Time passed in a blink of an eye. When the early morning light pierced the night, the dark curtain was torn apart by a pair of invisible hands, the first bright light rose from the sea level, and the night was scattered like a tide.

Today is the first day of the World Summit, and it is also the day when the conference officially begins!

As early as the day before the start of the meeting, many kings from the countries participating in the world government had all rushed to the Chambord Islands, and on the same day they were under the **** of the **** from the Holy Land Mariagioa.

More than 30 kings from the Great Sea Route and the Four Seas, each with their princesses, princesses and other royal families, as well as only a few guards, went to the Holy Land Mariagioa to participate in the World Government Conference.

Fifty kings will participate in this meeting, and the remaining ten kings will come from the new world and will be on the other side of the red earth continent to board Maria.

In the Chambord Islands early in the morning, you can see many kings wearing exquisite dresses, taking their princesses and princesses on board the ships prepared by the world government, and then leaving the Chambord Islands under the **** of several warships and heading towards the red earth continent. .

On the deck, dozens of golden dining tables have long been filled with all kinds of exquisite things for many royals.

A well-known king with a wine glass, wearing a beautiful dress and smiling faces, gathered in different circles and laughed heartily from time to time, but how much of the laughter is true and how much is false. I don't know.

As for the king's guards, they are not qualified to join them. All these king's guards gathered in the corner, and only boiled water and bread were provided to them.

Since each king plus royal family members can only carry five people, the total number of guards here is almost 100.

It's just that these hundred people are divided into dozens of groups, looking at each other, and can be the personal guards of the kings. These guards are famous strong men in every country, just like Bell called the strongest fighter in Alabastan.

Therefore, these guards are full of arrogance in their eyes, looking at others while not knowing how high their chins are, as if they are amazing.

These people are just ants in Lin Tian's eyes. Facing a group of ants, Lin Tian is not even interested in watching them. They are leaning against the railing with Bell and Iqalem, facing the sea, and the fresh sea breeze is blowing.

"Unexpectedly, this year's World Summit, there will be more kings gathered than in previous years," Icarim glanced over the back deck.

As the captain of the bodyguard, Iqalem has accompanied King Cobra to the World Summit for five or six times. In previous years, there were more than twenty kings.

Lin Tian said: "Of course, last year, the Revolutionary Army popped up tens of millions of soldiers and destroyed more than a dozen countries in a month. With the death of the five old star Keiichi Hirano a few days ago, this World Summit is no longer what it was in previous years. Every king slapped each other, and after a few days nothing was discussed, it ended like this."

After listening to Lin Tian, ​​Bell and Icarim looked at Lin Tian at the same time, as if they were saying it was not because of you.

Feeling the provocative gaze behind him, Bell said: "The kings over there laughed and laughed, but ours seems to be sitting on a powder keg."

Although he didn't look backwards, Lin Tian was clear about the performance of those guards, and Chao Beier said calmly: "Leave them alone. Every year, there are some frogs at the bottom of the well who have never seen the world's size, and conflicts occur at that time."

Basically, these people are from the Four Oceans, and they have never been to the Great Sea Route. Many of them are famous in their respective countries. They often dismiss the strong of the Great Sea Route and feel that they are not weak.

Icarim suddenly thought of something and said: "By the way, I remember Lin Tian, ​​you seemed to be the captain of the guard for a world summit."

Lin Tian nodded and replied, "Well, that was the last World Summit, and I was still a lieutenant general of the Navy."

In the past four short years, Lin Tian has gone from being a high-level navy headquarters to the highest reward criminal for the world government to wait for five horses to divide his body. I have to say that the changes in life are really extraordinary.


"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Lin Tian, ​​who was talking, pushed aside Icarim with a palm, and at the same time he quickly stepped back, and saw a dark figure hit the railing where the two had just stood, and fell heavily to the ground.

Bell who reacted quickly asked with concern, "Is it okay, Icarim!"

"I'm okay!" Replied, Icarim quickly got up and stood up.

If Lin Tian hadn't pushed it in time, Icarim wouldn't be as simple as falling to the ground, and he would definitely be injured by the flying figure.

For a while, there was silence on the guard side, and hundreds of guards focused on Icarim and others. Everyone wanted to see what the three guys who suffered from the innocent disaster would do.

Lin Tian looked at the man wearing a black suit in front of him. It was this guy who just kicked the guy lying on the ground here.

I saw the man in the suit patted his trouser legs, disdainfully said: "Such a trash character, dare to provoke me."

After that, the man in the suit stopped saying apologize. He didn't even look at Icarim, and turned away and walked away.

"I know this guy. He seems to be a famous bounty hunter in Xihai. I didn't expect him to be here."

"I heard that he seems to have been hired by the recently emerging Valbo consortium. He appears here now. It seems correct."

"That guy is so unlucky, he actually provoked him"

There were whispering figures in the crowd, and someone immediately recognized the identity of the man in the suit.

Regarding what happened to the guard, it naturally entered the eyes of many kings, but for this kind of thing, the kings did not stop it.

