Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1130: Add another general

After walking through a passage of several hundred meters, Lin Tian and the three finally reached the center of the entire base, a huge domed space.

In the space covering hundreds of square meters, you can see civilians coming and going everywhere. Seeing Lin Tian's arrival, many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army salute and devote themselves to intense work again.

Not only Oka was looking around, but Weiwei was also looking around curiously. Although she had been to this base many times before, she was here for the first time.

Just listen to Lin Tian walking ahead and introducing them to the two: "The right side belongs to the Shadow Information Center. There are hundreds of phone worms connecting intelligence centers and revolutionary army teams around the world. The left side is the file processing area. Division of the Revolutionary Army for classification."

"And those rooms above are the staff. The information and documents processed below will be handed over to the staff for overall planning, planning and final processing."

As he said, Lin Tian stretched his finger to the connected rooms above, and from time to time he could see the revolutionary army with a large number of documents entering it.

Under the introduction, the three people came to the forefront of the dome space. There are five huge sand tables, each of which is eight meters long and two meters wide. There are a large number of staff members discussing next to the sand table. Icon, every data is recorded in the hand

Lin Tian introduced: "The frontmost position is the strategic deduction area, where data is provided by the shadow intelligence department, and the sand table of the four seas and the great route is built."

Without Lin Tian’s introduction, Oka also knows what these sandboxes are for. A total of five sandboxes represent the four oceans and the great route. On the side of each sandbox, there are more than a dozen staff officers holding red and blue small plates. Flags. Put red flags on some main roads and islands, changing the positions of the red and blue flags, while some staff officers on the side are recording every piece of information.

For obvious tactical exercises, the blue side is the revolutionary army, and the red side is the world government and major countries. It is clear that the revolutionary army is engaged in a tactical exercise in combat with the world government.

Oka thought to himself that since the start of the tactical exercise, it also means that the real battle is not far away, and the sand table representing the four oceans is all undergoing tactical exercises. Could it be that the revolutionary army wants to attack the four oceans at the same time? Ka couldn't believe it. How much force it would take to shoot four oceans at the same time.

"Leader Lin Tian!"

The revolutionary soldiers on the side steadied their steps and shouted in a deep voice. The shouts echoed in the dome space. The staff members who were conducting tactical exercises were taken aback for a moment, and they quickly reacted to stand up.

"It's really unexpected that the leader Lin Tian came here."

"Know that the whole world is talking about the killing of the fifth old star Keiichi Hirano by the leader Lin Tian"

"Hey, look at the man next to Master Lin Tian!"

"That's not the original Qiwu Haioka, he and Lin Tian came to our revolutionary army base together, can it be said that he also joined the revolutionary army camp"

Looking at Lin Tian neatly, a few staff members whispered secretly, especially the appearance of Oka, which attracted the attention of many revolutionary soldiers.

"You continue to work!" Lin Tian said in reply to a military salute.

Hearing that, the calm dome space resumed its former busyness again, and everyone returned to their posts, but many revolutionary soldiers still looked at Lin Tian from time to time.

At this time, as the commander of the Alabastan Dome base, the captain of the Shadow Four Team, Jeko, also led the rest of the base personnel to appear.

As soon as he appeared, Jieke apologized and said, "Instructor, I'm sorry, I had a collapse accident earlier, and I couldn't get out of my body when dealing with it, and I didn't pick you up myself."

Waved his hand, Lin Tian smiled and cursed: "Don't do anything to greet you. Make it like the king. Everyone is a soldier of the revolutionary army. There is no distinction of high status. By the way, did the accident cause any casualties."

There are so many shows on TV in the past life. In the revolutionary army, Lin Tian never put on airs. He often said that every revolutionary soldier has no status, and everyone is equal and fighting for freedom. It was these words that made many revolutionary soldiers admire Lin Tian.

Respect between people is mutual. Only if you respect others will others respect and convince you.

Jieke replied: "I arrived in time. Several personnel received minor injuries and no one died."

Nodded, Lin Tian warned: "Remember, the expansion project can be speeded up, but it must be at the cost of human life. People are the first at all times."

"Don't worry, we all understand, instructor," Jieke responded quickly.

In Jake's office, on the black leather sofa, Lin Tian and the others went down separately and walked to the tea cabinet next to him. Jake took out a small golden wooden box and walked over.

Jackie said as if offering a treasure: "Instructor, is this a good thing we got on a golden ship in the sky the other day?"

After hearing this, Lin Tian suddenly looked curiously, and got it from the golden ship in the sky, what is it that can make this kid like Jie a good thing.

Weiwei was shocked when she heard this. No wonder the navy told her father a few days ago that the heavenly gold disappeared in the waters near Alabastan, and it turned out that it was robbed by Jeko.

As he said, Jake opened the box little by little, and in the small box lay pieces of black tea with strands of golden thread.

Seeing this tea, Lin Tian and Oka's expressions changed. Among them, Oka changed the most. They got up and said excitedly, "This is actually golden thread tea!"

Looking sideways at Oka, Lin Tian's shock disappeared and returned to calm. He thought in his heart that he didn't expect Golden Thread Tea, and it was no wonder Oka was so excited.

