Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1137: Goodbye Raleigh!

The relaxing music reverberated, and the fluttering scent came into his nostrils. Lin Tianzheng took the menu in front of him and looked at it.

When Lin Tian was looking at the menu, Weiwei raised her head and asked curiously to the waiter: "Excuse me, why the trunk of the No.35 mangrove tree disappeared and replaced by a fountain that rushed up from the sea floor."

The waiter replied: "This is about 10 years ago. The No. 62 mangrove tree was destroyed during the battle between the **** of death Lin Tian and the king Lei Li. Even the roots of the tree were pierced, so such a fountain appeared. Now it has become one of the great scenery of the Chambord Islands."

Hearing that, Lin Tian was stunned when he was looking at the menu. He raised his head and looked at Weiwei with a smile on his face. He shrugged his shoulders and expressed helplessness. It was just a coincidence back then, who knew it would become like this.

Covering her mouth and let out a chuckle, Weiwei glanced at Lin Tian playfully, then raised her head and asked, "Killing God Lin Tian did it. Didn't you ask him to figure out how to repair the mangrove tree?"

Without answering Vivi's question immediately, the waiter asked, "It seems that this is the first time you have come to Chambord, as a guest."

Naturally, it's not the first time that Weiwei has come to Chambord Islands, but she nodded and replied, "Well, this is the first time I have come to Chambord Islands. Does it matter?"

"No wonder you don't know?" The waiter suddenly realized: "Who dares to ask Master Lin Tian for compensation in the Chambord Islands? Even the ruler of the islands, Tianlongren, did not say that Master Lin Tian should be compensated, let alone the rest." .

Weiwei was surprised, glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and then asked very curiously: "Killing God Lin Tian, ​​isn't he a lieutenant admiral? He still has such great rights in the Chambord Islands."

The waiter is also a talkative. When asked by a beauty like Weiwei, she knows everything, "Of course, if the Tianlong people are the nominal rulers, then the Lord Lin Tian is the secret rule maker. It is well known that the Chambord Islands are Countless pirates must go to the place that the new world must reach, so many pirates gathered here, which also prompted the birth of a large number of black industries."

"However, these black industries are set up in the Chambord Islands, and all must follow the rules set by Lin Tian, ​​otherwise they will not even have a foothold."

Upon hearing these words, the curiosity in Weiwei's heart was immediately aroused. Although she likes Lin Tian, ​​Weiwei has always known very little about Lin Tian. She said that the waiter has never said anything. Heard Lin Tian said.

Weiwei quickly asked, "Then what are the rules that Lin Tian has formulated for these black industries?"

"This...this...?" When asked here, the waiter did not know everything as before, as if he was worried and hesitated.

Upon seeing this, Weiwei rolled her eyes slightly and deliberately despised: "So you don't even know this? I thought you knew a lot."

As a man, how can he be despised by a young and beautiful beauty, it is really too much for an aunt to tolerate an uncle.

The waiter quickly retorted: "How could I not know, I have a friend who is in this kind of black industry. If you want to do this kind of black industry in the Chambord Islands, you must pay a certain amount of money to the forest every month. You must follow the regulations set by Lin Tian. If you violate it, you will not be able to leave the Chambord Islands."

"I think back then, when Master Lin Tian first started to formulate the rules, the underground bosses ignored them, and even said that they would teach Master Lin Tian a lesson. As a result, Master Lin Tian directly drove the warship into the river channel and started devastating in the area from 1 to 29. The artillery bombardment directly led the naval soldiers ashore to capture them. Now many traces of the bombardment can be seen in Mangroves from 1 to 29. I heard that tens of thousands of people were killed and injured."

The waiter spoke righteously and well, as if he knew it.

Opposite, Lin Tian scolded the waiter so **** in his heart, why did he talk so much, now his glorious image in Weiwei's eyes is gone.

When she looked up, she saw that Weiwei was looking at Lin Tian with a deep smile. She didn't know that Lin Tian's brother, apart from the fact that his reputation had scared countless pirates, even this black industry was so overbearing.

In fact, the waiter only heard from hearsay that Lin Tiancai didn't have the idea of ​​interfering with the Tianlongren site, but the Chambord Islands is too chaotic. Red light districts, auction houses, human traffickers, etc., people disappear and die every day.

At that time, even Lin Tian’s team of female naval medical soldiers was kidnapped, and dozens of wounded naval soldiers died at the hands of these human traffickers, and these human traffickers arrested the navy female soldiers just to satisfy the hobbies of some upper class people. .

