Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1134: Captain of the guard

In the research base in Alabastan, Lin Tian is changing his appearance with the help of researchers.

After killing Keiichi Hirano, Lin Tian had the highest bounty in the world, but Lin Tian became an after-dinner chat, especially Lin Tian's bounty list was all over the world.

And this time to go to the holy place of Mariejoa, where it is the center of the world government, it is always impossible for Lin Tian to step into Mariejoa with this face with the highest bounty in the world.

Besides, Lin Tian used to be the captain of the guard in the Holy Land Mary Joa for a while. He looked like Mary Joa had seen many guards.

"Alright, Master Lin Tian!"

After finishing the last procedure, the scientific researcher released Lin Tian who was lying on the operating chair, and another rapid scientific researcher brought a mirror.

A face of a 27-year-old man appeared in the mirror. Lin Tianjian's face was slightly widened, and his skin was pale yellow.

Although only a few small changes, Lin Tian has completely changed now, even Nami and others who are familiar with Lin Tian can't recognize Lin Tianlai at this moment.

Stroking this strange face, Lin Tian said, "Yes, it's completely changed."

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​I don't even recognize you anymore, but it's not good at all." Weiwei leaned over with a small face, looking at the strange cheek in front of him, she was a little bit afraid to recognize each other.

With that, Weiwei puffed up her face and muttered her mouth. Although she knew that this person was Brother Lin Tian, ​​but with a completely unfamiliar face, it was difficult for Weiwei to adapt.

Seeing Weiwei muttering her mouth, she almost wrote the word unhappy on her face. Lin Tian stretched out her hand and gently scratched Weiwei's pretty nose, and smiled: "What's the matter, I'm just wearing a mask. , I am still me, have people changed".


Lin Tian looked blankly and said that she said so, but looking at such a complete stranger, Weiwei was still a little unacceptable.

At this time, the researcher on the side said: "Leader Lin Tian, ​​this mask is made using the latest biotechnology. It fits perfectly on the human face, unless it can be detected with a special instrument, and it can be taken at any time. It’s just that there is a corresponding time setting. There is only fifteen days. After fifteen days, it will be completely useless."

Lin Tian said to himself: "Fifteen days? Time is enough"

Four days is the time for the World Conference. Fifteen days is enough. Although the World Conference is just a lot of kings farting there, it is impossible to put this fart for more than ten days. Generally, about seven days is enough for the World Conference. It's over.

Spend a night in the capital of Alabastan. Fortunately, this mask can be taken off at any time, otherwise Lin Tian will spend the only lonely night in Alabastan.

On the second day, three days before the World Government Conference, even the kings of the great sea route will set sail.

Early in the morning, two naval warships docked at the port of Albara, the capital. They will take on the task of guarding Cobra and others on the way to the holy place of Mariagioa.

"Alright? Weiwei?"

This is the fifth time that Lin Tian knocked on the door and asked. Lin Tian, ​​who was leaning against the wall, was a little impatient. Sure enough, the princess' trip was troublesome. With the cooperation of the three makeup artists, Weiwei still stayed in the dressing room for an hour.

"Now, wait a minute" Weiwei's voice came from the room.

As the king and princess are going to Mary Gioia to participate in the World Conference today, there are already a large number of people and officials seeing off at the port, so as a princess, Wei Wei must appear in front of the people in the best appearance.

At this time Bell came over and asked Lin Tian, ​​"What's the matter, Princess Weiwei is not ready yet? It's only ten minutes before departure."

After spreading his hands, Lin Tian pointed to the door and said helplessly: "I don't know, I have been standing outside the door for an hour, and they are not ready yet."

This time to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa, Lin Tian will be the captain of the King’s Guard, and Bell will be the deputy captain of the Guard.


The closed door finally opened slowly amidst the sound of friction. With the company of the two maids, Vivi finally walked out. Lin Tian and Bell looked behind them at the same time. After a while, both of them were shocked by Vivi. The beauty of the goddess was shocked.

At this moment, Weiwei is really like an angel in the world, wearing an azure blue dress. The long skirt is designed like waves, which echoes the wavy curly blue hair that looks like the sea.

The makeup artists gently sculpted a few strokes on Vivi’s already beautiful cheeks, transforming Vivi’s youthful and beautiful temperament into a noble and elegant aristocratic princess, with a silver queen crown on the tips of her hair.

Although Vivi is still only a princess now, because Cobra's body is getting worse, most of the country's affairs have now been handed over to Vivi. After this world conference, Vivi will be the real queen of Alabastan.

