Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1131: Queen of Charm

The addition of such a powerful combat force as Oka is indeed exciting news for the senior leaders of the revolutionary army. ?With? Dream?.lā

"For such a powerful force to join, I think we should hold a banquet to celebrate, let the whole know that Oka has joined our revolutionary army," Jeko shouted excitedly, waving his hands.

This is exciting news. If many revolutionary soldiers know that Oka, who has a bounty of up to 1.3 billion, has joined the revolutionary camp, it will surely arouse the morale of the soldiers.

"You can wait for the banquet." Lin Tian suddenly stopped Jieke's proposal and said calmly: "Before that, let's start a video call with Boss Long and let him know the news."

Jieke nodded and replied: "Okay, I'll get ready!"

After speaking, Jieke turned around and left the office to take the equipment. The video call to the leader Dragon requires a video phone bug, which is not available in the office.

Lin Tian turned his head to apologize to Oka and said, "I'm sorry, Oka, you just joined Boss Long before you celebrate."

Waved his hand, Oka said indifferently: "Nothing is embarrassing. I am already a member of the revolutionary army. I naturally have to follow the rules of the revolutionary army. I am saying that I have always been the leader of the revolutionary army. I really want to see the last one."

As he said, a look of expectation appeared on Oka's face. As the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchid Dragon was a legend.

It has been overthrowing the world government, changing the world and erasing the rules that don’t need people. Building a harmonious, free, equal, dream-filled world as the belief, established this organization in the revolutionary army.

The power of one person has developed and grown the revolutionary army. Ten years ago, he was judged by the world government as the most evil criminal in the world. His beliefs have affected hundreds of countries and regions and hundreds of millions of people, allowing countless people to enter the revolutionary army camp without hesitation. , Fighting for the dream of the dream world.

Today, the revolutionary army that could only hide underground has become a huge organization that controls tens of millions of troops. It is fighting the world government, gathering a large number of dreamers, overthrowing the world government, and changing this world ruled by garbage. The deeds of the dragon are enough to be written into a book of legends that have been passed down through the ages.

Thinking, Jieke brought several scientific researchers in white coats. They carried a video phone bug to the office. After completing simple installation and debugging, the scientific researchers left the room.

To dial the phone worm, the Revolutionary Army used a special connection channel. Lin Tian's authority was granted. After a simple Shadow Department verification, the phone worm was finally opened.

A faint bright light shot from the eyes of the phone worm, and the speed of light projected on the wall to form a rectangular screen. There was a flash of trouble. After a few seconds, the bright light flashed and the face of the dragon appeared on the screen. There were also Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, and a woman.

The moment this woman appeared, the faces of the four people in the field changed. It was not that they had insufficient willpower, but that this woman was too tempting.

I saw the woman in front of her with a pair of angelic faces, her skin as white as suet, and her eyebrows slightly raised.

Different from Weiwei's youthful vigor, pure and beautiful, this woman exudes the charm of a mature woman, with a bumpy figure, the plump twin peaks can see the whiteness, and the woman in front of her is like a ripe peach.

Especially wearing a tight-fitting cheongsam like red clothes, showing his perfect figure as close as possible, exuding irresistible beauty in every move.

Especially those big charming eyes, people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but the eyes of the woman in front of them reveal the pitifulness of a little woman, and they seem to be able to devour human souls in the blink of an eye.

No, even experts like Lin Tian, ​​Oka, and Jake couldn't help but breathe more quickly. Although their consciousness was still clear, their eyes seemed to be fixed on the woman in front of them.

In the next second, Oka will close his eyes and withdraw his gaze. A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said in his heart: "This woman is so attractive that she can attract them through the screen. Oka can't imagine it. This woman is right in front of her, can they maintain their sobriety".

"Si..." Suddenly, Lin Tian on the side let out a tingling sound.

The woman on the other side of the screen suddenly covered her mouth and chuckled. The undulating twin peaks and delicate body made people's eyes worthwhile.

"It seems someone is jealous!" The woman smiled.

Seeing Lin Tianzheng stretched out her hand to stroke her waist, while Weiwei standing behind heard the woman's laughter, her face was blushing. It was obvious that Lin Tian was attracted by women just now, and we Weiwei was naturally jealous when we saw this scene, so we reached out and twisted Lin Tian's waist in 360 degrees.

Raising his head and glaring at Yi Lei, Lin Tian said with a serious face: "Don't laugh, Malton Yi Lei, put away your charm for me."

"It seems that our little man is angry, so I put it away."

In response, the woman named Yi Lei blinked, her pink tongue stirred lightly. It is undeniable that Lin Tian was shamelessly hard. This woman is simply a living fairy.

Suddenly Jake covered his head and said helplessly: "Sure enough, I knew it was like this again."

It seems that Jake has encountered this scene many times, and it can be inferred from the words that Jake has nothing to do with this woman.