After learning about this, Lin Tian suddenly became angry. At that time, he led five warships to clear the river and vented all the artillery shells in the area from No. 15 to No. 23. No one knew how many shells were fired by the five warships. There is no building more than one meter above the eight mangroves. As for the dead, they carried it all day and night.

As for the upper class people, Lin Tian hung their skeletons from the mangrove trunks. As for the cause of death, the reason is simple. Being persecuted by the underground gangs in the Chambord Islands, how could he kill his colleagues as a dignified lieutenant admiral.

After that incident, all the black industry owners in the Chambord Islands were scared to death, and even the Sky Dragon people were alarmed.

However, when Lin Tian gave half of the wealth collected from the eight mangroves to the Tianlongren, the Tianlongren didn't even put a fart, and he hoped that Lin Tian would come back a few more times.

It is important to know that these eight mangroves are all black industrial areas. Although the paper currency is destroyed by gunfire, gold and silver alone are huge numbers.

It's a pity that Lin Tian was still swaggering and driving the warship to the Chambord Islands. From then on, everyone had to play according to Lin Tian's rules.

Suddenly, the waiter changed his words: "However, since Lord Lin Tian made the rules, although the Chambordian Islands have appeared chaotic, it is much better than before. Especially after the G1 branch was stationed in the original navy headquarters, Marin Vando, the security of the Chambordian Islands was better. Is much better"

"Originally, the Chambord Islands were often run into conflicting pirates in restaurants like ours at night. But since two years ago, the two lieutenants of the G1 branch have cleaned the Chambord Islands and killed them. After nearly tens of thousands of pirates, no pirates dared to blatantly show up, and even the government area has more than doubled."

"If you put it in the past, you don't know how many traffickers have been staring at you like this lady."

Although the waiter did not speak very clearly, Weiwei knew exactly what the waiter was going to say. The beautiful girl was caught by a trafficker. Apart from being sold to the red light district, she was probably also sold as an X slave.

Smiling, Weiwei stared deeply at Lin Tiandao: "I have brought a very powerful bodyguard."

In order to prevent the waiter from continuing to spoil his glorious image in front of Weiwei, Lin Tian quickly ordered the dishes and handed the menu to the waiter.

In the laughter, Weiwei put her chin on her hands and said, "Unexpectedly, while Lin Tian is a navy, he is also the boss of the underground world, and he has to pay for it. No wonder Lin Tian is so rich."

Spreading his hands, Lin Tian deliberately showed a look of helplessness and said: "No way, who told me to have a princess wife, I must find a way to earn money, otherwise how can I afford it".

Hearing the words "wife", Weiwei quickly climbed up two blushes on her snow-like cheeks, revealing an unstoppable smile, her eyes looked at Lin Tian, ​​and her eyes revealed deep love.

This restaurant serves food very fast. In less than 20 minutes, all six dishes are served. As for the taste, it is really good. Although it is not the top dish in Chambord, it is also top-notch.

Amidst the joy of talking and laughing, Lin Tian and Weiwei finished their dinner. It was already ten o'clock in the evening after dinner, and the crowds on the street became Many shops on both sides have closed their doors. , Only a small number of shops that are open 24 hours a day are still open. After all, this is just an ordinary commercial street, not the rest of the red light district, and it is still within the control area of ​​the Navy G1 branch.

A faint yellow light stretched the back of pedestrians on the road very long. Lin Tian walked slowly with Weiwei on his back, tilting his head and leaning on Lin Tian’s back. Neither Weiwei nor Lin Tian spoke. The two enjoyed peace and calm.

A silent love spread in her heart, and she hugged Lin Tian's neck slightly. Weiwei hoped that she could go on like this forever.

This calm did not last long, but was suddenly interrupted by a sound of chasing. Lin Tian and Weiwei looked towards the street at the same time.

"What's that?" Weiwei questioned.

Under the dim orange light, a white-haired old man was holding a wine bottle and fell to walk, as if a breeze could blow the old man down.

Behind the old man, there were more than a dozen pirates with weapons chasing the old man, shouting.

"Damn, you **** old man, dare to cheat our money!"

"Stop me, old man!"

"If you don't want to die, hand over all our coating money!"

But to Lin Tian's surprise, many scolding pirates couldn't catch up with the swaying drunk old man. The two sides kept a distance of ten meters, indicating that this drunk old man was a strong man.

The old man stumbled all the way to Lin Tian not far away. Upon seeing this, Lin Tian took a step to the side with Wei Wei on his back. Lin Tian had no idea of ​​joining in.

Under the dim yellow light, Lin Tian was shocked when he saw the old man's face clearly.

"Uncle Raleigh!?"

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