Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1138: Raleigh's advice

"Uncle Raleigh???"

Under the dim light, the reunion of Lin Tian and Lei Li was full of drama. Lin Tian did not expect that Uncle Lei Li would become a drunk and be chased by a group of pirates.

Hearing this familiar cry, the drunk Leili raised his eyelids and saw that Lin Tian was suddenly taken aback, and the drunkenness on his face disappeared instantly.

"En? Lin Tian"

Raleigh did not expect that Lin Tian, ​​who had killed one of the five old stars Keiichi Hirano and became the world's most powerful enemy, would actually be in the Chambord Islands, and the two would still meet in this scene.

Putting Weiwei down from her back, Lin Tian then introduced: "Uncle Leili, the famous Hades Sirbaz Leili".


Weiwei's small hand covered her mouth and exclaimed. She couldn't believe what she heard. The drunk old man in front of her was actually the rumored King Raleigh of Pluto, the right arm of Roger the Pirate and the deputy captain.

This name is known to everyone in the world, but not many people have seen Lei Li, but today I saw the rumored King Lei Li, but Vivi did not dare to accept it.

According to legends from all over the world, Raleigh of Pluto is an extremely domineering man, but what she saw with her own eyes, a drunk old man who cheated the pirate money and was chased by the pirate.

"Princess Vivi of Alabastan, my girlfriend," Lin Tian stretched out his hand to introduce Leili.

Although I am immune to Lin Tian’s multiple women, he heard that Weiwei was actually an Alabastan princess, and Raleigh had to take it. Knowing all the history, he naturally knew what Alabastana Firutali royal family possessed. Kind of identity.

Feeling the debt collectors approaching, Leily said, "Well, this is not the place to talk, let's change the place."

Not to mention the pirates chasing from behind, just to say that they are now on the deserted street, making people think that the underworld is fighting.

"En!" Lin Tian replied.

A faint white light emerged from Lin Tian, ​​and the light was like a long dragon spinning around Lin Tian's body. The next second, with a buzzing sound, the strong light flashed, and the three of Lin Tian disappeared into the street.

The pirates who had just caught up watching this scene were shocked and stunned, shouting in disbelief.

"This... how is this... possible, disappeared!!"

A cowardly pirate swallowed and shouted in horror: "We will not be hell!"

"Idiot! How can there be ghosts in this world,"

The captain yelled and slapped the pirate to the ground with a backhand, his teeth mixed with blood flying out, lying on the ground without getting up for a long time.

"It must be some kind of strange devil fruit ability. I said why I couldn't catch up with that drunk old man just now. It turned out to be a hidden strong man." The captain suddenly realized.

Reaching out, the deputy captain stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "What should I do, Captain, should the old man cheat us on the money?"

After thinking about it, the captain gritted his teeth and said: "No, that old man is a strong man. He was just playing around with us. If we continue to catch up and anger him, I'm afraid we will all die here."

After that, the captain and his men were very unwilling to leave. That was all the funds for their entire group. They had planned to coat them and then purchase weapons to enter the new world. Now it can only be postponed.

A night cafe. Originally, Lin Tian was going to go to the bar, but he thought that Weiwei was not suitable for entering the bar, and Lei Li looked drunk, so he had to come to the cafe and ordered two cups of hot tea and a cup of sober tea.

After drinking the sober tea in the cup, Leily asked, "Lin Tian, ​​why are you kid here? At this time, you shouldn't be as far away as possible from Mary Joa? And what's the matter with the mask on your face? ?"

Before Lin Tian could answer, Lei Li immediately said with emotion: "However, your kid is really amazing. You actually killed one of the five old stars, Hirano Keiichi. We didn't accomplish this thing that we wanted to do back then. You are done".

Hearing that, Lin Tian just lifted the tea cup, and the hot tea in it almost splashed out. It seems that many things happened when Uncle Lei Li and the others were looking for Lavdrew, even the five old stars were involved.

It's right to think about it, how could the five old stars still go to Lavdrew, and Roger, who knew the last secret, were alive.

However, from the perspective of Raleigh’s good life, in the conflict with the five old stars, the Roger Pirates group was slightly better. After all, the Roger Pirates group was the number one in the world at that time and controlled three ancient weapons, if not Roger surrendered himself, and the world government had nothing to do with the Roger Pirates.

Lin Tian took a sip of tea and said, “It’s rare for the five old stars to leave the sacred place Mariejoa, and he is alone Keiichi Hirano. This opportunity is rare in a century. Of course I have to grasp it. After all, the death of a five old star is The revolutionary army has many advantages."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Lei Li fell silent. After a while, Lei Li slowly said: "It seems that your revolutionary army senior has made a decision and issued a formal challenge to the hegemony of the world government."

