Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1143: Walk to pick up diamonds

During the conversation, the carriage has reached the clubs of various countries.

The fifty-meter tall building looks like an upright triangular cone. The whole body is mainly composed of two colors of yellow and white. It was designed by famous design masters. It is luxurious and noble but not vulgar.

The seemingly simple reception hall is designed to meet the requirements of the Golden King Hotel, which is the only eight-star hotel in the world. In the clubhouse, any yellow objects are made of real gold, even the toilet door handles. It is made of gold.

Not only that, when this club was built, a full ton of gems of various colors was inlaid, which means that every stone you see here is a gem, even the button on the toilet is inlaid with gems, and the whole world is also Only Tianlong people can get this wealth.

The amount of heavenly gold contributed by more than 170 countries each year is an astronomical figure, and such heavenly gold has lasted for 800 years. No one knows how much wealth the Tianlong people control. I am afraid not even the Tianlong people.

In short, the devil fruit worth hundreds of millions of Baileys in the eyes of the Dragon people is no different from ordinary fruits, and even thrown to slaves to eat.

After dinner, the group chatted with each other and went to sleep in their respective rooms. After all, there is some garbage in the holy place of Mary Joa. In case they encounter two neurotic garbage, they will be holding guns in the street. There was chaos, and there was nowhere to go after being collapsed by others, so everyone did not expect to walk on the street to see the night view.

Not to mention Lin Tian and others, not even the other royal family went outside to see the night of Mary Joa. Obviously everyone was still very wary of the garbage.

However, taking advantage of the dark clouds to block the moon, the white moonlight did not fall on the earth. Under the cover of the dark night, Lin Tian sneaked out of the clubhouse in secret, and moved forward to determine the possible location of the historical text icons during the day.

With the World Summit, many kings entered the holy place of Mary Gioia, bringing a touch of life to this dead city, and at night, the city was restored to its original state.

There were only a few people walking on the wide street, and one or two guards could be seen walking on the street from time to time.

Needless to say, the luxury of the Holy Land Mariejoa is not much to say, but in this city, except for those who think they are the creator of the Dragon, the rest are staff from the world government, and there will be no staff willing to wander the streets.

For the Tianlongren, the whole world has a recognition that I can't afford it and can always hide, and whoever is fine would want to kneel in front of the Tianlongren.

Under the cover of the dark night, Lin Tian like a ghost entered the Tianlongren area of ​​the Holy Land Mary Joa, but this was the most luxurious and luxurious building complex in the world, but now it is a dilapidated scene.

A few days ago, Oka made a big fuss here, originally for revenge, this guy Oka has almost destroyed the entire area.

Although during this period of time, the world government and Tianlong people have invested a lot of resources in restoration, but in order to restore the original luxurious appearance, not to mention manpower and material resources, even the design is not so fast.

Now that a small part of it has been repaired to allow these Tianlongren to live in, the remaining area is under construction day and night. A super-powered searchlight illuminates the construction site like daytime. Lin Tian wants to take advantage of the night to capture the historical text. The plan is not working.

It was as if a black shadow touched the surroundings of the construction site, knocked out an orderly construction worker, and put on their clothes and helmets.

Lowering the brim of the hat, Lin Tianshun found a cart from the side, and randomly found a construction site to mix in.

In the construction site, all the original blocks have disappeared, replaced by huge pits. Thousands of workers are working in the pits to build foundations and numerous underground facilities.

At this time, Lin Tian realized a very serious problem, and the address Oka gave him was completely useless.

Because the guy Oka destroyed the entire area almost into ruins, and during this period of construction and repair, the entire area was full of construction teams, and a complete house could not be found. Let alone the location of the road sign in the historical text that Oka said. , Without a reference, how can we determine the location of the historical text?

Pushing the cart towards the ruins on the side, Lin Tian scanned the surroundings constantly, trying to see if he could align the surrounding directions with the streets in his memory.

Suddenly, a faint pain came from the feet of Lin Tian who was walking, and when he looked down, he saw a shiny object in the sand under his feet.

After a few glances, Lin Tian bends down and prepares to poke away the sand on it. After all, these are all the areas where the Tianlong people lived, and various precious treasures can be seen everywhere.