Seeing Oka so excited, Wei Wei asked in confusion, "What kind of tea is Golden Line tea?"

Handing the tea to Lin Tian, ​​Jieke sat down on the sofa and explained: "Golden thread tea, known as the emperor of tea, is the best tea in the world. It only takes a small piece to make the whole The room exudes a refreshing tea fragrance."

"There is very little spread on the market. Even if it appears, it will be auctioned at auction. Basically, a piece of tea costs at least tens of thousands of Baileys."

"Tens of thousands of Baileys!"

Weiwei was taken aback. As a princess of a country, she had seen many famous teas. There were many in the palace. They were all countries better than Alabastan, and they were gifts from the king every year.

They are all kings, so they won’t be stingy. The teas given out are world-famous, but the most expensive teas are counted by two. I have never seen such expensive tea, and counted by leaves.

Shaking his head, Jieke said with a pity: "At that time, this box of tea originally had hundreds of leaves, but it was a pity that it fell into the water during transportation, and only 30 pieces were well preserved."

Nearly a hundred pieces were lost, which would be tens of millions of Pele, and even Jieke felt painful. Jake didn't know that Diska drank a billion in a bottle of wine. Compared with a thousand Baileys, that is really a drop in the bucket.

Jake laughed and said: "I know that the instructor likes to drink tea, so I kept it forever. Just about to find an opportunity to give it to you, I didn't expect you to come."

After receiving the tea, Lin Tian glanced lightly, closed the box casually, and threw it to Oka on the side. Seeing the box flying, Oka instinctively reached out to catch it.

Just listen to Lin Tiandao: "I still have some of this kind of tea. In my eyes it is just tea, but it has a special meaning in your eyes."

"Thank you!"

Holding the box in his hand tightly, this is the first time Oka has said thank you to Lin Tian.

Looking at this scene, Oka and Weiwei looked at each other, and they could see the doubt in each other's eyes, why Lin Tian threw this box of tea to Oka, and what did Lin Tian mean in the paragraph just now.

Jake asked softly, "Instructor? This is..."

"Oh, golden thread tea has a special relationship with Oka," Lin Tian explained vaguely.

Weiwei blinked suspiciously, but Brother Lin Tian didn't elaborate, and Weiwei didn't ask any questions. She planned to find a time alone to ask Brother Lin Tian.

Everyone knows that golden thread tea is the emperor of tea, but they do not know that golden thread tea comes from an ancient tea tree of the Moonlight clan, and the annual output is only a few kilograms, and the Moonlight people are not enough, so it is only rare that it will flow out. Market.

It was only with the destruction of the Moonlight Clan that the tea tree disappeared with the destruction of the island. As Lin Tian said, the golden thread tea was only a good tea for Lin Tian, ​​but the memories of Oka’s hometown are very good. Ordinary role.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Tian just vaguely explained for fear of bringing back Oka's bad memories, and did not elaborate.

Suddenly thinking of something, Jieke said, "Instructor, you brought Mr. Oka here, did Mr. Oka have joined the revolutionary army?"

The original Qiwuhai Moonlight Avenger Oka's combat power, that is well-known in the world, the only survivor of the Moonlight Clan, the strongest body art clan, made a riot in the Holy Land Mary Joa, and killed the Golden Messenger and the Fire Messenger. Needless to say, the bounty is as high as 1.3 billion Baileys, which is comparable to the Three Emperors and Two Emperors.

If this kind of power joins the revolutionary army, it will have an immeasurable impact on the revolutionary army, especially when this war is approaching.

"I'm not yet a revolutionary Oka waved his hand and explained.

He is really not a revolutionary army. Lin Tian brought himself to this base to be able to come to this base. Oka can probably guess what Lin Tian has on taking him to this base.

Hearing that, Jieke showed a pity, but it is also right, this kind of strong is often not a lone person and will build strength alone, it is very difficult to win in.

But in the next second, Oka's conversation turned around and said: "Although I am not a revolutionary army yet, I am still quite interested in the revolutionary army."

Hearing this, Lin Tian and Oka immediately lit up, and Lin Tian was even more surprised. He didn't expect Oka to offer it before he opened the invitation.

Lin Tian struck the iron while it was hot and hurriedly sent out an invitation, "In this case, Oka, I have invited you to join the revolutionary army in the name of the deputy leader of the revolutionary army."

Speaking, Lin Tian clenched his right hand and handed it to Oka.

Closed his eyes, now that he had the idea of ​​joining the Revolutionary Army, Oka was holding on to something, pursing his lips, Oka opened his eyes, and the same right hand clenched fist and touched Lin Tian's fist.


In fact, Oka also has his own ideas. Since he knew that the five old stars and the guards had destroyed the entire Moonlight Clan, Oka wanted to take revenge, but it was the five old stars and one Hirano Keiichi that caused Lin Tian to be hit hard, and there were four five old stars. Stars, and a large number of guards.

If he alone can’t avenge himself until he dies, he must look for other people to have the possibility of revenge, but the five old stars control the world government, and behind the guards are the Tianlong people. The only organization in this world that is qualified to destroy the world government One, that is the revolutionary army.

To avenge this genocide, joining the revolutionary army is the safest and most successful method.

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