Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1135: Goya Kingdom! ?

On the calm sea, the ships flying the flag of Alabastan ride the waves and are driven by the sea breeze towards the holy place of Mary Gioia.

With two warships and an **** by a major admiral of the navy headquarters, the entire voyage was extremely safe. Even if he encountered the eyeless pirates a few times, it was easily solved by Tina.

The first half of the great route is not a new world. The pirates here are just some novices. They don’t even know the most basic domineering. They have the strength of a major admiral of the navy headquarters, enough to find rivals in this sea. After all, each Pirates are not Luffy with the protagonist's halo.

There was no blockage all the way, and the entire fleet set out towards Marin Joa at a very fast speed.

On the deck, Weiwei faced the rushing sea breeze, and suddenly turned to Lin Tian and said solemnly: "Brother Lin Tian, ​​this time we are going to the Holy Land Mariagioa, you have to promise me one thing."

Lin Tian was taken aback by Weiwei's words, but seeing the firmness in Weiwei's small eyes, Lin Tian smiled, stretched out her hand and scratched her pretty nose, and said: "As long as you say, I will promise you."

Hearing this, a blush flashed across Weiwei's white face. Although shy, Weiwei felt very happy.

I saw Weiwei raising her head and pleading slightly in her words: "Brother Lin Tian, ​​I want you to promise me that this time at Marinjoa, you must not take off the mask."

Weiwei is no longer the little girl who came to the Holy Land Mariejoa back then. He has grown up and knows what kind of place Mariejoa is. For the beloved brother Lin Tian, ​​Mariejoa is a wolf's den. , Brother Lin Tian might die there if he reveals his identity.

Feeling Weiwei’s care, Lin Tian smiled and promised: "Don’t worry, I’m not a fool. I know the dangers of Mary Joa very well in my heart. I won’t risk my life. , I'm still waiting to take you to the sea for adventure after everything is over."

Seeing Lin Tian's promise, Vivi suddenly sighed and showed a relaxed smile.

At this time, an island slowly rises from the horizon. As the distance gets closer and closer, the island clearly appears in front of everyone. This is a dreamlike and beautiful island...Chambord Archipelago.

I saw ahead, a dreamlike forest composed of huge trees appeared in everyone's eyes. The towering trees and the thick roots plunged deep into the sea.

Round soap bubbles floated out of the forest in front of them, made up of huge trees, like a dreamlike scene in a call.

Under the sunlight, these soap bubbles refracted colorful rays of light, like a faint colorful halo, densely dense soap bubbles flying over the Chambordian Islands.

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the beautiful scenery, Weiwei exclaimed from her heart.

Although she has been to the Chambord Islands several times, every time she comes, Weiwei will be surprised by this dreamlike scenery that can only be found in fairy tales.

Boats sailed into the waterways in the Chambord Islands little by little. Soap bubbles were floating everywhere in the sky, and huge soap bubbles flew up from time to time on the ground.

Weiwei raised her jade hand like white lotus root, gently stretched her hand under a falling soap bubble, and then slammed it into the air. The colorful light refracted by the soap bubble happened to shine on Weiwei's body. Colorful angels in the kingdom of God.

The whole island is composed of 79 trees (all with numbers). Each tree has towns and facilities. People call these 79 islands the "Chambord Islands".

Since the navy headquarters and the G1 branch exchanged positions two years ago, they moved into the new world. Now the Chambordian Islands are guarded by the G1 branch, so the area 60 to 69 that originally belonged to the government has now become 60 to 79. Doubled.

Under the **** of two naval warships, the ship steadily came to the site of Mangrove No. 68. In order to welcome the many kings from all over the world, the area of ​​Mangrove No. 65 to 70 has been divided into reception areas. A large number of them belong to the G1 branch. Naval soldiers are stationed here, and every mangrove can see a large number of naval soldiers patrolling around.

After all, as the end of the first half of the great route, the Chambordian Islands gathered countless pirates who came here, prepared for coating and then passed through the channel of the fisherman island to the new world.

The Chambord Islands are very chaotic. In order to protect the lives of many kings, it is natural to strengthen guards.

The ship docked at the port of Mangrove No. 55. The officials here had already received the news that the royal family of the great Alabastan was coming. Before Lin Tian and others arrived, the officials had already prepared the welcome team.

