On the second day of Lin Tian's arrival, accompanied by Wei Wei, Lin Tian and Oka visited the amazingly changing city of Yuba all morning.

In the afternoon, everyone was riding a steamer upstream along the canal to the end of the canal, which is also the famous port of rapeseed in Alabastan. The first battle of Luffy and others landed in Alabastan was here.

When they came to the end of the canal, Oak and Lin Tian were shocked by the sight in front of them. They saw a huge industrial area in front of them, and smoke pillars everywhere rose into the sky.

"This is really amazing, it's unimaginable", Oka couldn't believe it when he looked at the dozen or so jets of water in front of him.

Lin Tian also exclaimed from the side: "It's really amazing. I didn't expect this kind of scene to happen."

Seen at the source of the canal, it is not the underground water flowing up to the ground as Oka imagined. The source of this canal is actually twenty huge cylindrical steel pipes, each of which is up to ten meters in diameter. .

The most amazing thing is that these steel pipes are spewing huge white water, which flies out dozens of meters away like a long dragon and falls in the wide canal.

In other words, the source of this canal is these twenty ten-meter steel pipes, which provide a continuous flow of water for this canal.

The source of these twenty steel pipes is the huge industrial park not far away, which is said to be an industrial park. In fact, this is a huge desalination processing center covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers.

With the help of scientific researchers from the Revolutionary Army, this huge seawater desalination processing center invested millions of manpower and material resources to build it within half a year.

Millions of tons of fresh water are produced every day, and a canal that spans the entire desert is built in the wide desert of Alabastan

"The Merrick River, the name of this Grand Canal, means miracle in the idiom of Alabastan," Weiwei said softly, pulling the hair out in front of her gently.

It is precisely because of the existence of this canal that Alabastan was able to change the dry scene of two years ago, and even turned Yuba into an oasis that year.

"Miracle, this canal is indeed a miracle," Oka nodded, the name was very appropriate.

Oka has traveled to dozens of countries, and has seen many desert countries, but has never seen a Grand Canal like Alabastan, built out of nothing, even the source is man-made.

"However, Lin Tian, ​​you brought me here, won't you come here specifically to see this, right?" Oka asked doubtfully, pointing his finger at the twenty long white dragons in front of him.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Of course not. You didn't mean to see the Revolutionary Army. Today I will take you to see the Revolutionary Army base."

"Revolutionary base?" Oka was a little strange.

Looking back, apart from the yellow sand in the sky, the freshwater treatment center covering more than ten kilometers not far away, and the Grand Canal below, where there is a base.

In Lin Tian's smile, the surface of the river suddenly rolled up, and the raised surface of the river seemed to be rushed out of the river.

"Could it be...?" Oka suddenly guessed something, a flash of surprise flashed across his face.

Seeing the tumbling river water, a cylindrical steel cylinder several meters high broke through the water and appeared in front of Oka.


The middle of the cylinder moved to both sides, revealing an inner space. It turned out that this was actually an underwater elevator. I saw several soldiers wearing dark green uniforms and long guns walking out of the elevator.

Oka was taken aback. He thought it was a submarine, but unexpectedly it was an underwater elevator. Their revolutionary army actually built an underwater elevator under the canal river.

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​the soldiers were taken aback for a while, and then they hurriedly saluted Lin Tian, ​​shouting excitedly: "Lin Tian leader!"

The soldiers couldn't believe it, Master Jake asked them to meet the leader Lin Tian, ​​which was really exciting.

In the eyes of countless revolutionary soldiers, Lin Tian and Long are the true kings of the revolutionary army, and even many revolutionary soldiers regard Lin Tian and Long as a kind of belief.

Lin Tian waved back a military salute, and then under the gaze of the revolutionary soldiers, took Weiwei and the curious Oka into the elevator.

The door was closed, and the underwater elevator quickly dived into the river with a splash, the tumbling waves dissipated in an instant, and the river returned to silence again.

In the elevator, Lin Tianchao's former revolutionary soldier commanded: "Hide the steel plates around the elevator so that guests can take a good look at our base."


The revolutionary soldier in front immediately manipulated the instrument in front of him and pressed a red button. Suddenly, there was a tremor in the elevator, and the steel plate outside dropped down a little bit. A layer of special glass that was ten centimeters thick was enough to withstand water at a depth of 100 meters. Not to mention the deepest part of this canal is only tens of meters.

Through the glass, Oka could clearly see the elevator descending toward the bottom of the canal. Compared to the calm and calm on the river, the river was a different world.

In the clear river water, Oka can clearly see that there are a total of three underwater elevator channels hidden under the river surface. These three underwater elevators descend through the special channel to the bottom of the canal, and then follow the channel laid at the bottom of the canal. Drive down the previous fresh water spout pipe.

