In an unattended corner, Lin Tian hid the bodies of the two guards, and now these two guys cannot be found.

The map searched from the bodies of the two guards helped Lin Tian a lot. This is a photo map made with a camera and at a high price. It clearly records the location of the Tianlongren area, even every street, corner, including every A small alley.

With a map comparison, everything is clearer. Based on the location provided by Oka, combined with the map, Lin Tian quickly found the location of the historical text icon.

As the figure flickered, Lin Tian quickly moved towards the target location. The Tianlongren divided the search history text area into ten. These were the places Oka experienced after obtaining the history text.

They didn't know the exact location of the historical text at all, so they used this method, digging three feet in every place, even if they turned over the entire Mariagioa, they would find it.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help complaining about that **** Qi Oka. You said that if you found the text, just print a copy, so that you don't have to spend so much time in Mariejoa.

Hidden in a dark corner, the pit in front of him is tens of meters deep, which is the seventh area where the historical text is located.

However, Lin Tian seems to be a little late. The progress here is very fast. Now the deep pit is about to be dug to a depth of 40 meters. If you continue to dig it like this, I am afraid that you will be able to find the historical text in less than an hour.

"This is troublesome", Lin Tian dragged his chin and muttered to himself with a solemn expression on his face.

It is absolutely impossible to take it by force. It is now in the Holy Land Mariejoa, and the other four five old stars, plus the fellow of the Navy Marshal Red Dog and the general Green Bull are also in the Holy Land Mariejoa, as well as the Marshal of the Armed Forces Gang Bone Kong, including The rest of the guards.

If Lin Tian made a move, they would definitely be alarmed. This time it was not like Oka’s uproar at Mariagioa. At that time, the Tianlong people caught Oka with their own hands, so they did not let the world government interfere before allowing Oka to escape. .

Lin Tian appeared in the Holy Land Mary Qiaoya, and many strong men would definitely take action together. When that happens, even the gods will have to hate Lin Tian here.

Unless he is ready to build a space channel, he will run away when he finishes grabbing, but if he does this, his goal of reaching the Holy Land Mariagio will not be achieved.

As for secretly seeking, it is also very difficult. There are as many as thousands of construction workers in front of you, plus a hundred meters of guards on the side, and more than ten searchlights that illuminate the night like daylight. It is good to enter the pit. Up.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian had to give up the method of snatching the road signs in the historical text and muttered to himself: "It seems that I can only find a way to covert and print a copy."

Anyway, the road markings in the historical text contained only the location, not very important content. Enclosures were enough, but Oka's request would not be able to be fulfilled.

In Oka's view, this piece of historical text is something that the Moonlight Clan uses their lives to protect. As a descendant of the Moonlight Clan, he has the responsibility and obligation to seize the historical text road signs from the hands of the world government.

What Oka values ​​is not the historical text itself, or the content recorded on it, he values ​​the meaning between this historical text and the Moonlight Clan.

More than an hour later, there was a noise at the bottom of the deep pit. Although it was far apart, Lin Tian could hear the conversation below.

Seeing a small piece of red stone at his feet, the construction supervisor waved a roll of drawings and exclaimed excitedly: "That's it. I found it and finally found it. Hurry up and inform the two adults!"

In order to find this broken stone, all of them worked continuously for three days and three nights. Many of them have passed out in a coma. Now that they have found it, they can finally rest well.

As soon as the construction supervisor's voice fell, two flying birds descended from the sky, and they changed into human form as they descended. When movement came from the deep hole, the two guards immediately flew down.

Seeing the exposed stone, one of the guards turned around and confirmed: "Yes, it is this thing, immediately notify the messenger."

"it is good!"

In response, another messenger quickly dialed the phone worm to inform the water messenger that he had gone.

Of course, when waiting for the arrival of the water messenger, the two guards didn't sit dry, they joined hands and shot towards the ground with all their strength, violent power gushing out of their palms.

The text of history is indestructible, even time can hardly leave traces on it, anyway, it will not be damaged, the two naturally exploded with full force.


A huge explosion sounded, like the roar of a naval gun, more than ten-meter-high wolf smoke rose from the ground, and an invisible shock wave mixed with smoke swept out.

Seeing the billowing smoke, the construction workers on the side hurriedly ran behind the construction machinery and put on the dust mask they carried with them.

In a short period of time, a 40-meter deep pit was dug. Naturally, a lot of high explosives were used, so everyone was equipped with dust masks.

The smoke in the deep pit gradually dissipated, and the historical text that had just been buried deep underground was blasted out by two guards, leaving only a large hole in the ground.

