately coughed loudly to remind them that there was someone nearby.


Led by Weiwei, Lin Tian went to see King Cobra, and on the way told Oka about the relationship between Alabastan and the revolutionary army.

Oka was slightly surprised. It seems that the revolutionary army controls far more power than Oka understood. Even this famous eastern country is a member of the revolutionary army camp. It is secretly unknown how many countries have joined the revolutionary army camp.

The three of them entered the room, and the surrounding guards had left under Cobra’s order. Lin Tian and Oka were too sensitive to tolerate Cobra’s carelessness, only Bell and Iqalem, who were extremely trusted. Also accompanied ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uncle! "

"Mr. King!"

With that, Lin Tian and Oka took off their masks.

Seeing Weiwei's happy look, Cobra shook his head helplessly. It's really not the woman's congress. Only Lin Tian can make her smile so happy.

As soon as Lin Tian and Oka took their seats, Cobra looked serious and said, "Lin Tian, ​​what you did this time is a little lacking. You shouldn't kill Keiichi Hirano so early. This will only arouse the world government to retaliate wildly. ".

"My father!"

Seeing his father said that Brother Lin Tian was wrong, Weiwei quickly grabbed Cobra's arm and shook it, making Cobra even more helpless.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and replied: "This time things are indeed a bit reckless, but at that time it was a rare opportunity for one of the five old stars to stand alone. Sometimes we must attack decisively. Solving Keiichi Hirano is profitable for us. harm".

Although the death of Keiichi Hirano would greatly stimulate the other five senior stars of the world government, it could greatly enhance the power of the revolutionary army. Moreover, in the Battle of Landers Island, the death of two five exercisers plus one Keiichi Hirano greatly weakened High-end combat power of world governments.

Shaking his head, Cobra retorted: "No, no, it seems you haven't got the news yet, thinking that the Landers incident, the World Government Meeting has been officially advanced to seven days later."


Lin Tian was taken aback. He didn't expect the world government to advance the meeting time. It seems that the death of Keiichi Hirano is far more stimulating to the world government than expected.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian looked up and asked: "Does the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army know this news?"

Cobra replied: "I have already told Jake, presumably now the revolutionary army headquarters already knows."

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