The elevator sprinted all the way, escaping into the underground along the passage. Oka didn't know how many meters they descended and how many meters they advanced. He only knew that the elevator was speeding in the passage. The neatly arranged lights on both sides of the passage enhanced the passage.

After the elevator moved forward for half a minute, it finally reached the end of the aisle, a gleam of light flooded on his face, Oka closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them fully.

Seeing everything in front of him, Oka was immediately shocked. What appeared in front of him was a huge space covering tens of thousands of square meters. The entire space was circular, with a cylindrical building standing in the center of the space. The end of the elevator is here. A cylindrical building.

Because the elevator travels above the passage, Oka can see the entire space. The huge open space of tens of thousands of square meters is divided into several areas according to different functions. Some areas are placed with various substances, and some are equipped with large-scale destruction. Weapons, and in some districts, revolutionary soldiers are undergoing special training...

As the elevator approached the cylindrical building, it slowed down quickly, entered the building slowly and stopped. As soon as the door opened, Lin Tian and the others filed out.

Presented in front of Oka are more than a dozen stops, and from time to time one or two elevators come in from outside, which means that there were not only one passage for Lin Tian and others to enter the base, but dozens of them.

Seeing Lin Tian's appearance, the many revolutionary troops in the base were stunned with the previous soldiers. Obviously, they didn't expect that leader Lin Tian would actually appear here. The revolutionary army who reacted immediately saluted Lin Tian with excitement.

"Master Lin Tian!"


With a slight smile on his face, Lin Tianchao, many revolutionary troops responded to the military salute, and then left under the leadership of the revolutionary soldiers in front of him.

Until Lin Tian disappeared, there were exclamation sounds in the room.

"Oh my god! I didn't expect to see Chief Lin Tian. I used to look at photos, but today I finally saw the real person."

"Is this Lord Lin Tian? The real person is really handsome than the picture, and he has the domineering power of the king."

"Lin Tian actually came to the base, then the one next to him is Oka who has stirred up the situation with Master Lin Tian recently."


Looking around through the glass, Oka looked around at the crowds coming and going and exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, your revolutionary army actually built such a huge building base under this desert."

"Of course," Lin Tian introduced: "The entire base is divided into eight areas according to the divisions. Each area is connected to the center of the base where we are located, and there are also channels between the areas. In short, this base is so big that it connects me. Without knowing the specific data, at least one million people can survive."

"Sir..." Hearing this data, Oka couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. Millions of people survive, and some small countries don't even have a million people.

Oka suddenly looked at Lin Tian and wondered: "However, if you build such a huge base, are you afraid of being discovered by the spy agency of the world government?"

The manpower and material resources consumed by such a huge underground base are unimaginable. To build such a large underground project will inevitably cause a lot of disturbance.

Pointing at the top of the tunnel above his head, Lin Tian asked in Oka's puzzled eyes: "Do you know where we are now?"

"Where?" Oka asked curiously.

The corner of his mouth turned slightly, and Lin Tian said: "The base we are now in ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is 150 meters underground from the huge freshwater treatment center we saw earlier."

Hearing this, Oka's face changed slightly, and it suddenly became clear in his heart that he used the construction of a huge freshwater processing center to change the country's water shortage problem as a cover, and then secretly built the base underground.

It was a perfect cover. Who would have thought that under that huge water treatment center covering more than ten square kilometers, there was such a huge revolutionary army base hidden away.

Moreover, there is a freshwater treatment center as a cover. Every day a large amount of materials and personnel will not enter the eyes of outsiders. Who cares about how many people and materials are needed for a freshwater treatment center covering more than ten square miles.

Seeing Oka’s face full of shock and Lin Tian’s conspiracy successful smile, he took Oka to visit the Revolutionary Army base, just to let him see the powerful force of the Revolutionary Army, and then invited him to join the Revolutionary Army, Oka’s such a powerful force. Can greatly strengthen the top combat power of the revolutionary army.

Lin Tian took Oka and continued to introduce: "For a base like this, the entire revolutionary army has only three, of which there are two in the new world. However, the previous battle has been completely destroyed with the defeat of the revolutionary army. Now this The base can be said to be the largest base of the Revolutionary Army so far. After some time, it will become the new headquarters of the Revolutionary Army."

"En?" Oka looked up and said strangely: "I remember you said that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was in Xihai?"

"Although we lost a few days ago, it won't take long for our revolutionary army to fight back." Lin Tian tilted his head slightly to look behind Oka and said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Oka's eyes tightened, and he didn't say much. From this sentence, it can be heard that the revolutionary army has gathered forces to counterattack, and the horn of war is on the horizon.

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