"En!" Lin Tian nodded and admitted: "Almost, this time the highest summit of the world government is the moment when the bell of war rings."

Raleigh was surprised: "So fast!"

Although it was expected that the Revolutionary Army would start operations recently, I did not expect that the Revolutionary Army would be so fast. The day after tomorrow is the time for the World Summit, which means that the Revolutionary Army will act in the nearest time.

"Hurry?" Lin Tian asked back, and then said: "For this day, our revolutionary army has been preparing for more than ten years."

Upon hearing this, Lei Li smiled and said with emotion: "We are really old, we can't keep up with you young people in the new era."

As he said, Leili suddenly looked at Lin Tian with meaningful eyes, and said, "But don’t you think the progress is too fast? After all, the world government has dominated the world for eight hundred years. History is unknown, I am afraid there will be many changes."

After a pause, Lin Tian raised his head and smiled: "Uncle Leili, are you giving us advice?"

"Haha..." Raleigh said in the laughter: "It's not a good idea to make suggestions. It's just a reminder to your revolutionary army. If you don't know the history of the year, you just challenge it so rashly, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot. The background of the world government is very strong, and your revolutionary army headquarters has just been destroyed."

Raleigh, who understands history, knows the deepest secrets of the world government, and also understands what the world government represents and how powerful they are.

Reilly felt that the Revolutionary Army had been advancing a bit. The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army had just been destroyed a few days ago, and they had only cultivated for a while, and they were about to ignite again.

Lin Tian laughed and said proudly: "It seems that our revolutionary army has done a good job of keeping things secret this time, and you haven't even heard from Uncle Leili."

"En?" Raising his head to look at Lin Tian, ​​Lei Li looked puzzled.

Just listen to Lin Tiandao: "In fact, the headquarter of the revolutionary army was captured, but it was just a bureau we designed."

Leily was shocked at once, and this really shocked him. The destruction of the Revolutionary Army headquarters, which was shocked all over the world, was actually a bureau set by the Revolutionary Army itself.

It was really incredible, and Raleigh couldn't help asking: "Why do you revolutionary army do this?"

It was the first time I heard that someone took the initiative to disclose their headquarters to the enemy and destroy it.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tian explained: "In fact, let’s put it this way. Our revolutionary army has tens of millions of troops. It seems to be very powerful, but as you said, the establishment of the revolutionary army is too short, and the foundation is not comparable to relying on. The world government of the whole world".

"Fighting for more than a year, maintaining tens of millions of troops facing off against the coalition forces of the world government has placed too much burden on the revolutionary army, so we have been thinking of ways to withdraw the tens of millions of revolutionary soldiers who have experienced the war, but the world The government's coalition forces are watching."

"Therefore, a strategic plan like this was formulated to use the Blackbeard Pirate Group and then lure the world government to take action, and use them to destroy the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, creating an illusion that the whole world is sure that the Revolutionary Army has been hit hard."

Lei Li suddenly realized that some doubts were also solved in his heart. The CP spy agencies all over the world have been difficult to find the revolutionary army headquarters for decades, but the Blackbeard Pirates can find it, which is very strange.

The whole world believes that the revolutionary army has been hit is hiding in a corner licking the wound, and dare not show up for a while, but in fact, millions of elite revolutionary soldiers went to the Fourth of July through a secret passage. The big ocean is about to start a bigger war.

"Although your revolutionary army retains the main force, I still feel that now is not the best time to start a war", shook his head, Lin Tian's words did not change Leili's opinion.

Raleigh, who knows history, understands that if that period of history is not allowed to unravel and disintegrate the world government, it is not enough for the revolutionary army to use its own power to fight the world government.

Upon hearing this, Lin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then recited a paragraph in a strange tone.

"When everything is revealed, the horn representing dreams and destiny will be blown, the flames of war will be rekindled from the land of destruction, the flames of freedom and destiny will burn the world, and someone must bear the world for hundreds of years. History, the world will be reborn in flames".

At the moment when Lin Tian's words sounded, Lei Li's face changed drastically, and the alcohol on his body disappeared, his eyes were fixed on Lin Tian, ​​and he couldn't believe it and asked, "How do you know these words!"

At this moment, Raleigh still had the usual calmness that collapsed in front of the stage, and some were just shocked.

He saw Lin Tian staring directly at Leiley and said lightly: "This is the historical text of the apology left by Joey Poy on the fisherman island that cannot fulfill the agreement and the agreement between the fisherman island. What Yi wrote".

At this time, Raleigh had recovered his calm and asked: "It seems that Nicole Robin has translated the things recorded in the historical text for you."

"No?" Shaking his head, Lin Tian corrected him: "I have heard it by myself. I can hear the sound of everything with my domineering look and feel!"

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