The two guards quickly found a piece of black cloth that had been prepared to cover the text of the history. The most important thing in the text of the history was the special pattern text above. If these patterns were to be spread, the consequences would be disastrous.

The construction personnel were ignored. With the help of the guards, the two guards pulled the text of the history to the ground.

At the same time, the water envoy who received the news that the text of the history had been found came with a carriage, and carried the text of the history wrapped in black cloth onto the carriage, and more than 20 people guards guards would **** the text of the history to a safe place.

And along the way, Lin Tian, ​​who was secretly hidden, followed this team. The guards were so tightly protected along the way that there was no chance. Lin Tian had to wait for an unmanned opportunity to enclose the text of the history.

The Holy Land Mary Gioia was also so big. After traveling for almost half an hour, Lin Tian, ​​who followed behind, arrived in front of a heavily guarded building, and the carriage carrying the text of the history had entered the building under the guard.

Although a small building can hide under a carriage, it is unrealistic to store historical text safely, so there must be a large underground base at the foot.

There was a flash of fluorescence on his body, and Lin Tian's body escaped into the mud like an invisible phantom, passing through more than tens of meters of black soil, and then through a one-meter-thick steel layer, Lin Tian was considered to sneak into the base.

He glanced at the four unfamiliar passages around him. Fortunately, he was strong enough to cover the entire base, otherwise he would lose his way.

Taking advantage of his domineering vision, Lin Tian dodges everyone's base personnel sensitively. This is a guards base, where the personnel are all guards, and there is no guards directly under the banner of the world government.

But think about it, for some important things, the Tianlong people naturally have to hand over to the most loyal guards to protect, how can they be handed over to the guards directly under the world government.

Turn left and right in this base, but finally found the location of the historical text, hidden under the ventilation duct, Lin Tian can clearly see that under the **** of the water messenger, the historical text wrapped in black cloth was transported into the front steel gate. .

After putting the text of the history, the Water Envoy and his party walked out, and the steel casting gate was closed a little bit. It was not until the Water Envoy and others left that Lin Tian got off the ventilation duct.

Stopped in front of the gate, this was an alloy gate whose hardness far exceeded that of steel. It was difficult to open even with laser light. The high-strength alloy with a width of half a meter would not be able to be broken even if a general came for a while. And there is an alarm device in the gate, once someone forcibly attacked, it will trigger the alarm, and then the entire Marinjoa will be alarmed.

It can be said that this kind of defense is foolproof, but this kind of defense is of no use in front of Lin Tian. No matter how strong the defense is in front of Lin Tian, ​​it can be passed through with just one foot. This is the power of space.

Looking up at the alloy gate, Lin Tian showed a touch of joy on his face. The tighter the defense, the more important things are protected inside. Maybe there are other gains besides the historical icons this time.

After passing through the high-strength alloy gate, Lin Tian finally entered the treasure house. Looking forward, even Lin Tian's mighty willpower couldn't help being stunned.

In the next second, Lin Tian laughed wildly with excitement, and saw that there were six pieces of historical text placed on the steel base, six pieces of historical text, and the Tianlong people put all the historical text ~Unexpectedly, it is cheaper than Lin Tian.

This is six pieces of historical text. Lin Tian already has twenty pieces of historical text in his hands. Adding six pieces here, that is twenty-six pieces of historical text, which is only four pieces short of collecting all the historical texts.

After more than ten seconds, Lin Tian's laughter finally stopped, but there was still an unstoppable smile on his face. He wandered in front of one of the historical texts, and Lin Tian couldn't help but reach out and stroke it.

Looking at the historical text that was quietly placed in front of him, Lin Tian suddenly said in a pity: "There are only six yuan, if you have all of it, so you can collect all the historical text."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian shook his head and scolded himself for being greedy. It was great luck to be able to find six pieces of historical text. But even if the aunt had collected it for so many years, there were only three pieces in his hand, and one of them was even given.

With these six pieces, it means that Lin Tian controls twenty-six pieces of historical text. In this way, he only needs to find the remaining four pieces to collect all the historical text.

The remaining four pieces of Lin Tian already had an approximate location in his heart, that is, Bai Beast Kaido, in addition to the historical text road signs in his hands, there should be the rest of the historical text just like the aunt, and it is even possible to have all the rest.

He shook his head and expelled the thoughts in his mind. Looking at the six pieces of historical text in front of him, Lin Tian couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.

Taking out the paper that had been prepared, Lin Tian quickly expanded the content of the six pieces of historical text, put the six pieces of printed paper on his chest, and put it away. Lin Tian was about to leave.

Suddenly I saw a small door that I hadn't noticed before. There is a small treasure house in this heavily guarded treasure house. What is there?

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