Although it has been collected by specialized personnel, the damage caused by Oka was as huge at that time. Some items were buried in the mud, maybe it was a treasure.

Pulling away the mud under his feet, the faintly lighted object finally appeared. When he saw the object, even Lin Tian not only made a sound of inhaling cold air.

The shining object was actually a diamond. What's more amazing was that the diamond was the size of a child's fist, and it reflected bright light under the light.

Without saying a word, Lin Tian dug out the diamond from the sand with a backhand with his palm, and then quickly put it into his pocket.

Such a large diamond is really rare. Generally, diamonds of this kind are put on auction. With this fist size, it is not a problem to auction 70 or 80 million Baileys.

In other words, Lin Tian just took two steps and picked up a diamond worth 70 to 80 million yuan. Even the money printing machine was embarrassed at this speed.

Feeling the diamond in his arms, Lin Tian had to sigh. Although these Tianlong people of the dog days are rubbish, they are really not talking about each of their rich and enemy nations.

That is, in the area of ​​the dragon people, otherwise this world would be able to pick up fist-sized diamonds worth tens of millions of Pele.

Speaking of diamonds, Lin Tian couldn't help thinking of the second division captain Joz, who not only has the world's strongest defenseless body, but also has the ability to evolve diamonds. No wonder White Beard will never be short of funds.

Some say it is far away. It can only be regarded as an unexpected joy to find a diamond. After dumping the trash in the cart, Lin Tian suddenly heard a faint voice of conversation.

He glanced around and saw that no one had noticed here, Lin Tian's figure flashed, turned over the pile of ruins in front of him, and came to the corner of the wall.

Looking down, I saw two guards leaning against the wall smoking cigarettes leisurely.

I heard one of them complained: "You said it is the same above. They have been digging for more than half a month. They have dug the underground to a depth of more than 30 meters. As a result, they found nothing, nor did they give up. We have to Both have been here for three days and three nights."

Hearing that, Lin Tian's face hidden on the wall changed slightly. He didn't expect that these guys were looking for things in the places that seemed to be under construction.

Another person opened his mouth and said: "Don't say so much, who said that the hateful Oka not only ruined most of this place, but also stole a very important treasure. He didn't take it with him when he fled, so The above decision is still in Mariejoa, don't say more than 30 meters above it, even if you turn the whole Marijoa upside down, you will continue to dig."

Lin Tian felt bad in his heart. Sure enough, it seemed that the Tianlong people were not all rubbish. He knew that Oka did not carry the historical text with him, and was now digging three feet to find it.

Although the Tianlongren search made Lin Tian search for the historical text, the good news is that the Tianlongren have not found the historical text yet.

But it's almost there. Oka said that he buried the historical text at a depth of 40 and dug it at their speed. I am afraid it will not take a few days to find the historical text.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian stopped hiding and leaped off the high wall.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​who was like a ghost descending from the sky, the two guards were stunned. The cigarettes in their hands couldn't help stopping, and they were about to shout in the next second.

However, Lin Tian rushed in front of them instantly, with his hands sticking out like eagle claws, and tightly pinched the necks of the two guards to prevent them from exclaiming.

When under the faint light, Lin Tian’s cheeks were clearly seen, and the two guards were shocked. They couldn’t believe that Lin Tian, ​​the one who killed the Earth Envoy, the Wood Envoy, and Keiichi Hirano, could At this time appeared in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

"What does he want to do, does he want to disrupt the World Summit?"

It's a pity that these are not what they should think about, because they will never live to see that scene at all. There are two crackles, and the two guards' necks crooked and they died directly.

They are not weak in strength as guards, and they are all capable ones. They are able to pull out the pirates who are worthy of the bounty of hundreds of millions. Unfortunately, it is not that they are too weak, but Lin Tian is too strong.

The three emperors' BIGMOM, including the five old star Keiichi Hirano, were defeated by Lin Tian, ​​and there were only a few people in the world comparable to Lin Tian.

Solving the two guards casually, Lin Tian immediately knelt down and searched for both of them. As expected, a blueprint was found on one of the guards.

As the person in charge of this area, these guys must have corresponding drawings on them, which record some possible location parameters, and with this map, Lin Tian’s eyes are not blackened, enough to find the specific history icon. position.

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