Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1141: Meeting started

There are many towers, the castle-like building is sleeping like a giant beast, the door is opened, and a king who is famous enough to influence the direction of the world stepped into the venue.

Surrounding elite soldiers stood on both sides, a famous red flag fluttered, and the void exuded a solemn and solemn breath.

Entering the gate, there is a six-meter-wide river in front of many national gates. On the river, three beautifully carved white jade stone bridges span the two ends of the river. A soldier is already standing on the left and right bridges, King We stepped across the middle stone bridge, and then a huge fountain appeared.

Visually, the fountain is in its original shape, surrounded by stones made of real suet white jade. It has to be said that the world government is really **** rich. These suet white jade stones alone are worth hundreds of millions of Baileys.

A azure water column rises from the center of the spring and flies up to more than ten meters in the sky, and then the water is divided into eight into eight water columns, turning into a beautiful arc in the sky, and then falling into the fountain.

More than 170 red carps are swimming in the fountain, which symbolizes more than 170 participating countries of the world government. On the fountain, a huge world government cross is suspended in the air.

Around the fountain, more than one hundred flagpoles are arranged on two sides, and each flagpole is hung with a national flag of a member country, and various flags are waving in the wind.

Behind the fountain is the entrance to the previous world summits, and the world summits in the coming days will be held in the conference room inside.

A member of the royal family of Dres Rosalicu, Rebecca scanned the surroundings with curious eyes. For Rebecca, who had been in a difficult life since childhood, although she was a princess, she was the first time she came to the holy place of Marijoa to participate in the world. Summit meeting.

Everything here is so luxurious that it can't be described in words, even if the palace of Dresrosa is completely slums compared to here.

King Liku looked up at the huge world government mark, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Unexpectedly, after a lapse of ten years, I can actually step into this place."

At this moment, King Liku clenched his fists. This participation in the World Summit is different from previous years. King Liku will propose one thing at the World Summit this time, which is to completely abolish the King's Seven Martial Sea System.

Their beautiful country, Dresrosa, was turned into such a ruin because of the damned king's Seven Wuhai system. King Liku has gathered several well-connected kings to propose at the World Summit. this matter.

Alabastan-Nafirutali royal family, Vivi supported King Cobra and scanned the surroundings curiously.

Stroking the beard of his chin, Cobra secretly said in his heart: "The world government, in what way did you establish it eight hundred years ago? Back then, there were twenty royal families including our Nafirutali royal family. What purpose has created you, this time I want to ask clearly."

Because of the "Wabo Alloy", the world-famous and civilized Walbo Super Consortium, just before the start of the meeting, Walbo used a large amount of money to give to the Tianlong people, and finally won the recognition of the world's nobles and became the king of the evil dark drum kingdom.

And the reason why he participated in the World Summit this time was to take back the country that belonged to him from the fellow Elton and re-seat the throne of the king of the drum kingdom.

In the crowd, Neptune, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island, the "Great Knight of the Sea", stood out from the crowd. With a body of more than ten meters in height, King Neptune was the tallest in the crowd. One person occupies a huge area around him. Follow the other two princes of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

As for the mermaid princess Bai Xing, although she also came to the holy place Maria, but his huge size than Neptune is not suitable for appearing in this place, so the second prince Bai Xing accompanied by the holy place around Maria is specially designed for fish. Inside a riverside club built by the human race.

Anyway, the arrival of the White Star Princess is just to show the sincerity of the mermaid to humans, and it only needs to show up.

But when I think of what the Dragon Palace Kingdom has done during this time, the fisherman island has been completely tied to the revolutionary army. King Neptune, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, who represents the revolutionary army camp, has to be said to be a member of the world summit. Kind of irony.

How many fifty kings have participated in the World Summit. This is the first time in decades that there are so many kings. And unlike before, each of the kings here has their own purpose.

In short, the World Summit has not been officially held, and there was already an invisible tension in the air at that time.

In contrast, in a remote corner of the crowd, Steri, the kingdom of Goya from the four seas of the East China Sea, gathered together with several kings.

Although they are also kings, they come from the East China Sea, the weakest of the four oceans, and they are not regarded by other kings at all, especially the Goa Kingdom, which is known as the most beautiful country in the East China Sea. What's the use of being the most beautiful? The judges between countries are strong or weak. For example, the Goa Kingdom ranks at the bottom of the fifty countries.

Especially at the summit meeting of the world, the truly powerful country can have more say and can make other countries value your opinions.

However, this is the weakest and most American country, but no one knows that many of the strong people who are shaking the world today are related to this country.

咚... 咚...

The bell of the World Conference hanging high above the tower rang, and a deep sound echoed over the holy place of Mariagioa.

When the bell rang, countless people in Marigio looked up at the direction of the castle. The ringing of the bell of the World Conference represented the official start of the summit meeting to change the future world situation.

As the bell rang twenty times, the fountain in front of the kings fell, and the sky above the floating world government mark exuded a ray of light. These lights built a bridge of light across the two ends of the fountain.

Suddenly, some people in the crowd exclaimed, and many princesses and princesses who came for the first time were amazed by this scene.

And many kings seemed very calm. They don't see this scene many times. When the first king stepped onto the light bridge, then the kings walked to the meeting room door one by one.

As for the princesses, princes, or princesses brought by the kings, they are not qualified to enter the conference room to listen to the content of the conference. They will be received by specialized personnel, and then they will go to the lounge earlier than prepared.

When many kings walk out of the meeting room, a welcome banquet will be held. Of course, the banquet is not mandatory. You can choose to attend or go to the residence club, but basically no one will not participate in this banquet. A banquet attended by the royal family only takes place once every four years.

It is not so much a welcome banquet as it is a feast of transactions, with people wearing noble costumes smiling and walking through the crowd.

On such occasions, there are often many princes and princesses as bargaining chips for the two countries' transactions.


the other side.

As the kings disappeared at the end of the white jade street, at this time Lin Tian and other guards also walked into a building next to the castle under the leadership of specialized personnel.

Next, their guards will be here, waiting for the royal family to walk out of the venue, and then go to the clubhouse where the kings temporarily resided in Mary Joa.

Seeing Iqalem looking in the direction of the conference castle through the window from time to time, Lin Tian closed his eyes slightly and persuaded: "Don't look, Iqalim, it's not so fast. Although the World Summit is considered to be on this day At the beginning, but the first day will not say anything substantive, mainly a welcome ceremony, and then put up a boss to take pictures of many reporters, and then the world government publicized it, and when the work is over, the next step is Welcome banquet."

"Such banquets like those big countries won’t participate in. Big countries don’t need this kind of occasion to achieve any Transactions between big countries are often private, not in public places like banquets. Show up more and show your face, so if the speed is fast, Lord King should come out in about two hours."

"Really?" After hearing Lin Tian's words, Icarim was already dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe it.

Although he had accompanied the king to the World Summit, he had never entered the venue. Of course, he did not know the process of the World Summit.

Spreading his hands, Bell said, "I think it should be correct. After all, he was responsible for the security task of the World Summit."

With that said, Iqalem didn't continue to look anymore, and directly found a seat to sit down, but he did not close his mind like Lin Tian, ​​but secretly observed the surrounding movement.

Don’t look at Lin Tian’s eyes closed, but Lin Tian secretly manipulated the domineering look and feel to envelop the whole Mary Joa. Now Lin Tian can clearly hear everything Mary Joa says, even the World Government Conference. The rooms are all monitored by Lin Tian.

In addition to monitoring the content of the World Summit, Lin Tianna split his mind to find the location of the historical text road signs that Oka said.

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