"it's beautiful!"

After the reaction, Lin Tian praised from the heart, it is hard to find words to describe Weiwei's beauty in the world.

Hearing Lin Tian's praise, Weiwei's face blushed, but her face couldn't stop with joy. No amount of praise from the outside world could compare to the one from her lover. A woman is a person who pleases herself. This sentence is correct.

Riding in the golden luxury carriage, driven by the four white horses, the carriage followed the road little by little towards the port.

On both sides of the road, all the people of Albana, the capital, had already gathered, forming a rare view of the empty alley. Everyone spontaneously came to send off the King and Princess Vivi.

As the captains of the guards, Lin Tian and Bell, rode white horses at the forefront of the road, followed by a hundred elite king guards guarding around the carriage.

The curtain in front of the carriage was lifted, and Weiwei, wearing a blue long dress, walked out. The moment Weiwei appeared, the people on both sides of the road suddenly cheered.

"Queen Vivi! Queen Vivi!!"

In the carriage, seeing that Weiwei has such a high popularity, Cobra flashed a gratified smile, and Weiwei will become an excellent leader in this country.

Along the way, the cheers on both sides did not stop, and Weiwei also stood in front of the carriage, waving at the surrounding people, until the lively scene of the port finally stopped.

As soon as she stepped onto the deck, Weiwei showed an excited smile on her face, and flew up to the observation deck at the top of the mast, opened her hands to face the sea, and the cold sea breeze rushed over her face. The wind had the familiar smell of the sea. .

Seeing this scene, Bell shook his head and said with a smile: "I thought Weiwei had become a qualified princess in the past two years, but she didn't expect her pirate heart to rise again when she got on the ship."

Lin Tian walked up behind him and said: "I was a pirate once, and a pirate for life. There is real freedom in this sea, and pirates are people who chase freedom."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian looked at the two naval warships guarding him, but on the navy warship, Lin Tian saw a figure that surprised him.

Lin Tian was taken aback, and muttered: "It was Tina. I didn't expect that the navy guarding the royal family of Alabastan this time was actually her subordinate."

With long flowing pink hair and a red suit, Tina didn't change much, and she still had a cigarette in her mouth like the smoker of Smog.

To be honest, Tina is sexier than it was two years ago, and her rank has also been promoted from Chief Officer of the Navy Headquarters to Major General of the Navy Headquarters.

Holding the phone worm, Tina is reporting to the Navy Headquarters: "We have received the royal family of Alabastan. Next, we will **** them and the group to the Holy Land Mary Gioia safely."

When she hung up the phone, Tina suddenly felt an unusual look. She turned her head back and saw that behind her, there was only the boat used by the Alaba Ostan royal family, and only the guards on the deck.

But the moment she turned her head, the feeling of being stared at disappeared, frowning tightly, Tina bit the cigarette in her mouth, a hint of thought appeared on her face, could it be that she was too tired recently and had hallucinations.

"Cough cough cough..." Cobra sat in a chair, coughing violently.

Icarim at the side suddenly worried: "My lord, if you can't bear it, don't force it, let's go back first."

At this time Lin Tian came over and said: "Yes, uncle, it is enough to have me go with Weiwei, you don't need to go there in person".

"Yes, Father, your body is not suitable for long-distance travel", Weiwei held Cobra's hands and cared and persuaded from the side.

With a wave of his hand, Cobra stopped coughing and said: "It doesn't matter, this time I have to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa and ask the Denonians face to face. I really want to know what our 20 families did to this world. What? And why the world government was established."

Lin Tian whispered: "The world government has been erasing things back then for 800 years. I am afraid that the Tianlong people will not tell you."

Lin Tian has almost collected the text of the history. Lin Tian probably knows a little about the one hundred years of history, but if he wants to understand the whole history clearly, he must find the missing pieces in order to link the whole history together.

"In any case, I have to try it. This time I am not the king of Alabastan, but the Nafirutali family, one of the twenty royal families." Cobra revealed in his eyes firm.

On this sea, under the **** of many warships, kings from all over the world will go to the holy place of Mariagioa to participate in the upcoming four-year world summit. The fifty most powerful kings will gather together to discuss Major incidents occurred in the world, and the direction and planning of the world government in the next four years.

However, these kings have their own tempers, they are their own camps, and no one accepts each other, so every time the world's highest summit is done without doing anything.

But this time is different. The revolutionary army with tens of millions of soldiers will be placed on the table of this conference. The powerful revolutionary army has threatened the rule of the world government from the root.

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