Oka looked up at the woman on the screen again, and suddenly noticed that something was wrong, she was still so beautiful and full of seductive body, but she didn't have the previously charming and uncontrollable feeling.

Oka thought to himself, "It seems that this woman has unusual abilities."

Malton Elei, one of the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army, is known as the Queen of Charm. Of course, this was her title more than ten years ago.

Back then, the name of the Queen of Enchantment on the sea was a big name, because she was the well-deserved king of the underground world.

This king is not the current king of the underground world, and there is no comparison between the two. Now there are six great kings in the underground world, no! It should be said that the five kings.

And the Queen of Enchantment was the only king of the underground world back then. All the big bosses in the underground world surrendered to the throne of the Queen of Enchantment, including the current underground world kings. They were only one of them.

It's a pity that the Charm Queen is so beautiful, but unfortunately, some of the Celestial Dragons saw the Charm Queen astonished and wanted to take the Charm Queen to Mary Joa to become their slave.

The final result is conceivable. The Charm Queen Yi Lei is also considered a ruthless person. On the same day, he caught the dragons, stripped their clothes, and cut off the flesh of the dragons in front of the millions of people in the "city". Throw it to the dog.

This action angered all the Tianlong people. The next day, the admiral Sengoku cooperated with the naval fleet led by Zefa, and the guards captured Yi Lei and threw him into the Great Undersea Prison.

That's right, she was one of the top powerhouses who escaped from the sixth infinite **** of the Great Undersea Prison two years ago, and at that time Lin Tian still fought with them for a short time. At that time, where did he know what charm queen was.

As a result, not long after the top war, Lin Tian returned to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, and the original two commanders became three commanders.

What made Lin Tian a headache was that he didn't know when he got the woman off, and he always troubled him intentionally or unintentionally.

"All right"

Finally, Long, who was the leader of the revolutionary army, spoke, and everyone stopped quickly and their faces returned to calm.

Long Chao Lin Tian asked: "Lin Tian, ​​you suddenly started a video call, if you have anything to tell us."

Pointing aside Oka, Lin Dao: "Just now, Oka has joined the revolutionary army at my invitation."

"Really?" Hearing this news, Long was surprised, and then smiled: "Welcome Oka to join the Revolutionary Army now and become a member of the Revolutionary Army. From now on we will be partners in the fight together."

"It's my honour, Chief Dragon!" It is already a revolutionary army, so this name will naturally change.

On both sides of the dragon, Sabo and Yi Lei looked at Oka at the same time. They were very curious about the prince of the Moonlight Clan descendant and the culprit of the Landers incident.

Seeing that the two had met, was there no one led by Lin Nan's front army? I think Oka is just right to join and may be capable of this role."

Hearing that, Sabo and other revolutionary soldiers were surprised. They didn't expect that Lin Tian opened video communication for this matter.

The Southern Front of the Revolutionary Army has more than two million revolutionary soldiers, accounting for a quarter of the total strength of the Revolutionary Army, and such a large number of troops has been controlled by a newcomer who has just joined the Revolutionary Army. In everyone’s opinion, Lin Tian, ​​this decision is too bold.

Lin Tian’s idea is not without basis. First of all, loyalty, Oka has a deep hatred with the world This hatred will not disappear unless either party disappears, which means Oka cannot go towards World government camp.

The second combat strength is the revolutionary army's four fronts, and the remaining three fronts are strong like the three commanders. At the very least, the southern front cannot be less powerful than the other three commanders. Long as the leader must be the commander of the entire army, and Sabo, as the chief of the general staff, must sit in the headquarters, and Lin Tian is even worse, so Oka meets this condition.

The third commander, after all, is the two million revolutionary army. To command the two million army, the commander needs at least a certain commanding ability, and Oka has exactly that. When the Moonlight Clan still existed, Oka controlled all the Moonlight Clan armies.

Based on the above three points, Lin came up with this idea and the plan is about to begin, but the Southern Front is still without a leader, and Oka who happens to appear has become the most suitable candidate today.

For more than two million revolutionary soldiers, even Long did not make a decision right away, but fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, Long opened his mouth and said: "Lin Tian, ​​we have to make a decision on this matter through high-level decisions. After all, this is about 2 million revolutionary soldiers."

After speaking, Long looked at Oka and said, "I hope you can understand, Oka."

Oka waved his hands and quickly postponed: "Leader Dragon, I can't ask me to command the two million revolutionary army. Don't listen to Lin Tian, ​​but find someone else."

To be honest, Long did not agree to Lin Tian, ​​but instead let Oka breathe a sigh of relief. Think about it, he, a new member of the Revolutionary Army, can command two million Revolutionary Army soldiers. Card standing in the position of the dragon must disagree.

If the dragon did not agree, it would be normal. If the dragon agreed, it would be abnormal.

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