The World Summit has been held for so many years. The conflict between kings and guards seems to have become a rule, showing the rules of the muscles of each country. Each guard represents the face of the kings. If you win, your face will increase. If you lose, it will be 30 Shame in front of multiple kings.

This is not wearing a black suit, is short and fat, and looks like a short wax gourd. Valbo smiled triumphantly: "Yes, it seems that I have no white flowers for this billion Baileys."

In contrast, the king on the side of Valbo had a dark face, and the guard who was kicked just now belonged to him.

But most of the kings couldn't help looking at Cobra and Vivi. They just saw King Cobra's guard almost hit.

Alabastan was originally a famous eastern country, but Alabastan, which is located in the desert, does not have any famous resources, but in the past two years, the underground canal that runs through the desert shocked the kings, and with the support of the revolutionary army in secret, Alabastan has developed rapidly and has become one of the top countries, so many kings want to see how King Cobra’s guards will deal with it.

"Hey... there's a good show to watch!" a king in a long-sleeved coat with a dragon pattern laughed.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom Yanhuang Te. Jinping, the Dragon Kingdom, the largest country in the South China Sea, has not shaken its status for hundreds of years. The totem of this country is the dragon, and all citizens believe in the dragon.

At this time, a small king came and said: "I didn't expect you old ghost to come to the World Summit this year!"

Hobbit King Holmes, the Hobbit Kingdom in the West Sea is not a human country. It is a Hobbit country. They have the same appearance as humans, but they are shorter than humans and have long hair on their feet.

Hobbits are born killers and thieves. They have light footsteps, agile bodies, and fast speeds, and they are often difficult to detect when they sneak into you.

"You **** are here. I'm definitely here. Besides, this year's summit meeting is different from previous years. Of course I can't miss it." King of the Dragon Kingdom Yanhuangte Jinping said with a smile, but not the slightest anger. Obviously, the two kings have a good relationship.

Weiwei raised her head to see Cobra's worried face, and said with relief: "Don't worry, there will be Posta, nothing will happen."

In order to hide his identity, Lin Tian changed his name to Posta. Cobra was worried because of Lin Tian's presence. If Lin Tian made a move, the man in the suit would definitely not be able to survive, and that would make King Valbo complain.

"I'll do it, Bell".

Seeing that Bell was about to make a move, Lin Tian stretched out his hand to hold Bell. People like Bell are too kind and not suitable for making a move. To deal with these self-righteous people, he just needs blood to warn them.

When Lin Tian was the captain of the guard, he threw a few troublemakers into the sea, and the others were honest in an instant.

In the next second, Lin Tian's figure flashed and disappeared in front of hundreds of people.


The guards on the side were taken aback, and they reacted quickly to look at the direction of the man in the suit. This did not disappear, but the other party was too fast, which was beyond the naked eye.

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​who had disappeared, appeared in front of the man, with his hands in the pockets of his pants, one foot swept out, and the strong leg wind blew his face.

The man in the suit had no time to react. Lin Tian swept his legs and bombarded the man's chest. With a bang of dreams, a violent shock wave swept out against the deck floor, like a strong wind.

For a while, screams sounded on the deck. It turned out that the skirts of many princesses and princesses were blown up by the strong wind, and their hands were pressing hard to lift their long skirts to prevent them from disappearing.

It's a pity that many kings didn't have their eyes on this. Everyone was stunned by Lin Tian's explosion. They saw the man in the suit kicked like a cannonball hundreds of meters away. The man turned into a bright light and fell into it. The sea stirred up more than ten meters of water ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one shouted for rescue, and no boat was put on the sea, because everyone knew that the man in the suit was bound to die, and there was no need for rescue.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​who was slowly retracting his legs, the eyes of the many guards on the side showed fear. The man in the suit just now could solve the bounty hunter who offered hundreds of millions of pirates, but he could not hold the opponent's foot. Such a terrible power, It's not what they can resist.

The kings showed thoughtful gazes. Where did King Cobra find such a strong guard? Only Valbo had a gloomy face. If his gaze could kill, Lin Tian would not know how many times he was killed.

Lin Tian's shot was just a small episode on the road, and the rest was calm. Finally, when the sun was hanging high in the sky, the kings reached the holy place of Maria.

On the streets paved with white jade, a guard wearing exquisite armor stood on both sides of the road, with a sharp spear tied with ribbons painted with the national flags fluttering in the wind.

At the same time, the kings from the New World also arrived, and the fifty kings who came together began to walk along the white jade street towards the world government conference building where the gate was opened.

Lin Tian and other guards can only stay on the ship honestly, and there will be special personnel to lead them to the clubs where the kings live. After all, the World Summit cannot be completed in a day or two.

Looking at the kings passing by on the white jade street below, Lin Tian saw many familiar figures, such as King Liku of Dresrosa, Eliza Bello II of the Kingdom of Prodens, and the Kingdom of Dragon Palace. The king and the murloc princess Bai Xing...and many kings who have had friendships.

Next, these kings participating in the World Government Summit, their decisions will change the entire world.

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