On the cyan grass, a red carpet of hundreds of meters extends all the way from the port to the accommodation area. On both sides of the red carpet are neatly arranged navy soldiers and cp spies wearing black suits. On the side of the cyan grass, a team of hundreds The band is neatly arranged there.

Escorted by Lin Tian and Bell, supported by Princess Weiwei, when King Cobra stepped on the red carpet, the national anthem of Alabastan sounded.

In the sound of the national anthem, several people were wearing black suits, and the head of the reception desk led several officials walking from the red carpet.

Seeing such a high-standard reception, Lin Tian couldn't help touching his nose. Lao Tzu had never been received by the world government back then. I am afraid that only a big country like Alabastan can make the world government come up with such a standard.

On the navy battleship, Tina, standing at the bow of the ship, watched this scene, sullen her lips, and snorted coldly: "These nasty officials are so hard to do this kind of face project. Other things don't look at them being positive."

As a pure soldier, Tina has never looked down upon these officials who would only play tricks.

Stopping in front of Cobra, the chief director and other officials bowed quickly: "Welcome to the arrival of the king and princess of Alabastankou. We have arranged your accommodation room. I wonder if the king and princess have a rest or have lunch? "

Although it is already two o'clock in the afternoon and it is earlier than lunch time, as a reception officer, if there is no lunch at two o'clock, he will not be the director.

Cobra is not the kind of person who likes publicity. He nodded and said indifferently: "We are a little tired all the way, so let's rest. We have already had lunch on the boat."

"Okay, please, the king!"

The director hurriedly stood on the edge of the red carpet, bent over and lowered his head, and made a respectful gesture. Lin Tian bet that even his father, the director has never been respectful.

After walking through the red carpet, Lin Tian and others finally arrived in front of a separate white villa, obviously to welcome the kings. These houses have been specially renovated and painted, and everything looks very new.

As the head of the reception, looking at his face is the most basic. Seeing Cobra's tired face, he took the initiative to retreat before Cobra spoke to them to leave.

"Then King Cobra, without hindering your rest, we will leave first. If there is anything else you can tell us through the phone bug, we will definitely come over as soon as possible."

After speaking, Cobra waved his hand, and the director and the officials behind him backed out.


The director who came out immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat from his head. Every king is like the uncle, especially the kings of these big countries are the uncles of the uncles, and there is no room for mistakes.

After thinking about it, the director waved to a subordinate, and said: "From now on, you will stay here for me, and let me know if you have any instructions."

The subordinates suddenly looked ugly and said: "But, Chief, I will go to meet the king of Goya Kingdom".

"Goya kind of country?" The director frowned. Where is the Goya Kingdom on the Great Route, he has never heard of it.

The subordinate quickly replied: "It seems to be a country from the East China Sea!"

"East China Sea, the weakest ocean, they also have countries participating in the World Summit this time," the director looked surprised.

The official behind explained: "I heard that this country has been a model in the East China Sea in recent years. There have been people from Tianlong who have personally inspected there, and they performed well in the battle with the revolutionary army. Therefore, there is the Goya Kingdom among the participating kingdoms. It seems that the king of the Goya King is still a certain nobleman who has recently taken the throne."

Waved his hand, the director said with a look of disapproval: "What does a country from the East China Sea care about so much? They can compare with the great country Alabastan. You can just find someone to deal with it."

After that, the director led the other officials to go elsewhere. The kingdoms that have reached the Chambord Islands in the past two days are particularly large, and they will not focus on the weakest king of the East China Sea.

The director didn't know that their conversation had been heard completely. Lin Tian couldn't help being stunned. Hearing the Kingdom of Goya, Lin Tian couldn't help but fall into memories.

The encounter between him and Ace and Luffy back then was in the depths of the Goa Kingdom’s Gorber Mountain, among the ragged but warm thieves. That year’s experience can be said to be Lin Tian’s experience in this world. Have the happiest, enjoyable time.

It's just that after so many years, Lin Tian, ​​the kingdom of Goya, has never returned. As time goes by, it is buried deep in his memory. It's not that Lin Tian would never think of this country when he heard these officials talking.

It is a surprising coincidence to meet the king of this country in the Chambord Islands today.

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