Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1132: Attend a world conference?

In the meeting room, a few hours later, Long held a video conference again.

After all, it is the life of two million revolutionary soldiers. Even if it is a dragon, you must be cautious. After a few hours of negotiation, it will be confirmed. Time is already very urgent.

Sitting on the chair, Long crossed his hands on the table, and said in a deep voice: "Although it is a bit eager, it is undeniable that Lin Tian is right, but Oka is the most suitable candidate right now. There is no more suitable person than him."

After listening to Long's words, Lin Tian behaved very calmly. Lin Tian had anticipated this decision a long time ago. Although somewhat helpless, Oka approaching was the only choice now.

Sabo immediately opened his mouth and said: "To be honest, I am still a bit opposed to Oka taking over as the Southern Front, so I think we need to send a person from our headquarters to play a supervisory role."

It was also Oka who was not in the meeting room and ran to visit this base, otherwise Sabo would not have said so clearly.

As the chief of the general staff of the Revolutionary Army, Saab was very uneasy about sending a new member of the Revolutionary Army to command more than 2 million revolutionary soldiers.

Yi Lei's red lips opened, and a delicate and sweet voice sounded out her thoughts: "In my opinion, the ability to command is not the most important. The major armies of the revolutionary army and the corresponding operating system formed, and the general staff The Ministry has formulated a general strategy here. As long as he is not a fool, it will be a problem. The most important thing is loyalty and position."

With his chin in his hands, Lin Tian finally said: "Don't worry about this. In Oka's heart, genocide and hatred are more important than life. From the battle of Dresrosa, he must kill me and kill me. After the Five Old Stars destroyed their Moonlight Clan, it is absolutely impossible for him to stand in the camp of the world government."

Hearing this, the three dragons on the screen looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Lin Tian's assurance was enough.

"In this case, if there is no objection, then the order I just said will take effect immediately, and Oka will soon take office as the commander-in-chief of the Southern Front to the South China Sea Revolutionary Army branch," Long finally made a final decision.

After a pause, Long immediately said: "Since Oka's matter has been resolved, let's discuss the implementation of this plan."

Upon hearing this, Lin Tian's face changed transiently, and he asked quickly: "What's wrong, is there something wrong with the plan?"

Shaking his head, Sabo said: "The plan is implemented as we originally envisaged, but the main problem now is that we are insufficiently prepared. Because Lin Tian, ​​you killed Keiichi Hirano, the World League Conference is now nearly a month ahead of schedule. , Only one week".

"And one week is not enough time for us to prepare. The personnel are all in place, but the materials and ammunition are not in place. Now only the North Front and the Western Front are fully prepared. If the war is hurried, the Eastern Front and the Southern Front are very It is difficult to deal with, I am afraid it will be in a stalemate."

As we all know, although the revolutionary army is so powerful, it can even prevent tens of millions of troops from starting a war with the world government, but it has insufficient stamina.

After all, the world government has ruled the world for eight hundred years. I don't know how much it has. In addition, more than 100 countries in the world have transfused blood for them. Once a stalemate is reached, the revolutionary army is in danger.

"And our logistics department has invested the greatest strength, but the time is still not enough." This is the thing that has been busy for the past two days, but the revolutionary army has always been in the dark. The transportation of materials still needs to consider the hidden problem, afraid of being cp The spy agency discovered.

The lack of supplies is indeed an extremely serious problem. If there are not enough supplies and ammunition, millions of troops from the Southern Front and the Eastern Front will have to carry fire sticks on the battlefield.

Suddenly, Lin Tian's mind brightened and said: "In fact, we can do this. The logistics department will abandon all the living materials and transport ammunition separately...".

Yi Lei shook her slender jade finger and immediately objected: "How can this be done? If there are not enough living materials, millions of troops will not be able to eat enough to eat, even if they have more weapons, they are useless."

When the woman Yi Lei interrupted her, Lin Tian said angrily: "Hey, Yi Lei, wait for me to finish."

With an arrogant snort, Yi Lei stared at Lin Tiandao fiercely: "Asshole boy, if you don't tell me a good way, believe it or not, I will come over and find you to settle the account now."

Although Yi Lei was very angry, she could not see her anger on her beautiful cheeks with her mature temperament.

Hearing that Lin Tianzhen wanted to slap her mouth and slap her mouth, it was okay to scold this crazy woman for what she was doing. Lin Tian knew that this woman would really do what she said, and she said that she would really look for herself when she came to find her own account. Settle accounts.

Because of one thing that day, this mad woman chased herself from the New World to the West Sea with a sword.

For the two quarreling, everyone seemed very calm. Obviously, it was not the first time the two quarreled at the meeting.

After calming his heart, Lin Tian continued: "As for living supplies, we don't need to use the logistics department at all. For food like food, cooks can prepare it on the spot. One sea animal is enough for thousands of people to eat for a day. As for the rest of the supplies, we can Rely on our mass base and adopt the method of buying on the spot."

Most revolutionary soldiers have come out of the bottom of society. It is precisely because of the support of many people from the bottom of society that the revolutionary army can snowball and even gather tens of millions of troops.

"Yes, if we do this, our transportation volume can be reduced by at least one third." Due to material problems, Saab has read the logistics department data many times these days, but Bo quickly calculated it in his mind.

After Lin Tian said this, Long and Sabo immediately came out of their ideological misunderstandings. They didn't need to hang on the tree to increase the transportation speed at all. They could completely reduce the transportation of materials.

In addition to all kinds of ammunition, there are some necessary materials, and the rest can be taken locally.

Long thoughtfully said: "The amount of material transportation is reduced by one-third, and the time is correspondingly reduced by one-third, so that it can almost be completed as planned."

Yi Lei's voice suddenly sounded: "The method is indeed possible, but we don't have so much funding to buy millions of people's materials."

When the voice fell, Yi Lei snorted and looked at Lin Tian provocatively. Her red lips opened her lips and her pink tongue spit out slightly, making Lin Tian's face slightly changed. Although this was a crazy woman, Lin Tian had to admit it. This mad woman is a fairy.

Although Yi Lei’s remarks have something to do with Lin Tian, ​​it is undeniable that Yi Lei is not wrong. If you do not use the logistics department materials and purchase them on site, the cost will at least double, but there is not so much in the revolutionary army headquarters. money.

Lin Tian thought about the issue of funding a long time ago, and said: "This is a very easy solution. Recently, it is the beginning of the sky gold. I imagine that all the world's oceans now have sky gold ships sailing on the sea."

"This is a good way," Long nodded in agreement.

Ten years ago, their revolutionary army robbed the heavenly gold. That batch of heavenly gold was a turning point for their revolutionary army. At that time, the revolutionary army was still very weak and could only let Doflamingo secretly carry the scapegoat, but now it is different, the revolutionary army Not booing the world government at all.

Just listen to Lin Tian continue: "Not only that, there are many trash nobles in this world. They have accumulated hundreds of years of wealth. It is not that there are many revolutionary army leaders asking when the war will start, and let them stop the elite fighters from surrounding countries. Riots in China, this kind of thing is very simple for them."

"Yes," Sabo responded: "Wait, I will notify the staff to make a general plan."

Suddenly, Long put his hands together and said with some worry: "But suddenly, we act with such a big fanfare, won't our information be exposed?"

Long worrying is not unreasonable. They paid such a high price to turn the revolutionary army into darkness, just for the next plan.

But if you start an action now, you will immediately enter the eyes of the cp spy agency, and the world's top government officials will know that it may have a bad impact on the next plan.

Shaking his head, Lin Tian didn't worry about this. "There is no point in hiding now. There is only seven days from the beginning of the plan. There is shadow blocking Although the spy agency can detect something wrong, it doesn't It may be possible to investigate our strategic plan within seven days. Even if they discover it a few days in advance, it has no effect. A few days will not even have time for the kings of the world government to quarrel, and at this point in the plan, we have no chance to step back."

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Tian's words talked about the dragon's psychology. Now that they have pulled the bow away, the arrow also hits the bow and can only reflect forward.

Once the World Conference is over and many participating countries have completed negotiations, the challenges faced by the Revolutionary Army will be even greater, and this World Conference is an excellent opportunity.

Long face solemnly ordered: "Saab, you quickly summon all staff, including the Shadow Intelligence Department, to the combat meeting room. I need to get a complete plan by tomorrow."


Sabo immediately took the order, left the room and went to gather all the personnel.

After ordering Sabo, the dragon immediately said to Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​this time, I am going to give you a task. I want you to find a way to sneak into the World Conference."

After hearing this, Yi Lei was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn't believe that Long would actually ask Lin Tian to do this. Everyone knows that during the World Conference, the defensive power of the Holy Land Mary Joa must be terrible, and it is the headquarters of the world government. , Plus there are many kings and their men.

At that time, Oka was able to escape from the holy place Mariagioa. It was because he was lucky. The Denon people thought they could solve Oka, so they blocked the navy and the world government and only sent guards.

He smiled, and saw Lin Tian's mouth curled up slightly, and smiled: "It seems that Boss Long is thinking of going with me. I'm thinking of a way to go to Mary Gioia during the World Conference."

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